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 There are usually no anterior venous tributaries, and a plane

can usually be developed between the neck of the pancreas

and the portal and superior mesenteric veins during
pancreatic resection, unless the tumor is invading the vein
 Situated deep in the center of the abdomen and surrounded anteriorly.
by numerous important structures and major blood vessels.  The common bile duct runs in a deep groove on the posterior
 A seemingly minor trauma to the pancreas can result in the aspect of the pancreatic head until it passes through the
release of pancreatic enzymes and cause life-threatening pancreatic parenchyma to join the main pancreatic duct at
pancreatitis. the ampulla of Vater.

Gross Anatomy Body & Tail

 Retroperitoneal organ  Both lie anterior to the splenic artery and vein. The vein runs
 Llies in an oblique position in a groove on the back of the pancreas and is fed by
 Sloping upward from the C-loop of the duodenum to the multiple fragile venous branches from the pancreatic
splenic hilum. parenchyma. (These branches must be divided to perform a
 Weighs 75-100 g and is about 15-20 cm long (adult) spleen-sparing distal pancreatectomy.)
 The splenic artery, often tortuous, runs parallel and just
The fact that the pancreas is situated so deeply in the abdomen superior to the vein alog the posterior superior edge of the
and is sealed in the retroperitoneum explains the poorly body and tail of the pancreas.
localized and sometimes ill-defined nature with which  The anterior surface of the body of the pancreas is covered
pancreatic pathology presents. Patients with pancreatic CA by peritoneum. Once the gastrocolic omentum is divided, the
without bile destruction without bile obstruction usually present body and tail of the pancreas can be seen along the floor of
after months of vague upper abdominal discomfort, or no the lesser sac, just posterior to the stomach. Pancreatic
antecedent symptoms at all. Due to its retroperitoneal pseudocysts commonly develop in this area, and the
location, pain associated with pancreatitis often is posterior aspect of the stomach can form the anterior wall of
characterized as penetrating through to the back. the pseudocyst, allowing drainage to the stomach.
 The base of the transverse mesocolon attaches to the inferior
Regions of the Pancreas margin of the body and tail of the pancreas. The transverse
Head, Neck, Body and Tail mesocolon often forms the inferior wall of the pancreatic
pseudocysts or inflammatory processes, allowing surgical
Head drainage through the transverse mesocolon
 Nestled in the C-loop of the duodenum and is posterior to the  The body of the pancreas is anterior to the aorta at the origin
transverse mesocolon. of the superior mesenteric artery.
 The neck of the pancreas is anterior to the vertebral body of
 Located posterior to the head: L1 and L2, and blunt anteroposterior trauma can compress
Vena Cava the neck of the pancreas against the spine, causing
Right Renal Artery parenchymal and sometimes, ductal injury.
Right and Left Renal Vein  The neck divides the pancreas into approximately two equal
Neck  The small portion of the pancreas anterior to the left kidney
 Lies directly anterior to the portal vein is referred to As the tail and is nestled in the hilum of the
 At the inferior border of the neck of the pancreas, the spleen near the splenic flexure of the left colon.
superior mesenteric vein joins the splenic vein and then
continues toward the porta hepatis as the portal vein. The Pancreatic Duct Anatomy
inferior mesenteric vein often joins the splenic vein near its  The pancreas is formed by the fusion of the ventral and
junction with the portal vein. dorsal bud.
 The duct from the smaller ventral bud - arises from the
Sometimes, the inferior mesenteric vein joins the superior hepatic diverticulum, and connects directly to the common
mesenteric vein or merges with the superior mesenteric portal bile duct.
venous junction to form a trifurcation.  The duct from the larger dorsal bud - arises from the
duodenum, and drains directly into the duodenum.
 The superior mesenteric artery lies parallel to and just to the  The duct of the ventral anlage becomes the duct of Wirsung.
left of the superior mesenteric vein.  The duct from the dorsal anlage becomes the duct of
 The uncinate process and the head of the pancreas wrap Santorini.
around the right side of the portal vein and end posteriorly  With gut rotation, the ventral anlage rotates to the right and
near the space between the superior mesenteric vein and around the posterior side of the duodenum to fuse with the
superior mesenteric artery. dorsal bud.
 Venous branches draining the pancreatic head and uncinate  The ventral anlage becomes the inferior portion of the
process enter along the right lateral and posterior sides of pancreatic head and the uncinate process.
the portal vein.  The dorsal anlage becomes the body and tail of the pancreas.

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 The ducts from each anlage usually fuse together in the of the pancreas along the medial aspect of the C-loop of the
pancreatic head such that most of the pancreas drains duodenum and head of the pancreas.
through the duct of Wirsung or main pancreatic duct, into the  Therefore, it is impossible to resect the head of the pancreas
common channel formed from the bile duct and pancreatic without devascularizing the duodenum, unless a rim of
duct. pancreas containing the pancreaticoduodenal arcade is
 The length of the common channel is variable. preserved.
 Commonly, the duct from the dorsal anlage, the duct of  The right hepatic artery, common hepatic artery or
Santorini, persists as the lesser pancreatic duct, and gastroduodenal arteries can arise from the superior
sometimes drains directly into the duodenum through the mesenteric artery.
lesser papilla just proximal to the major papilla.
Replaced Right Hepatic Artery- the right hepatic artery will
Pancreas Divisum - the ducts of Wirsung and Santorini fail to arise from the superior mesenteric artery and travel upwards
fuse resulting to the majority of the pancreas draining through toward the liver along the posterior aspect of the head of the
the duct of Santorini and the lesser papilla. The minor papilla pancreas.
can be inadequate to handle the flow of pancreatic juices from
the majority of the gland. This relative outflow obstruction can  The body and tail of the pancreas are supplied by multiple
result in pancreatitis and is sometimes treated by branches of the splenic artery. The splenic artery arises from
sphincteroplasty of the minor papilla. the celiac trunk and travels along the posterior-superior
border of the body and tail of the pancreas toward the
 The main pancreatic duct is usually only 2-3mm in diameter. spleen.
Pressure in the pancreatic duct is about twice that in the  The inferior pancreatic artery usually arises from the superior
common bile duct to prevent reflux of bile into the pancreatic mesenteric artery and runs to the left along the inferior
duct. border of the body and tail of the pancreas, parallel to the
 The main pancreatic duct joins with the common bile duct splenic artery.
and empties at the ampulla of Vater or major papilla, which is
located on the medial aspect of the 2 portion of the Three vessels run perpendicular to the long axis of the
duodenum. pancreatic body and tail and connect the splenic artery and
inferior pancreatic artery. From medial to lateral..
Sphincter of Oddi – muscle fibers around the ampulla which Dorsal Pancreatic Artery
controls the flow of pancreatic and biliary secretions into the Great Pancreatic Artery
duodenum. Contraction and relaxation of the sphincter is Caudal Pancreatic artery
regulated by complex neural and hormonal factors.
 These arteries form arcades within the body and tail of the
 Two (2) cm proximal to the ampulla of Vater lies the lesser pancreas, and account for the rich vascular blood supply.
papilla from the duct of Santorini.  The veins are usually superficial to the arteries within the
parenchyma of the pancreas.
Vascular & Lymphatic Anatomy  There is an anterior and posterior venous arcade within the
 Blood supply from the pancreas comes from multiple head of the pancreas.
branches from the celiac and superior mesenteric arteries.  The superior veins drain directly into the portal vein just
 The common hepatic artery gives rise to the gastroduodenal above the neck of the pancreas.
artery before continuing toward the porta hepatis as the  The posterior inferior arcade drains directly into the inferior
proper hepatic artery. mesenteric vein at the inferior border of the neck of the
 The right gastric artery branches off the gastroduodenal pancreas. These venous tributaries must be divided during a
artery just superior to the duodenum. The gastroduodenal Whipple procedure.
artery then travels inferiorly anterior to the neck of the  The anterior inferior pancreaticoduodenal vein joins the right
pancreas and posterior to the duodenal bulb. A posterior gastroepiploic vein and the middle colic vein to form a
ulcer in the duodenal bulb can erode into the gastroduodenal common venous trunk, which enters into the superior
artery in this location. mesenteric veins.
 At the inferior border of the duodenum, the gastroduodenal  Traction on the transverse colon during colectomy can tear
artery gives rise to the right gastroepiploic artert then these fragile veins.
continues on as the anterior superior pancreaticoduodenal  There are also numerous small venous branches coming from
artery, which branches into the anterior and posterior the pancreatic parenchyma directly into the lateral and
superior pancreaticoduodenal arteries. posterior aspect of the portal vein. Venous return from the
 As the superior mesenteric artery passes behind the neck of body and tail of the pancreas drains into the splenic vein.
the pancreas, it gives off the inferior pancreaticoduodenal  The lymphatic drainage from the pancreas is diffuse and
artery at the inferior margin of the neck of the pancreas. This widespread. The profuse network of lymphatic vessels and
vessel quickly divides into the anterior and posterior lymph nodes draining the pancreas provides egress to tumor
pancreaticoduodenal arteries. The superior and inferior cells arising from the pancreas.
pancreaticoduodenal arteries join together within the  Pancreatic cancer often presents with positive lymph nodes
parenchyma of the anterior and posterior sides of the head and a high incidence of local recurrence after resection.

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 Lymph nodes can be palpated along the distal bile duct and  The pancreatic juice is a combination of acinar cell and duct
posterior aspect of the head of the pancreas in the cell secretions.
pancreaticoduodenal groove, where the mesenteric vein
passes under the neck of the pancreas, along the inferior Acinar cells – pyramid shaped, with their apices facing the
border of the body, at the celiac axis and along the hepatic lumen of the acinus. Near the apex of each cell are numerous
artery ascending into the porta hepatis, and along the splenic enzyme-containing zymogen granules that fuse with the apical
artery and vein. cell membrane. Individual acinar cells secrete all types of
 The pancreatic lymphatics also communicate with lymph enzymes.
nodes in the transverse mesocolon and mesentery of the
proximal jejunum. Secretions:
 Tumors in the body and tail of the pancreas often Amylase
metastasize to the nodes and lymph nodes along the splenic Proteases
vein and in the hilum of the spleen. Lipases

Neuroanatomy Pancreatic amylase – only pancreatic enzyme secreted in

 The pancreas is innervated by the sympathetic and active form; hydrolyzes starch and glycogen to glucose,
parasympathetic nervous systems. maltose, maltotriose, and dextrins.
 The acinar cells responsible for exocrine secretion.
 The islets for endocrine secretion. Cholecystokinin (CCK) releasing peptide, CCK and secretin –
 The islet vasculature are innervated by both systems. released by endocrine cells that stimulate the pancreas to
 The parasympathetic system stimulates endocrine and secrete enzymes and bicarbonate into the intestine from
exocrine secretion. gastric hydrolysis of protein
 The sympathetic system inhibits secretion.
Proteolytic enzymes – secreted as proenzymes that require
The pancreas is also innervated by neurons that secrete amines activation.
and peptides:
Somatostatin Trypsinogen – converted to its active form, Trypsin – by
Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP) another enzyme, Enterokinase (from duodenal mucosal cells)
Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)
Galanin Trypsin in turn activates other proteolytic enzymes. But its
activation is also prevented by the presence of inhibitors that
are also secreted by the acinar cells.
 The pancreas also has a rich supply of afferent sensory fibers,
which are responsible for the intense pain associated with
Familial Pancreatitis - caused by a failure to express a normal
advanced pancreatic cancer, as well as acute and chronic
trypsinogen inhibitor, Pancreatic Secretory Trypsin Inhibitor
pancreatitis. These somatic fibers travel superiorly to the
(PSTI) aka Serine Protease Inhibitor Kazal Type 1 (SPINK1).
celiac ganglia. Interruption of these fibers can stop
transmission of pain sensation.
Inhibition of trypsinogen activation ensures that enzymes
WITHIN the pancreas remain inactive and are activated only
Histology and Physiology
within the duodenum.
85% - exocrine function
PRSS1 mutation – results in premature, intrapancreatic
10% - extracellular matrix
activation of trypsinogen; accounts for 2/3 of cases of
4% - blood vessels and major ducts
hereditary pancreatitis.
2% - endocrine tissue
Chymotrypsinogen – activated to form chymotrypsin.
 Although patients can live without a pancreas when insulin
and digestive enzyme replacement are administered, the loss
Elastase, Carboxypeptidase A&B, Phospholipase – also
of the islet-acinar coordination leads to impairment in
activated by trypsin.
digestive function.
 Although only approximately 20% of the normal pancreas is Trypsin, Chymotrypsin and Elastase – cleave bonds between
required to prevent insufficiency, in many patients amino acids within a target peptide chain
undergoing pancreatic resection, the remaining pancreas is
not normal, and pancreatic endocrine and exocrine Carboxypeptidase A & B – cleave amino acids at the end of
insufficiency can develop with removal of smaller portions of
peptide chains.
the gland.
Individual amino acids and small dipeptides are then actively
The Exocrine Pancreas transported into the intestinal epithelial cells.
 Secretes approximately 500-800 mL per day of colorless,
odorless, alkaline, isosmotic pancreatic juice.

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Pancreatic lipase – hydrolyzes triglycerides to 1-monoglyceride Endocrine Pancreas
and fatty acid. It is secreted in an active form. Islets of Langerhans – 1 million in the normal adult pancreas
and vary greatly in size from 40 to 900 um.
Colipase – also secreted by the pancreas and binds to lipase,
changing its molecular configuration and increasing its activity. Most islets contain 3000-4000 cells of five major types:
Alpha cells – secrete glucagon
Phospholipase A2 – secreted by the pancreas as a proenzyme Beta cells – secret insulin
that becomes activated by trypsin. It hydrolyzes phospholipids Delta Cells – secrete somatostatin
and as with all lipases, requires bile salts for its action. Epsilon Cells – secrete ghrelin
PP cells – secrete PP
Carboxylic Ester Hydrolase & Cholesterol Esterase – hydrolyze
neutral lipid substrates. Insulin – 56-amino acid peptide with two chains, alpha and
beta chain, joined by two disulfide bridges and a connecting
The hydrolyzed fat is then packaged into micelles for transport peptide or C peptide.
into the intestinal epithelial cells, where the fatty acids are
reassembled and packaged inside the chylomicrons for Proinsulin – made in the endoplasmic reticulum and then is
transport through the lymphatic system into the bloodstream. transported to the Golgi complex, where it is packaged into
granules and the C-peptide is cleaved off.
Centroacinar and Intercalated duct cells – secrete water and
electrolytes present in the pancreatic juice; also contain the Phases of Insulin Secretion
enzyme carbonic anhydrase which is needed for bicarbonate First Phase – lasts about 5 minutes after a glucose challenge
secretion. Second Phase – longer, sustained release due to ongoing
production of new insulin.
Acinus – composed of 40 acinar cells arranged into a spherical
unit with centroacinar cells located in the center. Beta cell synthesis of insulin is regulated/influenced by the
The amount of bicarbonate secreted varies with the pancreatic Plasma glucose levels
secretory rate, with greater concentrations of bicarbonate Neural signals
being secreted as the pancreatic secretory rate increases. Paracrine influence of other islet cells
Plasma amino acid levels (arginine, lysine, leucine)
Chloride secretion varies inversely with bicarbonate secretion. Free fatty acids
Sodium and potassium concentrations are kept constant.
Diagnosis: using oral and intravenous (IV) glucose tolerance
Secretin – hormone released from cells in the duodenal tests.
mucosa in response to acidic chime passing through the pylorus
in the duodenum; major stimulant for bicarbonate secretion Oral glucose does not only enters the bloodstream but also
which buffers the acidic fluid entering the duodenum from the stimulates the release of ff enteric hormones:
stomach. Glucose-dependent Insulinotropic Polypeptide (GIP)
Glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1)
CCK also stimulates bicarbonate secretion but to a much lesser Incretins
extent than secretin. CCK potentiates secretin-stimulated
bicarbonate secretion. Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)
 Patient is fasted overnight
Gastrin & Acetylcholine – both stimulants of gastric acid  Basal glucose value is determined
secretion and weak stimulants of pancreatic bicarbonate  75 g of glucose is given orally over 10 minutes
secretion.  Blood samples are taken every 30 minutes for 2 hours.
 Normal values and criteria for diabetes vary by age, but
Truncal vagotomy reduces bicarbonate and fluid secretion. essentially all values should be <200 mg/dL and the 120-
Inhibits exocrine secretion: minute value should be <140 mg/dL.
Pancreatic polypeptide (PP) Stimulate insulin release: Inhibit Insulin release:
Glucagon Glucagon Somatostatin
GIP Amylin
Destruction of the branching ductal tree from recurrent GLP-1 Pancreastatin
inflammation, scarring, and deposition of stones eventually CCK Alpha sympathetic fibers
contributes to destruction of the exocrine pancreas and Cholinergic fibers
exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. Beta sympathetic fibers

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INSULIN`S GLUCOREGULATORY FUNCTION is to inhibit Pancreatic polypeptide – 36 amino acid straight chain peptide.
endogenous (hepatic) glucose production and to facilitate
glucose transport into cells thus lowering plasma glucose Enteral neural stimulation of PP release:
levels. PROTEIN (most potent) > FAT > GLUCOSE

 Insulin also inhibits glycogenolysis, fatty acid breakdown, Stimulated by: Inhibited by:
ketone formation. Hypoglycemia Glucagon
 Insulin stimulates protein synthesis Phenylalanine Somatostatin
 If the remaining portion of the pancreas is healthy, about Tryptophan
80% of the pancreas can be resected without the patient Fatty acids in the duodenum
becoming diabetic. In patients with chronic pancreatitis, or Insulin
other conditions with glands diseased, resection can result in Gastric Inhibitory Peptide
pancreatogenic or type 3C diabetes.
 Vagal stimulation is the most important regulator of PP
Insulin receptors - dimeric, tyrosine kinase-containing secretion. Vagotomy eliminates the rise in PP levels usually
transmembrane proteins located on all cells. seen after a meal. This can be used as a test for the
completeness of a surgical vagotomy or for the presence of
 Insulin deficiency results in an overexpression or upregulation diabetic autonomic neuropathy
of insulin receptors, which causes an enhanced sensitivity to  PP has been shown to inhibit choleresis (bile secretion) and
insulin in muscle and adipocytes. gallbladder contraction and secretion by the exocrine
 Type 2 diabetes is associated with a downregulation of pancreas.
insulin receptors and relative hyperinsulinemia, with resulting  PP’s most important role is in glucose regulation.
insulin resistance.  Deficiency in PP secretion is associated with diminished
hepatic insulin sensitivity
Glucagon – 29 amino acid, single chain peptide that promotes
hepatic glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis and counteracts Ghrelin – secreted from Epsilon cells; also present in the gastric
the effects of insulin through its hyperglycemic action; fundus in large amounts and stimulates growth hormone
primarily regulated by glucose but has an inhibitory rather than secretion; Orexigenic or appetite stimulating; block insulin
stimulatory effect. effects on the liver and inhibits Beta cell response to incretin
and glucose.
Stimulated by: Inhibited by:
Hypoglycemia GLP-1 (in-vivo) Amylin/Islet Amyloid Polypeptide (IAPP) – found in pancreatic
Amino acids alanin and arginine. Insulin Beta cells stored along with insulin; modulates or
Cholinergic and beta sympathetic fibers Somatostatin counterregulates insulin secretion and function.
sympathetic fibers Pancreastatin – inhibits insulin and possibly somatostatin
release; augments glucose release; inhibits pancreatic exocrine
 In pancreatogenic or type 3c diabetes, glucagon secretion.
responsiveness to a fall in blood glucose is lost, thereby
increasing the risk for hypoglycemia. Islet Distribution
70% total islet cell mass - made up of Beta cells located in the
Somatostatin – wide anatomic distribution not only in neurons center, while the rest are in the periphery
but in pancreas, gut, and other tissues; highly conserved 5% - Delta cells
peptide hormone; stimulated during meal. 10% - Alpha cells
15% - PP cells
 One gene encodes for a common precursor that is
differentially processed to generate tissue-specific amounts  In reality, more than 20 different hormones are secreted by
of two bioactive products, somatostatin-14 and the islets, and the exact functions of this milieau are very
somatostatin-28. These peptides INHIBIT endocrine and complex.
exocrine function.  Alpha and Beta cells are evenly distributed throughout the
 Somatostatin receptors (SSTRs): SSTR 1, SSTR 2, SSTR 3, SSTR pancreas but islets in the head and uncinate process (ventral
4, SSTR 5 anlage) have a higher % of PP cells and fewer Alpha cells
 In the body and tail (dorsal anlage), majority are Alpha cells
Stimulated by: Inhibited by: and few PP cells.
Intraluminal fat Acetylcholine  Pancreatoduodenectomy removes 95% of PP cells in the
Acidification of the gastric and pancreas leading to higher incidence of glucose intolerance
duodenal mucosa after the Whipple procedure compared to a distal
pancreatectomy with an equivalent amount of tissue

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Acute Pancreatitis Hereditary Pancreatitis
PRSS1 cationic trypsinogen gene mutation – premature
 HALLMARK: Acute pancreatic inflammation associated with activation of trypsinogen
little or no fibrosis. SPINK1 protein mutation from which blocks the binding site of
 Ranges from mild self-limiting inflammation to critical disease trypsin
characterized by infected pancreatic necrosis, multiple organ
failure, and a high risk of mortality Tumors
 Smoking – independent risk factor for acute pancreatitis. Pancreatic or periampullary tumor

 Gallstones (females) and alcohol (males) – 80% of cases; most Hyperlipidemia
common Patients with Type I and V hyperlipoproteinemia with marked
 Idiopathic type – characteristic finding of microlithiasis, hypertriglyceridemia
birefringent crystals on bile microscopy Lipase liberates toxic fatty acids into the pancreatic
microcirculation leading to impairment and ischemia
Gallstones Hypothesis for Acute Pancreatitis Tx: Clofibrate, Dietary modification
1. Common channel hypothesis – it was proposed that a
gallstone transiently lodged in the distal common channel of Drugs & Miscellaneous
the ampulla of Vater allowed bile to reflux into the pancreatic
duct form. Thiazide diuretics Azathioprine
Furosemide Estrogens
2. Transient incompetence caused by the passage of a stone 1-asparaginase Methyldopa
through the sphincter might allow duodenal fluid and bile to 6-mercaptopurine Tetracycline
reflux into the pancreatic duct Sulfonamides Pentamidine
Procainamide Nitrofurantoin
3. Gallstone obstructing the pancreatic duct leading to ductal Dideoxyinosine Valproic acid
hypertension. This backpressure might lead to minor ductal AChe inhibitors
disruption, extravasation of pancreatic juice into the less Hypercalcemia from hyperparathyroidism
alkaline interstitium of the pancreas, and promotion of enzyme Ascaris lumbricoides
activation Clonorchis sinensis causing Oriental cholengitis
Alcohol Vasculitis
 Sustained alcohol ingestion + recurrent acute pancreatitis can Sting of the Trinidadian scorpion
lead to chronic pancreatitis (drinking for more than a decade)
 Type of alcohol consumed is less important than the amount Pathophysiology
consumed and the pattern of drinking. Pancreatitis begins with the activation of digestive zymogens
 It is common for patients with alcohol associated acute inside acinar cells, which cause acinar injury
pancreatitis to have a history of excess alcohol consumption
prior to the first attack. Precipitating Initial Events
 Ethanol is a metabolic toxin to pancreatic acinar cells
A. Acinar Cell Events
 The secretory burst coupled with ethanol induced spasm of
Pancreatitis is essentially the premature, intrapancreatic
the sphincter of Oddi incited acute pancreatitis
activation of digestive enzymes, resulting to autodigestion.
 Ethanol also induces ductal permeability
There is intra-acinar activation of trypsinogen from injurious
 Ethanol also increases protein content of pancreatic juice,
decrease bicarbonate levels and trypsin inhibitor
Several Protective mechanisms:
 Formation of protein plugs causing obstruction
1. Enzymes are synthesized as inactive precursors called
proenzymes or zymogens. The activation occurs safely in the
Iatrogenic duodenum where the brush border enteropeptidases (aka
Pancreatic Biopsy enterokinase) activates the trypsinogen and the resulting
Exploration of the extrahepatic biliary tree and AOV trypsin activates other zymogens.
Distal gastrectomy
Splenectomy 2. Synthesis of trypsin inhibitors which are transported and
Colectomy stored along with the digestive enzyme zymogens to inhibit
Nephrectomy prematurely activated trypsinogen within the pancreatic acinar
Aortic Aneurysmorraphy cells.
Retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy
Splanchnic hypoperfusion with cardio-pulmonary bypass 3. Acute Pancreatitis can occur locally (within the gland) with
Cathepsin B which is located in the cytoplasmic vacuole of the

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cells. It activates trypsinogen. Cathepsin once activated and in Organ systems frequently involved:
the cytosol, initiates apoptotic death. There is release of Cardiovascular
Cytochrome C that initiates apoptotic cascade. Inhibition of Respiratory
cathepsin B by pharmacological inhibitors or by genetic Renal
depletion of cathepsin B eliminates trypsin activation.
Management of the Patient
4. Injurious stimuli leads to sustained cytosolic Calcium General Considerations
increase. Blocking the Calcium increase prevents co-localization
and activation of trypsin. Pre-ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde  Mild acute pancreatitis – less than a week in the hosp
Cholangipnacreatography) supplementation of Magnesium,  Severe/Critical type – weeks or months
antagonist of Calicum is currently evaluated.  The risk of mortality reflects the spectrum of severity.
1. Activated Neutrophils in tissue injury release superoxides IMPORTANT PRIORITY OF MANAGEMENT.
(“respiratory burst”) and proteolytic enzymes (cathepsins,  Use Ranson’s Criteria to identify high risk patients.
elastase, and collagenase) which cause further injury.
2. Macrophage release cytokines (TNF Alpha, IL6, IL8) which
 Acute onset of severe constant epigastric pain which often
mediate local and systemic inflammatory response leading to
radiates through to the mid back
pancreatic vascular permeability resulting to edema,
 Elevation of serum amylase or lipase (>3x upper limit of
hemorrhage and microthrombi. Failure of pancreatic
normal) – to rule out hyperamylasemia
microcirculation results in hypoperfusion and necrosis.
 Imaging (usually by contrast enhanced CT scanning) is ONLY
required for the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis when these
Interstitial Edematous Pancreatitis – is acute inflammation of
diagnostic criteria are NOT MET.
the pancreatic parenchyma and peripancreatic tissues but
without recognizable necrosis.  Serum Amylase conc increases almost immediately with the
onset of disease and peaks within several hours. It remains
Necrotizing Pancreatitis – term when necrosis is present, elevated for 3-5 days before returning to normal.
should be evidenced by pancreatic hypoperfusion with contrast  There is NO significant correlation between the magnitude of
CT. serum amylase elevation and severity of pancreatitis.
 Hyperamylasemia can occur NOT INVOLVING the
C. Systemic Events pancreatitis. (Small bowel obstruction, perforated duodenal
1. There is systemic inflammation and multiorgan failure. ulcer)
 In patients with hyperlipidemia, serum amylase can be
2. The NFkB-dependent inflammatory pathway is the KEY NORMAL because of the interference of lipids with chemical
pathway. It activates typsin independently from sustained determination of serum amylase.
Calcium increase. Once activated, it synthesizes multiple  Urinary clearance levels of pancreatic enzymes is a more
cytokines and chemokines leading to recruitment of various sensitive marker than serum levels in pancreatitis! It is
inflammatory cells. recommended that amylase concentrations also be measured
in the urine. Urinary amylase levels usually remain elevated
TAKE NOTE that although intra-acinar events initiate acute for several days after serum levels have returned to normal..
pancreatitis, events occurring SUBSEQUENT to acinar cell injury even in patients with severe pancreatitis associated with
will determine the SEVERITY. Elucidation of inflammatory significant necrotic damage where the pancreas may not
mediators (TNF A, IL1, IL2, IL6) can modulate the course of release large amounts of enzymes into the circulation.
severe acute pancreatitis.  With increasing severity of disease, the intravascular fluid
loss may become life-threatening as a result of sequestration
3. Organ failure can develop at any stage of acute of edematous fluid in the retroperitoneum.
pancreatitis associated with an overwhelming proinflammatory  There may also be bleeding into the retroperitoneum or
response. The proinflammatory constituents can appear in the peritoneal cavity. Blood from necrotizing pancreatitis may
mesenteric lymph bypassing the liver may contribute to the dissect through soft tissues and manifest as a bluish
development of organ failure. discoloration around the umbilicus (CULLEN’s SIGN) or in the
4. The development of Pancreatic Necrosis, breakdown of  Severe fluid loss may lead to prerenal azotemia,
intestinal barrier, suppression of the immune response (peak in hyperglycemia, hypoalbuminemia, and hypocalcemia to
rd th
the 3 to 4 week) may cause deterioration in the patient and produce tetany.
may result to late development of Systemic Inflammatory
Response Syndrome (SIRS) and Multiorgan Dysfunction
syndrome/failure (MODS/F)

Organ failure is scored using the Marshall or Sequential Organ

Failure Assessment (SOFA) systems.

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Pain Management  MR is superior to CT scanning in detecting any sold
 PAIN is the CARDINAL SYMPTOM of acute pancreatitis component within collections
 Those with mild pain can usually be managed with NSAID  Arterial Phase CT Scan (CTa) is useful in detecting
 Severe pain are best managed with Opioid analgesia pseudoaneurysm, active bleeding and/or hematoma.

Buprenorphione Therapeutic Endoscopic Retrograde

Pentazocine Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
Procaine Hydrochloride  Early ERCP reduces complications but not mortality in
Meperidine patients with severe gallstone-associated acute pancreatitis.
 The benefits of this may be offset however there is risk in the
*Morphine – is AVOIDED due to its potential to cause sphincter procedure – increase severity of pancreatitis, bleeding,
of Oddi spasm. cholangitis, and duodenal perforation.

Predicting Severity Antibiotics

 Accurately predicting acute pancreatitis severity is important  The use of broad-spectrum antibiotics to treat established
in making triage decisions. infection in acute pancreatitis is well-established practice but
 Use Ranson’s criteria or modified Glasgow criteria not as prophylactic antibiotic.
 When 3 or more positive criteria, the disease is considered
“predicted severe” Managing Local Complications
 Vigilance is required for the timely and accurate diagnosis of
Determining the Etiology local complications.
 History of alcohol ingestion and blood ethanol levels  The decision to intervene is based on the clinical status and
 Gallstones by ultrasonography (females over age 50 with trajectory of the patient.
elevated ALP >300 IU/L, ALT >100 IU/L and Amylase >4000  Close monitoring: regular measurement of inflammatory
IU/L) markers and pancreatic protocol CT Scan if local complication
 In the absence of gallstone and alcohol, include history of is suspected.
drug abuse, trauma, ERCP, infection, measure serum  In practice, intervention is DELAYED in order to allow
Triglycerides, Calcium, demarcation of necrosis, and a reduced risk of bleeding,
disseminated infection and collateral damage to adjacent
Fluid Resuscitation organs.
 Fluid therapy to restore and maintain circulating blood
volume is the most important intervention in the early Percutaneous Catheter drainage – used in pxn with suspected
management of acute pancreatitis. infected complications; prefer than Fine Needle Aspiration
 It is best to resuscitate with a balanced crystalloid and to since it “buys time,” lesion becomes more walled, and safer to
restore normal blood volume, blood pressure, and urine treat.
output. Lactated Ringer’s solution may be superior to normal
saline in reducing systemic inflammatory response.  Surgical technique should only be considered in those who
 Caution in patients with cardiac and renal disease and in the fail to respond to the “step-up approach” that is prior
elderly. percutaneous drainage and minimally invasive intervention.
 Pseudocyst is usually conservative since half of these will
Nutritional support resolve spontaneously. In pseudocyst, percutaneous drainage
 It is no longer acceptable to “rest the pancreas” by avoiding should be avoided for the risk of external pancreatic fistula.
enteral nutrition, and parenteral nutrition should only be Transpapillary Pancreatic Duct Stenting is the preferred
offered. Enteral nutrition should be commenced after initial approach.
fluid resuscitation and within the first 24 hours of admission.
 A delay in commencing early enteral nutrition may contribute Managing Organ Failure
to the development of intestinal ileus and feeding The responsiveness of orgain failure to resuscitation over the
intolerance. first 48 hours is an important prognostic clue.
 Aggressive early enteral feeding particularly prior to
adequate resuscitation may put the patient at risk of
nonocclusive mesenteric ischemia. Cholecystectomy
While it is widely accepted that cholecystectomy is essential to
Cross-Sectional Imaging prevent gallstone pancreatitis recurrence, the timing is
 It may be necessary to perform CT Scan to diagnose acute important.
pancreatitis in patients who are severely ill, undifferentiated
abdominal pain. Index cholecystectomy – appears safe and accomplished
 The primary purpose of cross sectional imagine is the laparoscopically but not suitable for all patients, particulary
diagnosis of local complications, extent of pancreatic who had local complications which include a large phlegmon
necrosis, or presence of different fluid collections. that extends into the porta hepatis.

DocMegz2017 Page 8
Chronic Pancreatitis  Drunkard’s Pancreas
 There is a linear relationship between exposure to alcohol
Incurable, chronic, multifactorial cause, highly variable in and the development of chronic pancreatitis.
presentation and difficult to treat.  Although the risk of disease is dose related and highest in
heavy (>150 g/d) drinkers, the prevalence of chronic
pancreatitis among confirmed alcohol abusers is only 5 to
Etiology 15%
Genetic Mutations  However, the duration of alcohol consumption is definitely
Alcohol exposure associated with the development of pancreatic disease.
Duct obstruction due to trauma, gallstones and tumors  The onset occurs between ages 35 to 40 years after 16-20
Metabolic diseases (hyperlipidemia, hyperparathyroidism, years of alcoholic consumption.
autoimmune)  Recurrent episodes of acute pancreatitis are typically
Nutritional (Tropical Pancreatitis) followed by chronic symptoms after 4 or 5 years
Idiopathic  It was proposed that chronic pancreatitis was the result of
multiple episodes of acute inflammation, with residual and
Genetic Causes progressively increasing chronic inflammation.
 Others proposed that initial acute inflammation was not
 Patients first present in childhood or adolescence with necessarily linked to chronic changes in the pancreas. Other
abdominal pain and are found to have chronic calcific additional factors were necessary for repeated exposure
pancreatitis on imaging studies.  Regardless, the concept of multiple episodes of pancreatic
 Progressive pancreatic dysfunction is common injury ultimately leads to chronic disease is widely accepted
 Increase risk of subsequent carcinoma but typically at the age as the pathophysiologic sequence.
>50 y/o  Repeated or severe episodes of toxin-induced injury activates
 Autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance (80% a cascade of cytokines, which, in turn, induces pancreatic
penetrance) stellate cells (PSCs) to produce collagen and cause fibrosis
 Incidence is equal in both sexes  Alcohol may interfere with intracellular transport and
discharge of digestive enzymes and may contribute to the co-
PRSS1 mutation - gain-of-function missense mutation in an Arg localization of digestive enzymes and lysosomal hydrolase
to His substitution at position 117 at chromosome 7q35 within acinar cells leading to autodigestion.
resulting to proteolysis of trypsin and excess production of  High protein, low bicarbonate, low volume secretory output
trypsinogen is seen in chronic alcohol exposure. Calcium is complexed to
protein plugs that in the end promotes an inflammatory
R122H and N291 – additional mutations of PRSS1 response.
PRSS2 – gain of function mutation in the anionic typsinogen  Cigarette smoking has been strongly associated with chronic
gene pancreatitis but until recently it was unclear whether this was
a causative factor. Recently, smoking accelerates the
SPINK1 mutation – loss-of-function of inhibiting trypsin action development of alcoholic pancreatitis, and the risk of cancer
by competitively blocking the active site of the enzyme; in chronic pancreatitis is increased significantly. Smoking
associated with familial and idiopathic forms of chronic appears to be an independent risk factor.
pancreatitis, and tropical pancreatitis.
Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Receptor (CFTR) – present in  Hypercalcemia is a known cause of pancreatic
pancreatic duct cells and controls the amount of chloride and hypersecretion, and chronic hypercalcemia caused by
bicarbonate secreted into the normally alkaline pancreatic untreated hyperparathyroidism is associated with chronic
juice; CFTR mutations are associated with Cystic Fibrosis, calcific pancreatitis, calculus formation, and obstructive
Classic Pulmonary disease (F508), Chronic idiopathic pancreatopathy.
Pancreatitis, Autoimmune Pancreatitis  Treatment: Correction of hyperparathyroidism

CLDN2 gene – encodes a tight junction protein normally

present in ductal cells; In chronic pancreatitis, CLDN protein is Hyperlipidemia
abnormally expressed in acinar cells, and may alter the
 Predisposing factor in women when they receive estrogen
secretory dynamics of enzyme release.
replacement therapy
 Aggressive therapy of hyperlipidemia is important in peri- or
Men with only one X chromosome have no protection if they
postmenopausal patients
inherit a CLDN2 mutation unlike in women. This helps to
explain the high prevalence of alcoholic chronic pancreatitis
among men.

DocMegz2017 Page 9
Idiopathic Pancreatitis – lacks definable cause; young adults
Classification and adolescents without family history of pancreatitis; SPINK 1
and CFTR mutations; also found in the elderly with biliary tract
TIGAR-O Categorizing Scheme disease.

T- Toxic metabolic Pathology

I- Idiopathic Histology
G – Genetic
A – Autoimmune  Unevenly distributed, induration, nodular scarring, lobular
R – Recurrent and severe acute pancreatitis regions of fibrosis
O – Obstructive  As disease progress there is loss of normal lobulation with
thicker sheets of fibrosis
Chronic Calcific (Lithogenic) Pancreatitis  Ductular epithelium is usually atypical, with dysplasia
 Includes patients with calcific pancreatitis of most etiologies  Cuboidal cells with hyperplastic feature
 Although the majority of patients with calcific pancreatitis  Areas of mononuclear cell infiltrates or patchy areas of
has a history of alcohol abuse, stone formation and necrosis
parenchymal classification can develop in a variety of  Cystic changes seen
etiologic subgroups.  Tropical pancreatitis and hereditary pancreatitis are
 The clinician should therefore avoid the assumption that histologically indistinguishable from chronic alcoholic
calcific pancreatitis confirms the diagnosis of alcohol abuse pancreatitis.
 In obstructive chronic pancreatitis, calculi are absent
Chronic Obstructive Pancreatitis  In pancreatic lobular fibrosis seen in the elderly, small ducts
Refers to chronic inflammatory changes that are caused by the are dilated, sometimes with small calculi trapped within
compression or occlusion of the proximal ductal system by
tumor, gallstone, posttraumatic scar, or inadequate duct Fibrosis
caliber. (Recall Pancreas Divisum)  Common feature of all forms of chronic pancreatitis is the
perilobular fibrosis the forms surrounding acini, then
Chronic Inflammatory Pancreatitis propagates to surround small lobules, and eventually
 Diffuse fibrosis and loss of acinar elements with a coalesces to replace larger areas of acinar tissue.
predominant mononuclear cell infiltration  Pathogenesis involves the activation of pancreatic stellate
 Increased levels of serum B-globulin or IgG4 are also present. cells (PSCs)
 Steroid therapy is uniformly successful.  In response to pancreatic injury, the PSCs become activated
and proliferate, lose their lipid vesicles and transform into
Autoimmune Pancreatitis – a variant of chronic pancreatitis myofibroblast-like cells. These cells respond to proliferative
that is nonobstructive, diffusely infiltrative disease associated factors (TGF Beta, PDGF), and synthesize and secrete Type I
with fibrosis, a mononuclear cell infiltrate (lymphocyte, plasma and III collagen, fibronectin
cell or eosinophil), and an increased titer of one or more
autoantibodies; associated with Sjogren’s syndrome, RA, Type I
Stone Formation
Types: Pancreatic stones are composed largely of calcium carbonate
Type 1 AIP – with accompanying systemic or multiorgan crystals trapped in a matrix of fibrillar and other material
Type 2 – restricted to the pancreas only The fibrillar center contains no calcium but a mixture of other
metals. This suggests that stones form from an initial
noncalcified protein precipitation. The same low MW protein is
Tropical (Nutritional) Pancreatitis – adolescent and young present in stones and protein plugs and was initially named
adults; brittle form of pancreatogenic diabetes. Patients appear Pancreatic Stone Protein (PSP)
malnourished, characteristic cyanotic coloration of the lips;
with SPINK1 mutation (20-55% of pxn) and CFTR mutations; the PSP was found to be a potent inhibitor of Calcium carbonate
accelerated deterioration of endocrine and exocrine function, crystal growth and has subsequently been renamed
the chronic pain due to obstructive disease, and the recurrence Lithostanthine
of symptoms despite decompressive procedures characterize
the course of the disease. Independently, Pancreatic Thread protein has been shown to
be homologous with lithostanthine.
Asymptomatic Pancreatic Fibrosis – elderly pxn; diffuse
perilobular fibrosis and a loss of acinar cell mass but without a Finally, reg protein was subsequently found to be homologous
main ductular component. with lithostanthine

DocMegz2017 Page 10
The PSP/Pancreatic Thread Protein/reg/Lithostathine gene
codes for a 166-amino acid product that undergoes post  The role of chronic inflammation and development of nerve
translational modification to produce isoforms present in damage in the diseased gland also thought to contribute to
pancreatic juice. High concentrations found in pyramidal pain.
neurons in Alzheimer’s disease and Down Syndrome, and also  Chronic inflammation results in the infiltration of tissue by
found in renal tubules which is consistent with its biologic macrophages which secrete prostaglandins and other
action of preventing calcium carbonate precipitation. nociceptive agents

 Inflammatory damage to the perineural layers surrounding

Presentation, Natural History, and Complications the unmyelinated pancreatic nerves and a focal infiltration of
inflammatory cells around nerves suggest that neural fibers
Presenting Signs & Symptoms are a target for cellular response to inflammation in the
 Pain is the most common symptom of chronic pancreatitis. pancreas
 Midepigastric but may localize or involve either the left or
right upper quadrant of the abdomen Strategies to relieve Pain:
 Occasionally it is perceived in the lower midabdomen 1. Reducing secretion and/or decompress that secretory
 Frequently described as penetrating through to the back compartment
 Persists for hours or days 2. Resecting the focus of chronic inflammatory change
 May be chronic with exacerbation caused by eating/drinking 3. Interrupting the transmission of afferent neural impulses
alcohol through neural ablative procedures
 Chronic alcoholic also describe a steady, constant pain
temporarily relieved by alcohol, followed by more severe Malabsorption and Weight Loss
recurrence hours later  Pancreatic exocrine capacity falls <10% of normal = diarrhea
 Patients with chronic pancreatic pain typically flex their & steatorrhea
abdomen  Bulky, foul-smelling, loose (but not watery) stool, pale in
 Either sit or lie with hips flexed of in a fetal position color and float on the surface of toilet water.
 The pain causes the patient to be still  Oil slick stool on the water surface
 Nausea/vomiting may accompany the pain  In severe steatorrhea, an orange oily stool is often reported
 Anorexia is the most common assoc symptom  As exocrine deficiency increases, symptoms of steatorrhea
are often accompanied by weight loss.
Etiologies  Patients may describe a good appetite despite weight loss, or
1. Ductal hypertension due to strictures or stones, may diminished food intake due to abdominal pain
predispose to pain that is initiated or exacerbated by  Anorexia and nausea may occur with or separate from
eating. abdominal pain
2. A chronic pain without exacerbation may be related to  Decreased food intake and malabsorption of nutrients usually
parenchymal disease or retroperitoneal inflammation with results in chronic weight loss
persistent neural involvement.  Lipase deficiency tend to manifest itself before trypsin
3. Acute exacerbations of pain in the setting of chronic pain deficiency, so the presence of steatorrhea may be the first
may be due to acute increase in duct pressure or recurrent functional sign of pancreatic insufficiency.
episodes of acute inflammation in the setting of chronic  As pancreatic exocrine function deteriorates further, the
parenchymal disease. secretion of bicarbonate into the duodenum is reduced,
which causes duodenal acidification and further impairs
 Pain that is found in association with ductal hypertension is nutrient absorption.
most readily relieved by pancreatic duct decompression,
through endoscopic stenting or surgical decompression. Pancreatogenic Diabetes
 The surgical relief of pain due to obstructive pancreatopathy  The islets comprise only 2% of the mass of the pancreas,
may be dependent on the degree of underlying fibrosis but they are preferentially conserved when pancreatic
rather than the presence of ductal obstruction inflammation occurs.
 Acinar tissue loss and replacement by fibrosis is greater
Minimal change Chronic Pancreatitis – there is minimal fibrosis than the dregree of loss of islet tissue
but there is chronic pain due to extrapancreatic or `peri-  Endocrine insufficiency commonly occurs
pancreatic inflammatory events which are NOT ameliorated by
decompression. Frank Diabetes – chronic pancreatitis and impaired glucose
Burned out Pancreatitis – pain from chronic pancreatitis
decreases or disappears completely over a period of years, as  Ketoacidosis and diabetic nephropathy are relatively
symptoms of exocrine and endocrine deficiency become uncommon in pancreatogenic diabetes but retinopathy and
apparent; there is progression of disease from a mild or neuropathy are seen
moderate stage to severe destruction of the pancreas.

DocMegz2017 Page 11
 Pancreatogenic diabetes is most common in cases of Triolein Breath test – measurement of exhaled CO2 after
14 14
chronic pancreatitis, and is often seen after surgical ingestion of ( C)-triolein or ( C)-olein; less cumbersome than
resection intubation methods, and avoids the necessity of stool
 Distal pancreatectomy and Whipple procedures have a collections and analysis; high false-negative rate
higher incidence of diabetes than do drainage procedures,
and the severity of diabetes is usually worse after subtotal  Fecal levels of chymotypsin and elastase have been
or total pancreatectomy proposed as simpler, less expensive test of exocrine
function and correlate well with loss of pancreatic function.
However, these tests lose their sensitivity in patients with
 Type 3C Diabetes classification; the loss of functioning mild to moderate chronic pancreatitis and may be more
pancreatic tissue by disease or surgical removal results in a sensitive for other causes of pancreatic dysfunction,
global deficiency of all three glucoregulatory islet cell including cystic fibrosis.
hormones: insulin, glucagon and PP  Fecal elastase C1 measurements, levels below 100 ug/g are
 There is a paradoxical combination of enhanced peripheral indicative of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency. However,
sensitivity to insulin and decreased hepatic sensitivity to the sensitivity and specificity of fecal elastase C1
insulin. measurements fall short of those needed for definitive
diagnosis of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency
Brittle diabetes – patients are hyperglycemic when insulin
replacement in insufficient (due to unsuppressed hepatic Radiologic imaging – the PRINCIPAL METHOD of diagnosis of
glucose production) or hypoglycemis when insulin replacement chronic pancreatitis, with the codification of classification
is barely excessive (due to enhanced peripheral insulin systems that correlate with proven disease.
sensitivity and a deficiency of pancreatic glucagon secretion to
counteract the hypoglycemia).  ERCP has been considered the MOST SENSITIVE
RADIOLOGIC TEST fpr diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis.
 PP deficiency correlates with the severity of chronic  CT Scan is sensitive for the diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis
pancreatitis. when calcification, duct dilation or cystic disease is present,
 A recent study of type 1 and type 3c diabetic patients on but NOT accurate in the ABSENCE of these findings.
insulin pump therapy revealed that the addition of a  CT is helpful as a screening study to guide interventional
continuous subcutaneous infusion of PP reduced the insulin therapy or other diagnostic modalities, although EUS has
requirement for glycemic control. become the preferred method for the diagnosis of
pancreatic disease and offers the advantage of very-high-
Laboratory Studies resolution images of the pancreatic parenchyma, the main
 The direct measurement of pancreatic enzymes by blood and secondary ductal systems, cystic lesions, and calcific
test is highly sensitive and fairly specific in ACUTE changes.
pancreatitis but SELDOM HELPFUL in the diagnosis of  EUS findings may be inconclusive in mild or minimal change
CHRONIC pancreatitis. pancreatitis.
 The pancreatic endocrine product that correlates more
strongly with chronic pancreatitis is the PP response to a Prognosis and Natural History
test meal  Dependent on the etiology of the disease, development of
 Severe chronic pancreatitis is associated with a blunt or complications, age, patient’s socioeconomic status.
absent PP response to feeding  Although symptoms of pain decrease over time, this decline
 The measurement of pancreatic exocrine secretion requires is also accompanied by a progression of exocrine and
aspiration of pancreatic juice from the duodenum after endocrine insufficicency.
nutrient (Lundh test meal) or hormonal (CCK or secretin)  The likelihood of eventual pain relief is dependent upon the
stimulation. stage of disease at diagnosis, and the persistence of alcohol
 Indirect tests of pancreatic exocrine function are based on use in patients with chronic alcoholic pancreatitis.
the measurement of metabolites of compounds that are  The long-term survival of patients with chronic pancreatitis
altered (digested) by pancreatic exocrine products and can is less than for patients without pancreatitis.
be quantified by serum or urine measurements.  There is a significant long-term progressive development
of carcinoma in patients with chronic pancreatitis.
Bentiromide test – N-benzoyl-L-tyrosyl-p-aminobenzoic acid;  Carcinoma can be cryptic and the diagnosis of early-stage
ingested by the subject and the urinary excretion of the tumor is particulary difficult. Awareness of this risk justifies
proteolytic metabolite p-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) is close surveillance for cancer in patients with chronic
measured; highly sensitive pancreatitis like CA1 19-9, and periodic imaging of the
pancreas with CT Scan and EUS
 Quantification of stool fat has also been used as a measure
of pancreatic lipase secretion, either through the direct Complications
measurement of total fecal fat levels while the subject Pseudocyst – a chronic collection of pancreatic fluiod
consumes a diet of known fat content surrounded by nonepithelialied wall of granulation tissue and

DocMegz2017 Page 12
In chronic pancreatitis, a pancreatic duct leak with Internal Pancreatic fistula – occurs when pancreatic fluid
extravasation of pancreatic juice results in a pero-pancreatic tracks superiorly into the thorax, an a pancreatic pleural
fluid collection. (PPFC) effusion occurs.

Acute Pseudocyst – occurs when the PPFC is sealed by an Patients present with subacute or history of progressive
inflammatory reaction that leads to the development of a wall abdominal swelling despite weight loss, pain, nausea,
of acute granulation tissue without much fibrosis; may resolve paracentesis or thoracentesis reveals noninfected fluid with a
spontaneously over a course of 6 weeks or longer; may occur protein level of >25 g/L and a markedly elevated amylase level.
intrapancreatically or extend beyond the reigon of the Serum albumin may be low.
pancreas into other cavities. ERCP is most helpful

 Pseudocysts may become secondarily infected, in which they Pancreatic-Enteric Fistula - the erosion of a pancreatic
become abscesses. pseudocyst into an adjacent hollow viscus can result in a
 They can compress or obstruct adjacent organs or structure pancreatic-enteric fistula.
leading the superior mesenteric vein thrombosis or splenic
vein thrombosis. The most common site – transverse colon or splenic flexure
 They can erode into visceral arteries and cause Fistula presents with evidence of GI or colonic bleeding and
pseudoaneurysms sepsis
 They can perforate and cause peritonitis or intraperitoneal
bleeding Head-of-Pancreas Mass
 Pseudocysts usually cause symptoms of pain, fullness or early Inflammatory mass in the head of the pancreas in advanced
satiety chronic pancreatitis
 Sometimes pseudocysts resemble cystadenoma and
cystadenocarcinoma radiographically and should be Clinical Presentation
examined by EUS and aspirate to determine whether it is a Severe pain
true neoplasm or pseudocyst. Stenosis of the distal common bile duct
 If infection is suspected, the pseudocyst should be aspirated Duodenal stenosis
(NOT drained) by CT or US-guided FNA and the contents Compression of Portal vein
examined for organisms by Gram’s stain and culture. Stenosis of the proximal main pancreatic duct
 If pseudocyst failed to resolve with conservative therapy,
internal drainage is usually preferred to avoid complication of An accelerated transformation from hyperplasia to dysplasia
a pancreaticocutaneous fistula. exist in patients with pancreatic head enlargement (also,
mutation and polymorphisms of p53)
Internal drainage may be performed with:
Percutaneous catheter-based methods (Transgastric puncture Splenic and Portal Vein Thrombosis
and stent Placement
Left sided or Sinistral Portal Hypertension – formation of
Endoscopic methods (Transgastric or transduodenal puncture variceal as a consequence of either portal or splenic venous
and multiple stent placements, with or without a nasocystic occlusion and splenic vein thrombosis
irrigation catheter)
Surgery (True cystoenterostomy, biopsy of cyst wall, and Medical Therapy
evacuation of all debris and contents – cystogastrostomy, Roux- Analgesics
en-Y cystojejunostomy, or cystoduodenostomy) Cessation of alcohol use
Oral enzyme therapy
Transductal drainage may be a safe and effective approach to Selective use of antisecretory therapy
the management of pseudocystic disease.
Complications of endoscopic or radiologic drainage: Oral analgesics are prescribed as needed, alone or with
Bleeding from cystoeneterostomy analgesia-enhancing agents (gabapentin).
Incoulation of a pseudocyst with failure of resolution Narcotics for adequate pain control
Persistence of infection Essential to abstain from alcohol

Pancreatic Ascites Enzyme Therapy

When a disrupted pancreatic duct leads to pancreatic fluid Pancreatic enzyme administration serves to reverse the effects
extravasation that does not become sequestered as a of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency.
pseudocyst, but drains freely into the peritoneal cavity, All patients with chronic pancreatitis pain begin with
pancreatic ascites occurs. nonenteric-coated enzyme supplement together with acid-
suppressive medication.

DocMegz2017 Page 13
Antisecretory Therapy pancreas in the pancreaticoduodenal groove along with its
Somatostatin administration – inhibit pancreatic exocrine associated blood vessels and distal common bile duct; disadv:
secretion and CCK release high risk of brittle diabetes, hypoglycemia and malnutririon
Octreotide Acetate – somatostatin analogue
Proximal Pancreatectomy/ Pancreatojejunostomy/ Whipple’s
Neurolytic Therapy Procedure – widely used, pain relief for 4-6 years, high rate of
Cardiac plexus neurolysis with alcohol injection has been an symptomatic relief that outweighs metabolic consequences
effective form of analagesic treatment in patients with and mortality risk
pancreatic carcinoma; short-acting
Total pancreatectomy – disadvantage: brittle diabetes, lethal
Endoscopic Management episodes of hypoglycemia, hypoglycemic unresponsiveness due
Pancreatic Duct Stenting – used for treatment of proximal to absence of pancreatic glucagon, iatrogenic hypoglycemia;
pancreatic duct stenosis, decompression of a pancreatic duct rarely used for the tx of refractory chronic pancreatitis
leak, and for drainage of pancreatic pseudocysts that can be
catheterized through the main pancreatic duct Duodenum-preserving Pancreatic Head Resection (DPPHR)/
Beger’s Procedure – requires careful dissection of the
Extracorporeal shock wave Lithotripsy (ESWL) – used for gastroduodenal artery and the creation of two anastomoses;
pancreatic duct stones, together with endoscopic stenting and risk of pancreatic leakage and intra-abdominal fluid collections.
stone removal.
Local Resection of the Pancreatic Head with Longitudinal
Surgical Therapy Pancreaticojejunostomy (LR-LPJ)/ Frey’s procedure –
 Surgery should be considered only when the medical therapy excavation of pancreatic head, including the ductal structures
of symptoms has failed. in continuity with a long dichotomy of the dorsal duct;
 The choice of operation and the timing of surgery are based decompression of the the head as well as the body and tail of
on each patient’s pancreatic anatomy, the likelihood that the gland; preservation of the neck and the capsule of the
further medical and endoscopic therapy will halt the posterior pancreatic head; ZERO mortality rate; less
symptoms of the disease, and the chance that a good result complications than Whipple’s and DPPHR.
will be obtained with the lowest risk of morbidity and
mortality. Organ-Preserving Pancreatic Head Resection (OPPHR) –
 Preparation for surgery should include restoration of protein- excavating the core of the pancreatic head and draining with
caloric homeostasis, abstinence from alcohol and tobacco. Lateral Pancreaticojejunostomy but without any effort to
include the dorsal duct.
 The Sphincter of Oddi and the pancreatic duct sphincter Berne Modification of DPPHR – served as an alternative to
serve as gatekeeper for the passage of pancreatic juice into DPPHR procedure in patients with portal hypertension;
the duodenum. operative time and length of stay of patients were shorter. The
 Stenosis of either sphincter (sclerosing papillitis) due to removal of the central portion of the head of the gland is the
scarring from pancreatitis or from the passage of gallstones key to the successful resolution of pain long term.
may result in obstruction of the pancreatic duct
 Transduodenal sphincterectomy with incision of the septum Total Pancreatectomy with Islet Auto-Transplantation – for tx
between the pancreatic duct and common bile duct appear of diabetes in adjunct to pancreatic surgery from benign
to offer significant relief. pancreatic disease. The ability to recover a sufficient quantity
of islets from a sclerotic gland is dependent on the degree of
Drainage Procedures (see pictures on separate page) fibrotic disease present.
Pancreatic Neoplasms
Duval Procedure / Caudal Roux-en-Y pancreaticojejunostomy
Endocrine Neoplasms
Puestow Procedure / Longitudinal or side-to-side Roux-en-Y Islet Cells originate from neural crest cells (amine precursor
Pancreatojejunostomy – effective for pain relief when the uptake and decarboxylation cells.
maximum duct diameter is 6 mm; preferred method
MEN1 Syndrome – involves pituitary tumors, parathyroid
Resectional Procedures hyperplasia, pancreatic neoplasms
Distal Pancreatectomy - for patients with focal inflammatory
changes localized to the body and tail, or in whom no Insulinoma – most common functional pancreatic endocrine
significant ductal dilatation exists; risk for recurrence neoplasm and present with typical clinical syndrome known as
WHIPPLE’S TRIAD; pxn present with profound syncopal
95% Distal Pancreatectomy – intended for patients with episode; common sx include palpitations, trembling,
sclerotic (small duct) disease, and which attempted to avoid diaphoresis, confusion orobtundation, seizure, personality
the morbidity of total pancreatectomy by preserving the rim of

DocMegz2017 Page 14
change, elevated C-peptide levels, serum insulin elevated; 90% malnutrition. Debulking operations are recommended in good
benign and solitary operative candidates to relieve symptoms

Whipple’s Triad: Somatostatinoma – present with gallstones due to bile stasis,

Symptomatic fasting hypoglycemia diabetes due to inhibition of insulin secretion, and steatorrhea
Serum glucose level <50 mg/dL due to inhibition of pancreatic exocrine secretion and bile
Relief of symptoms with the administration of glucose secretion; originate in the proximal pancreas or
pancreatoduodenal groove, with ampulla and periamupllary
Noninsulinoma Hyperinsulinemia Hypoglycemia Syndrome – areas as the most common site.
beta cell hypertrophy, islet hyperplasia, increase beta cell mass.
If accompanied by ectopic islet tissue, multilobulated islets and Clinical presentations
ductulo-insular complexes --- Nesideoblastosis Abdominal Pain
Gastrinoma/ Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome – endocrine tumor Cholelithiasis
that secretes gastrin, leading to acid hypersecretion and peptic Elevated somatostatin levels
ulceration; 50% of gastrinomas metastasize to lymph nodes or
liver and therefore considered malignant. Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors (PNET) and Pancreatic
Endocrine Tumors (PET) – malignant tumors; often present
Clinical Presentation similar to patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma with vague
Abdominal Pain pain or weight loss.
Peptic Ulcer Disease
Severe Esophagitis Markers that can be used for PNET and PET:
 The diagnosis of ZES is made by measuring serum gastrin Chromogranin A – neuron specific enolase, monitor recurrence
level. Ostreoscan – somatostatin receptor scintigraphy; helpful to
 Stop taking proton pump inhibitors for this test. stage the disease
 Serum gastrin is elevated.
Neoplasms of the Exocrine Panceas
Other causes of hypergastrinemia
Pernicious Anemia Pancreatic Cancer – worst prognosis of all malignancies with a
Tx with Proton Pump Inhibitor 5-year survival rate of only 6%; incidence continues to increase
Renal Failure with risk factors such as diabetes and obesity; difficult to treat
G-cell Hyperplasia and exact cause is unknown; more common in the elderly >60
Atrophic gastritis years old; more common in men and African Americans; risk is
Retained or excluded antrum 2-3x higher if parent or sibling has the disease
Gastric outlet obstruction
Cigarette smoking – risk factor consistently linked to pancreatic
Pasaro’s Triangle – an area defined by a triangle with points cancer; 2-fold increase due to carcinogens present
located at the junction of the cystic duct and common bile
nd rd
duct, the 2 and 3 portion of the duodenum, and the neck  Coffee and alcohol consumption are possible risk factors
and body of the pancreas.  Diets high in fat, low in fiber, fruits, and vegetable are
increased risk
Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide-Secreting Tumor – aka WDHA  Diabetes has been known to be associated with pancreatic
syndrome cancer
 The new onset of diabetes, or sudden increase in insulin
W-atery requirement in an elderly patient with pre-existing diabetes
D-iarrhea should provoke concern for the presence of pancreatic
H-ypokalemia cancer.
 Serum VIP levels must be measured on multiple occasions KRAS Oncogene – present in most cases of pancreatic cancer
because the excess secretion of VIP is episodic and single Her2/Neu Oncogene – homologous to Epidermal growth Factor
measurements might be normal and misleading receptor (EGFr) is overexpressed in pancreatic cancer
 EUS is the most sensitive imaging method Multiple Tumor Supressor genes: p53, p16, SMAD4, and in
minority, BRCA2.
Glucagonoma – mild diabetes in association with dermatitis;
classic necrolytic migratory erythema that manifests as cyclic Pathology
migrations of lesions with spreading margins and healing Pancreatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia (PaIN) – precursor lesion
centers typically on the lower abdomen, perineum, perioral
area and feet. Also with enlarged sensitive tongue,

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About 2/3 of pancreatic adenocarcinomas arise within the head

or uncinate process of the pancreas.
Tumors in the pancreatic body and tail are generally larger at
the time of diagnosis,and therefore, less commonly resectable.
Tumors in the head are typically diagnosed earlier because they
cause obstructive jaundice.
Acinar cell carcinoma – uncommon type that usually presents
with a large tumor, often 10cm or more but prognosis is better.

Diagnosis & Staging (refer to the table for TNM staging)




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