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4/13/2021 Community Dental Health Final Flashcards | Quizlet

Community Dental Health Final

Terms in this set (100)

The largest and most influential American Dental Association

dental organization in the US is

Which of the following states Alabama

permits proprietorship of
dental hygienists?

Which of the following is NOT Health Prevention/Protection; Disease prevention

true regarding dental public

improve the public's total healthy by working to

advance the art and science of dental hygiene by
ensuring access to quality oral health care,
Part of the mission of the
increasing awareness of the cost-effective benefits
American Dental Hygienists'
of prevention, promoting the highest standards of
Association is to:
dental hygiene education, licensure, practice and
research, and representing and promoting the
interests of dental hygienists.

The largest effort to provide SCHIP

health insurance for children
since Medicaid is which
program? 1/19
4/13/2021 Community Dental Health Final Flashcards | Quizlet

Which government entitlement Medicaid

program generally covers
dental care for individuals with
low incomes?

The government's medical NIH: National Institute of Health

research organization is:

A federal insurance program to Medicare

pay for medical bills of all
people over 65 is called:

What organization is a IFDH

nonprofit group unites dental
hygiene associations from
around the world?

The organization that World Health Organization (WHO)

developed and systematized a
basic method of data
collection for surveillance of
oral conditions in all parts of
the world is:

The World Health Organization Federation Dentaire International

(WHO) is a self-governing,
multilateral, international
agency with the:

Which of the following are Common cause to promoting access to quality

objectives of the International services, raise awareness to prevention of dental
Federation of Dental disease
Hygienists? 2/19
4/13/2021 Community Dental Health Final Flashcards | Quizlet

What payment is the same no Encounter

matter what service is rendered
in the dental office?

The federal entity that is Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
charged with providing a
system of health surveillance to
monitor and prevent outbreaks
of disease is the:

The process (used in Alternative Restorative Treatment (ART)

developing countries) by which
carious lesions are removed
with hand instruments and the
resultant cavity is restored with
dental sealant material is called
ART stands for:

Which of the following is a role Change Agent

of the change agent in Dental
Hygiene to create intentional
or unintentional change?

What is necessary to create Ability to understand others

change in the profession?

What was the initial purpose of to collaborate with medical & social service
a dental hygienist in public healthcare professionals

Billing codes for dental CDT Codes

procedures are found in what
ADA Guidebook? 3/19
4/13/2021 Community Dental Health Final Flashcards | Quizlet

What is the index used for DMFT, deft, RCI

measuring the extent of decay
in a population?

What term refers to a portion Co Pay

of the cost of each service that
the patient pays—in other
words, the part of the payment
not covered by the third party?

**Because federal law regulate Both are false???

dental hygiene practice,
federal senators are involved
with state regulation.

Which is not a level of Independent

supervision in Minnesota?

A collaborative agreement in True

Minnesota Law is a written
agreement between DDS and
DH, to specifically have the DH
practice in underserved
populations under general
supervision. 4/19
4/13/2021 Community Dental Health Final Flashcards | Quizlet

Empowerment models that Both statements are fals

focus on patient autonomy and
collaborative relationships are
paternalist regimens. The
paternalist regimens are led by
patients whose knowledge of
health and disease increases
the likelihood that healthy
behaviors are attained.

Which of the following aspects Spirituality

is part of the Five-Dimensional
Health Model

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs The first statement is true and the second statement
helps us understand that if a is false.
person has a toothache they
will not really care about
flossing daily and a homeless
person that is hungry will most
likely brush their teeth if they
have a tooth brush.

The theory of the Stages of Both statements are false.

Learning or the Learning
Ladder helps us to understand
that the first stage is
"Awareness" when the patient is
educated about their
periodontal disease and the
final stage is "Action" when the
individual makes a change to
begin flossing. 5/19
4/13/2021 Community Dental Health Final Flashcards | Quizlet

A patient who receives praise Classical conditioning

for having healthy gums during
two routine dental hygiene
appointments will be more
likely to maintain good
homecare to ensure that the
praise will continue at future
appointments. This theory of
behavior modification is:

"Modeling" behavior is learning Both statements are TRUE

through imitation, like a child
that wants to brush his teeth
like his parents do. "Operant
conditioning" is rewarding
appropriate behavior by giving
the child a sticker at the end of
the dental appointment and/or
a parent disciplining the child
when there is undesired
behavior in an effort to prevent
that behavior at the next

A "habit" is simply changing Both statements are FALSE

behavior, such as decreasing
the amount of pop one drinks,
a "behavior change" is a
behavior that becomes
automatic, such as consistently
brushing two times a day 6/19
4/13/2021 Community Dental Health Final Flashcards | Quizlet

The local dental hygiene Health promotion

association worked on policy
change that banned sugary
beverages from school
vending machines. This is an
example of:

"Healthy behavior" is an action Both statements are TRUE

that prevents disease and
promotes health, such a daily
flossing. "Health education" is
instruction to a group of
people about proper brushing

For behavior change to occur, Value the change

an individual must reach what

The Transtheoretical model Both statements are TRUE

describes behavior change
steps that a person goes
through typically when they are
trying to quit smoking. The
precontemplation stage is
where a patient may tell their
dental hygienist "Do not
lecture me about smoking; I am
never going to quit."

The best way to ensure an Be prepared

effective presentation is to: 7/19
4/13/2021 Community Dental Health Final Flashcards | Quizlet

Lecturing alone is always an First statement is false, second is true

effective way to teach dental
health education; the lecture
method of teaching is more
effective, when used in
conjunction with other
methods of teaching such as
discussion and the inquiry
method of learning.

You have been asked to do a Target population

dental care presentation to a
local church youth group of
adolescents; They could be
considered a :

In ADPIE, the first step in Target population profile

preparing for a presentation is
assessment of the group you
will speak to. You find out these
adolescents are from low
income families, most do not
go to the dentist regularly, and
they are recent refugees from
Somalia with Medicaid
Insurance. This information
helps to define the:

Social workers and dental To find funding for dental care for those with no
hygienists can work together Medicaid
during programs for target
populations 8/19
4/13/2021 Community Dental Health Final Flashcards | Quizlet

The fact that only a small Both statements are true

number of minorities work in
the oral health care professions
may be considered a barrier to
oral health care. A study of the
racial and ethnic composition
of the health care workforce
reveals that the dental
workforce is the least diverse
of all the health professions

Which of the following could Language barrier

prevent a patient from seeking
care or reduce effectiveness of

Which of the following is or are All of the above

guidelines to effective
communication with our

Cross-cultural dental hygiene is Both statements are TRUE

the effective integration of a
population's socioethnocultural
background into the process of
care. Recognizing how your
culture influences your values,
behaviors, beliefs, and decision
making is part of cross-cultural
dental hygiene care. 9/19
4/13/2021 Community Dental Health Final Flashcards | Quizlet

Dental Hygienists are Excellent clinical skills

educators. The characteristics
of an effective teacher are all
but one of the following. Which
one is not considered
characteristic of an effective

Which school program is Athletic mouth guard program

particularly advantageous for
middle school athletes?

A dental hygiene program Both statements are TRUE

begins to operate during the
Implementation stage. Most
programs require some
revision at this stage as a result
of unforeseen difficulties or
needs not originally assessed.

A form of Public Health work is Both statements are true

a dental hygienist employed in
a nursing home to provide
routine preventive care. In
addition, the dental hygienist
could have a collaborative
relationship (different than
"collaborative agreement"
which is a contract between
DDS and DH in Minnesota) with
a dentist, so that restorative
and urgent care can be
provided as needed. 10/19
4/13/2021 Community Dental Health Final Flashcards | Quizlet

Which type of evaluation refers Summative

to the program's effectiveness
after it has been implemented
or completed?

Which type of evaluation refers Formative

to the internal evaluation or
evaluation during the planning
of a program?

Qualitative data is gathered Miller index for mobility

with all of the following
methods except one. Which
does not gather qualitative
data to evaluate?

There are several Periodontal CPITN

Disease Indexes. One of the
most common for evaluating
treatment needs of a
community is:

Which are the Ramjford Teeth 3,9,12,19,25,28

typically utilized for evaluation
as a sample that represents the
whole mouth?

Which is (are) a common Index All of the above

for Dental Caries? 11/19
4/13/2021 Community Dental Health Final Flashcards | Quizlet

"Healthy People 2010 and Both statements are TRUE

2020" are initiatives created by
Department of Health and
Human Serives and the
Surgeon General to provide
science-based, national goals
and objectives with 10-year
targets. The targets are
designed to guide national
health promotion and disease
prevention efforts to improve
the health of all people in the
United States.

Many health care providers in Both statements are TRUE

the US practice from the point
of view that their culture is the
privileged culture. The provider
who is ethnocentric tends to
antagonize and alienate
patients from other cultures.

Informed consent is an The first statement is true; the second statement is

ongoing process that is initially false.
obtained at the first step of the
research process. It should be
discussed in a group setting.

"No statistically significant Null hypothesis

difference exists between
Brand X and Brand Y
toothpaste in the of tooth
decay" is an example of a:

Data analysis involves: Analyzing the data 12/19
4/13/2021 Community Dental Health Final Flashcards | Quizlet

Which research approach Descriptive

describes and identifies current
events or situations with several
methods like surveys, case
studies, cross sectional,
longitudinal, trend, or

In a split mouth study, one side Both are True

of the mouth is for the test
treatment. The other side of the
mouth is used for the control

A quasi-experimental study is Both statements are TRUE

designed as an experimental
study but lacks inherent
control. However, results from
a quasi-experimental study
may be used when planning
further studies.

Studying the relationship Correlational

between obesity and oral
health is an example of which
type of study?

Epidemiology has been All of the above

defined as the study of the
nature, cause, control, and
determinants of the frequency
and distribution of: 13/19
4/13/2021 Community Dental Health Final Flashcards | Quizlet

The agent of disease is the Both statements are TRUE

biologic or mechanical cause
of the disease or condition.
Examples of agents are the
specific bacteria in relation to
dental caries or brushing with a
hard toothbrush in relation to

The occurrence of an illness in Epidemic

excess of normal expectancy in
a community or region, usually
occurring suddenly and
spreading rapidly, is termed a

Which type of correlational Inverse

relationship would the
following statement indicate: as
the consumption of fluoridated
water increases, the caries rate

Ratio of "sick"(affected) people Morbitiy

to "well" people

# of ALL existing cases of the Prevalence

disease at a point in time

New cases of disease over a Incidence

specific period of time; usually
a year 14/19
4/13/2021 Community Dental Health Final Flashcards | Quizlet

# of deaths of specific disease Mortality

compared to # of people with
the disease

Tobacco use, excessive alcohol Both statements are TRUE

use, and inappropriate dietary
practices contribute to a
number of diseases and
disorders. In particular,
tobacco use is a preventable
risk factor for oral cavity and
pharyngeal cancers,
periodontal diseases, among
other diseases.

In which teeth are early Primary anteriors

childhood caries most evident:

The first step of the scientific Observation

method involves:

Which studies combine Trend studies

descriptive and historical
research to establish patterns
from the past and present to
predict future occurrences?

Consistency or reproducibility Reliability

of measurement over time

Should change in response to Dependent variable

some intervention 15/19
4/13/2021 Community Dental Health Final Flashcards | Quizlet

Does the test measure what it Valididity

claims to be measuring?
(example: CAL is best predictor
of advancing periodontal

The intervention--Is Independent variable

manipulated to produce a

What type of examination Type III

method will be utilized with a
mouth mirror and lighting only?

What type of examination Type IV

method will be utilized with a
tongue depressor and lighting

Health History and Exam Survey and Needs Assessment

Diagnosis Data Analysis

Treatment Planning Program Planning

Treatment Program Operation

Payment Funding

Evaluation Appraisal or Evaluation 16/19
4/13/2021 Community Dental Health Final Flashcards | Quizlet

***Which step in the Assessment??

Community Health Practice is
similar to an Initial Assessment?

Every '6th' (or whatever is Systematic

chosen) person is to
participate (example: count off
by 6 and then form groups
based on your number)

Chosen based solely on Convienience

convenience (example: first 10
people that walk through the
door will participate)

Everyone has an EQUAL Random

chance of being selected;
reduces the chance of bias
(example: pick names out of a
phone book)

Selecting a couple from each Stratified

subgroup (example: Identify all
of the dental hygiene schools
in MN and select two from
each school) 17/19
4/13/2021 Community Dental Health Final Flashcards | Quizlet

Someone familiar with the Judgement

population selects the sample;
HIGH chance of bias!
(example: the class president
selects 4 students to represent
the class GPA; they most likely
would pick the people they
know do well on tests)

Statistical significance means Chance

that the result was not caused

***We must be sure to practice ????

Evidence-based dentistry
which includes all of the
following but one; which one is
not considered a component
of Evidence-based dentistry?

Which of the following is A deciduous tooth that needs to be extracted

indicated by the "e" component because of the severity of decay
of the deft index?

Tests used in Inferential Both statements are true

Statistics (generalization about
a population taken from a
sample of data) are the t-test,
the ANOVA, and the p-value.
The t-test statistically measures
the hypothetical difference
between TWO mean scores. 18/19
4/13/2021 Community Dental Health Final Flashcards | Quizlet

The ANOVA or Analysis of Both statements are TRUE

Variance-- is used when
comparing the statistical
difference between THREE or
more mean scores

A Type I error (alpha) occurs Both statements are TRUE

when the null hypothesis is
rejected but it is actually true
and should have been
accepted. A Type II error (beta)
occurs when the null
hypothesis is accepted, but it is
actually false and should have
been rejected.

100. When plotting data ...

on a bell or normal
curve, 68.2% of the
scores fall between +1
-1 or the standard
deviation; when plotting
data on a bell or normal
curve, it will always be
68.2% of data that will
fall between the
standard deviation. 19/19

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