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Universitas Pamulang Sastra Inggris

This chapter deals with the use of the Longman Student CD-ROM for the TOEFL
Test: Next Generation iBT concerning on the listening section. At the end of the course,
students are expected to be able to:
5.1 Utilize Longman Student CD-ROM for the TOEFL Test: Next Generation iBT Skills
menu to improve listening skill.
5.2 Utilize Longman Student CD-ROM for the TOEFL Test: Next Generation iBT Mini
Tests menu to enhance their listening tenacity.
5.3 Utilize Longman Student CD-ROM for the TOEFL Test: Next Generation iBT
Complete Tests menu to evaluate their listening score.

Objective 5.1
Utilize Longman Student CD-ROM for the TOEFL Test: Next Generation iBT Skills
menu to improve listening skill

Listening section is available in the three menus of Longman Student CD-ROM

for the TOEFL Test: Next Generation iBT program that are Skills, Mini-Tests, and
Complete Test. All menus are provided to be not only an aid but also a monitor for the
work of users. Here are how to work with the program that can be a monitor for the users.
In listening section, there are three skill menus consisting of three passages on
each. Passages here are not texts but listening
material that can be dialogues or monologues.
As in reading section, the last passage in
listening section rehearses all previous skills.
Nevertheless, each passage has various
Picture 0-1 Skills - Listening
number of questions. It can be five, six or eight
questions in particular passage.
Before starting the test, the users are recommended to set the volume by clicking
Volume button at the toolbar (see Picture 0-2). Continue button at the toolbar is used to

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go to the test direction. After done reading the the direction, the users can start the test
by clicking Continue button. Section Exit button is used to leave the test. Clicking this
button, the users will not be able to continue the test. The program will not save the stage
so that the users have to start the test from the beginning if they want to do the same

Picture 0-2 Volume Set Up

The Continue button will bring the users to the direction of listening skills (see
Picture 0-3). When users have done reading the direction, they have to click Continue
button to start the test.

Picture 0-3 Listening Skill Direction

Before clicking continue on the direction display,

the users have to be ready to read the topic of the
listening passage (see Picture 0-4) and listen to the
audio. After showing the topic, the program will play a
listening passage without any questions appearing to be
Picture 0-4 Topic of a
While the audio is played, it is better to move the Listening Passage
mouse pointer to the Volume button (see Picture 0-5).

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This is useful to enable the users re-setting the volume up if they have their volume too

Picture 0-5 Listening Skill Audio Playing

Picture 0-6 Listening Skill Exercise: Pragmatic Understanding - Passage 2

Arriving at the questions of listening section, users can replay the audio if they
still do not understand the conversation. Besides, the users can also read the script by
clicking view script menu at the top bar (see Picture 0-6). To move onto the next question,
the users have to do click Next and Ok button. Thus, after clicking Next button, the
display will not turn to the next question. Ok button is a confirmation to validate that the
users have answered surely.
At the end of the exercise, the users will have the exercise report and result. The
exercise result shows how many correct and incorrect items as shown in Picture 0-7.

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Picture 0-7 Listening Skill Exercise Result

Clicking Continue button at the window above will get the users to the exercise
result review. It shows correct and incorrect answers with regard to particular skills as
shown in Picture 0-8. Each item can be open by double clicking to have further

Picture 0-8 Listening Skill Exercise Result Review

Besides, the users can also have review of incorrect answers and explanation by
clicking explain button at the top bar (see Picture 0-9). View Script can also be clicked if
the explanation in the box at the bottom is not clear.

Picture 0-9 Listening Skill Review Explanation

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If the users still wonder about what the speakers said, they can view the script by
clicking the View Script button at the toolbar. Back button is used to go back to exercise
result review (see Picture 0-8).

Picture 0-10 Listening Skill Report

Users can also check their listening skill report by clicking Skill Report button at
the top bar of the exercise result (see Picture 0-9). This report shows the percentage of
both correct and incorrect answers as shown in Picture 0-10.

Objective 5.2
Utilize Longman Student CD-ROM for the TOEFL Test: Next Generation iBT Mini Tests
menu to enhance their listening tenacity

Longman Student CD-ROM for the TOEFL Test: Next Generation iBT provides
11 questions for a Listening Mini-Test. The users have 7 minutes to answer all questions.
A detail direction is shown before the test. As in Skills menu, the users are recommended
to set the volume before start listening and get ready to read the topic before clicking
Continue button at the direction window (see Picture 0-11).

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Picture 0-11 Listening Mini-Test Direction

In Listening Mini-Tests, the tests are timed shown by the time indicator at the
toolbar. If the users feel that it is distracting their concentration while the listening
passage is being played, they can hide by clicking hide button (see Picture 0-12).

Picture 0-12 Listening Mini Test Audio Playing

There are various question types in listening section. Multiple choice is one of the
test question types (see Picture 0-13). Besides, there are questions asking users to
choose two answers. The users will miss a point if they just choose one answer in this

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question type (see Picture 0-13). Another type of question is matching sentence with a
topic, title, or description (see Picture 0-15). Doing TOEFL test, the users have to be
usual to do these kinds of questions so that they are away from technical mistakes.

Picture 0-13 Multiple Choice Question

Picture 0-14 Two-Answer Question

Picture 0-15 Matching Question

Answering question in Mini-Tests is different from Skills menu. While the users,
in Skills menu, can replay the audio if they missed some points to answer the questions,
they cannot do so in the Mini-Tests. Hence, the users have to listen carefully to the audio

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while the audio is being played. Moreover, in Mini-Tests, they cannot check their answer
as in Skills menu.
After answering all questions, the users will have the result showing a number of
correct and incorrect answers as well as unanswered items as shown in Picture 0-7. The
users can have a review of each question by clicking the Continue button. The review
tells which items and skills that have been answered correctly and incorrectly as shown
in Picture 0-8.
To make use of the review feature such as having explanation, view script, find
correct answers, etc., the users can do the same steps as shown in skills. The review is
then interpreted into skill report in which all skills are scored within the percentage to give
a statistical description of the result (see Picture 0-16).

Picture 0-16 Listening Mini-Test Skill Report

Objective 5.3
Utilize Longman Student CD-ROM for the TOEFL Test: Next Generation iBT Complete
Tests menu to evaluate their listening score

Complete Tests
Complete Tests, as explained in previous chapter, are prestigious for improving
not only skills but also maintain tenacity. Working with the Complete Tests in this program
can implant a good durability of listening concentration. As in reading section, the
differences between Mini-Tests and Complete Test in listening section are the length of
time, the number of questions, the variety of listening passages and questions..

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Picture 0-17 Listening Passage Picture

Picture 0-18 Listening Passage Notes

One last important thing is that the users have to keep paying attention on the
screen since it sometimes presents pictures (see Picture 0-17) or notes (see Picture
0-18) that might be useful as visual information or points that ease the users in
understanding the listening passages.

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The listening complete test result review is the same as the result review of the
listening mini-test, but in a complete test, the result review encompasses all skills
assessed as shown in Picture 0-19.

Picture 0-19 Listening Complete Test Result Review

Picture 0-20 Listening Complete Test Item Explanation

While looking at the listening script by double clicking an item at the result review
and clicking View Script button at the toolbar as shown in Picture 0-20, the users will
have the listening passage divided into some parts. It can be navigated by clicking
numbers at the left bottom side of the screen as shown in Picture 0-21.

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Picture 0-21 Listening Script View

Picture 0-22 Listening Complete Test Skill Report

With regard to the skill report, as in reading section, the report in listening section
complete test shows percentage of correct answers dealing with all skills that have been
assessed in the test.

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Answer the questions below appropriately.
1. Which listening skills do you think is the most difficult for you? Explain!
2. What is your Mini-Test score of the listening section?
3. What is your Complete Test score the listening section?

Phillips, D. (2001). Longman complete course for the TOEFL test: Preparation for the
computer and paper tests. London: Longman.

Phillips, D. (2007). Longman preparation course for the TOEFL test: iBT, Second Edition.
White Plains, NY: Pearson Education.

Rogers, B. (2000). Heinle & Heinle ́s complete guide to the TOEFL test: CBT edition.
Cengage Learning.

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