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Production is the process by which raw materials and other inputs are converted in to

A. finished product.
B. services.
C. satisfaction.
D. loyalty

3. Inputs in a production system includes____________.

A. organization, output.
B. process, procedure.
C. system, supply .
D. men, materials.

Unavailability of skilled labour is a big problem if we locate our factory in

A. road.
B. rural.
C. city.
D. foreign.

_____________ refers to the arrangement of machinery, equipment and other industrial

A. Plant lining.
B. Plant location.
C. Facility location.
D. Plant layout.

The objective of good layout is to _____.

A. reduce production.
B. reduce wastages.
C. reduce productivity.

D. reduce labour
__________ type of layout is also called as functional layout.
A. Process.
B. Product.
C. Line.
D. Matrix.

Grouping together of like machines in one department is in _______ layout.

A. product.
B. process.
C. group.
D. parallel.

Product layout is also called as ________ layout.

A. line
B. cellular.
C. process.
D. functional.

In _________ type of layout machineries are arranged according to the sequence of

A. process.
B. group.
C. matrix.
D. line

______________ type of layout are suitable for non repetitive or standard types of
production .
A. Process.
B. Product.
C. Group.
D. Matrix

________ type of layout is a combination of functional layout and line layout.

A. Cellular.
B. Group.
C. Product.
D. Process.

Ship Building and Aircraft manufacturing is an example of ________ type of layout .

A. combined.
B. matrix.
C. fixed.
D. group.

In ________ layout machines are grouped in to cells and the cells function somewhat like
a product layout
in larger shop or process layout.
A. functional.
B. fixed.
C. matrix.
D. cellular

Product layout is suitable for _________ type of production.

A. small.
B. mass.
C. less.
D. medium.

The main components of production system include which of the following?

A. Men, material.
B. Services, satisfaction.
C. Input, process, output.

D. Process, service.

1. Operations management is applicable

a. Mostly to the service sector
b. To services exclusively
c. Mostly to the manufacturing sector
d. To the manufacturing & service sectors

2. The responsibilities of the operations manager include

a. Planning , organizing , staffing , procuring and reviewing
b. Forecasting , designing , planning , organizing , and controlling
c. Forecasting , designing ,operating , procuring , and reviewing
d. Planning , organizing , staffing , leading , and controlling

49 Application of technology or process to the raw material to add use value is known


(A) Product
(B) Production

(C) Application of technology

(D) Combination of technology and process.

53. Conversion of inputs into outputs is known as:

(A) Application of technology

(B) Operations management

(C) Manufacturing products

(D) Product

54. The desired objective of Production and Operations Management is:

(A) Use cheap machinery to produce

(B) To train unskilled workers to manufacture goods perfectly

(C) Optimal utilisation of available resources

(D) To earn good profits.

60. The act of releasing the production documents to the production department is

known as:

(A) Planning

(B) Routing

(C) Dispatching

(D) Releasing

A good layout requires determining

a.       capacity and space requirements

b.      material handling requirements
c.       environment and aesthetics
d.      flows of information
e.      all of the above

. For which of the following operations would a fixed-position layout be most appropriate?
a.       assembly of an automobile
b.      production of cameras and TV sets
c.       construction of a ship
d.      refining of crude oil
e.      grocery store

The type of layout which features departments or other functional groupings in which similar
activities are performed is
a.       process
b.      product
c.       fixed-position
d.      mass
e.      unit

According to Heizer and Render, an office layout

a.       groups workers, their equipment, and spaces/offices to provide for movement of
b.      addresses the layout requirements of large, bulky projects such as ships and buildings
c.       seeks the best personnel and machine utilization in repetitive or continuous production
d.      allocates shelf space and responds to customer behavior
e.      deals with low-volume, high-variety production

According to Heizer and Render, a retail/service layout

a.       groups workers, their equipment, and spaces/offices to provide for movement of information
b.      addresses the layout requirements of large, bulky projects such as ships and buildings
c.       seeks the best personnel and machine utilization in repetitive or continuous production
d.      allocates space and responds to customer behavior
e.      deals with low-volume, high-variety production

Balancing low-cost storage with low-cost material handling is important in

a.       a fixed-position layout
b.      a process-oriented layout
c.       an office layout
d.      a product-oriented layout
e.      a warehouse layout

. which type of layout is used to achieve a smooth and rapid flow of large volumes of output?
a.       process
b.      batch
c.       product
d.      unit
e.      fixed-position
Which of the following industries should be located near the vicinity of raw materials?
a. Cycles
b. Televisions
c. Sewing machines
d. Steel mills

If all the processing equipment and machines are arranged according to the sequence of operations of a
product the layout is known as
a. Product layout
b. Process layout
c. Fixed position layout
d. Combination layout

The following type of layout is preferred to manufacture a standard product in large quantity
a. Product layout
b. Process layout
c. Fixed position layout
d. Combination layout

The following type of layout is preferred for low volume production of non standard products
a. Product layout
b. Process layout
c. Fixed position layout
d. Combination layout

In ship manufacturing, the type of layout preferred is

a. Product layout
b. Process layout
c. Fixed position layout
d. Combination layout

The main object of scientific layout is

(A) to produce better quality of product
(B) to utilise maximum floor area
(C) to minimise production delays
(D) all of these

In order to avoid excessive multiplication of facilities, the layout preferred is

(A) product layout
(B) process layout
(C) group layout
(D) static layout

Which of the following type of layout is suitable for automobile manufacturing

(A) product layout
(B) process layout
(C) fixed position layout
(D) any one of above

Which of the following type of layout is suitable for automobile assembly

(A) Product layout
(B) Process layout
(C) Fixed position layout
(D) Combination layout

The product layout is more amenable (responsible) to automation than process

(A) Yes
(B) No
(C) Depends on plant
(D) No relation
Which of the following explain the need for facility location selection?
(A) When the existing business unit has outgrown expansion is not possible.
(B) When a business is newly started.
(C) When the lease expires and the landlord does not renew the lease.
(D) All of these.

Which of the following is the first step in making a correct location choice?
(A) Develop location alternatives
(B) Decide the criteria for evaluating location alternatives
(C) Evaluate the alternatives
(D) Make a decision and select the location

Which of the following is not an advantage of using product layout?

(A) Minimum material handling cost
(B) Minimum inspection requirement
(C) Specialised supervision requirement
(D) None of these

1. Which of the following explain the need for facility location selection?
(a) When the existing business unit has outgrown its original facilities and expansion is
not possible.
(b) When a business is newly started.
(c) When the lease expires and the landlord does not renew the lease.
(d) All of these.

2. Which of the following is the first step in making a correct location choice?
(a) Develop location alternatives
(b) Decide the criteria for evaluating location alternatives
(c) Evaluate the alternatives
(d) Make a decision and select the location

5. In which of the following site selection techniques, a weightage between ‘0’ to ‘1’ is
provided to factors that influence its location decision?
(a) Location rating factor technique
(b) Transportation technique
(c) Centre-of-gravity technique
(d) None of these
8. Which of the following facility layout is best suited for the intermittent type of
production, which is a method of manufacturing several different products using the
same production line?
(a) Product layout
(b) Process layout
(c) Fixed position layout
(d) Cellular manufacturing layout

9. In which of the following layout type, materials are fed into the first machine and
finished products come out of the last machine?
(a) Product layout
(b) Process layout
(c) Fixed position layout
(d) Cellular manufacturing layout

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