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Group Assignment for

EBP3153 Supply Chain Management



1. Analyse a supply chain strategy plan and model that supports organization strategy. [C4]

Marks Allocation:

Group Assignment Report: 20%


You need to write a report for this assignment about the application and practices of supply chain
management in business organization in Malaysia. Select ONE company (Product base
companies OR Service based companies) as a subject of your assignment. The last date to
submit the report is on 7/5/2021. Late submission will not be accepted. Guidelines for your

✓ Perform group consists of maximum 6 members in one group.

✓ Proposed chapter (for reporting purpose):

i. Introduction of the organizations

ii. Findings of Supply Chain Management in the existence organizations

• Issues on SCM

• Current Strategy

• Tools/ Techniques/ methods used to support the strategy

iii. Conclusion and recommendation (solution for better SCM initiatives). This is your
suggestion/solution that you feel can help the organization.

✓ You can choose any three elements in the issues on SCM.

• Supplier Management

• Inventory Management

• Purchasing Management
• Demand Management

• Logistic Management

✓ Your report must be at least 10 pages exclude front page, table of contents, references, and
appendixes. Please submit your report by 7/5/2021 11.59p.m on eLEAPS submission
✓ Times New Roman
✓ Font size: 12
✓ Line spacing: 1.5
✓ Include name, matric number, and course code on the assignment cover
✓ Must have front page, table of contents and references.
✓ Submission after the end date WILL NOT BE ACCEPPTED.

REMINDER: NO PLAGIATRISM. Please do by your own because the originality of the

assignment will be checked. Mark will be deducted for late submission and/or plagiarism.

Prepared by Dr Sin Kit Yeng (EBP3153 Supply Chain Management Coordinator)

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