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Name: ________________________________________ Section: ________________ Score: _____________

A. Directions: Decide whether the questions are rhetorical or non-rhetorical. Write R is rhetorical and NR if non-
_____________1. What is the difference between a rabbit and a hare?
_____________2. Do I look like I was born yesterday?
_____________3. How would you feel if your house was so full of rubbish?
_____________4. Do we have school tomorrow?
_____________5. Wouldn’t you feel horrible if you didn’t give that dog a house?
_____________6. Why are you here?
_____________7. Do I look like I care?
_____________8. Who doesn’t love chocolates?
_____________9. Do you expect me to answer your questions?
_____________10. What is your name?

B. Directions: Read and identify what rhetorical devices are written below. Write the letter of your answer on the
space provided.
_______1. It is a device that contrast opposing ideas in a brief, grammatically balanced statement to express a truth.
A. repetition B. parallelism C. antithesis D. rhetorical questions
_______2. It is the use of the same word, phrase or sound more than once for emphasis?
A. repetition B. parallelism C. antithesis D. rhetorical questions
_______3. It is the use of grammatical constructions to express ideas that are related or of equal importance.
A. repetition B. parallelism C. antithesis D. rhetorical questions
_______4. It is a question that needs no answer because their answers are obvious.
A. repetition B. Parallelism C. antithesis D. rhetorical question
_______5. “Who am I to argue that the world is round?” is an example of a rhetorical question.
A. True B. False C. None of the Above D. All of the Above
_______6. This gets the audience to actively participate rather than passively listen as they create hypothesizes or
A. engage audience B. personalize your question C. persuade your audience D. evoke emotion
_______7. This makes the audience feel as though you are speaking to each member individually by using ‘you’ or
A. engage your audience B. personalize your question C. persuade the audience D. evoke emotion
______9. This is to get your audience to agree with you.
A. engage your audience B. personalize your question C. evoke emotion D. persuade your audience
______10. This makes the audience feel the same way you do about something.
A. engage the audience B. personalize your question C. personalize your question D. evoke emotion

A. Directions: Innumerate the following.

I. Elements of Multimodal Text

B. Directions: interpret the following words into emojis.

1. Laughing out Loud _____________________________

2. Running late __________________________________

3. Party Time ___________________________________

4. Good Luck ____________________________________

5. Good Job _____________________________________

PeTa: create an informative multimodal text about COVID-19 protocols using the editing apps on your phone. Do the
given rubric found in your LAS as your guide to the activity.

Output: create a 3 to 5-minute video presentation illustration about the steps for coronavirus prevention. For
further instructions refer to your MODULE 7.

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