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Unit 2 Production Processes

1. What term describes a vertical expansion of job duties in order to give the worker more

a. Job enlargement
b. Job rotation
c. Job enrichment
d. Job design

2. What are the two basic types of production systems?

a. Automated and manual

b. Intermittent and non-intermittent process
c. Normal and continuous process
d. Continuous process and batch

3. What type of process would a paper mill be most likely to use?

a. Continuous flow
b. Project
c. Job shop
d. Flow shop

4. Which of the following is not a mark of a good layout in manufacturing?

a. straight line flow pattern (or adaptation)

b. predictable production time
c. bottleneck operations
d. work stations close together
e. open plant floors (high visibility)

5. Which of the following is also referred to as a layout by function?

a. Process layout
b. Product layout
c. Group technology layout
d. Fixed-position layout
e. Assembly line

6. A flow shop layout is often referred to as a:

a. Process layout
b. Product layout
c. Group technology layout
d. Fixed-position layout
e. Batch process

7. According to the authors, when balancing an assembly line, it is best to start by:

a. determining the required cycle time.

b. computing the minimum number of work stations.
c. drawing a precedence diagram.
d. establishing rules by which tasks are to be assigned to work stations.
e. assigning tasks to individual work stations.

8. All of the following are inputs to the facility layout decision EXCEPT:

a. specifying system output and flexibility objectives.

b. identifying bottleneck work stations.
c. estimating system demand.
d. determine the number of operations and flows between departments.
e. determining space availability.

9. When similar equipment or functions are grouped together the type of layout is referred to as a:

a. product layout.
b. fixed-position layout.
c. process layout.
d. cellular layout.
e. none of the above.
11. A shipyard is an example of a:

a. process layout.
b. product layout.
c. group technology layout.
d. fixed-position layout.
e. none of the above.

12. The time between successive units coming off the end of the line is known as the:

a. make span time.

b. throughput time.
c. value added time.
d. cycle time.
e. assembly time.

13. Which of the following is not a basic process flow structure?

a. WorkCenter
b. Mass Attack
c. Assembly Line
d. Project Layout
e. Continuous Process

14. The type of processing structure that is used to produce gasoline, chemicals, and drugs is:

a. WorkCenter
b. Batch
c. Assembly Line
d. Project Layout
e. Continuous Process

15. The type of processing structure that is used for producing discrete products at higher volume

a. WorkCenter
b. Batch
c. Assembly Line
d. Project Layout
e. Continuous Process

16. The major decision variables in equipment selection are:

a. Flexibility
b. Labor requirements
c. Manufacturer
d. Both A and B
e. Both B and C

17. The product-process matrix:

a. shows as volume decreases an assembly line is the solution

b. shows as volume increase specialized equipment becomes cost effective
c. shows all process structures except work centers are inefficient
d. guides companies on what products to produce
e. allows a manager to justify buying new equipment

18. A breakeven point indicates which of the following:

a. The point where profit is maximized

b. The point where cost is minimized
c. The point where we are indifferent between two options
d. The point where we are most efficient
e. All of the above

19. The type of processing structure that is used for producing discrete products at higher volume

a. WorkCenter
b. Batch
c. Assembly Line
d. Project Layout
e. Continuous Process

20. Which of the following is not one of the assumptions for Cost Volume Analysis

a. One product is not involved

b. Everything produced can be sold
c. Variable cost per unit is the same regardless of volume
d. Fixed costs do not change with volume

21. Which of the following does not fall under Economic Production Quantity ( EPQ)

a. Only two or more items are involved

b. Annual demand is known
c. Usage rate is constant
d. Usage occurs continually

22. Advantages of Process Layout Include

a. Equipment used is less costly

b. Low unit cost.
c. Labor specialization.
d. Low material handling cost

23. Common types of Operations include

a. Continuous Processing.
b. Intermittent Processing.
c. Automation
d. All of the above

24. As production systems move from projects to batch production to mass production to
continuous production

a. Processes become more flexible

b. Customer involvement with the process increases

c. Products become more standardized

d. Demand volumes decrease

25. A big advantage of a process layout is

a. Its flexibility

b. Its low cost

c. The ability to employ low-skilled labour

d. Its high equipment utilization

26. A useful process improvement tool to search for the root cause of a problem is the
……………. process?

a. 3 Whats
b. 4 Whos
c. 5 Whys
d. 6 Wheres

27. In a materials processing operation, which of the following process type is associated with the
highest volume and lowest variety?

a. Job shop
b. Batch process
c. Mass process
d. Continuous process

28. In a materials processing operation, which process is associated with the highest variety?

a. Project
b. Job shop
c. Batch process
d. Mass production
29. In a customer processing operation, which process type has the lowest volume?

a. Mass service
b. Service shop
c. Professional service
d. Self service

30. In a Process Strategy, High Variety & Low Volume should focus on ………………

a. Processes

b. Product

c. Both a & b

d. None of the above

31. In a Process Strategy, Low Variety & High Volume should focus on ……………..

a. Processes

b. Product

c. Both a & b

d. None of the above

32. Which of the following are the Determinants of Process Characteristics?

a. Volume

b. Variety

c. Flow

d. All of the above

33. The project process has a ………………….

a. Matching Volume to Variety

b. High Degree of Job Customization

c. High Degree of Flexibility

d. Job Repetition & Rotation

34. Similar products or services are manufactured repeatedly using intermittent flow is called as

a. Batch Production

b. Continuous Production

c. Job Shop Production

d. Project Production

35. Production of Automobiles, Electronic Appliances, Personal Computers & Toys like products
are manufactured using …………………..

a. Continuous Flow

b. Line Flow

c. Job Shop Flow

d. Batch Flow

36. A Layout designed to Product which is too large to move is example of ……………

a. Process layout

b. Product Layout

c. Fixed Product Layout

d. Hybrid Layout

37. A Layout designed to Group similar resources together is example of ………………

a. Process layout
b. Product Layout

c. Fixed Product Layout

d. Hybrid Layout

38. A Layout designed to produce a specific product, or a small number of products efficiently is
example of …………………….

a. Process layout

b. Product Layout

c. Fixed Product Layout

d. Hybrid Layout

39. When Volume of Production is High (Mass Production) then ……………. is Feasible.

a. Product Layout

b. Process Layout

c. Fixed Layout

d. Flexible Layout

40. When Volume of Production is ……………… then Process Layout is Feasible

a. High

b. Medium

c. Low

d. Average

41. The resources arranged are as ………………. to each product for smooth component flow in
each job shop

a. Dedicated
b. Shared

c. Arranges one per each department

d. Arranged Systematically

42. Private Sector banks follow …………………

a. Process layout

b. Mixed Layout

c. Product Layout

d. Customer Service Layout

43. Public Sector banks follow …………………

a. Process layout

b. Mixed Layout

c. Product Layout

d. Customer Service Layout

44. Service blueprint is a ………….. that accurately portrays the service system to provide better
services to people

a. Projection

b. Blue Print

c. Diagram/Design

d. None of the Above

45. In service blue printing, ……………… is where the customer directly interacts with the
service providers

a. Line of Services
b. Line of Interaction

c. Line of Internal Interaction

d. Lobby

46. In service blue printing, ………………….. is where the service providers interacts with the
service supporters

a. Line of Services

b. Line of Interaction

c. Line of Internal Interaction

d. Lobby

47. Beyond this line, the customer cannot see the activities of service providers

a. Line of Interaction

b. Line of Visibility

c. Line of Internal Interaction

d. Line of Usability

48. In the first instance ……………….. allows the customer to make a decision on quality of
services as per service blue print

a. Line of Interaction

b. Front Stage Actions

c. Line of Internal Interaction

d. Physical Evidences
49. Efficiency is defined by

a) Actual output divided by design capacity.

b) Capacity divided by utilization.
c) Effective capacity divided by actual output.
d) Actual output divided by effective capacity. .
50. Which of the following is an implication of low variety?

a) Low unit cost

b) Flexibility needed
c) High complexity
d) Matching customers specific needs .
51. Operations typically differ in terms of volume of output, variety of output, variation in
demand or the degree of ‘visibility’ (i.e, customer contact) that they give to customers of
the delivery process. Please match the following element with the most appropriate of the
above dimensions. Low unit costs are most closely matched to:-

a) Variety
b) Variation
c) Volume
d) Visibility .

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