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JOURNAL OF CLINCAL MICROBIOLOGY, OCt. 1975, p. 322-326 Vol. 2, No.

Copyright X 1975 American Society for Microbiology Printed in U.SA.

Reproducibility of the Analytab (API 20E) System

Department of Microbiology, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio 44106
Received for publication 17 June 1975

The reproducibility of the Analytab (API 20E) system for identification of

Enterobacteriaceae was evaluated with 110 clinical isolates. Each isolate was
identified by two technologists at different times. Genus-species identification
was 97.3% reproducible; however, only 55.5% of the strains gave identical

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reactions in all 20 of the API 20E biochemical tests on repeat testing. Of those
strains which varied, 56% possessed only one variable biochemical test. The
reproducibility for each biochemical test was calculated and ranged from 89 to
100%. A subset of 20 of the most variable strains was tested further under
conditions of varying incubation time (15 and 22 h) and inoculum concentration
(107, 105, and 103 colony-forming units per ml), and by having four technologists
interpret the test results. The reproducibility for each biochemical test for these
20 variable strains ranged from 86 to 99%. Less variation in interpretation by
technologists was seen at an incubation time of 22 h and an inoculum concentra-
tion of 107 colony-forming units per ml. Consideration of the reproducibility for
each biochemical test can aid in determining the probability that two isolates
suspected of being the same strain, but with API profiles which differ by one or
more biochemical test results, are in fact the same strain. Variables such as
inoculum size, incubation time, technologist interpretation, and strip variability
affect the API test results and should be standardized to minimize their effects.
The Analytab (API 20E) system has proven to laboratory. Therefore, these strains represent a
be a valuable aid in identifying bacterial cross section of clinically encountered strains
strains in the clinical microbiology laboratory rather than an attempt to include equal numbers of
(3, 6). Recently, several reports have further each genera tested. Identification of each isolate
described the system as helpful in biotyping using the API 20E system was performed at two
separate times by different skilled technologists.
bacterial strains as an aid in epidemiologic stud- In this phase, the API 20E test was performed by
ies (T. B. Neblett, E. J. Bottone, and J. F. the manufacturer's instructions as follows. Approxi-
Eisses, Abstr. Annu. Meet. Am. Soc. Microbiol. mately 5 ml of water was dispensed into the API 20E
1975, C116, p.46; N. Trowers, T. Camino, B. incubation tray to provide a humid atmosphere dur-
Beatty, E. Dorvall, F. Jackson, E. Torres, and ing incubation. The inoculum was obtained by select-
M. Brimmage, Abstr. Annu. Meet. Am. Soc. ing an isolated colony from the surface of a solid
Microbiol. 1975, C117, p.46). For this purpose, agar medium with the use of a sterilized wire inocu-
each of the 20 biochemical reactions must ex- lating loop. The inoculum was dispersed into 5 ml of
hibit a known and high degree of reproducibil- sterile distilled water, mixed with a 4-ml pipette just
before inoculation, and then inoculated into the 20
ity. microtubes of the API 20E test strip. Table 2 lists
The present study, conducted in three each of the 20 tests and their abbreviations. Both the
phases, was undertaken to determine the repro- microtube and cupule for the CIT, VP, and GEL
ducibility of each of the 20 biochemical reac- tests were filled with the inoculum suspension. For
tions in the API 20E system under routine clini- all other tests, only the microtubes were filled. The
cal laboratory conditions, and to evaluate the ADH, LDC, ODC, URE, and ARA cupules were
effects of standardizing certain test conditions. filled with mineral oil after inoculation.
MATERIALS AND METHODS TABLE 1. Organisms tested in phase I
Phase I. One hundred and ten Enterobacteriaceae, Species No. tested
isolated from clinical specimens received by the mi-
crobiology laboratory of The Cleveland Clinic Foun- Escherichia coli .... ....... 53
dation, were used as test strains. The distribution of Proteus sp. ... ........ 20
species among the six genera listed in Table 1 was Klebsiella sp. ... ........ 19
proportional to their frequency of isolation in this Enterobacter sp. .... ....... 12
Citrobacter sp. .... ....... 4
I Present address: The Ohio State University, School of
Serratia sp. ... ........ 2
Medicine, Columbus, Ohio 43210.
The plastic lid was placed over the incubation taining to each strip. These variables were selected
tray and strips and incubated 18 to 24 h at 35 C. to represent the extremes of variation that might
After incubation, appropriate reagents were added possibly occur in our laboratory, although it is recog-
to the VP, IND, and TDA tests and the 20 test nized that these extremes are not included in the
reactions (plus the oxidase reaction) were recorded manufacturer's recommendations. Each test was
as a seven-digit number as described in the API performed in replicate, using two different API
analytical profile index (Analytab Products Inc., strips (of the same lot number) inoculated from the
1st ed., 1974). This seven-digit number is the API same bacterial suspension.
profile number. Bacterial identification was deter- Phase III. Phase III consisted of an examination
mined with the API profile index. No other identifi- of data obtained from 19 routine repetitive inocula-
cation schema was employed. tions of three quality control organisms into API
Phase II. In phase II, variables considered to be 20E test strips. The API tests were performed on
possible factors in the reproducibility of the API different lots of API strips and the results were

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profile number were tested under controlled condi- interpreted by different technologists. The three
tions on a subset of 20 test strains (selected from strains of Enterbacteriaceae (Escherichia coli, Pro-
phase I strains exhibiting variable API profiles) (Ta- teus mirabilis, and Enterobacter aerogenes) were
ble 3). These strains were tested at three inoculum among five strains (the other two being non-fermen-
concentrations (107, 105, and 103 colony-forming tative gram-negative bacilli) selected to provide
units [CFU]/ml) at two incubation times (15 and 22 both positive and negative reactions for each of the
h), and with four technologists giving their interpre- 20 biochemical tests on the API 20E test strip. Only
tations of each test result. The different inoculum the data for the Enterobacteriaceae among the qual-
concentrations were obtained by serial 1/100 dilu- ity control strains were considered in this study.
tions in sterile distilled water from which colony
counts were performed. RESULTS
The strips were read by technologists who, al-
though familiar with the routine reading of API Of the 110 strains tested in duplicate during
strips, were unaware of the specific variables per- phase I, 61 (55.59%) produced identical API pro-
files. Forty-six additional strains (41.8%) were
TABLE 2. API 20E biochemical tests
identified as the same genus and species, but
produced different API profile numbers the sec-
Test se- API abbrevi- ond time. Only three strains (2.7%) produced
quence Biochemical test ation API profiles on the second trial that resulted in
bacterial identification that differed in genus or
1 o-Nitrophenyl-f8-D-galacto- ONPG species or both from that determined the first
sidase time they were tested.
2 Arginine dihydrolase ADH
3 Lysine decarboxylase LDC An analysis of the API profiles of the 49
4 Ornithine decarboxylase ODC strains exhibiting changes in one or more of the
5 Citrate utilization CIT 20 biochemical tests revealed that 51% of the
6 H2S production H2S discrepancies were due to a change in only one
7 Urease URE biochemical reaction. Table 4 lists the percent-
8 Tryptophan deaminase TDA age of these strains in which one to four reac-
9 Indole production IND tions varied. Of the three strains that were
10 Acetoin production VP identified as different genus or species or both,
11 Gelatinase GEL one demonstrated only a single variable bio-
12 Glucose fermentation GLU
13 Mannitol fermentation MAN chemical reaction and the other two differed by
14 Inositol fermentation INO two reactions. These changes in identification
15 Sorbitol fermentation SOR on duplicate testing were: (i) E. coli to Citrobac-
16 Rhamnose fermentation RHA ter diversus; (ii) Serratia liquefaciens to Entero-
17 Sucrose fermentation SAC bacter aerogenes; and (iii) Shigella boydii to E.
18 Melibiose fermentation MEL coli.
19 Amygdaline fermentation AMY The reproducibility of each biochemical test
20 Arabinose fermentation ARA among all 110 strains is given in Table 5. Re-

TABLE 3. Organisms tested in phase II TABLE 4. Phase I. Discrepant biochemical tests per
API 20E profile among 49 organisms
Species No. tested
No. of discrepancies
Escherichia coli .... ....... 5 per API profile
Proteus sp. ... ........ 2
Klebsiella sp. ... ........ 6 1 51
Enterobacter sp. .... ....... 4 2 29
Citrobacter sp. ... ........ 2 3 16
Serratia sp. ... ........ 1 4 4

sults of the H2S, TDA, IND, and MAN tests teriaceae of phase III ranged from 95 to 100%
were 100% reproducible. The remaining 16 bio- and is listed in Table 8.
chemical reactions varied in their reproducibil-
ity from 89 to 99%. There was a total of 85 DISCUSSION
(3.9%) disagreements among the 2,200 individ- An analysis of the duplicate API 20E profile
ual tests performed. numbers of 110 randomly selected bacterial
In phase II, for each of the two incubation strains demonstrated 97.3% reproducibility of
times (15 and 22 h) and each of the three inocu- genus-species identification. Reproducibility of
lum concentrations (107, 105, and 103 CFU/ml), the identical API profile number was 55.5%,
the ability of at least three of four technologists and of the remaining 44.5% demonstrating dif-
to obtain the same API profile number was ferent API profile numbers 51% differed by
used to calculate the reproducibility shown in only one biochemical test. However, the num-

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Table 6. Longer incubation time and higher ber of variable biochemical reactions may not
inoculum gave the highest reproducibility of parallel the probability of a change in the identi-
API profiles among four technologists. fication assigned the strain. All three strains
Percentage of agreement was also calculated showing changes in four biochemical reactions
when the same technologist obtained identical were identified as the same genus and species,
API profile numbers after interpreting two API despite these changes. The three strains identi-
test strips inoculated and incubated under iden-
tical conditions. Again, longer incubation time TABLE 7. Phase II. Reproducibility of API 20E
and higher inoculum size gave the highest re- biochemical tests among 20 selected organisms
producibility (Table 6). Although these differ-
ences are not statistically different, as tested by Biochemical test Reproducibil-
ity (%)
the chi-square test, there is a trend toward
greater reproducibility at longer incubation H2S, TDA, IND ........................ 98-99
time and higher inoculum concentration. The GEL, MAN, SAC ...................... 97
calculated reproducibility for each of the 20 API ONPG, ADH, SOR ..................... 95-96
test reactions on these strains is shown in Table URE, INO, RHA ....................... 93-94
7. ODC, VP, GLU, MEL, AMY, ARA ...... 90-92
The reproducibility of the 19 duplicate API LDC ................................. 88
tests on each of three quality control Enterobac- CIT ................................. 86

TABLE 5. Reproducibility of API 20E biochemical TABLE 8. Phase III. Reproducibility of API 20E
tests among 110 organisms tested biochemical tests among three quality control
Biochemical test Reproducibil-
ity (%) Reproducibil-
Biochemical test ity (9)
H2S, IND, MAN, TDA ......... ........ 100
ADH, ODC, INO, SOR ......... ........ 98-99 ONPG, ADH, LDC, ODC, CIT, H2S,
GLU ............................ 97 URE, TDA, IND, VP, GLU, MAN,
LDC, ONPG, URE, GEL, RHA, SAC .... 95-96 INO, SOR, SAC, AMY, ARA .100
VP, MEL, ARA, AMY ......... ........ 90-94 RHA, GEL .98
CIT ................................. 89 MEL .95

TABLE 6. Effect of incubation time and inoculum size on subjective interpretation of API 20E test of
20 selected organisms
Reproducibility (%)
API test reading Incubation time Inoculum size
15 h 22 h 107 CFU/ml 105 CFU/ml 103 CFU/ml
Same API test read by four technolo- 67.5 75.8 77.5 72.5 65.0
gists (three to four technologists
Two API tests read by same technolo- 55.4 63.7 67.5 54.4 56.9
gist (both tests agree)
fied differently, however, exhibited only one or of all 20 API 20E biochemical reactions with the
two variable biochemical reactions. quality control strains selected for use in this
In phase II, a subset of 20 of the most discrep- laboratory, although occasional variability is
ant strains was tested under conditions of three observed. These strains do not produce known
different inoculum concentrations and two dif- "borderline" biochemical test results, although
ferent incubation times. The highest inoculum such strains would perhaps better serve the
and the longer incubation were found to give the purpose of controlling any system of bacterial
highest percentage of reproducibility ofAPI pro- identification employing reactions on differen-
file number among four technologists reading tial media.
the same API strip (Table 6). The same condi- Since each biochemical test can be assigned a
tions gave greater reproducibility when two degree of reproducibility, the probability of
identically prepared API strips were inter- identity of two isolates (suspected of being the

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preted by the same technologist (Table 6). An same strain) with API profiles which differ by
increase in inoculum concentration has also only one biochemical test result, can be evalu-
been reported to increase the correlation of API ated in terms of the probability of variation of
test results with macro-identification methods the differing biochemical reaction. Differences
(3). The lower reproducibility of each biochemi- between those biochemical tests showing very
cal test in phase II (Table 7) as compared to high reproducibility would tend to support the
phase I (Table 5) is expected, since the strains conclusion that there is a difference between
in phase II were selected for their previously the strains. On the other hand, differences be-
demonstrated variability. tween biochemical tests with lower reproducibil-
The following two examples selected from ity would not confirm a difference between
phase II data substantiate that these variables strains and should provide reason for reidentifi-
can cause significant changes in biochemical cation of all isolates involved with all recog-
test results. In strips inoculated identically but nized variables controlled.
incubated either 15 or 22 h, the results of two Although it was not the purpose of this study
biochemical reactions (CIT and INO) differed, to compare the results of the individual API
causing the identification to be E. coli and Ci- biochemical tests with those of "conventional"
trobacter freundii at 15 and 22 h, respectively. media, it is important to comment on the repro-
Likewise, with strips varying only in the inocu- ducibility of these later methods. Several
lum concentration of a strain of P. mirabilis groups of workers have pointed out that the
(10', 105, and 103 CFU/ml), five biochemical extent of test errors is much greater than one
reactions (ODC, CIT, URE, GEL, and GLU) might expect (1, 2, 5). Sneath and Johnson (5),
gave positive reactions at 107 CFU/ml, but were in evaluating methods for identification of pseu-
negative at either 105 or 103 CFU/ml (giving a domonads, indicate that the mean percentage
profile number no longer identifiable as P. mir- of disagreement for replicates within laborato-
abilis). Although these represent extreme ex- ries is about 2.9% with values for individual
amples of separately controlled variables, the tests ranging from almost 0 to 12%. Sneath (4)
results emphasize the importance of standardiz- further cites the work of Jones, Wilkinson, and
ing these variables to provide greater uniform- Feltham working in his laboratory on a number
ity of API profile numbers. of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria
The overall lower reproducibility within the which places the average percentage of disa-
second category of Table 6 (i.e., when two API greement between replicates at about 3% for
tests were read by the same technologist) could Listeria, 2.5% for enterobacteria, and 2.4% for
be the result of either intratechnologist in- coryneform bacteria. Comparable figures were
terpretive variability or API 20E strip variabil- obtained in the present study. Of the 2,200 bio-
ity. Since the two API 20E test strips were chemical tests evaluated in phase I there were
inoculated from the same bacterial suspension 85 discrepancies in results between the first and
with strips of the same lot number, it is possible second replicate tests, or 3.9% average disagree-
to attribute this variability to the individual ment.
interpretations of the technologists. However, Sneath and Johnson (5) indicate that serious
in 48.7% of the replicate readings of two identi- errors in bacterial identification do not become
cally prepared API strips by four technologists, significant until the average probability of an
at least three technologists agreed on one API incorrect test reading rises above 10%.
profile number for one strip and also agreed on Factors in addition to inoculum density, incu-
a different API profile number for the other bation time, and interpretation may have influ-
strip. enced the outcome of the present study. These
The phase III data show good reproducibility include the possibility of contamination, clonal
variation on subculture, and clerical errors. Al- effects of these variables can be minimized by
though these factors are difficult to evaluate, having the same person perform the API test on
few if any clinical laboratories are free of these all strains at the same time, under similar
sources of error and therefore they should be conditions of inoculum and incubation time.
considered. One of the distinct advantages of Quality control strains, not selected for their
this multitest system is its ability to reproduce borderline reactions, are of less help in detect-
the same genus and species identification of ing the variables influencing epidemiological
organisms in spite of individual test variability biotyping than strains selected specifically for
due to whatever cause. It can be expected that, this purpose.
as the data base for the API identification
scheme becomes enlarged, the system will be-
come even less sensitive to individual test varia- LITERATURE CITED

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tion. Indeed, with the latest available version 1. Lapage, S. P., S. Bascomb, W. R. Willcox, and M. A.
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(Analytab Products Inc., 2nd ed., 1975), two of 1-22. In A. Baille and R. J. Gilbert (ed.), Automa-
the three genus-species changes observed in tion, mechanization and data handling in microbiol-
ogy. Academic Press Inc., London.
phase I would not have been observed. In the 2. Lapage, S. P., S. Bascomb, and W. R. Willcox, and M.
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very likely led the user to recognize the error. crobiol. 77:273-290.
3. Smith, P. B., K. M. Tomfohrde, D. C. Rhoden, and A.
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4. Sneath, P. H. A. 1974. Test reproducibility in relation
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ity of each of the individual 20 biochemical 5. Sneath, P. H. A., and R. Johnson. 1972. The influence
reactions ranged from 89 to 100%. Variables on numerical taxonomic similarities of errors in mi-
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6. Washington, J. A., II, P. K. W. Yu, and W. J. Martin.
ogist interpretation, and strip variability affect 1971. Evaluation of accuracy of multitest micro-
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