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EBP3153 Supply Chain Management

Class Activity 1: Logistic via Poslaju EZiPoz System

Evaluation Rubric

Questions 0 1 2 3 4 5 Score

Student produce Student provide and Student provide and

Student produce Student produce
irrelevant opinion, explain the opinion. explain the opinion.
relevant opinion and relevant opinion and
1 Not appear in or fail to explain the However most of However, some of
explain the opinion well-explained the
opinion, or do not them are irrelevant, them are irrelevant, or
Opinion answer that are based on the opinion that are based
based on the or do not based on do not based on the
information of on the information of
information of the information of information of
logistic activities. logistic activities.
logistic activities. logistic activities. logistic activities.

Student produce Student provide and Student provide and Student produce
Student produce
irrelevant response, explain the response. explain the response. relevant response and
relevant response and
2 Not appear in or fail explain the However most of However, some of
explain the response
well-explained the
opinion, or do not them are irrelevant, them are irrelevant, or response that are
Advantage answer that are based on the
based on the or do not based on do not based on the based on the
information of
information of the information of information of information of
logistic activities.
logistic activities. logistic activities. logistic activities. logistic activities.

Student produce Student provide and Student provide and Student produce
Student produce
3 irrelevant response, explain the response. explain the response. relevant response and
relevant response and
Not appear in or fail explain the However most of However, some of
explain the response
well-explained the
Contribution to the opinion, or do not them are irrelevant, them are irrelevant, or response that are
answer that are based on the
economic value (2 based on the or do not based on do not based on the based on the
ways) information of
information of the information of information of information of
logistic activities.
logistic activities. logistic activities. logistic activities. logistic activities.


Marks _____ / 15%

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