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Even though Nestle and many other companies in the country, in no doubt, are doing wonderful job to
manage their employees during this pandemic, they could adapt the following recommendations for
their best-

 Keep up to date with accurate information- Official sources like government advisories and the
World Health Organization (“WHO”) should always be followed by the employers to get the
proper information and take measures accordingly.
 Know where your employees are- To keep his employees safe, an employer needs to know
where they are and where they have been. keeping track of your employees could allow you do
deal with the situation better.
 Communicate with your employees- Employers should share proper information with their
employees to keep them educated and updated about the coronavirus. It is unwise to assume
that employees will educate themselves as not everyone follows or have access to reliable
sources of information. This kind of open and timely communication can help build trust and it
can also reduce the spread of rumors which may create panic in the workplace.
 Care for staff- In this situation, it is very likely that an employee is in immense mental stress. It is
recommended to keep checking with your employees on their physical and mental health. Staffs
feel more supported when they hear from their leader often.
 Provide a safe platform- To fight against the current situation, a safe platform where employees
can raise concerns openly on all aspects related to work, from mental health to the risk of
having contracted COVID-19, is much needed. This is not only about maintaining good employee
relations, but also early detection and taking necessary steps can help reducing the spread of
the virus.
 Be Flexible- Employers should keep in mind that this is a time of stress for all parties, including
employees. Employers should recognize that employees may have different needs depending on
their own circumstances. So, if being flexible does not hamper the flow of work, then employers
should consider it.
 One size may not fit all- While consistency in treatment favored in general, be advised that one
size may not fit all. For example, remote working, commonly known as “work from home”, may
not work for everyone. Some employees may need more in-person communication.

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