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Handout 1 ~ March 7, 2020

How to introduce yourself!

- Greet someone: Hi, Assalamu’alaikum, Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening.
- Good night: goodbye- selamat tidur.
- --- Let me introduce myself/ I want to introduce myself, I want to do an introduction about
myself. My name is Erna Erlina, you can call me Erna/ My nickname is Erna.
- My major is Communication Science.
- I am from Magelang. I live in Magelang.

To be – describe something/someone.
- Risqia is a beautiful lady/girl.
- My friends are very nice. Teman – temanku sangat baik. Teman – temanku adalah orang
yang sangat baik.
- I am a University student. She am a student.
- You are very dillligent.
- The people are very angry. Cats, chairs, flowers, friends, joy and luna. People. children.

Verb – Someone/something do something.

- I study English. I am studying English right now.

A. Describing things/yourself using Simple Present Tense

Description : General truth – it is true in the past, present, and maybe in the future. Daily
activities. Repeated.
- I study English this semester. I studies English this semester.
- The sun rises from the East.

Formula :
Using VERB
(+) Subject (singular – She he it, name, uncountable N) + Verb(s/es) + ….
Subject (plural – I, you we they, Countable N) + Verb + ….
(-) Subject (singular – She he it, name, uncountable N) + Verb + does + not + ….
Subject (plural – I, you we they, Countable N) + Verb + do + not + ….
(?) Does + Subject (singular – She he it, name, uncountable N) + Verb + ….?
Do + Subject (plural – I, you we they, Countable N) + Verb + ….?
(+) Subject (singular – She he it, name, uncountable N) + is + ….
Subject (plural – you we they, Countable N) + are + ….
Subject (I) + am + ….
(-) Subject (singular – She he it, name, uncountable N) + is + not + ….
Subject (plural – I, you we they, Countable N) + are + not + ….
Subject (I) + am + not + ….
(?) To be + Subject + ….?

Handout 1 ~ March 7, 2020

B. Measure your understanding!

Hello, everyone. Good Morning. It ____ (to be) nice to see you all. Now, let me introduce
myself. My name is ______. You can _____ (call) me _____. I ____(live) in ____, very close to
campus. I usually ___ (go) to campus by bike. I ____ (to be) ____years old now.
I ____ (think), it will be very cool to describe myself using this identity collage. I ____
(create) this to help you know more about me. So, the first picture that ____ (to be) very relatable
to myself is this one. Yes. This picture ____ (describe) my hobby, I really ___ (like) playing
football. Another picture. This one, it _____ (resemble) my character as a creative person. This
one ___ (to be) my favorite song. I ____(put) the lyric a little bit. The song ____ (help) me to be
calm when I’m studying at home. The song also ____ (have) a very deep meaning.
Well, I think that’s all I can say. Thank you for listening. Bye.

C. Describe yourself!
Description: How does the thing(s) relate to your
Thing Character

I like red. It is my favorite color. It helps me to be brave

1 Red Brave
and confidence whenever I wear red.

Handout 1 ~ March 7, 2020


D. Identity Collage
1. Identity collage is an art of putting pieces of paper (can be a picture/words) into a
comprehensive design that describe your self-identity.
2. You have to use a minimum A3 paper as the paper base.
3. The pieces of paper can be from any printed media around you.
4. You have to put your best photo on it.
5. After you finish your identity collage, take a picture of it then upload it on e-learning by
Saturday April 17th, 23.59 PM on moca/google drive.

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