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South west academy


Dear ,Kidus

How's it going, haven't heard from you in a while, Yesterday was our first day of
school and I thought I would tell you how it went and also about some things that happened
while I was there, and catch you up to what I have been up to as well. I would also like to
hear what you and your sister have been up to the last couple of weeks. Has school
started yet? And if it has how it has been going i wanna hear all about it ok that's enough
about you back to me.

So we started school a Yesterday and it was a blast!I made a ton of friends and
got to meet a lot of my old friends and they have grown by a lot and some of them have
grown even taller than me!, and don't even get me started about our teachers, all of them
are so chill and down to earth.except our chemistry teacher he is MAD!. well that was all,
and don't forget to reply to this Letter!.
Looking Forward to seeing you this summer!.

Best Wishes,

Your Friend

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