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Executive Summary

The Kitten’s Korner business is limited to single member starting a new

business of providing daily care and educational services to kids within Los
Angeles at their homes thus helping the neutron family and single parents. The
business will start with a capital of $13,000 including $1000 from owner while
$12,000 as loan. The owner will take all major decisions of business. Owner will
himself hold all managerial posts and will self-supervise. At the start of business it
will be sole proprietorship which may change with progress in business. Business
will be an online platform providing numerous services related to kids including
care, education, learning, and providing consultation to parents as well. The
business will work as an intermediary among service provider and acquirer by
hiring skilled professionals in order to go at homes of customers and take care of
their kids when parents aren’t at home while providing them necessary education
as well as having fun with them in short fulfilling all requirements a parent isn’t
able to give due to his/her job.
Owner is a mother and well aware of problems mothers face after giving
birth to their child and all the responsibilities that they become unable to fulfil as
they have to earn as well as take care of their child due to which she started this
business of building a parents place or platform where their parenting duties will
be replaced by professionals who will take care of their kids at their homes. As a
business owner I have used extensive knowledge and ideas to generate business
plan that I think can be very feasible with conditions in Los Angeles. Therefore I
am hopeful that this business plan will make other feel the same I do so.
Women in Loss Angles have started coming shoulder to shoulder with men.
Even though education is spreading day by day among women in Loss Angles and
many of them are working at reputable positions but at the same time many are
opting for small families as joint families are far from the thinking of current
generation and values about joint families have also quite changed. Due to this
changing situation there has emerged a situation of working women becoming
mothers with no one there to take care of their babies if they have to work outside
as their husbands aren’t available. What to do with infants is a bit rising question
as leaving kids in hands of anybody unknown isn’t an easy solution and mothers
are always quite possessive and concerned about their kids so where to keep them
and under whose care? Family elders aren’t available and maids can’t be easily
trusted. What’s next then is a worry working women are always confronting.
The maternity leave for women has been extended to 3 months which is a
good news but what after 3 months? What are mothers going to do with a 3 months
kids after their maternity leave ends and they are supposed to go back to their
work? In absence of alternatives including day care centers for babies, many others
are reluctantly opting for staying home with their babies.
Moreover when the babies start growing and mothers especially don’t want
to throw their kids in schools at the very start age but they want them to learn
things at the right age as well which was quite difficult for mothers to teach their
kids basic level thing. So what mothers can do at that time?
However, changes are coming, even though slowly. As day care and
consultation center is here to provide the best resources available to help mothers
in their motherhood.

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