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Emmalyn B.




From our discussion regarding the topic "Principles of

Guidance," I acquired various functional knowledge and
reminders. The topic talked about the functions, purpose,
elements, areas, and types of guidance. This discussion
affected how I perceive guidance which led me to a deeper
understanding of the topic.

Guidance is a vast network of complex situations that

require complex solutions. Guidance is the stepping stone for
students in able to maximize their capabilities and skills.
Every individual is unique, and in response to that, we need to
stretch our minds and look outside the box to see the
appropriate guidance that fits them perfectly. This particular
area of the topic made me ponder deeply on how I would
guide every individual perfectly. I always understood that
every human is unique. But I never really looked beyond the
thought and deeply evaluate how I perceive guidance as it is.

I was surprised to know that guidance is for all ages.

Since all through these, I have been thinking of guiding being
directed solely towards students. But as I learned from our
topic, everybody needs guidance. It made me ponder a lot on
what guidance truly defines.

To conclude everything that had been said, the

discussion truly did affect my perception of guidance. I know
that it is not an easy job to do, so I will work hard and try my
absolute best in striving to learn more. And I will always put
it in my heart that guidance is a big component towards an
individual's bright and successful future.

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