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Dear future self,

Today is the 23rd of December 2020, a very long time have passed since the day that I
wrote this letter to you. This is written by your past-self ten years ago. I know that your life is
better now, and you have your own family now. This letter contains pieces of advice from your
past-self that can be helpful for you, to become a responsible parent and especially when you
are facing problems.

First things first let me remind you of what you were back then. When you are at high
school you faced so much problem, especially in school. There are days where you feel like
giving up because of various reasons. One of them is the complexity and difficulty of some
lessons and subjects. You are so close to giving up, but despite those hardships you chose to
continue. But your parents and sibling encouraged you to study the lessons and strive to
understand those things that seems so complicated to you. Do this also to your children when
they are having a hard time studying. Always encourage and motivate them to strive harder in
their studies. But of course, they will not learn by just merely saying this to them Instead, be a
good example to them.

Another piece of advice that I can give you is to be a good listener. This is very important
specially when they are in their teenage years. As you experienced, children in this stage are
finding their selves. Being there for them and listening to their problems very good. This will
make them comfortable towards opening up to you. In this way you can properly guide them
with their decisions in life. But also remember to not force them into things they do not want just
to satisfy your wants for them. They are what they are, and you cannot force them because it
will only cause conflicts towards the both of you. All you need to do is guide them and listen to
them. In short be there for them because this is your main role to support and guide your
children to become better persons as they grow. I also advise you to teach your children to be
respectful towards others. This will be a very important task for you. Teach your children to
respects others opinion, by teaching them this they will be able to socialize well and avoid
conflicts with others. If they successfully learn this, they will be able to get along with others and
have friends that will accompany them as they grow. But also guide them on how to choose
their friends. These days there are so many children that drags others down and bring them to
harm. Be sure to know who their friends are so that they will be safe at all times.

And for my last advice, bring your family close to god. As a responsible parent, being
able to introduce God to your family is very important. Teach them to obey gods wishes and
pray for not only the betterment of your family but also others that surrounds them as well.
When your family is close to god it will radiate towards others by many means specially your
actions. And if others see the good things that you are doing, they will be able to realize how
god is important in a family. By doing these blessing will pour towards your family. Also, as god
stays within your family, your children will grow as God fearing persons. In this manner you are
not helping your children but also others.

He will not fail you, you rock!

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