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Describing technology troubles

1. What kind of trouble are they having?

They’re having troubles with technology.

2. How would you have felt in their situation?

Honestly, I would feel quite helpless and stressed, because I am a

person who likes to try to have everything ready and properly
prepared, have things or most of them under control.

3. What would you have done?

Well, in the first case (Stan), after I got mad at myself about it and
felt bad, I would have done the same thing he did, namely, call the
boss and then apologize for it.

In the second case (Peter), the first thing is that I would try not to
get to that situation by telling my parents before I go hiking. But if
I did, I would try to get there as soon as possible and continue to
try to communicate with them.

In the latter case (Vera), I would also try not to get to that situation
because I would not depend on my laptop and would keep my
presentation in different places. But if it happened to me, after
stressing out for a short time, I did the same thing she did, I mean,
did my presentation the best I could from my memory.

4. Have you gone through a similar situation? What did you do?
Give an example.
Yeah. It didn’t happen specifically to me, but yes to one of the
classmates of my group to do a presentation, so it also ended up
affecting me. Her laptop was damaged and she didn’t save the
presentation anywhere else.

I remember getting angry and stressed out a lot, because I like to

be responsible in my studies. Then, as a team, we decided to
explain to the teacher what happened and ask her for another
chance for the next class, which she agreed to.

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