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Students’ Perception of Using Whatsapp Group on Writing achievement (Case study on
TBI’19 Students at IAIN Madura during Pandemic Covid-19).
B. Background of Study
Writing is an importat skill which must be mastered by students. Writing is even used
as a compulsory subject must be taken by students in third semester; writing I to writing III.
The role of writing is also very important for students, remember at the end of their semester
are required to write scientific papers or ones often referred to as a thesis.
Writing is not an easy skill to be mastered. Richards and Renandya said that writing is
the most difficult skill for second or foreign language learners to master. The difficulty lies not
only in generating and organizing ideas but also in translating these ideas into a readeable text.
The skills that are involved in writing are highly complex. Second language writers have to
pay attention to their skill of planning and organizing as well as their skill of spelling and
giving punctuation.1
According to Siti Azizah, writing does not only compose word by word to be sentence,
combine sentence to be a paragraph, and combine paragraph to be an essay. But it also needs
unity and coherence to deliver message, idea or thought what the writer is going to discuss. 2
Based on her explanation writing is one of skills that has the function to transfer their
knowledge or idea from word to be clause, sentence or paragraph. Therefore, evey students’
being needs to interact with each other by using writing skill in media whatsapp group.
Whatsapp is к messaging app for smartphones which basic similar to Blackberry
messanger. Whatsapp messanger is к messaging app cross platform that allows us to exchange
messages without the cost of SMS, because whatsapp messanger uses the same internet data
plan for email, web browsing and more. 3 It mean that, whatsapp is one of application can be
used as a medium learning that can help students in interacting socially and academic.
Whatsapp allows students interact with lectures and the other students. All students can follow

Endah Ratnaningsih, “”Improving Students’ Writing Ability through the Use of Dictogloss Technique”,
Transformatika, Vol 12, No 02 (September, 2016), 3

Siti Azizah, Writing III the Process of Writing an Essay, (Surabaya: Pena Salsabila, 2013), 2.

and discuss the various topics, collaborate and use educational apps for manage learning
activities .
Besides individual chat, in Whatsapp application also has group chat (Whatsapp Group);
which is the number of group members can reach until the hundreds member. With the group
chat, all of students can exchange information, interact and communicate. By Whatsapp
Group, students can not only practice writing in class, but they can do anywhere and anytime,
especially in pandemic Covid-19 era. Therefore, the researcher feel attracted to do the research
entitled “Students’ Perception of Using Whatsapp Group on Writing achievement (Case
study on TBI’19 Students at IAIN Madura during Pandemic Covid-19).”
C. Research Problem

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