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3/26/2019 Guide to the Core Worlds - MES IE - Google Docs

*v.1 (updated 11/7/2017)

MES Space the Infinite Edge

Space: the Infinite Edge 

Guide to the Core Worlds
This document is a primer for the Core Worlds, the oldest settlements of humanity in the Space: the
Infinite Edge (IE) galaxy. It gives information on planet descriptions, including geography, cultures,
governance, primary industries, etc. The intent is to provide consistency for player character backgrounds
for those who originated in the Core Worlds.
The following sections are contained within this Guide:
★ Core Worlds Composition:
➞ The Lymurian System
➞ The Myun System
➞ The Atlantean System
★ Factions of the Core:
➞ The Empyreal Protectorate
➞ The Empyreal Defense Force
➞ The MegaCorps
➞ The Elite Houses

Core Worlds Composition

The Lymurian System
Helion: The star of the Lymurian System is average-sized, yellow in color, and roughly 4.7 billion years old.
The following are listed in order of their proximity to Helion:

★ Geography: With a dense atmosphere of sulphur dioxide and chlorine, Rapture is uninhabitable. The
surface fluctuates between hardened rock formations and rivers of molten rock.
★ Planetary Industries: While no planetary industries exist on the surface, Rapture is orbited by a single
moon of the same name. Both the Cheiron Group and Paragon Consolidated once used the moon as a
staging area and the planet’s surface for medical research, viral experimentation, weapons testing, and
waste disposal. The planet fell out of usage once the colonies in the Expanse became fully established.
★ Planetary Culture: None
➞ Ruling Dynasty: None, under Empyreal Protectorate jurisdiction.
➞ Aristocracy: None
➞ Customs: None
★ MegaCorp Influence: Cheiron Group (Past), Paragon Consolidated (Past)
★ Other Notes: None 1/19
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★ Geography: Roughly 9500 kilometers in diameter, Empyrean is covered in jungles and oceans,
completing its orbit around Helion once every 325 days. It rotates on its axis every 22 hours and has an
average temperature of 32 degrees C. Empyrean is home to mega cities, each of which can span a
hundred miles across, and in some cases, several miles up. In this regard, Empyrean is the heart of the
Lymurian System and the political center of the Core. Empyrean’s capital includes the Chancellor’s
Estate, the Unicameral Parliament, and the Civic Control Agency (CCA). All of the MegaCorps have a
visible presence on the planet, which consists of roughly 8 billion people.
★ Planetary Industries: All of the MegaCorps use the planet in some fashion, but none are allowed to
conduct operations there as Empyrean is considered neutral territory.
★ Planetary Culture: The native Empyreans are an extremely patriotic people, raised from birth to take
pride in not only Empyrean, but also the Core itself. The locals are required to spend at least eight years
of their life in the Empyreal Defense Force, in service to one of the Dynasties, or as an employee to one
of the MegaCorps. These acts of service are a point of pride and those who fail to take part are often
viewed with suspicion and scorn. The Empyreans also host a holiday once every twenty days, which
include planet-wide celebrations, various games, and public executions.
➞ Ruling Dynasty: The Nebzim Dynasty
➞ Aristocracy: The Aristocratic Families sworn to the Nebzim share their intense sense of pride.
They take pride in how they dress, how they act, the gifts they give, etc. Additionally, none of them
ever say they are sorry for anything. They develop unique talents in conveying their regret without
ever apologizing with words.
➞ Customs:
■ At the age of 7, all children on Empyrean undergo their Placement Test. This test is a week
long series of assessments that determine their skill set and influence aptitudes so their
talents can be best used by Empyrean Society.
■ Gift giving is considered an art on Empyrean. Even the poorest and/or least creative on the
planet is expected to make some gesture in situations of welcome, gratitude, apologies, and
★ MegaCorp Influence: Cheiron Group, Spectre Technologies, Paragon Consolidated, Om Consolidated,
Quantum Industries
★ Other Notes: Empyrean is orbited by the ENC, or Empyreal Navy Command, which is used as the main
headquarters for Fleet Operations (ENFO).

★ Geography: The original settlement and former capital, Lymuria serves as the breadbasket for the
entire system. Overseen by the Rhys Dynasty, Lymuria’s climate is strictly regulated, allowing for
industrialized farming on a massive scale. Roughly 25,000 km in diameter, Lymuria consists of ten
large continents. It orbits Helion once every 365 days, and rotates on its axis once every 24 hours.
★ Planetary Industries: Sixty percent of the planet is devoted to farming and agriculture, aided in no
small measure by the Cheiron Group, Quantum Industries, and OmCon.
★ Planetary Culture: Given the diverse interests, Lymuria is home to several dozen colonies, each of
which attracts a particular cultural and/or ethnic population. While slightly more liberal than their
Empyrean counterparts, the Lymurians claim to be the stewards of the Original World, and take pride
in their governing of it.
➞ Ruling Dynasty: The Rhys Dynasty
➞ Aristocracy: Families sworn to the Rhys typically have a certain collective talent in the arts
or sciences. They tend to favor those families who focus on single specialization like the
genetic modification of crops seeds, playing the hydraulophone, masters of biosculpture, or
engineering marvels. The more specialized the family, the more likely the Rhys reach out to
them when a need arises. 2/19
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➞ Customs:
■ Most of the festivals of Lymuria are based around agricultural planting and harvests
for particular crops grown in certain colonies. For example, cherry, wine, and apple
festivals, corn boils, squash tossing, etc.
■ Wine tasting isn't just a hobby, it's a daily way of life for those living on Lymuria. Every
colony on every continent produces multiple competing blends in hopes of being
awarded the prestigious title "Wine of the Year".
★ MegaCorp Influence: Cheiron Group, Om Consolidated, Quantum Industries
★ Other Notes: Lymuria's planet wide harvest festival lasts for a full week. Society's Elite arrive from all
over the Core to sample the newest and trendiest of gastronomic arts.

★ Geography: A hydrogen-helium gas giant, Elysia is home to forty-six moons. Of these, nineteen are
habitable and completely terraformed by both Empyreal and private organizations. The largest and most
important of these is Vangr.
➞ Vangr: A rocky moon overseen by the Brae Dynasty. Roughly 5100 km in diameter. Vangr houses
the Empyreal shipyards.
➞ Planetary Industries: While private groups have their presence, most of the moons of Elysia are
used by Paragon Consolidated and Om Consolidated for industrial purposes to support the Core.
Whether for manufacturing or refinement, water, iron, silicon, magnesium and other rare elements
mined outside the Core are brought here. Armies of synthetic workers prep materials for use in
starship manufacturing.
★ Planetary Culture: The private moons have their own individual customs. Those that fall under the Brae
Dynasty, such as Vangr, exist in a perpetual police state. The laws on Vangr are numerous--consisting of
fifty-one individual volumes--and all citizens of Vangr are required to familiarize themselves fully with
each. Each can tell you the punishment associated with any crime, ranging from petty theft to murder.
Citizens are also required to notify the ever-present and fully-armed authorities of transgressions. Justice
is enacted both swiftly and without mercy. The entire moon is monitored. Private security on Vangr is
quick to respond to even the slightest anomaly.
➞ Ruling Dynasty: The Brae Dynasty
➞ Aristocracy: Houses sworn in fealty to the Brae are usually involved in military service but not
always. Lesser families who have shown unwavering loyalty in the face of overwhelming odds are
also highly regarded.
➞ Customs:
■ A desire for privacy is considered incredibly suspicious and sometimes rude on Vangr. No
one wears clothing with pockets (visible at least) and when strangers, professional contacts,
or personal acquaintances meet they give each other gregarious hugs instead of
■ While children have access to competitive sports and other extracurriculars, none are more
compelling than the competitive Law Recitation and Debate Teams.
★ MegaCorp Influence: Paragon Consolidated, Om Consolidated
★ Other Notes: Elysia’s forty-sixth moon is largely ignored, given its relative size and subzero temperature.
However the moon is rumored house the command center for the Special Warfare division (EASW),
which uses the harsh conditions of the planetoid for intensive combat training.

★ Geography: A hydrogen-helium gas giant, Nirvana is surrounded by several thin rings of debris and
twenty-two moons. Of these, thirteen are habitable and fully terraformed. Similar to Elysia, the moons of
Nirvana are home to various factions, organizations, and interests. Of these, the two most important are
Nysa and Eden. 3/19
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➞ Nysa: An icy moon with a diameter of 3300 km controlled by the Singh Dynasty. The moon’s
primary feature are the ancient spires; inverted conical megastructures dotting the landscape that
breach the icy crust of the moon and provide access to its’ oceans.
➞ Eden: A terraforming showcase moon controlled by the Vant dynasty
★ Planetary Industries: Most of the moons of Nirvana are used by the Cheiron Group, Paragon
Consolidated, Om Consolidated, and Quantum Industries. Typically, the Cheiron Group and Paragon
Consolidated use the moons for research and development, while OmCon and Quantum Industries have
constructed numerous depositories.
★ Planetary Culture: Included with the individual moon-based cultures, all of Nirvana has developed a
heightened state of democracy. Citizens are required to vote on every legislative agenda item, every
major polling request, and for every elected official. The governments of these thirteen moons are so
interwoven that they resulted in continuous election cycles, with near constant political governance and
demanding absolute participation on the part of the electorate.
➞ Ruling Dynasty: The Singh and Vant Dynasties, which has caused no small amount of conflict
between the two.
➞ Aristocracy:
■ Singh: Family's sworn to the Singh tend to be political in nature. The come in the form of two
extremes: Highly charismatic or unfailingly discreet. Some have a talent for networking,
campaigning, glad handing, and spin whereas others have a knack for calm resolve and an
unreadable poker face during the worst of political storms.
■ Vant: Like the Vant themselves, families in fealty are also matrilineal and matriarchal. They
maintain high personal standards and are aggressive in their public relation endeavors to
maintain the reputation of the Vant and themselves.
➞ Customs:
■ Assisted by Cheiron Group, citizens of the Nirvana moons have tiny biotech implants on the
tips of their index and middle fingers on their non-dominant hand that allow them to vote with
a verified identity from anywhere. Many have taken to elaborately decorating these two
fingers with tattoos or jewelry as an expression of their personal interests and/or political
■ Activism is part of everyday life. One is unlikely to find a citizen of the Nirvana moons who
doesn't have a personal cause.
★ MegaCorp Influence: Cheiron Group, Paragon Consolidated, Om Consolidated, Quantum Industries
★ Other Notes: The moons of Nirvana and the numerous depositories on them act as survival storage for
the Core. If a planet suffers a natural disaster or similar catastrophe, these resources are transported to
the affected planet to assist in rebuilding.

★ Geography: A methane-ammonia ice giant, Avalon is circled by a single moon, which in turn is home to
the Citadel.
➞ Citadel: As the largest military base in the Core, new recruits from across the system are
stationed on the Citadel there for at least six months as they undergo basic training.
★ Planetary Industries: All of the MegaCorps have a presence at the Citadel as they fill a variety or roles
to supply the effort.
★ Planetary Culture: All culture revolves around the Citadel and the military customs of the Empyreal
Defense Force.
➞ Ruling Dynasty: None
➞ Aristocracy: None
➞ Customs: All customs of the Citadel adhere to the Code of Conduct instituted by the Empyreal
Defense Force.
★ MegaCorp Influence: Cheiron Group, Paragon Consolidated
★ Other Notes: None 4/19
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The Stygian Gate: The Lymurian System Stygian Gate is in the outskirts of the system.

The Myun System

Spectre: The red dwarf star of the Myun System. It is roughly 13.1 billion years old.
The following are listed in order of their proximity to Spectre;

The Ossuary: Large asteroid belt encircling Spectre. It acts as a barrier shield from strong solar winds.

The Stygian Gate: The Myun System Stygian Gate is between the Ossuary and Myu.

★ Geography: The terrestrial planet includes a thin atmosphere and some vegetation, both of which have
expanded and strengthened after centuries of perfected terraforming. The equatorial surface temperature
hovers around 5 degrees celsius (~40 fahrenheit) in the day and drops to freezing in the evening hours. Snow
regularly falls on the planet and Spectre’s luminescence bathes everything in a faint red light during the day.
Five large continents host fields of bio-engineered coniferous trees, and massive biospheres protect the 2
billion inhabitants. Myu currently stands as the scientific center of the Core.
★ Planetary Industries: Both Cheiron Group and Spectre Technologies maintain token research labs
dedicated to Protectorate contracts in their home system. Otherwise, Myu is the center of scientific
research for the Core and the whole of the Protectorate.
★ Planetary Culture: The northern hemisphere is governed by the Ethon Dynasty and puts a great deal of
value in family and community. Team-based athletics and nature scouting are popular hobbies. Those
living in the southern hemisphere are governed by the Kybin, and also highly value family, but with a
focus on competition and personal excellence. The two hemispheres come together in bi-yearly
competitive games, which are widely covered throughout the Core.
➞ Ruling Dynasty: The Ethon and Kybin Dynasties
➞ Aristocracy:
■ Ethon: The families of Ethon believe in the tenet that their word is their bond much like the
Ethon themselves. These families also usually come from military backgrounds. They tend
to be more progressive when it comes to the Supernatural Suppression Act even though
they can't or won't publicly admit it.
■ Kybin: Much like their patron dynasty, the families of Kybin believe in the tenet that the end
justifies. While families can have military backgrounds, the Kybin value peak physical
conditioning rather than service. They will root out Supernaturals for sport, and take
particular glee when the Ethon suffer for it.
➞ Customs:
■ Hunting is a social practice that is as common on Myu as a dinner party is on Lymuria. Om
Consolidated has profited immensely from this custom by having to recalibrate ecosystems
within the biospheres.
■ Tattoos are a controversial subject on Myu. Because tattoos are often used as symbols for
achievements, values, and personal stories some believe the worship of tattoos or the status
provided by the common language of them borders on a form of religion.
★ MegaCorp Influence: Cheiron Group, Om Consolidated, Quantum Industries, Spectre Technologies
★ Other Notes: Myu is home to a major Cheiron facility, which includes the largest medical school in the
system. 5/19
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★ Geography: A Jovian-sized gas giant with a standard hydrogen-helium atmosphere. Traces of methane
give the planet its distinct cobalt blue tint. Eulogy is orbited by Epitaph and Citadel Station Fortitude.
➞ Epitaph: A habitable moon operated by the Xin Dynasty
➞ Citadel Station Fortitude: A large space station that functions as the primary military facility for
the entire system.
★ Planetary Industries: Much like Myu, Epitaph is dedicated to research and education. Where Myu is
lauded as the center of learning for hard sciences, Epitaph’s educational system focuses on engineering.
★ Planetary Culture: Epitaph is a proverbial utopia and rumored to be a highly competitive society. Training
exercises are often launched from Citadel Station Fortitude to be conducted on Epitaph.
➞ Ruling Dynasty: The Xin Dynasty
➞ Aristocracy: The families sworn to Xin are ruthless profiteers. They have no issue making a buck
off another person's back. They also tend to be highly skilled in the areas of finance and
➞ Customs: The population of Epitaph is very small. Given the secrecy of the planet, not much is
known about its inhabitants customs. That said, it is rumored that the populace does practice
cultural scarification.
★ MegaCorp Influence: Cheiron Group, Paragon Consolidated, Quantum Industries, Spectre Technologies
★ Other Notes: Travel to Epitaph is extremely difficult and usually takes a permit issued by the Empyrean
Government or clearance obtained through Cheiron Group.

The Atlantean System

Diadem: The white star of the Atlantean System roughly 5.1 billion years old.
The following are listed in order of their proximity to Diadem;

★ Geography: Originally named Atlantis, Resurgence was the first colonized planet in the system and
functions as the economic center of the Core. It is a tidally-locked planet, with one side perpetually facing
Diadem and the other side shrouded in continual darkness. Because the Eastern pole reaches
temperatures of 180 C and the Western pole reaches temperatures of minus 300 C, most of the colonies
exist along the prime meridian where the population enjoys stable temperatures and constant light.
➞ Eidolon: Resurgence enjoys a single moon, Eidolon, which is fully colonized. It serves as the
gateway to the Core Worlds, operating as a major transit hub. Those without Empyreal Core
Citizenship journey to Eidolon to acquire visas. Eidolon is currently overseen by the Stahl
Preeminent House.
★ Planetary Industries: All of the MegaCorps have their corporate headquarters on Resurgence as
mandated by the Protectorate. The planet also is the only planet in the Core allowed to import goods from
the Expanse, as such it is a popular destination for shopping and has numerous markets to accommodate
demand. Otherwise, Resurgence is home to 3 billion people, ninety percent of which live along the prime
★ Planetary Culture: All citizens of Resurgence are coupled, at birth, with an AI that assists them in
day-to-day activities. Most are educated in computer software and design and are able to man private
drones at as early an age as 10 years old. The lives of Resurgence citizens are so automated that many
rarely leave their homes, choosing instead of enlist VR clones, AI couriers, and robotic assistants.
➞ Ruling Dynasty: The Ja'dym, Phasm, Lok and Stahl Preeminent Houses
➞ Aristocracy: Before the Thurisaz invasion of the Atlantean System, the Alanys Sovereign Dynasty
ruled Atlantis. The Alanys were known to be advocates for art and beauty. The Dynasty was
destroyed in the ensuing events of the war; rumors of survivors lingered after the war, but none 6/19
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were substantiated and the Dynasty is considered lost by the Protectorate and serves as a
warning of the dangers of the Thurisaz. In the stead of a Sovereign Dynasty, a group of
Preeminent Houses rules the planet. They are:
■ Stahl: The families of the Stahl believe in living their lives through contracts. Be it in their
personal lives or in business, everything is conducted via official arrangements, signed and
overseen by an official family representative. Most of these families focus their attention on
one particular field of industry often tied to general maintenance of Resurgence and its role
as the central hub for the Core.
■ Ja’Dym: The families of the Ja’Dym abhor the mundane and the tedious. They push at the
boundaries of conventional thinking, open doors to innovation, and reach for outside-the-box
solutions. The Ja’Dym’s Drone Program grew out of this desire to discover new solutions,
though they do not deny the advantage this gives them in maintaining their supremacy.
■ Phasm: The families of the Phasm rarely carry the virus that plagues their fealty House.
Instead, some have invested themselves in the medical industry with hopes to find a cure for
the Phasm and, in so doing, elevate their own position. This has created a competitive
healthcare market within the Phasm aristocracy.
■ Lok: The families of the Lok are also invested in the banking industry with each serving as
both a familial and literal subsidiary. These families function in a similar fashion to a
corporation with the acquisition of bonds, commodities, and monies as the only show of
personal value. To the Lok, the only things that matter are wealth in assets and good debt
versus bad debt.
➞ Customs:
■ Eidolon is largely considered separate from Resurgence, functioning above “the fray below.”
A more affluent people, the population of Eidolon live and die by contracts, existing in a
perpetual state of agreements, arrangements, and bureaucracy. Contracts are everywhere,
from purchasing an ID to going on a first date. Not surprisingly, the most common
occupations on Eidolon are notaries (legal) and forgers (illegal).
■ The fashion of Eidolon is unofficially determined by the Stahl. If a Stahl luminary wears a
charcoal suit, expect that style to trend for at least several weeks, or at least until the next
prominent Stahl catches the public's eye.
■ By contrast, Resurgence is a chaotic maze of competing styles and interests, as determined
by the three competing Preeminent Houses on the planet. One common thread, however,
are the AIs that are coupled with the people of Resurgence at birth. Each AI is often viewed
as a best friend, with their own particular style, preference, and perspective. Despite some
public protests, AI are still considered property.
■ Given the Ja’Dym drones up above and the Phasm virus, many citizens of Resurgence hide
their appearance in public. Most wear masks, and all wear gloves outside of the home.
Showing too much skin in public is considered extremely taboo.
■ Given the technological innovation of the three Preeminent Houses, almost everyone on
Resurgence not only knows how to write code, but also often speaks in it. This has created
a slang shorthand that is very difficult for outsiders to translate.
★ MegaCorp Influence: Cheiron Group, SpectreTech, ParaCon, OmCon, Quantum Industries.
★ Other Notes: Resurgence is home to the main headquarters of each MegaCorp. However, Spectre
Technologies holds agreements with the other MegaCorps that allows them to determine certain
parameters for how the other MegaCorps will conduct business. This has resulted in a great deal of
corporate espionage, causing some to call Resurgence the most corrupt planet in the Core.

★ Geography: Once a lifeless rock, Oasis has been fully terraformed and colonized. Originally, a speculative
risk to the Deva Dynasty, the planet has paid dividends a hundred times over. Idyllic environments ranging
from city-size tropical resorts to mountain ski lodges have been created to serve as artist colonies, film
locations, and vacation destinations. Oasis is a planet meant to inspire. 7/19
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➞ StarNet: This artificial moon is home to the Media Board and the galaxy's communications array.
The Media Board oversees all StarNet communications, censoring any media that poses a threat
to the Protectorate, the MegaCorps, or the Elite. Unsurprisingly, Spectre Technologies has its own
biosphere on the moon which they use to monitor, assist, and repair StarNet.
★ Planetary Industries: With an economy supported mostly by the idle rich, art and culture has flourished.
This has resulted in the planet becoming the entertainment and media center of the Core.
★ Planetary Culture: Every major vid company and news organization has a role to play on Oasis. Citizens
are constantly filming each other, selling their lives a piece at a time. Some have even gone so far as to
sell their personal and intellectual property. This ranges from allowing parts of their body to be used for
advertising to allowing actors to use their physical likeness on a screen. For all of Oasis' luxuriousness,
this society has a dark side. Life is cheap on Oasis. People sell their bodies early on for eventual organ
harvest by the rich and famous. Personal identity and property matters little to someone who is trying to
make it. Oasis has the largest economic disparity of any planet in the Core even if the Deva Dynasty has
taken great pains to hide it.
➞ Ruling Dynasty: The Deva Dynasty
➞ Aristocracy: The families sworn to Deva are all, in some shape or form, tied to the entertainment
industry that dominates the planet. Some function in the open, operating media outlets, vid shows,
and catering services. Others maintain the more seedy aspects of Oasis, serving the black market
drug, body alteration, and skin trade. All are allowed to function unimpeded so long as the Deva
get their cut.
➞ Customs:
■ "Nose job" is the accepted slang for all cosmetic surgery and body modification procedures.
■ There is a black market on Oasis built solely on matters of privacy. While services like
identity scrubbers, camera extraction, and intellectual property protection are available, so
too are the entry codes for a chain of rare "Speakeasies" - camera free clubs. These codes
are highly sought after and have become their own form of currency.
■ It is more socially acceptable on Oasis to name a child after a celebrity than it is a beloved
family member.
★ MegaCorp Influence: Cheiron Group, Spectre Technologie.
★ Other Notes: Cheiron Group runs a number of elite cosmetic surgery centers. Every five years, Oasis
hosts The Art Expo, which is like a World's Fair for the artistic community.

★ Geography: A hydrogen-methane ice giant, Chimera’s relatively small mass is orbited by three rings of
rock and ice. However, Chimera’s gravity well is extremely strong, making it impossible to terraform.
★ Planetary Industries: N/A
★ Planetary Culture: N/A
➞ Ruling Dynasty: N/A
★ MegaCorp Influence: None
★ Other Notes: None

★ Geography: A purple hydrogen-helium gas giant, the planetoid has a curious orbit around Diadem, due
mostly to the strong gravitational forces from neighboring Chimera.
➞ Citadel Station Valor: Orbiting Mirage is Citadel Station Valor which functions as the primary
military station for the system. Valor is chiefly responsible for monitoring activity in and out of the
Stygian Gate, which also orbits Mirage.
➞ The Stygian Gate: The Atlantean System Stygian Gate orbits Mirage on the outskirts of the
★ Planetary Industries: All of the MegaCorps have offices at Valor to handle relations with the EDF.
★ Planetary Culture: Military culture of the Empyreal Defense Force 8/19
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➞ Ruling Dynasty: None

➞ Aristocracy: None
➞ Customs: All customs of Citadel Station Valor adhere to the Code of Conduct instituted by the
Empyreal Defense Force.
★ MegaCorp Influence: Om Consolidated, Paragon Consolidated
★ Other Notes: None

The Stygian Gate: The Atlantean System Stygian Gate orbits Mirage on the outskirts of the system.

Factions of the Core

The Empyreal Protectorate
The Empyreal Protectorate is the supreme governing authority in the Core. The government body
consists of a unicameral parliament, a Chancellor as the chief executive, and a weak judiciary. The reach
of the Protectorate wanes beyond the Core, but its authority is absolute therein.
★ The Empyreal Parliament appoints its own representatives, referred to as a Consul. These
Consuls are always chosen from the ranks of the Elite.
★ Parliament elects the Chancellor from the ranks of the Parliamentary Representatives to a five
year term. The Chancellor may be re-elected twice.
★ The Civic Control Agency (CCA) is a civilian organization that gathers and analyzes intelligence
information in pursuit of national security. The CCA has investigative jurisdiction and acts without
the need for judicial review.
★ The Media Board oversees all StarNet communications (or so it wants you to believe), censoring
any media that is critical of the Protectorate, the MegaCorps or the Elite.

The Empyreal Defense Force

The Empyreal Defense Force (EDF) is the military body of the Protectorate. It consists of two branches,
the Empyreal Army and the Empyreal Navy. Both branches rely on basic training to transform citizens to
military personnel; approximately thirty percent of the population of the Core Worlds join the EDF (this
percentage does not include recruits that come from the Expanse and Verge). Once the transition is
complete, these men and women adhere to a rigid structure and execute the will of the Protectorate
across the galaxy.

Entry Training
Every member of the EDF undergoes an intense training regimen from the minute they step on the
Citadel. Aptitude testing, along with education and a number of other factors, informs the recruit’s training
path. Performance during various phases of training (and, in some cases a family name), informs initial
Enlisted: Enlisted personnel undergo ten full weeks of basic combat training, specific to their branch.
They are familiarized with customs, courtesies, tactics, and basic military law during this time. Once they
have completed basic training, they go to their advanced training for their technical skill. The advanced
training lasts anywhere from four weeks for basic administrative personnel to a year for more specialized
skills such as starship engine technician and AI techs.
Officer Candidate School: The path to becoming an Officer within the EDF begins before the individual
steps on the Citadel. Many private and state-run schools serve as preparatory institutions, though other
colleges have Officer training programs. The initial training for these Officers on the Citadel is twelve 9/19
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weeks and follows a similar training regimen as the Enlisted path with a focus on leadership. Once the
basic officer training is completed, these men and women go on to another eight weeks of training to
prepare them to oversee a specific function of their branch (see specialty divisions below). Post
graduation, officers are given assignments - Elites tend to get the select positions out of this initial phase.

Military Divisions and Personnel Ranks

The EDF is divided into two functional areas; the Army handles everything that happens on the ground
and the Navy handles everything outside of that area. The military follows a strict hierarchy, exercising the
authority the Protectorate has invested in them.Through collective action enacted by a strict command
structure and discipline, the EDF enacts the Protectorate’s will wherever it is found.
The Empyreal Army The Empyreal Navy
Contains the following specialty divisions: Contains the following specialty divisions:
➞ Ground Operations (EAGO) ➞ Fleet Operations (ENFO)
➞ Military Police (EDFMP) ➞ Research and Development (ENRD)
➞ Special Warfare (EASW) ➞ Scientific Exploration Division (SED)
The entirety of the EDF utilizes a standardized system of personnel rank, as follows:
Enlisted Ranks: Officer Corps Ranks:
➞ Recruit, RCT ➞ Ensign, ENS
➞ Trooper, TRP ➞ Lieutenant Junior Grade, LTJG
➞ Trooper First Class, TFC ➞ Lieutenant, LT
➞ Petty Officer, Third Class, PO3 ➞ Lieutenant Commander, LCDR
➞ Petty Officer, Second Class, PO2 ➞ Commander, CDR
➞ Petty Officer, First Class, PO1 ➞ Captain, CAPT
➞ Chief Petty Officer, CPO ➞ Rear Admiral Lower Half, RDML
➞ Senior Chief Petty Officer, SCPO ➞ Rear Admiral, RADM
➞ Master Chief Petty Officer, MCPO ➞ Vice Admiral, VADM
➞ Command Chief Petty Officer, CCPO ➞ Admiral, ADM
➞ Fleet Chief Petty Officer, FCPO ➞ Fleet Admiral, FAD

Military Culture and Traditions

The military establishment has millennia of experience behind it. Though organizations, such as the
EFMC and other more archaic organizations have come and gone, many of the cultures and traditions
remain. The shared experiences passed down over time have built the military into an organization with a
rich culture and traditions, some of the more common elements follow.
Training: The first experience most recruits share is with training. Every member and former member can
recall several stories from the experience and these stories serve as a bonding experience. Officers
likewise share this bond beyond the ears of Enlisted, but given their training is more collegiate, these
experiences tend to be less traumatic (and, therefore, memorable).
Drill and Ceremony (DNC): Every member of the EDF knows ranks, basic formations, and courtesies
(such as saluting, standing with their hands behind their back when speaking to a better, or standing at
attention when speaking to a senior officer). If nothing else, a rigid posture is generally developed during
initial training.
Tours of Duty and War Stories: Military members remembers each assignment, their superiors, and one
or two events that occur therein. These stories serve to strengthen the bond between members and serve
as a sort of bonafides for their service. Of course, everyone recognizes an easy assignment (such as
those given to Elites on their initial assignment) and the more difficult or isolated ones.
Preparation and Practicality: Every action undertaken by the EDF is accompanied by a planning
document. Troops learn early to put basic documents together for their various missions, execute, and
provide after action reports. No plan survives first contact and to accomplish tasks, military members can
be particularly resourceful when needed to save face. 10/19
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The Old Expeditionary Force and EFMC

The Expeditionary Fleet (EF) was formed in SY 25 by the first government of the ancient colonies to conduct
scientific research and exploration of the galaxy. The EF Marine Corps (EFMC) was formed at the same time as a
military wing of the organization and fought countless horrors to protect their scientific brethren and protect their
colonies. Both organizations have a rich history detailed in the Chronicle Timeline; their functions were absorbed
into the EDF with the passage of the Supernatural Suppression Act, as both organizations were host to numerous
Supernaturals throughout their ranks.
The EF consisted of the following Divisions: EFMC Enlisted Ranks: EFMC Officer Ranks:
★ Fleet Operations ➞ Private, Pvt ➞ Second Lieutenant
★ Research and Development ➞ Private First Class, PFC ➞ First Lieutenant
★ Scientific Exploration Division (SED) ➞ Lance Corporal, LCpl ➞ Captain
★ Marine Corps (and Sub-Divisions) ➞ Corporal, Cpl ➞ Major
➞ 1st Infantry Division (Sectors 1 - 6) ➞ Sergeant, Sgt ➞ Lieutenant Colonel
➞ 2nd Infantry Division (Sectors 7 - 12) ➞ Staff Sergeant, SSgt ➞ Colonel
➞ Armored Division ➞ Gunnery Sergeant, GySgt ➞ Brigadier General
➞ Cavalry Division ➞ Master Gunnery Sergeant, ➞ Major General
➞ Special Operations Division MGySgt ➞ Lieutenant General
➞ Sergeant Major ➞ General

The MegaCorps
The MegaCorps came to power over thousands of years as industrial sectors were privatized and
consolidated in the natural progression of a corrupt system. While the Protectorate is insulated by its hold
over the Core, the MegaCorps’ integration with the Sovereign Dynasties fosters their place through
favors, bribes, and contracts. Though their power in the Core is largely a token effort, politics and conflict
between these elements play out herein.

Cheiron Group
“Bringing humanity into the future.”
The Cheiron Group emerged on Myu in the aftermath of the Thurisaz war, embedding itself
in the reconstruction efforts. Cheiron scientists first cracked a Stygian navigational
computer, and used it to unlock transport between Stygian gates. In the years that followed,
Cheiron grew to specialize in medical and biotech, creating Synthetics, genetic mods, and
cybernetic plug-ins. In supernatural circles, they are generally believed to be behind the
creation of supernatural suppression technology, both reducing the likelihood of
supernaturals appearing in the Core, and making it more difficult for supernatural powers to
work on the Elites of the Core.
The Cheiron Group is currently headed by Arturo Kybin, prominent member of the Kybin Dynasty on Myu. He rose to
power before the Silent War, and is said to be nearly 200 years old while still appearing in the prime of his life. He
makes significant use of his own company’s technologies, including an early experimental sex change nanotech
treatment. He is a vocal pro-humanist, insisting that humanity should learn enough from supernaturals to gain their
advantages, and then leave them behind as relics of a bygone era.
The Cheiron group is a transhumanist organization, believing that the best way to advance humanity as a species is to
improve humans directly. Nearly all of their employees are modified in some way, either through direct genetic
manipulation (available only to the upper management born in the Core), or through nanotechnology and plug-ins.
Outside the Core, they are often involved in systems where they can maintain control of production facilities, and
where they can experiment with pushing the boundaries of human capabilities.
Systems where they are dominant often have the newest and greatest biotechnology outside of the Core, but they also
have a tendency to encourage the huddled masses to make their money selling their bodies for experimental research. 11/19
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OM Consolidated (OmCon)
“Making the best universe for mankind to grow.”
Om Consolidated was formed in 2300 with the merger of Myun Mining and Omega
Excavations. They are known as the preeminent designers of the terraforming system used
throughout the Protectorate. They are a mining and exploration consortium, and have
perfected many of the tools that are used for resource extraction in the Verge and Expanse.
The current leader of OmCon is Sydni Brae, a woman who’s known for her ruthlessness in
both her personal and business life. She achieved the position during the Silent War when
her brother, the former CEO, died during an attack on the Vangr shipyards. There are
persistent rumors that she was behind his death, but nothing has ever been proven. She stands firmly behind her
company’s expansionistic tendencies, and is known to hire and fire her subordinates based on their performance in
pushing the boundaries of the known systems.
OmCon’s philosophy is that the universe is a place of endless resource and prosperity, there for the taking. They are
often the first MegaCorp to invest in a system, exploiting the local area for resources before moving on, or selling the
resultant structures to other organizations. They work closely with the Merchant and Explorer Unions, and it isn’t at all
uncommon for ex-members of this corporation to be found in those unions. They are well known for their exploitive
rates when selling their terraforming technology to entities other than other corporations, causing many planets which
are founded on their technology to be deep in debt for decades or even centuries to come.
In systems where they are dominant, OmCon generally operates company towns (or even planets) where they are the
sole, or at least predominant, employer and source of money and supplies. In these locations, most of the
infrastructure is geared around extracting resources from the local system, or experimenting with new terraforming
techniques. They are often found collaborating with Quantum industries to study new ways to push into unknown

Paragon Consolidated (ParaCon)

“Keeping you safe in a dangerous universe.”
Paragon Consolidated (ParaCon) was formed in 2200, when Paragon Ltd purchased its
primary rival, Vangr Shipping; the same year they released the 3rd generation colony ship.
The combined corporation specialized in both weaponry and shipbuilding, and, in 4061,
they began mass producing their 5th generation personal spacecraft, the first to be
affordable outside of the very wealthy. In 2500, they also began producing their own Solar
Collection Units, seeking to challenge Quantum Industries’ Quants. The attempt to rebrand
the technology failed, but they continue to produce their own Quants, making them
Quantum Industries’ primary competitor in the field.
ParaCon tends to cycle through leadership quickly, preferring to keep a team of experienced executives who have
served some time as CEO on a board of directors, switching out as the needs of the business shift. The current head
of ParaCon is Jennii Rhys, who took the position in 4111. Under her leadership, ParaCon has focused on personal
craft defenses, marketed exclusively to the Core. Rumors coming out of the ParaCon R&D indicates that she has also
put a major focus on expanding travel speeds for large ships, including work on the problem of Faster Than Light (FTL)
ParaCon specializes in mastering the challenges presented by operating in space. While other corporations focus on
making planets habitable, ParaCon forges the path forward to allow humankind to travel between planets, and conquer
new lands once they get there. They work closely with the Merchant and Mercenary Unions, considering the
Mercenaries some of their best customers outside of planetary governments.
They are most dominant in systems where they can have a manufacturing base, usually placing major shipyards and
weapons factories in systems where they can have ready access to important resources, or the local governments 12/19
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have been willing to cede most of the local control to the Megacorp. They often run entire cities and space stations on
a planet, where nearly everyone works for the corporation, and leaving can often be a challenge.

Quantum Industries
“Taking on the Protectorate’s toughest energy challenges.”
Quantum Industries is said to have been formed by a group of disaffected OmCon
employees in 2400, who had unlocked the secret to the Solar Collection Units orbiting
several planets in the Myun and Atlantean Systems. Since then, they continue to specialize
in creating their own versions of the units, branded as “Quants”, which remain the standard
for massive solar power collection across the Protectorate. While best known for their
Quants, they are also infrastructure specialists, designing entire cities and planets with an
eye towards efficiency. They are often found partnering with OmCon on terraforming efforts
in new systems.
The CEO of Quantum Industries is traditionally a prominent member of the Singh Dynasty. It is currently Daron Singh,
who is second in line to run the Singh Dynasty. He became the CEO in 4082, succeeding his father when he took over
as head of the Singh properties. He is well known for his penchant to speak his mind, including when his opinions do
not match the political ideology of the day. He has several times publicly indicated that he misses the days when he
could employ supernaturals directly, much to the chagrin of his PR team.
Quantum Industries prides itself on its use of technology to make human life easier. They provide specialists in the
entire planet colonization process, from terraforming to Megacity. They cultivate close ties with planetary governments
and the Explorer Union, making their services available for costly but valuable consulting, design, and infrastructure
implementation. Most planetary governments in the Expanse have at least one Quantum Industry consultant on call,
and have some longstanding debt to the corporation.
In the places where Quantum Industries is dominant, it likes to have control of the planetary system from the ground
up. While not generally interested in how the local governments run their planets, or the affairs of ordinary citizens,
they do keep tight control of the technology used on the planet, preferring to lock everyone into their unified system.

Spectre Technologies (SpectreTech)

“Pushing the limits of the known.”
Spectre Technologies rose to prominence in 2200, when they announced that they had
found codes to new Stygian gates in nearby systems, in what would become the inner rim
of the Expanse. It’s suspected that the core team SpectreTech’s founders were a group of
Cheiron’s scientists who took corporate secrets and made a company out of them. Spectre
enjoys an uneasy close relationship with the Protectorate, as they have been alternatively
limited in coordinates they can sell, and required to sell coordinates that they have
hoarded. However, their early monopoly on coordinates allowed them to grow into a fully
fledged Megacorp, one that focuses on technology and computing. They are behind many technological advances,
including improvements to onboard ship computers, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, and their technology is
often found in the systems ultimately fielded by ParaCon.
The current leader of SpectreTech is Ardath Ja’dym, an androgynous individual who seems to have climbed to power
on force of personality alone. They took over leadership of the company in 4057, making their name almost instantly
by testifying to the dangers of supernaturals in the Stentorian Tribunal. They are well known for their political acumen,
managing to make a win for SpectreTech even when forced to sell many of the coordinates for Stygian Gates at a
significant loss, and they are often found providing a mediating influence between the great dynasties and the
SpectreTech believes in the power of technology to improve humanity. While not as fundamentally transhumanist as
Cheiron Group, they have a similar appreciation for the tremendous advancements that are possible when combining 13/19
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technology with human systems. Their products are ubiquitous, underlying much of the technology used by other
Megacorps, although most prefer not to admit it. They have a wide range of products, designed to make their
technology accessible for every stage and and type of colony.
They are often found with outposts in systems where other Megacorps are dominant, with a small research or
technology arm supporting them. However, they have invested heavily in a few systems of their own, where they
generally run research headquarters. They are often found in systems where there are major alien ruins, and they are
always happy to sponsor expeditions to study new ones, typically under a heavy non-disclosure agreement.

The Elite Houses

The Elite Houses are the de facto rulers of the Core, though they make up only ten percent of the
population. For thousands of years, these families guided the development of the various governments
that would eventually form the Protectorate, sat on the Boards of Directors for the MegaCorps, and
guided the EDF. They have developed and invested significant wealth in expansion and been richly
rewarded for their efforts. The Core is their seat of power, though their influence is felt throughout the
galaxy thanks to the power they have fostered for millennia.

The Sovereign Dynasties

The Dynastic Houses, also referred to as Sovereign Dynasties or Elite Houses, are the most powerful,
wealthy Upper Class families of the Core representing 1% of the Elite population. Of those, the Nebzim,
Rhys, Brae, Singh, Ethon, and Xin can trace their ancestry back to the founding of the Provisional
Colonial Government, though this is viewed with some skepticism given the Data Purge of 1606. New
Dynasties have since joined the original six, chosen from the Preeminent Houses that function one step
below the Elite Houses. Ultimately, the Dynastic Houses determine who is and is not Preeminent, and
who is or is not granted custody over a given industry or territory.
Each Dynastic House holds sway over a specific planet or planetary body within the Core. Their influence
has also spread to the Empyrean Government, the Empyreal Defense Force, and the MegaCorps. This
influence has allowed the Dynastic Houses to maintain their power in spite of the democratic nature of the
unicameral Parliament.
While each Dynastic House has its own culture, there are some privileges shared by all families who hold
this sought after status. Most notably, they are the only houses that have the privilege of using gold in
their representative crests. Additionally, there are numerous Elite-Only clubs and social events like
debutante and quadrille balls, certain spectator sports, cultural events, and only the elite of the elite are
allowed entrance into the incredibly exclusive Trillion Credit club.
Core Society etiquette teeters dangerously close to ritual practice and is often used as a gatekeeper's
means of recognizing who doesn't belong. From birth, the Elite are taught the ceremonies of the civilized
and any new comer or infiltration can be spotted as soon as they reach for the wrong fork. And it is
universally frowned upon to arrange partnerships or marriages between members of different Elite
Houses. Instead, a Dynasty will look to their own Aristocracy to find an ideal political, social, and genetic
match because they all agree that secrets must remain secret. Aristocratic and Sovereign houses follow
this same tradition, marrying within their dynasty, though they will often marry outside of the house.
The Sovereign Dynasties are denoted by the use of a gold border in their representative crests.

LS, Empyrean: The Nebzim Dynasty

The Nebzim are the largest and most powerful Dynasty in the Core, centering the bulk of
their influence on Empyrean. Through a progressive selection and breeding program, the
Nebzim have inserted themselves into every major Core world and MegaCorp, all bent on
one goal: the acquisition and holding of power. Nebzim are prideful by nature, and are often
assigned, by birth or marriage, a particular skill set or area of influence to dominate, adding 14/19
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to the collective pool of resources the family can call upon.The Nebzim have reached such a size that they often find
themselves involved in internal struggles, fighting more among themselves than they do outsiders. However, if the
Nebzim are provoked by rival Dynasties or interests, they do not hesitate to close ranks, putting aside their
differences in order to move their considerable influence against a common foe. When this happens, the Nebzim
always prevail, creating a seemingly impenetrable reputation.
Rumors of the Nebzim:
★ Many of the Nebzim are secretly mages.
★ The Nebzim Dynasty is guided by a small group of obsessive Earth Mystics who funnel the family's enormous
power and influence into the search for the planet.
★ The Nebzim have strong influence over the Empyreal Government, the Empyreal Defense Force, and all five
of the MegaCorps.

LS, Lymuria: The Rhys Dynasty

The Rhys govern Lymuria organizing and controlling the diverse interests that operate the
planet. In this regard, the Rhys are more concerned with safety and stability than with the
acquisition of power, choosing not to involve themselves with Dynastic disputes or rivalries
between MegaCorporations. The Rhys have cultivated a reputation for honesty and
impartiality, and are often called upon to act as neutral intermediaries when such
aforementioned disputes arise. Beyond that, the Rhys are academics by nature and proud
patrons of the arts and sciences.
Rumors of the Rhys:
★ The Rhys have strong influence over the Empyreal Government holding many political seats that they use to
bolster the holdings of Paragon Consolidated.
★ The Empyreal Government is the Arena for a shadow war between The Rhys and The Singh, though neither
Dynasty will admit to political conflict.
★ The Rhys have paid a substantial tribute to the Brae every 100 years since SY2400.
★ The Rhys secretly practice a form of Ascetic Religion.

LS, Elysia, Vangr: The Brae Dynasty

The Brae are the most fervent supporters of the Empyrean military and take great pride in
their stewardship over the shipyards of Vangr. Indeed, they believe themselves to be chiefly
responsible for the Core’s victories over the Thurisaz and adhere to the values of duty and
service. There is, however, a militancy to them, which has given rise to blind obedience to
the Dynasty and a certain level of ruthlessness when dealing with outsiders. Their fanaticism,
coupled with cunning and ferocity, make them dangerous opponents in every arena. Many
suspect that if the Nebzim Dynasty is ever to fall, it will be at the hands of the Brae.
Rumors of the Brae:
★ The Brae have strong influence over the Empyreal Defense Force through high ranking officers.
★ The Brae have been steadily moving to take Paragon Consolidated's majority seats from the Rhys ever since
Vangr Shipping was purchased.
★ The Brae control OmCon for the benefit of the Empyreal Defense Force.
★ After the Supernatural Suppression Act, the Brae collected all of their supernatural family members and
executed them during a private cleansing ceremony on Vangr. 15/19
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LS, Nirvana, Nysa: The Singh Dynasty

The Singh are generally pacifists, choosing to reconcile their differences through dialogue
and debate, rather than violence. This has translated into their unwavering support of
Democracy and the ideal that every citizen should have an informed opinion about their own
future. With no appetite for tangible power or military might, the Singh have developed a vast
network of spies and informants throughout the Core, making them the primary source for
information. They then sell this intelligence in exchange for their continued protection.
Rumors of the Singh:
★ The Singh have strong influence over the Empyreal Government holding many political seats.
★ The Empyreal Government is the Arena for a shadow war between The Rhys and The Singh though neither
Dynasty will admit to political conflict.
★ The Singh control the Quantum Industries Board.
★ Many of the Singh are secretly Vampires and support the rights of Supernaturals.

LS, Nirvana, Eden: The Vant Dynasty

An offshoot of the Singh Dynasty, the Vant first became a Preeminent House in 3010, tasked
with governing over the newly terraformed moon of Eden. They were eventually given full
Dynastic standing in 3209, though they continued to pay back favors to the other Sovereign
Dynasties for the next few centuries. This currently makes the Vant the youngest and
smallest Dynastic House. A matriarchal society, the Vant are a pragmatic House, and careful
students of risk-versus-reward scenarios. They tend to study a particular problem, find
consensus among their own, and only then act. Many of the older dynasties vie for their
alliance during disputes because of their ability to analyze strategies, weigh the probabilities,
and offer good counsel.
Rumors of the Vant:
★ The Vant have strong influence over the Cheiron Group, Om Consolidated, and Quantum Industries with
members of the family sitting on the MegaCorps' Boards
★ The Vant contend that the Singh are not the pacifists they claim to be.
★ The Vant rarely, if ever, publicly take a side in disputes between dynastic houses.
★ The Vant are split between atheists and a group secretly practicing a form of Monotheism that worships the
One True Goddess.

MS, Myu: The Ethon and Kybin Dynasties

While the Ethon can trace their ancestry back to the founding of the Provisional Colonial Government, during the Civil
War, a faction of the Ethon broke off, declaring themselves as the Kybin Preeminent House. This lead to a series of
internal struggles which abruptly ended with the Thurisaz invasion. After the Thurisaz War, the Kybin were given full
Dynastic status in 1799, and granted the southern half of Myu to govern as they see fit.

The Ethon
The Ethon are an honorable people, making their word (which includes their alliances and
social contracts) their bond. While the Ethon may omit certain details, they never lie, and
once committed, rarely surrender or back down. They, too, believe in military service with
ties to the Empyrean military second only to the Brae.
Rumors of the Ethon:
★ The Ethon have strong influence over the Empyreal Defense Force, Cheiron Group,
Om Consolidated, and Quantum Industries.
★ After the Supernatural Suppression Act, the Ethon publicly supported the measure, but privately assisted
many of their supernatural family members in the their exits from the Core. 16/19
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★ Many of the Ethon still within the Core are secretly Forsaken.
★ Many of the Ethon secretly practice a form of Animism.

The Kybin
By contrast, the Kybin believe in purity. Each is tasked with achieving peak physical and
mental perfection, which in turn has translated into a rather xenophobic society. They
believe in their own superiority over the other Dynasties and even more so over the
Supernaturals. Indeed, they were the chief architects of the Supernatural Suppression Act
and do not tolerate Supernatural sympathizers.
Rumors of the Kybin:
★ The Kybin have strong influence over the Cheiron Group and Om Consolidated.
★ The Kybin secretly aligned with the Brae to eliminate the Ethon.
★ Many of the Kybin secretly practice a form of religion based on transhumanism.
★ After the Supernatural Suppression Act, the Kybin quietly assassinated all of their supernatural family

MS, Eulogy, Epitaph: The Xin Dynasty

The Xin (pronounced SIN) are the second richest Dynasty in the Core, second only to the
Nebzim. This is due to their mastery over the banking sector, their talents in the art of
corporate warfare, and their profiteering during the days of the Thurisaz War. As such, the
Xin own substantial shares in all of the MegaCorps preferring to simply buy their way out of
problems. Nevertheless, the Xin remain the most influential Dynasty in the Myun System,
which in turn is coupled with their own avaricious and competitive nature.
Rumors of the Xin:
★ The Xin have strong influence over all five MegaCorps with members sitting on each of the MegaCorps'
Boards all with the goal of controlling the Empyreal Government through financial contributions to political
★ The Xin are only months away from a corporate takeover of Cheiron Group.
★ Many of the Xin are mages, living in secret.
★ The Xin assisted the Thurisaz during the Thurisaz war.

AS, Oasis: The Deva Dynasty

Given Dynastic status shortly after the Thurisaz war, the Deva are an eccentric House. The
wild and lavish nature of Oasis is a reflection of their stewardship. Deva have a hand in
every aspect of the entertainment capital of the Core. Disinterested in power beyond Oasis,
the Deva appear more concerned with hosting giant parties, impressing vid stars, and
scandalizing their enemies. Disorganized, degenerate, and of questionable sanity, each
Deva pursues their own particular pleasures, and so long as they pay the proper tithe to the
Dynasty, are allowed to get away with almost anything.
Rumors of the Deva:
★ The Deva have members sitting on the Boards of the Cheiron Group and Spectre Technologies.
★ Members of the Deva hold a few prestigious political offices in the Empyreal Government.
★ The Deva are supporters of the Empyreal Defense Force by designing their uniforms and insignia as well as
creating training simulations that capture the look, feel, sounds, tastes, and smells of real conflict.
★ Many of the Deva are secretly Vampires.

The Preeminent Houses

Below the Dynastic Houses are the Preeminent Houses, also known as Major Houses – those families
which, though influential, have not yet gained full Dynastic status. They represent 10% of the Elite 17/19
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population. Unlike the lesser Houses, the Preeminents have achieved a degree of independence in which
none are directly sworn to one of the Sovereign Dynasties. The Preeminent Houses usually hold sway
over a single area of industry and expertise, competing among themselves for the favor of the Sovereign
houses. Successful Preeminent Houses have often been awarded custody over smaller planetary bodies,
ruling such in order to prove their competency before being granted full Dynastic status. On other
occasions, the Dynasties have pitted Preeminent Houses against each other, placing them in direct
conflict over a single territory. In these scenarios, played out over many years, a single Preeminent
House usually gains dominance before being granted full custody over the aforementioned territory.
The Preeminent Houses are denoted by the use of a silver border in their representative crests.

AS, Resurgence, Eidolon: The Stahl Preeminent House

The moon of Eidolon has always had a frightening reputation. With the Red Plague of 1450
that killed eighty percent of the population, followed by the Thurisaz invasion which resulted
in various atrocities, Eidolon has generally been considered a rather unlucky planetoid. In
3119, the Sovereign Dynasties opened a competitive bidding program, allowing any of the
Preeminent Houses to vie for the planet. Ultimately, the Stahl Preeminent House prevailed,
and they in turn hope to capitalize on their achievements with eventual Dynastic status. A
small House, the Stahl are shrewd businesswomen and men having branded Eidolon as the
central hub for all major traffic in and out of the Core. Their information gathering network is
second only to the Singh, and the Stahl have worked very hard to catalog every major
passenger traveling both into and out of the Core.
Rumors of the Stahl:
★ The Stahl have several Synthetics within the House, who live as such in secret.
★ The Stahl won custody over Eidolon through a series of private assassinations and other illegal activities.
★ The Stahl are rumored to be Supernatural Rights Activists and assist smuggling Supernaturals out of the

AS, Resurgence: The Ja’dym, Phasm, and Lok Preeminent Houses

Originally named Atlantis, Resurgence was the first colonized planet in the Atlantean System and has since passed
through several hands. Originally governed by the Xin Dynasty, the planetoid was sold to a coalition of three
Preeminent Houses in 2625. The Ja’dym, Phasm, and Lok are more puppets of the MegaCorporations than vice
versa and have struggled to coexist ever since. They have, however, created a society that is ripe with technological
innovation, social automation, and corporate espionage. The three Houses are actually quite similar in custom and
temperament, having fought each other for so long that the original cause is utterly forgotten. What is known is that
each is always under the thumb of at least one MegaCorp, and while one is always in supremacy, the other two are
working to tear it down. This has created a cyclical governing system on which the MegaCorps capitalize and

The Ja’Dym
Currently in supremacy, assisted in no small part by Spectre Technologies, the Ja’Dym
genetically alter themselves to favor androgyny and prefer the pronoun 'they', at least in
public. As a family, they tend to embrace extremes of expression and emotion, for good or
ill, which can result in unique perspectives on how to conquer economic and political
Rumors of the Ja’Dym:
★ The Nebzim have taken significant interest in charismatic Ja'Dym, paying small
fortunes to arrange consults, nominally to improve Empyreal propaganda.
★ The Ja'Dym drugs induce wild highs, allowing the user to share in the emotions and experiences of others.
★ The Xin have taken significant interest in volatile Ja'Dym, often hiring them as social intercessors (or
saboteurs) in difficult business dealings.. 18/19
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The Phasm
The Phasm suffer from a congenital disease that weakens their immune system-- a virus
believed to be a hybrid offshoot of the Red Plague. As such the Phasm are not martially
inclined, focusing their efforts instead on AI manipulation and electronic warfare. The
Phasm almost never leave their homes or appear in the real world, choosing instead to
spend the bulk of their time in virtual playpens. This has allowed them to become masters
of virtual manipulating and electronic hacking.
Rumors of the Phasm:
★ The virus that plagues the Phasm was originally designed by the Cheiron Group.
★ The Phasm are secretly an electronic warfare unit, working directly for the Empyreal military.
★ The Brae and the Ethon have taken significant interest in the Phasm, seeking to use their talents for their
own benefit.

The Lok
The Lok attempt to control the planet via the manipulation of economic markets, seeking to
gain their influence through currency manipulation. In this regard, the Lok have at times
successfully devalued the assets of Ja’Dym and Phasm, which has resulted in their past
Rumors of the Lok:
★ The Lok are heavily indebted to the Xin and Vant Dynasties.
★ Many of the Lok are insomniacs because of terrible nightmares and dreams. It is
suggested that this same strange ailment may also afflict the Rhys
★ The Lok are actually distant relatives of the Rhys, cast out long ago over some unknown dispute.

The Aristocratic Houses

The Aristocratic Houses are families who have sworn allegiance to one of the major houses (Sovereign
Dynasty or Preeminent House) and are on the rise. Most of these families have been established for
centuries, but every so often a new House is formed (usually as a split-off from another House, or a
merger of two smaller Houses). Aristocratic Houses make up 89% of the population of Elites.
House Sigils and Colors: The Aristocratic Houses may have their own sigils, denoted by the use of
obsidian borders in their representative crests. It's customary to wear the same colors as the Elite house
as well as include them in the Aristocrats own crests as a display of loyalty.
Aristocratic House Creation: The default Elite Origin for PCs places them within an Aristocratic House.
These Houses may be created by the Player, or in collaboration with a group of Players, for background
purposes. The following questions should be considered when creating a custom Aristocratic House:
➜ Which Elite House the family is sworn to?
■ Each House must swear fealty to one of the NPC houses listed in this document.
➜ Which system are they from?
■ Must be from one of the three Core Systems listed in this document.
➜ What industry or economic sector do they have influence in?
■ Each House tends to favor a single industry above all others. Pick one, and only one.
➜ Custom Aristocratic Houses CANNOT:
■ Be split off from one of the Sovereign Dynasties or Preeminent Houses.
■ Have close connections/ties to one of the Sovereign Dynasties or Preeminent Houses
beyond the typical swearing of fealty.
➜ For a custom Aristocratic House to be recognized, players must fill out this template, and submit
your house on this tracking form. 19/19

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