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CHAPTER 1: Mathematical
1.1 Vectors and Vector Addition
1.2 Components of Vectors
1.3 Unit Vectors
1.4 Products of Vectors
1.5 Dot and Vector Product
1.6 Vector triple product, line, plane & surface
1.7 Differentiation & integration of Vector valued function,
1.8 Tangent & normal vector, Vector field, line & surface
1.9 Gamma &beta function, Divergence and Stokes theorem.

IUBAT— International University of Business Agriculture and Technology

1.3 Standards and Units
• SI Fundamental Quantities And Units Of Mechanics

Quantity Standards SI unit (symbol)

Time Time required for 9,192,631,770 cycles second (s)
of cesium microwave radiation
Length Distance light travels in vacuum in Meter (m)
1/299,792,458 seconds
Mass The mass of a particular cylinder of kilogram (kg)
platinum-iridium alloy kept at
International Bureau of Weights and
Measures a Servres, France

All other units can be expressed by combinations of these

fundamental (base) units. The combined base units is called
derived units.
SI prefixes
• SI prefixes are prefixes (such as k, m, c,
G) combined with SI base units to form
new units that are larger or smaller than the
base units by a multiple or sub-multiple of
• Example: km – where k is prefix, m is
base unit for length.
• 1 km = 103 m = 1000 m, where 103 is in
scientific notation using powers of 10
SI uses prefixes for extremes
prefixes for power of ten
Prefix Symbol Notation

tera T 1012
giga G 109
mega M 106
kilo k 103
deci d 10-1
centi c 10-2
milli m 10-3
micro μ 10-6
nano n 10-9
pico p 10-12
1.7 vectors and vector additions
• There are two kinds of quantities…
• Vectors have both magnitude and direction
• displacement, velocity, acceleration
• Scalars have magnitude only
• distance, speed, time, mass
• Vectors show magnitude and direction, drawn as a ray.

Equal and Inverse Vectors

Two ways to represent vectors
Geometric approach
Vectors are symbolized graphically as arrows, in
text by bold-face type or with a line/arrow on top.
Magnitude: the size of the arrow
Direction: degree from East

Algebraic approach
Vectors are represent in a coordinate system, e.g.
Cartesian x, y, z. The system must be an inertial
coordinate system, which means it is non-accelerated.
Magnitude: R = √x12 +y12
y1 p(x1, y1)
Direction: θ = tan-1(y1/x1)
θ x
o x1
Vector addition
• Vectors may be added graphically, “head to tail.” or
Resultant and equilibrant



R is called the resultant vector!

E is called the equilibrant vector!
1.8 Components of vectors
• Manipulating vectors graphically is insightful but difficult when
striving for numeric accuracy. Vector components provide a numeric
method of representation.
• Any vector is built from an x component and a y component.
• Any vector may be “decomposed” into its x component using A*cos θ
and its y component using A*sin θ (where θ is the angle the vector A
sweeps out from 0°).

sin  =
   A
A = Ax + A y cos  =
Doing vector calculations using components
• Vector addition strategies
1) Resolve each vector into its x- and y-
Ax = Acos Ay = Asin
Bx = Bcos By = Bsin etc.
2) Add the x-components together to get
Rx and the y-components to get Ry.
Rx = Ax + Bx Ry = Ay + By
3) Calculate the magnitude of the
resultant with the Pythagorean
Theorem R = R 2 + R 2
x y
4) Determine the angle with the
equation  = tan-1 Ry/Rx.
Finding the direction of a vector sum by looking at the individual components
1.9 Unit vectors
• A unit vector is a vector that has a magnitude of 1, with
no units. Its only purpose is to point, or describe a
direction in space.
• Unit vector is denoted by “^” symbol.
• For example:
– ^i represents a unit vector that points in the direction
of the + x-axis
– ^
j unit vector points in the + y-axis
– ^
k unit vector points in the + z-axis y
j ^
k x
• Any vector can be represented in terms of
unit vectors, i, j, k

Vector A has components:

Ax, Ay, Az

A = Axi + Ayj + Azk

▪In two dimensions:

A = Axi + Ayj
Magnitude and direction of the
▪In two dimensions:
The magnitude of the vector is
|A| = √Ax2 + Ay2

The direction of the vector is

θ = tan-1(Ay/Ax)

▪In three dimensions:

The magnitude of the vector is
|A| = √Ax2 + Ay2 + Az2
Adding Vectors By Component
using unit vector representation
Where a = axi + ayj & b = bxi + byj
s = (ax + bx)i + (ay + by)j
s x = a x + b x; s y = a y + b y
s = sxi + syj
s2 = sx2 + sy2
tanf = sy / sx
Example 1.9
Given the two displacement
D =(6 ^
i + 3^
j -^
k) m E =(4i - 5 j + 8 ^
^ k) m

• Find the magnitude of the displacement

2D - E
=(8 ^
i + 11 ^
j - 10 ^
k) m
2D - E
• Its magnitude = (√ 82 + 112 + 102 ) m = 17 m
1.10 Products of Vectors
1. A scalar Product
 
C = A • B = A B cos f
C = AxBx + AyBy + AzBz

• Scalar product or dot product, yields a result that is

a scalar quantity.
• Example: work W = F • d the Result is a scalar with
magnitude and no direction.
• Scalar product is commutative:
          
A• B = B • A C • ( A + B) = C • A + C • B
• Scalar product of same vectors:

A∙A = |A||A|cos0o = |A|2 A


• Scalar product of opposite vectors:

A∙(-A) = |A||A|cos180o = -|A|2 A

Application of scalar product
• When a constant force F is applied to a body that
undergoes a displacement d, the work done by the force
is given by
W = F∙d
The work done by the force is
• positive if the angle between F and d is between 0 and
90o (example: lifting weight)
• Negative if the angle between F and d is between 90o
and 180o (example: stop a moving car)
Calculating the scalar product
using components
Parallel unit vectors perpendicular unit vectors

i∙i=1 i∙j=j∙i=0
j∙j=1 j∙k=k∙j=0
k∙k=1 i∙k=k∙i=0

C = A  B = Ax B x + Ay B y + Az B z
Finding the angles with the scalar product
• Find the dot product and the angle between the
two vectors
A · B = |A||B|cosθ= AxBx + AyBy + AzBz

|A| = √Ax2 + Ay2 + Az2

|B| = √Bx2 + By2 + Bz2

 
A B Ax B x + Ay B y + Az B z
cos  = =
A B ( A 2 + A 2 + A 2 )( B 2 + B 2 + B 2 )
x y z x y z

If cosθ is negative, θ is between 90o and 180o

A = 3i + 7k
B = -i + 2j + k
A∙B = ?
Example 1.11
• Find the angel between the two vectors:
A = 2i + 3j + k and B = -4i + 2j - k
The vector product
Termed the “cross product.” Result is a vector
with magnitude and a direction perpendicular to
the plane established by the other two vectors.
Direction is determined by Right Hand Rule
Place the vector tail to tail, they
define the plane
A x B is perpendicular to the plane
containing the vectors A and B.

Right-hand rule: we follow the

direction of the fingers to go from the
A to B, then the thumb points in the
direction of A x B


Magnitude of C = A  B
C = AB sin  (magnitude)
Where θ is the angle from A toward B, and θ is

the smaller of the two possible angles.
Since 0 ≤ θ ≤ 180o, 0 ≤ sinθ ≤ 1, |A x B| is
B never negative.

Note when A and B are in the same direction or in the

opposite direction, sinθ = 0;
The vector product of two parallel or anti-parallel
vectors is always zero.
Vector product vs. scalar product
• Vector product:
– A x B = ABsinθ (magnitude)
– Direction: right-hand rule-perpendicular to the A, B

• Scalar product:
– A∙B = ABcosθ (magnitude)
– It has no direction.

• When A and B are parallel • When A and B are

– AxB is zero perpendicular to each other
– A∙B is maximum – AxB is maximum
– A∙B is zero

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