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What are in store for you?

1. Nature, Meaning, Purposes and Scope of Guidance

Duration: 3 Hours


Guidance is defined in
different ways. Many
individuals got their meaning
from their experiences with
their family and friends. While
some other persons have
learned the definition from
their earlier studies and
readings. On the other hand,
there are those who have
come up with their own perceptions or notions that are not congruent to the real meaning
of guidance which have caused some confusions in the usage and application of the

From the layman’s point of view, to guide is to give a direction or a piece of advice
from which a particular person is in need at the moment. But from the point of view of
guidance practitioners or known authorities, guidance is a systematic process involving
different steps in assisting an individual understand and cope up with a pressing concern.
This view is highly supported by the incoming discussion about the nature, meaning,
purposes, and scope of guidance.

What you should know? (Main Objective)

At the end of this module, it is expected that you describe the nature, meaning,
scope of guidance in schools in the context of values teaching.

Specifically, you should be able to:

● Define guidance from the point of view of guidance proponents.

● Discuss the nature and scope of guidance work, particularly in the school setting.
● Explain the importance of knowing the different aspects of guidance.

What do you already know? (Pre-test)

As part of procedures for determining your prior knowledge on the topic presented
in this module, I want you to answer the short quiz below without any pretension or interest
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to impress me and your classmates. Your honesty is the key to success in achieving the
intended learning outcomes of this module for you.

Multiple Choice.
_____ 1. Which of the following is not a definition of guidance according to Webster: A)
lecturing a clientele B) consultation C) mutual interchange of opinion D)
deliberating together to come-up with a possible alternative.

_____ 2. “Guidance never involves the imposition of penalties or corporal punishment for
it is the development of self-realization, self-direction and self-discipline.” This
line is a good explanation to the notion that guidance is A) lecturing alone B) for
the mal-adjusted C) prescriptive D) only for theory E) discipline.

_____ 3. A) Vocational Counselor B) Rehabilitation Counselor C) Mental Health

Counselor D) Marriage Counselor helps people deal with personal, social, and
vocational effects of disabilities and evaluates their strengths and limitations of
the individual.

_____ 4. “Guidance understands children and recognizes their dignity and worth as
individuals regardless of their shortcoming.” This explains that guidance A) does
not spoil children B) is not discipline C) is not only for the mal-adjusted D) is not

_____ 5. A) Guidance B) Counseling C) Group Guidance D) Individuals Guidance is a

continuous, progressive and systematic assistance rendered to an individual or
to a group of individuals.

_____ 6. A) Aquino B) Alviar C) Legaspi D) Chrisholm asserts that guidance is the action
and concern of showing assistance for others; it aims to provide maximum
human growth and development for all learners and self-direction.

_____ 7. A) Crow B) Lefever C) Ohlsen D) Jones E) Legaspi strongly believes that

leadership guidance is necessary to develop the ability of young people to wisely
choose those whom they shall follow.

_____ 8. Developing knowledge about his creator and his responsibilities toward his
fellow man is part of A) Socio-Civic and Moral Guidance B) Personal Guidance
C) Health Guidance D) Educational Guidance.

_____ 9. According to A) Arthur Jones B) Bennett C) Crow and Crow D) Thorne, guidance
services should arise out of the interests, needs, and purposes of the students
in the school which it serves.

_____ 10. A) Vocational Counselor B) Rehabilitation Counselor C) Mental Health

Counselor D) Marriage Counselor provides mainly career counseling outside
the school setting and helps individuals with their career decisions.

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Na-guidance ka na ba?

Students will be asked to share their respective experiences during their

elementary or high school years as to why they were sent to the guidance office.


What are the reasons why the referral was made by their teachers or other school


What perceptions were developed in their consciousness as to the meaning of

being brought to the guidance office.


(Written output will be placed in their respective notebook/personal journal)

The activity above made me remember


It made me think and realize that


I therefore commit to


By this time, you are very much prepared to learn more about the nature, meaning
and scope of guidance.

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Nature of Guidance

1. Guidance is education itself. Guidance

aims at educating the individual for
understanding himself, unfolding his
potentialities to their maximum so that he may
eventually prove himself to be an adjusted and
pragmatic member of the community. Guidance
therefore is a significant education procedure. It
is in short education itself.

2. Guidance is a process. Guidance is a

process that enables an individual in
discovering himself in the most satisfying and
positive manner. It provides direction to enable
an individual harness his potentialities, abilities,
interests and aptitudes.

3. Guidance is a continuous process. Guidance is a dynamic and a non-stop process.

In this process, an individual understands himself, learns to use maximum his own
capacities, interests and other abilities. He continues his struggle for adjustment in
different situations. He develops his capacity of decision-making.

4. Guidance is related with life. The process

of guidance is related to life, its problems and
challenges and how to face them. Problems
and challenges are the building blocks of our
personality. Guidance helps people to live a
balanced and tension free-life with full
satisfaction under the circumstances.

5. Guidance is self-direction. The nature of

Guidance is not to thrust itself on an individual.
It does not make choices for him. The ultimate
purpose of guidance is to guide the individual to
direct himself in the right direction, to make his
own choices, to fix his own life-goals and to
carry his own burden.

6. Guidance is individual-centered. Whether given on an individual or group basis, the

focus of all guidance programs is the individual who needs to manage himself for a joyous
today and a happy tomorrow by a healthy alignment of individual desires and aspiration
with socially desirable goods.

7. Guidance is a qualified and complex and organized service. Guidance is given by

qualified and trained personnel. Hence guidance is a skill-involved process. The varied
and complex nature of human life leaves its imprint on the guidance programs which are
a totality of experiences. Guidance depends on prior study of the individual, his

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assessment, initial counselling, interview, case study and a host of other subsidiary
activities that qualifies Guidance as a complex process.

8. Guidance is based on individual

differences. Individual differences or, the fact that
individuals differ significantly, forms the basis of
Guidance. If all the individuals had been alike,
there was no scope for guidance. Individuals differ
not only in their appearances but in their mental
and intellectual endowments, desires, aspirations,
and aptitudes.

9. Universality of guidance. Guidance is for all.

Every person needs guidance at all the stages of
life situations from childhood to old age. He needs
guidance for solving problems to adjust in the
family as well as in the society.

10. Guidance is making potential

actual. Studies indicate that each person is born
with more potential than he uses. Guidance
programs aid the individual in the discovery of a hidden potential individual for his own
benefit that of the community. Thus a guidance program is used as an aid to discover
talent and use it for the progress of the country.

11. Preparation for future. The process of guidance is helpful in preparing a person for
his future. Guidance helps in the choice of one’s career, one’s partner in life etc. Guidance
helps the individual to march towards the future with confidence.

12. Modification of Behavior. Guidance helps the persons in his adjustment in different
situations and to modify one’s behavior. Negative personality traits have been modified
through skillful guidance and counselling. According to Carter V. Good, “Guidance is a
process of dynamic interpersonal relationship designed to influence the attitudes and
subsequent behavior of a person.”

Definition of Guidance

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1. Hamrin - is “Helping John to see through
himself in order that he may see himself

2. Lefever- Is the systematic, organized phase

of the educational process which helps a
youth to grow in his own power, to give point
and direction to his own life with the end that
he may get richer personal experiences
while making his own unique contribution to

3. Jones- Involves personal help given to

someone; it is designed to assist the person
to decide where he wants to go, what he
wants to do, or how he can best accomplish
his purpose; it assists him to solve problems
that arise in life. It does not solve problems for the individual but helps him to solve
them. The focus of guidance is on the individual, not the problem; its purpose is to
promote the growth of the individual in self-direction.

4. Crow and Crow- Is the assistance made available by personally qualified and
adequately trained men and women to an individual of any age to help him manage
his own life activities, develop his own point of view, make his own decisions, and carry
his own burdens.

5. Kelly- is that phase of the educational process which consists in the appraisal of the
abilities, interests, and needs of the individual in order to counsel him for realizing his
capabilities, and to assist him in making decisions and the adjustments which will
promote his well-being in school, in life, and in eternity.

6. Ohlsen- Is a cooperative enterprise in which many people working together organize

their knowledge to contribute to the solution of a student’s problems and the
development of his potentialities.

7. Bennett- Is a process of helping the individual to determine his physical, social,

intellectual, and personality assets and liabilities as well as to know the conditions,
requirements, and opportunities of the situations, confronting him, so that possessed
of these two types of knowledge, he can make wise and intelligent choices and
adjustments and embark upon suitable courses of action as regards his problems,
needs and opportunities.

8. Ryan and Zeran- serves a supporting function in the educational process by directing
and controlling activities to help individuals develop his fullest potential.

9. Aquino and Alviar- tends to help the Individual to become adjusted to his present
situation so as to provide the maximum development for him and to help him plan for
his future on the capabilities and needs.

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10. Wrinkle and Gilchrist- Means to stimulate and help the student set up worthwhile,
achievable purposes and to develop abilities which will make it possible for him to achieve
his purpose. The essential elements are the setting up of purpose, the provision of
experiences, the development of abilities and the achievement of purposes.

11. Peters and Farwell- may be defined as a point of view. It may also be considered
in terms of services necessary to implement the
point of view. The guidance point of view
emphasizes the unique needs of each
individual, needs which may not be compatible
with those needs which the teacher so often

12. Legaspi- Is the action and concern of

showing assistance for others. It is considered
a helping profession; the aim is to provide
maximum human growth and development for
all learners and self-direction.

13. NEA and AASA- Is the high art of

helping boys and girls to plan their own actions
wisely, in the full light of all the facts that can be
mustered about by themselves and about the
world in which they will work to live. (NEA –
National Education Association of School

Scope of Guidance
The scope of guidance is too
wide. In the words of Crow and Crow,
“Guidance touches every aspect of an
individual’s personality- physical,
mental, emotional and social. It is
concerned with all aspects of an
individual’s attitudes and behavior
patterns. It seeks to help the individual
to integrate all of his activities in terms
of his basic potentialities and
environmental opportunities.”

Any needy person can be

guided. This can include persons of different age, different interests, various
characteristics and persons of different nature. Hence, we cannot draw boundaries
around the process of guidance.

The following factors are responsible for the expansion of the scope of guidance.

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1. Complex nature of personality.

2. Complexity of Occupation.

3. Complexity of Training.

4. Increasing Areas.

5. Migration.

6. The Expansion of Education.

7. Areas/Aspects of Guidance.

Aspects of Guidance

1. Educational Guidance -
is concerned with the
assistance given to
pupils in their choices
and adjustments in
relation to the school.
There are three Major
concerns in educational
guidance; namely, the
knowledge of the
individual, which
includes his ability and interests; educational opportunities; and a viable guidance

a. Preschool Guidance- aims at studying children’s attitudes and his behavior with
others when at work at play or at study. It includes simple health habits, learning
language patterns, correct ideas, proper values, and social relationship with others.

b. Elementary School Guidance- aims primarily on the development of

fundamental attitudes, know-how, and social skills of a person as he/she matures
from childhood to adolescence.

c. High School Guidance- aims at developing social competencies among students

as they become participative citizens and productive adults in society.

d. College Guidance- aims at assistance, provision, and guidance of the student’s

changing interest on modification in their adjustment as they prepare themselves to
be on their own as young professionals someday.

2. Vocational Guidance - it is the process of assisting an individual to choose a career

or vocation, preparation for the training for the success of it, placement or entering
into a job and making him progress in his work. It is concerned primarily with helping
individuals make decisions and choices involved in planning a future or building a

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career, decisions and choices necessary in affecting vocational adjustment and

3. Leadership Guidance - Jones strongly believes in this form of guidance and this is
evidence by the fact that he considers the following essentials in leadership

1. Keep clearly in mind all these different kinds of leaders and provide for all of
2. Devise methods by which we can discover early those who will probably
develop into outstanding leaders;
3. Develop methods by which these prospective leaders may be guided and
trained so that leadership may be both progressive and intelligent;
4. Develop the ability in our young people to wisely choose those whom they shall

4. Socio-Civic and Moral Guidance - An individual learner is not only guided to

understand himself and to relate with others but also to:

a. Develop a knowledge about his Creator and his responsibilities toward his
b. Practice good values.
c. Live a worthwhile adult life as a participative, responsible member of society who
observes proper conduct and good relationship with others.

5. Personal Guidance - is the assistance given when the problem of the individual is
rather emotional or confidential in nature.

6. Health Guidance - involves activities in advising and aiding the students achieve and
retain health, both body and mind.

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Identify some words much related to guidance and reflect on the relationship of
these words to it. (Picture/Photo) Write your reflection on a 1 whole sheet of paper.

Now that you know much about what is the meaning of guidance including the
nature and scope of this particular student service, would you be embracing the
knowledge you have gained and share the same when you are already teaching?


When one is to be referred because of a school violation, is it appropriate to bring

him at once to the guidance office? Why?

List your reasons for answering yes or no.


Assess what you have learned. (Post – Test will be administered on a later date)

Final Requirement

Congratulations you are one step away from finishing this module. You have done
so much to come this far. As a final requirement, I want you to write a short essay about
My New Guidance Perspective.


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History and Development of Guidance

What are in store for you?

1. Pseudoscientific Techniques in Guidance

2. Guidance, The Result of Scientific Study
3. The Status of Guidance
✔ Guidance in the U.S.
✔ Europe
✔ Philippines (*RA 9258)

Duration: 3 Hours


Guidance just like any other discipline has its own roots and history. The roots of
any given discipline can come from the most tribal sources as proven by historical account
and findings. Guiding people in the olden days was treated using some pseudo-scientific
techniques which were found to be uncertain and inconsistent. Hence, the need for a
more scientific and factual form of assistance came into existence.

Historically, guidance is a young

discipline which started only in the 20th
century. The Americans and other
European countries started the
research, investigation and studies that
led to the discoveries of scientific ways
of helping people, individually or as a
group. These earlier initiatives
encouraged the formation of
movements in other countries and
continue to spread up to this date.

What you should know? (Main Objective)

At the end of this module, it is expected that you can trace the History and
Development of significant events in “Guidance” in education using research- based
information from literature.

Specifically, you should be able to:

1. Identify pseudo-scientific approaches to guiding people;

2. Name personalities who have contributed to the development of guidance

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3. Cite salient provisions of Republic Act No. 9258

What do you already know? (Pre-test)

As part of procedures for determining your prior knowledge on the topic presented
in this module, I want you to answer the following activity. Your honesty is the key to
success in achieving the intended learning outcomes of this module for you.

Check whether the technique is a pseudo-scientific or scientific one. Place your

answer by checking the appropriate space.

Direction: Tick whether the technique/approach is a pseudo-scientific or scientific

techniques applied in guidance.
Technique/Approach Pseudo- Scientific
1. Behavioral Technique
2. Palmistry Reading
3. Astrology Vibration
4. Numerology Approach
5. Cognitive Technique
6. Humanistic Approach
7. Phrenology Technique
8. Personality Test
9. Person-centered Approach
10. Occultism


Ano ang Pamahiin Mo?

1. List down five superstitious beliefs that you know.

2. Tick the level of your agreement for every belief that you have listed.

Superstitious Beliefs Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

Processing of activity follows.

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You finally did it, you already completed the first two tasks. Before you begin I
would like you to reflect on what you have done and experienced in your recent activity
because that is the key to moving forward. You can do that by completing each clause

The activity above made me remember


It made me think and realize that


I therefore commit to


By this time, you are very much prepared to learn more about pseudo-scientific,
scientific study and history of Guidance.


Pseudo-Scientific Techniques in Guidance

Non-scientific means were used as guidance techniques before and some non-
specialists in the field of guidance are still making use of these practices today. Here are
some of the pseudo-scientific techniques in

1. Numerology – is the predicting of future

outcomes or events in terms of lucky or
unlucky numbers. (Many believed that
tragedy comes in three and that Friday the
thirteenth is an unlucky day.)
2. Astrology – is associating one’s fate with
the course of the stars and other heavenly
bodies. (An individual’s personality traits are
said to have a relationship with the hour, day,
month and year of his birth. Some believed
in being guided by the stars in choosing a

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3. Graphology – is analyzing one’s character in terms of one’s penmanship individual’s personality is analyzed on the basis of the strokes, the
shape, size and slant of the letters.
4. Palmistry – is the belief that lines on one’s hand tell the fate and destiny of an
individual, still has a place among is also believed that form and shape of
one’s hand reveal the personality traits or types.
5. Phrenology is the belief whereby an individual’s traits, such as honesty,
sympathy, love, mental ability or musical talent can be determined by the size and
shape of the head, the form of the forehead and so on.
6. Physiognomy – which is allied to phrenology, predicts personality traits through
facial characteristics, bodily structure or muscular set.
7. Occultism and spiritualism. (Espiritistas/ Ouija board)

Guidance, the result of scientific study.

Guidance is an outgrowth of several movements which are centered on human

behavior patterns. First is psychology, there appeared a movement – an increased
interest in the essence of man and life expressions. Psychology, which originally meant
study of the mind, was therefore introduced. The study led to more research, investigation
and experiments on the why of human behavior, inasmuch as no one could know
precisely what was in one’s mind.

Early in the 20th century, educational psychology – the

science of psychology that deals with the development of an
individual as he progresses from birth to old age – was added
to the teacher – training curriculum. Further research and
experiments in this field aroused interest in the welfare of
human beings in all ages and therefore the need for guidance,
guidance programs, and guidance techniques.

Here is the list of scientific approaches in guidance and


Person Centered Approach

This approach is totally based on derivations

from humanistic psychology. This approach is
mandated personally providing the person with a
growth-promoting environment. The counsellor
initially bounds the person with empathetic
understanding, genuineness and unconditional
positivity which most of the people crave for. This
approach’s main objective is to assist people in the
growth process.

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Cognitive Behavioral Approach

This approach synthesizes that the emotions arrive from beliefs, interpretations
and generalizations in Life. Understanding this concept, counsellors help the people learn
belief identification which plays a vital role in recoiling emotions and behavioral situations
in life. This is an insight focal therapy where people dig out their negative thoughts and
beliefs and fill up the void with their positive core beliefs.

Behavioral Approach
Behavior therapy emerged as a major power in
psychology which is why it is applied to business, industry and
child-rearing. This is an action-oriented approach dealing with
current problems faced by people while they fail to realize their
past. In one session of this therapy people facing such problems
learn and practice certain skills where instructions, modelling
and performance feedback is provided by the counsellors.

Gestalt Approach

This approach is an experiential approach that emphasizes gaining a high rate of

awareness. The initial objective of this therapy is to spread awareness amongst people
about what they’ve been experiencing since people have the capacity for self-control and
regulation once they understand what’s happening with and around them. While
emphasizing the direct experience of feelings, people confront feelings like pain,
resentment, anxiety, grief and abandonment which is unexpressed by them.

The Status of Guidance

The progress of guidance has been slow because of lack of trained personnel and
sympathetic administrations, lack of funds, and misconceptions about guidance. But
guidance is quite definite, and the problems can be hurdled. As a newer field of
educational psychology, guidance has come to stay. The guidance movement has spread
in some countries, including the Philippines.


Guidance in the United States

Evolution of Guidance and Counseling?

● The foundations of counseling and guidance principles can be traced from ancient
Greece and Rome with the philosophical teachings of Plato (Idealism) and Aristotle
● Some of the techniques and skills of modern-day guidance counselors were
practiced by Catholic priests in the Middle Ages, as can be seen by the dedication
to the concept of confidentiality within the confessional.
● The guidance (school) counseling formally started at the turn of the twentieth

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● Formal guidance programs using specialized textbooks did not start until the turn
of the twentieth century.

● Frank Parsons
• The first organized guidance movement –
the move to assist young people – was
started by a civic-minded leader in the
early part of the 20 century.
• He is rightfully called the “Father” of the
vocational guidance movement and of
the guidance movement in general.
• He started as a volunteer worker in the
Civic Service House in Boston to observe
maladjusted young men and women.
• organized the Breadwinners’ Institute in
1905 with a planned program for
vocational guidance

● During the Industrial Revolution, the difficulties of people living in urban slums and
the widespread use of child labor outraged many.
● One of the consequences was the compulsory education movement and shortly
thereafter the vocational guidance movement, which, in its early days, was
concerned with guiding people into the workforce to become productive members
of society.

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● The United States' entry into World War I brought the need for assessment of large
groups of draftees, in large part to select appropriate people for leadership
● These early psychological assessments performed on large groups of people were
quickly identified as being valuable tools to be used in the educational system, thus
beginning the standardized testing movement that in the early twenty-first century
is still a strong aspect of U.S. public education.
● At the same time, vocational guidance was spreading throughout the country, so
that by 1918 more than 900 high schools had some type of vocational guidance
● In 1913 the National Vocational Guidance Association was formed and helped
legitimize and increase the number of guidance counselors.
● Early vocational guidance counselors were often teachers appointed to assume
the extra duties of the position in addition to their regular teaching responsibilities.
● The 1920s and 1930s saw an expansion of counseling roles beyond working only
with vocational concerns. Social, personal, and educational aspects of a student's
life also needed attention.
● After World War II a strong trend away from testing appeared. One of the main
persons indirectly responsible for this shift was the American psychologist Carl
● Many in the counseling field adopted his emphasis on "nondirective" (later called
"client-centered") counseling.
● Rogers published Counseling and Psychotherapy in 1942 and Client-Centered
Therapy in 1951.
● These two works defined a new counseling theory in complete contrast to previous
theories in psychology and counseling.
● This new theory minimized counselor advice-giving and stressed the creation of
conditions that left the client more in control of the counseling content.
● 1980s to 1990s- American School Counseling Association (ASCA) National
Standards for Counseling, 3 Core Domains: Academic, Career, Personal-Social

Guidance Movements in Europe

• European countries and Great Britain developed guidance
movements similar to those in the United States at about the
same time.
• In Great Britain, as in the United States, guidance suffered a
setback during World War II because young workers could
readily obtain employment without vocational guidance.
• In France, there is no provision for guidance in the secondary
schools. Vocational Guidance was given national recognition in
1922, when guidance services became established offices.
• In Germany, under the First Reich, although service to the
Emperor was part of tradition, vocational guidance enabled
boys to find jobs and aided the government to relocate workers
where they were needed.
• In Russia, the vocational guidance bureau handles counseling

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Guidance Movement in the Philippines

History of Counseling in the Philippines

● Pre–Colonial Philippines was much like neighboring Indonesia and Malaysia, and
counseling still shows vestiges of indigenous help-seeking through
○ superstition;
○ reliance on elders, faith healers, and fortune tellers; and
○ belief in the supernatural (Bulatao, 1992)
● In 1521, the Philippines was rediscovered by Ferdinand Magellan, which began
the Spanish colonization, resulting mainly in religious conquest: 80% of Filipinos
are Roman Catholics (CIA, 2011).
● The American occupation, from 1898 to 1941 (and military bases into the 1990s)
followed Spanish colonization. From public school to government, the United
States has had a strong influence on the country (NSO, 2010).
● The language of instruction in the country is English, and greater respect is given
to anything American over anything Filipino. The United States has even had a
significant impact on counseling because Filipino counselors and psychologists
often trained there (Salazar-Clemeña, 2002)

Psychological Association of the Philippines (PAP)

● Founded in 1962, the PAP endeavors to promote excellence, teaching, research,

and the practice of psychology. Its first annual national convention was held in
January 1964.
● The PAP publishes the flagship journal Philippine Journal of Psychology, an
international refereed journal that aims to promote psychological studies in the
Philippines and of the Filipino people.

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Philippine Guidance and Counseling Association (PGCA)

● The Philippine Guidance and Counseling

Association (PGCA) is a professional organization
for guidance counselors, supervisors, and
counselor educators conceptualized in 1964 by a
group of educators, psychologists, and counselors,
some of whom were trained in the United States.

● From the 1970s to the 1990s, the movement in

counseling was primarily indigenization (e.g.,
Bulatao, 1992; Enriquez,1977) of assessments,
constructs, and theories, focusing on the
differences between the counseling models learned
in the United States within the context of Philippine
culture and the realities of its social issues.

● The most significant development in Philippine counseling is the Guidance and

Counseling Act of 2004 (Republic Act No. 9258).
● The Act was intended to professionalize the practice of guidance and counseling
and to create the Professional Regulatory Board of Guidance and Counseling,
which is under the administrative control and supervision of the Professional
Regulatory Commission.
● Prior to 2004, mental health workers did not need a license to practice nor was
there a regulatory board to ensure adequate training and ethical practice.
● Guidance counselors pioneered regulation for counseling, and psychologists are
following suit through the Philippine Psychology Act of 2009 (Republic Act No.

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10029), which will regulate psychology and create a professional regulatory board
for licensing psychologists (Kabiling, 2010).

Comparative Table of Guidance and Counseling Practice

Country Regulating Authority Scope of Practice

Philippines Government (Philippine Specializations (on process)

Regulatory Commission)

United States of America Government (State Boards) Specializations (certified by

the SBs)

Australia Professional Organization Specializations(certified by

the group)

Singapore Professional Organization

New Zealand Professional Organization Specializations(certified by

the group)

Laws affecting the Practice of Guidance and Counseling

1897 Philippine Constitution

Article XIV, Sec 3, par 2:

All educational institutions shall xxx, strengthen ethical and spiritual values,
develop moral character and personal discipline, encourage critical and creative
thinking, broaden scientific and technological knowledge, and promote vocational

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BP 232 (Education Act of 1982)
Section 9. Right of Students in School
The right to school guidance and counseling services for decisions and selecting
the alternatives in fields of work suited to his potentialities.
RA 10533 (Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013)
SEC. 9. Career Guidance and Counseling Advocacy.
... the DepED, in coordination with the DOLE, the TESDA and the CHED, shall
regularly conduct career advocacy activities for secondary level students.
Career and employment guidance counselors, who are not registered and
licensed guidance counselors, shall be allowed to conduct career advocacy activities to
secondary level students of the school where they are currently employed;
Provided, That they undergo a training program to be developed or accredited by
the DepED.

Sec 27, RA 9258 (Guidance and Counseling Act of 2004)

Prohibition Against the Practice of Guidance and Counseling. -
No person shall:
a) engage in the practice of guidance and counseling without a valid Certificate of
Registration and the valid Professional Identification Card or a special permit;
b) make representations to the public or to third person as a licensed Guidance
Counselor during the time that the licensed has been revoked or suspended,
c) allow anybody to use his/her license as guidance counselor to enable such
unqualified individuals to engage in the practice of guidance and counseling.
Any unethical practice of guidance and counseling as may be defined in a Code
of Ethics and Code of Technical Standards, is prohibited.

IRR, RA 10533 (Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013)

Section 18. Career Advocacy Activities.
Career advocacy activities refer to activities that will guide secondary level
students in choosing the career tracks that they intend to pursue.
Career advocacy activities involve:
● provision of career information and experiences,
● advising,
● coordinating and making referrals, and may include, but are not limited to, career
talks, career and job fairs, parents’ orientations, and seminar-workshops on
career decision-making.

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Section 19
● Career advocacy may be conducted by career advocates and peer facilitators.
● Career advocates refer to career and employment guidance counselors who are
not registered and licensed guidance counselors.
● Career advocates include homeroom advisers and teachers of all learning areas
who will implement career advocacy activities.
● Peer facilitators are secondary-level students trained to assist career advocates
in implementing career advocacy activities.
Section 20. Role of the DepEd.

The DepEd shall:

(a) Integrate career concepts in the curriculum and
undertake teaching in relevant learning areas;
(b) Conduct career assessments;
(c) Conduct regular career advocacy activities;
RA 11036 (Mental Health Act of 2018)
Mental Health refers to a state of well-being in which the individual:
● realizes one’s own abilities and potentials,
● copes adequately with the normal stresses of life,
● displays resilience in the face of extreme life events,
● works productively and fruitfully, and
● is able to make a positive contribution to the community.

Mental Health Services refer to psychosocial, psychiatric or neurologic activities

and programs along the whole range of mental health support services including:
promotion, prevention, treatment, and aftercare, which are provided by mental health
facilities and mental health professionals.
Mental Health Professional refers to a medical doctor, psychologist, nurse, social
worker, guidance counselor or any other appropriately- trained and qualified person with
specific skills relevant to the provision of mental health services.
Role of Educational Institutions
1. Promote mental health
2. Provide basic support services for
individuals at risk or already have a
mental health condition; and
3. Establish efficient linkages with
other agencies and organizations
that provide or make arrangements
to provide support, treatment and
continuing care.

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All public and private educational institutions shall be required to have a
complement of mental health professionals.
Employers shall develop appropriate policies and programs on mental health in
the workplace designed to:
● raise awareness on mental health issues,
● correct the stigma and discrimination associated with mental health conditions,
● identify and provide support for individuals at risk, and
● facilitate access of individuals with mental health conditions to treatment and
psychosocial support.

RA 11206 (Secondary School Guidance and Counseling Act)

1. National Secondary School Career Guidance and Counseling Program
2. CGCP Centers
3. National Career Assessment Examination


Reflect on the selection entitled, Guidance and Counseling in the Philippines: A

Journey to Maturity. By Dr. Herman Lagon. Cite some of his thoughts in relation to the
maturation of guidance as a helping profession.


Assess what you have learned. (Post – Test will be administered on a later date)

Final Requirement

Congratulations you are one step away from finishing this module. You have done so
much to come this far. As a final requirement, I want you to do the following: Write a short
reaction on, The Scientific Approaches in Guidance: The Way to a Matured
Understanding of the Guidance Profession….

Suggested Readings

Guidance and Counseling in the Philippines: A Journey to Maturity by Dr. Herman M.


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Guidance within Education

What are in store for you?

1. Differentiation of Guidance from Education, Counselling, and Psychotherapy

2. Place and Role of Guidance in Education
Duration: 3 Hours


Guidance is present in all educational institutions. This particular service involves

assistance provided by agencies or persons to the individual in making the right choices
and in helping him choose a course of action, a method of procedure, or a goal. It is not
choosing for him or directing his choice; it is helping him to make the choice. This helping
gesture is provided well using counselling, the heart of the guidance services,

Education on the other hand, deals with the

entire scope of human development. From the
standpoint of the society, it is the concerted effort to
help and develop individuals as they conform to the
community where they belong, prosper in their
respective places in it, improve their living
conditions, and secure their optimum development.

All guidance is education, but some aspects

of education are not guidance; their objectives are
the same-the development of the individual—but the methods used in education are by
no means the same as those used in guidance.

What you should know? (Main Objective)

● At the end of this module, it is expected that you differentiate guidance from
education, counselling and psychotherapy based on research articles.

Specifically, you should be able to:

● Identify where and when counseling and psychotherapy are used;

● Use guidance terminologies appropriately;
● Elucidate the place and role of guidance in education using research articles to
address the learners’ needs, strengths, interests and experiences.

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What do you already know? (Pre-test)

As part of procedures for determining your prior knowledge on the topic presented
in this module, I want you to answer the pre-test below. Your honesty is the key to success
in achieving the intended learning outcomes of this module for you.

Direction: Check the corresponding category for every given statement.

Statement: Education Guidance Counselling Psychotherapy
1. It involves advice or
instructions on general
problems, given by someone
more experienced or qualified
2. It is a long-term process and
is used with those who are
severely disturbed
3. A wider program compared to
others and Focus on needs of
4. Touches the problems related
to the emotional and physical
aspects of an individual
5. Essentially covers personal
and psychological assistance
6. Uncover the foundation of the
problem and address it in the
most efficient manner
7. It is a process of behavioral
change and requires a fix time
period or levels of study
8. It is an integral part of
9. Has a broader scope such as
educational guidance, career
guidance, financial guidance,
health guidance
10. Support the patient to perform
day to day activities in a
normal and efficient manner
and address issues in a less
in-depth manner

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Kalito Talaga…

Give a particular situation/incidence where you have found it difficult to decide to

whom you would be asking for assistance. (Example: A bullying classmate of yours….
Where will you go to…. Teacher, Counselor, Psychologist, or Social Worker?)


Where are you able to find the right person to go to? Explain your choice.


Are you satisfied with your choice? Give your reasons.


You finally did it, you already completed the first two tasks. Before you begin I
would like you to reflect on what you have done and experienced in your recent activity
because that is the key to moving forward. You can do that by completing each clause

The activities above made me remember


It made me think and realize that


I therefore commit to


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By this time, you are very much prepared to learn more about the differentiation of
Guidance from Education, Counseling and Psychotherapy.


Guidance occupies an important

place in the educational world as it helps
individual students by understanding
individual personal situations, giving
rightful information, providing necessary
strategies to choose from suitable
subjects of study, guiding students in the
development of study habits, and
selecting proper occupation in the

The importance of guidance service provided in the school should be clearly known
so as not to confuse any individual in using education and guidance. Below are the
differences between education and guidance.

The Differences Between Education and Guidance

● Process of behavioral change ● Touches the problems related to
the emotional and physical aspects
of an individual
● Requires a fix time period or levels ● Guidance is not fix, it continues
of study throughout the life
● Methods of Teaching ● Methods of Guidance
● Focus on needs of society ● Address individual’s needs
● Wider Program ● Part of Education
● All types of guidance can be ● Some aspect of education cannot
educated be considered as guidance
● Predefined curriculum is needed in ● Guidance needs no curriculum to
education be taught

The Difference Between Guidance and Counseling.

● It is a comprehensive process ● It is an integral part of guidance
● Advice or instructions on general ● Professional advice given by a
problems, given by someone counsellor based on personal or
more experienced or qualified psychology related problems of
the individuals.

Page 43 of 169
● Has a broader scope such as ● Essentially covers personal and
educational guidance, career psychological assistance.
guidance, financial guidance,
health guidance, etc.
● Anyone who has good experience ● Needs to be done with a
and knowledge can give effective professional counsellor with a
guidance to others. recognized license to practice as
a counsellor.
● May be given in groups ● Given individually not in groups
● Face to face relation is not ● Face to face direct relation is
essential essential
● The task of the guidance worker is ● The task of the counselor is more
not as serious as that of a serious than that of a guidance
counselor worker
● Cordial and satisfying relationship ● Aims to solve the problem
is not needed
Similarities Between Guidance And Counseling
● Indispensable
● Inseparable
● Works for human development
● Can help in the treatment and rehabilitation of a person suffering from a
mental illness or disorder
● Has a client and expert
● To solve problem
● Therapeutic aid
● Helps individual

The terms “counseling” and

“psychotherapy” are often used interchangeably
which results in some confusions, but there is a
slight distinction between the two. The
differences below would give you a better view
about counselling and psychotherapy.

● Counselling is a short term ● Psychotherapy is a long-term
process process
● Counselling is used with normal ● Psychotherapy is used with those
individuals who are severely disturbed
● Support the patient to perform ● Uncover the foundation of the
day to day activities in a normal problem and address it in the most
and efficient manner efficient manner

Page 44 of 169
● Address issues in a less in-depth ● Address issues in a very deep
manner manner
● Deal with patients who are fit ● Involve individuals who are
enough to think rationally and find dependent on the psychotherapist
solutions to their problems by to gain control over their
themselves personality, mind, emotions and
● Both aspects are used to prolong a healthy life.
● An organized program that suited to individual and community needs

Some similarities between words were also included in the presentation to help
you further appreciate the value of these words in helping a child/student go through his
academic and other life’s journey.


Give instances or situations wherein one of the words you have learned today was
applied to assist a person in need.



Assess what you have learned. (Post – Test will be administered on a later date)

Final Requirement

Congratulations you are one step away from finishing this module. You have done
so much to come this far. As a final requirement, I want you to do the following: Interview
at least two helping professionals (teacher, counselor, social worker, psychologist,
librarian, etc.) working in an academic community (personal or on-line). List down the
different helping strategies that they cater and identify the assistance that they have
provided upon their clientele.

Suggested Readings

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