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Synoptic chart and prognostic charts are used to provide information about the weather.

They used
symbols to in conveying their information which meanings can be found in the legend. The difference of
them is that the synoptic charts is use to get information and report on the current weather and to
predict the future weather patterns. Also, synoptic weather maps shows the current atmosphere over a
large area at a given time. While, Prognostic chart is mainly use to gather information and to predict the
future weather at a specific future time.

Warm front, Cold front and occluded front are all weather fronts that is used as a symbols in a weather
map. They are used to give us information what kind of weather is to be expected in a specific region.
Warm front, when a warm air weight is pointed to a colder air weight, a warm front emerges. Warm
fronts introduce sometimes stormy conditions as the surface warm air weight increases above the cold
air weight and clouds and tempests. Also warm front moves slower than the cold front because it is hard
for the warm air to push the cold air. Cold front, when a cold air weight forces a colder air weight into a
cold front. Cold fronts will bring about drastic weather changes. Also they tend to move faster than
warm front and sometime it brings hail, thunder, and lightning. Occluded front, The occluded front is
formed when the cold air mass front the cold front meets the cool air mass ahead of warm air. When
these air masses come together, warm air rises. Occluded fronts typically develop over low air pressure

Wind vane is an instrument use to determine the direction of the wind while the anemometer is an
instrument used to measure the speed and pressure of the wind.

Weather forecasts are made through the use of weather instruments to get data on the current
weather. You can use synoptic charts to get information about the current weather. You could also used
some instrument like wind anemometer, pressure sensor, thermometer, hygrometer and rain gauge to
manually get information on the current weather. With information already gathered it is for you to
analyse if there will be any changes that will happen on the weather whether it will evolve or it disperse.

Cyclones and anticyclones are both wind patterns display distinctive weather conditions. Cyclone is
formed in an area of warm water because warm and moist air is the key in forming a cyclone. When a
cyclone is formed it winds will rotate counter clockwise in northern hemisphere while clockwise in
southern hemisphere. A cyclone will bring violent winds, high waves and a very dangerous storm. Also a
cyclone is a low pressure system. While, anticyclone is formed from air masses which is cooler than the
surroundings. When the anticyclone is formed the wind rotates clockwise in northern hemisphere and
counter clockwise in southern hemisphere. An anti-cyclone will bring calm and fine weather. Also an
anti-cyclone is a high pressure system.
A rule that identifies the relationship between atmospheric horizontal wind direction and pressure
distribution; if one stands with one’s back to the wind, the pressure to the left is lower than to the right.
This law is used in navigation in both sail and steam vessels. This is to indicate where to safety
manoeuvre you ship when seeing a hurricanes or disturbance at sea ahead. Buy’s ballot law will also
help the navigators when and where to steer away from the centre or the dangerous side of a hurricane.

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