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An Epidural Hematoma in an Adolescent Patient After

Cardiac Surgery
David A. Rosen, MD*†, Denzil W. Hawkinberry II, MD*, Kathleen R. Rosen, MD*†,
Robert A. Gustafson, MD†‡, Jeffery P. Hogg, MD§, and Lynn M. Broadman, MD*†
Departments of *Anesthesiology, †Pediatrics, ‡Surgery, and §Radiology, West Virginia University Children’s Hospital,
West Virginia University School of Medicine, Morgantown
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An 18-yr-old patient had a thoracic epidural placed un- blood in his epidural catheter. The catheter was re-
der general anesthesia preceding an uneventful aortic moved, and he developed motor and sensory loss.
valve replacement with a bioprosthetic valve. On the Rapid surgical decompression resulted in recovery of
second postoperative day, he was anticoagulated and his lost neurological function. Management and strate-
also received an antithrombotic medication. While am- gies for preventing this problem are discussed.
bulating, he experienced pain in his back, and there was (Anesth Analg 2004;98:966 –9)

pidural analgesia for pediatric cardiac surgery 1:200000 epinephrine) produced no change in heart rate or
has been described in the anesthesia literature arterial blood pressure. Three hours later, the patient re-
(1– 4). No epidural hematomas have been re- ceived 21,000 U of heparin in preparation for cardiopulmo-
nary bypass (CPB).
ported in these patients that could be attributed to the
Upon completion of the valve replacement and after meas-
use of epidural catheters, subsequent heparinization, ured reversal of heparin with protamine (Rapid point Ac-
or maintenance of epidural analgesia into the postop- cent™, Bayer Corporation, East Walpole, MA) a double-
erative period. Several authors have attempted to doc- lumen, peripherally inserted central venous catheter (PICC)
ument the safety, efficacy, and benefits of periopera- was placed. The patient was transported to the pediatric
tive epidural analgesia in these patients (1– 4). intensive care unit (PICU) and tracheally extubated. A con-
In this case report, we present an epidural hema- tinuous epidural infusion of preservative free hydromor-
toma related to epidural analgesia in an adolescent phone (3.0 ␮g · kg⫺1 · h⫺1) and 0.75% lidocaine (10
who underwent cardiac surgery. ␮g · kg⫺1 · min⫺1) was used for postoperative analgesia.
Postoperative day one was uncomplicated. The patient
reported adequate pain control and ambulated without dif-
ficulty with the epidural catheter still in place. At 49 h after
surgery, the PICU staff initiated IV heparin therapy for
Case Report thrombo-prophylaxis for the prosthetic aortic valve. An ini-
An 18-yr-old, 67-kg man presented for bioprosthetic replace- tial IV bolus of 4500 U of heparin was followed by a contin-
ment of his aortic valve, secondary to aortic stenosis. Four uous heparin infusion. Neither the anesthesiologist nor the
years earlier, he successfully underwent an aortic valvot- surgeon were notified of this decision. Approximately 5 h
omy, with a perioperatively placed caudal epidural used for later (53 h after surgery), the PICC line became dysfunc-
perioperative analgesia without complication. Because of his tional, and each lumen was flushed with 2 mg of the throm-
intense fear of needles and concerns about pain, general bolytic drug alteplase. Within 2 h (57 h after surgery), while
anesthesia was induced via mask before the insertion of any ambulating, the patient reported intense back pain. There
needles, as in his previous surgery. The epidural catheter was blood in the epidural catheter and at the catheter inser-
(20-gauge, unstyleted, closed tip, radiopaque, and poly- tion site; the PICU team immediately removed the epidural
amide) was inserted in the T9-10 interspace and advanced 3 catheter. The activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT)
cm. Aspiration for blood or cerebrospinal fluid was nega- value obtained from a blood sample at that time was 87.4 s
tive. Injection of a 3-mL test dose (1.5% lidocaine with (Table 1).
On removal of the epidural catheter, there was the sudden
Accepted for publication October 8, 2003. onset of numbness and weakness distal to T9. The anesthe-
Address correspondence and reprint requests to David A. Rosen, siologist was contacted. Heparin therapy was then discon-
MD, Robert C. Byrd Health Science Center, West Virginia Univer- tinued, a computed tomographic (CT) scan was obtained,
sity School of Med, PO Box 9134, Morgantown, WV 26506-9134. and the spine surgery service was consulted. The initial CT
Address e-mail to imaging was inconclusive, requiring a magnetic resonance
DOI: 10.1213/01.ANE.0000103267.37895.5B imaging (MRI) scan. The CT scan was obtained because it

©2004 by the International Anesthesia Research Society

966 Anesth Analg 2004;98:966–9 0003-2999/04
2004;98:966 –9

Table 1. Hematologic Values and Their Temporal Relationship with the Epidural Hematoma Formation
Postoperative time Hematocrit Platelet count Activated partial
Event (h:min) (%) (thousand) thromboplastin time
40:10 32 127
Heparin therapy initiation 49:30
58:30 87
Alteplase 57:00
Back pain, Blood in catheter 57:45
Catheter removed, paresis 58:15
Preoperative lab work 60:53 35 76 38.1
Surgical decompression 61:30
64:25 23.7 107 24.0
72:00 24.7 177 —
85:01 23.3 164 —

was immediately available; additionally, we believed that

the MRI scanner’s magnet might heat the patient’s sternal
wires and cause discomfort. In fact, the MRI scan was
aborted before it was 50% complete because of the patient’s
complaints of severe burning in his chest from his sternal
wires being heated by the MRI magnet. However, MRI
imaging confirmed the diagnosis of an epidural hematoma,
and the patient was taken directly to the operating room for
urgent decompressive laminectomy (Fig. 1).
Five hours from the onset of neurologic symptoms, the
patient underwent surgical evacuation of the hematoma,
which extended from the T8 to T11 levels. Intraoperatively,
the patient received a platelet transfusion and a 30-mg/kg
bolus of methylprednisolone. A methylprednisolone infu-
sion was continued, as per our spinal cord injury protocol, at
a rate of 5.4 mg · kg⫺1 · h⫺1 for 72 h. Twenty-four hours
postlaminectomy, the patient demonstrated mild residual
lower extremity motor and sensory deficits. Six weeks later,
his neurological examination had returned to normal.

This patient developed a postoperative epidural hematoma
related to epidural analgesia and concomitant anti- Figure 1. Preoperatively, a dorsal intraspinal hematoma extends
from T9 through T10 with anterior displacement and compression
coagulant/thrombolytic therapy, resulting in an additional of the spinal cord. These findings were consistent with the patient’s
surgery and temporary neurological dysfunction. sensory and motor loss below the umbilicus.
Guidelines for use of neuroaxial techniques in pa-
tients receiving anticoagulants were published in 2003 1981 report (11) of 342 patients undergoing lumbar punc-
(5). The role of epidural anesthesia/analgesia in pa- ture followed by systemic heparinization. In this report, 7 of
tients undergoing cardiothoracic surgery is still a de- 342 (2%) patients developed a spinal hematoma.
batable subject. However, several published reports There are no reports of spinal hematoma related to
have attempted to document the safety of this tech- neuraxial anesthesia in patients undergoing CPB, nor
nique in pediatric (1– 4) and adult (6 –9) patients un- are there any closed claims on file in the registry (5).
dergoing surgery requiring intraoperative anticoagu- However, with ⬍1500 reports of the safe use of epi-
lation. In 1995, Flandin-Blety and Barrier (10) reported dural anesthesia in children undergoing systemic he-
a review of more than 24,000 noncardiac pediatric parinization for CPB, and only 30% of these thoracic
patients who received an epidural anesthetic/ (1– 4), the total sample size lacks statistical power to
analgesic, and only five complications related to the make a definitive statement regarding the safety of
technique were reported, none of which were epidural this technique (Type II error). Based on Tryba’s (12)
hematoma formation. estimates of the incidence of spinal/epidural hema-
Much of the argument against using spinal or epidural toma formation in nonanticoagulated patients receiv-
anesthesia in patients who have received or will receive ing epidural (1:150,000) or spinal (1:220,000) anesthe-
heparin therapy is derived from the Ruff and Dougherty sia, a sample of nearly 200,000 patients would be
2004;98:966 –9

required for 80% power to detect a 10-fold increase in presented with back pain yet remained neurologically
the incidence of this complication (13). A mathemati- intact until after the epidural catheter was removed.
cal analysis by Ho et al. (14), based on the 4583 epi- We hypothesize that blood loss through the epidural
dural and 10,840 spinal anesthetics reported in cardiac catheter helped to decrease the pressure effects of the
patients, estimate the risk of epidural hematoma for- developing hematoma. The same progression of
mation to be no more than 1:1528 for epidurals and symptoms may have been observed over a longer
1:3610 for spinals. Thus, there is insufficient data to period of time if the catheter had not been extracted.
conclude that preoperative placement of an epidural The only effective treatment for a compressing epi-
catheter followed full heparinization one to three dural hematoma is decompressive laminectomy with
hours later is risk free (1–3). evacuation of the hematoma (20). Final neurologic
The benefits of regional anesthesia in adult and pedi- outcome depends on: (a) the speed with which the
atric cardiac surgery patients are well documented (1– hematoma develops; (b) the severity of the preopera-
4,15–19). Nader et al. (18) described multiple potential tive neurological deficit; (c) the size of the hematoma;
respiratory advantages of regional techniques, which are and (d) the time between hematoma formation and
as follows: (a) perioperative respiratory depression was surgical evacuation (20,23,24). In patients with good
decreased when compared with IV narcotic therapy; (b) neurologic outcomes, decompression occurs within
earlier extubation; and (c) lower postoperative Pco2. eight hours of the initial development of neurologic
Epidural hematoma, although rare, is a potentially signs or symptoms (20).
devastating complication. In 1994, Vandermeulen et Epidural analgesia offers many potential benefits in
al. (20) reported 61 cases of epidural hematoma for- the treatment of postoperative pain compared with
mation related to neuraxial anesthesia between 1906 parenteral opiates. An alert comfortable patient is able
and 1993. An epidural technique was used in 46 of 61 to change position, cough, and ambulate. These ad-
(69.5%) of these anesthetics; the remaining patients vantages prevail, even if the epidural catheter can only
received a spinal anesthetic. An epidural catheter was be maintained for 24 – 48 hours, because the effects can
used in 32 of 46 (66%) of these patients. The epidural last long after the catheter is removed. There are like-
bleeds occurred upon removal of the epidural catheter wise some rare but significant potential complications
in 15 of 32 (47%) of these patients. More importantly, in the patient who has had a prosthetic valve placed.
42 of 61 (68%) of the epidural hematomas reported by The risks and benefits must be reviewed for each
Vandermeulen et al. (20) occurred in patients with patient. The risk of potential life-threatening hemor-
impaired coagulation. rhage after anticoagulation is so great in children that
This patient’s coagulation system was altered in a prosthetic valve must be avoided if at all possible.
several ways. The aPTT at the approximate time of When a prosthetic valve is the only option, a biopros-
hematoma formation was 87.4 seconds (normal range, thetic valve may be chosen as a way to minimize the
24.8 –37.3). Approximately one hour after receiving a need for long-term anticoagulation. Management of
4-mg injection of alteplase into the PICC line, neuro- pediatric cardiac surgery patients involves several
logic symptoms consistent with epidural hematoma care teams, and communication among all providers is
formation were noted. Thrombocytopenia developed vital. All providers must understand the potential for
three days after intraoperative exposure to CPB and hematologic complications in these patients.
heparin and was diagnosed approximately 12 hours In summary, this case report documents the occur-
after initiation of postoperative heparin therapy via a rence of a postoperative epidural hematoma in a pa-
blood sample obtained for the prelaminectomy coag- tient whose coagulation system was altered during
ulation profile. At that time, the platelet count was surgery and after surgery with heparin and the throm-
76,000. Whether the thrombocytopenia was surgery bolytic drug alteplase. Additionally, postoperative
related or rapid onset nonantibody-mediated heparin- thrombocytopenia was present, further contributing
induced thrombocytopenia and thrombosis syndrome to derangement of his coagulation system. These fac-
(21) is unknown. Antibody-mediated heparin-induced tors contributed to the development of an epidural
thrombocytopenia and thrombosis syndrome usually hematoma on postoperative Day 2. More importantly,
occurs approximately five days after exposure to hep- removal of the epidural catheter in the presence of
arin (22). In this case, all screening tests for heparin- impaired hemostasis may have increased the bleeding
induced antiplatelet antibodies were negative. and further compounded the problem.
This patient’s first symptom was severe radicular
back pain; this is but one way in which the onset of
epidural hematoma symptoms can initially present.
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