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Baumann Skin Type Indicator- A novel Approach To Understanding Skin Type

Chapter · September 2014


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1 author:

Leslie S Baumann
Baumann Cosmetic and Research Institute


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4 The Baumann Skin-Type Indicator: A Novel
Approach to Understanding Skin Type
Leslie Baumann
University of Miami, Cosmetic Medicine and Research Institute, Miami, Florida, U.S.A.
Handbook of Cosmetic Science and Technology Downloaded from by Noella Owen on 09/17/14


Over the latter part of the last century, the dry, oily, combination, or sensitive skin-type
classifications, which were identified in the early 1900s by cosmetics magnate Helena
Rubinstein, have held sway in terms of characterizing the skin. While there have been
significant innovations and even more substantial growth in the skin care product market
during this time span, few notable advances have been made to further our understanding or
ability to characterize skin types. Consequently, practitioners have had insufficient informa-
tion to use in divining the most appropriate skin care product selections for their patients. The
Baumann skin-type indicator (BSTI) is a novel approach to categorizing skin types, which
greatly expands on the skin-type designations of Rubinstein and, in the process, provides
assistance to practitioners and patients/consumers alike in making sense of the numerous
available skin care formulations, many of which are now touted for particular skin types, as
well as in selecting the most suitable products. The BSTI is based on the identification of skin
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type using four dichotomous parameters characterizing the skin: dry or oily, sensitive or
resistant, pigmented or nonpigmented, and wrinkled or unwrinkled (tight). A four-letter skin-
type designation is derived from the answers to a 64-item questionnaire and considers all the
four skin parameters at once. Sixteen possible skin types, each delineated using the four-letter
code denoting one end of each parameter, characterize the BSTI (Fig. 1). Ideally, patients will
self-administer the BSTI to ascertain baseline skin type and reuse the questionnaire after
significant life changes (e.g., moving to a different climate, pregnancy, menopause, andropause,
chronic stress), which can induce modifications to skin type (1). This chapter focuses on the basic
science underlying the four fundamental skin-type parameters and, in the process, characterizes
in varying levels of depth the 16 skin types. In addition, some attention is paid to treatments,
mainly topical and noninvasive, on the basis of the BSTI system.


Oily (O) Vs. Dry (D)

“Dry skin,” also known as xerosis, results from a complex, multifactorial etiology and is
characterized by dull color (usually gray-white), rough texture, and an elevated number of
ridges (2). The primary factors that regulate the level of skin hydration and that contribute to
dry skin are the levels of stratum corneum (SC) lipids, natural moisturizing factor (NMF),
sebum, hyaluronic acid (HA), and aquaporin. The role of the SC and its capacity to maintain
skin hydration is the most important of these factors in terms of dry skin. The SC is composed
primarily of ceramides, fatty acids, and cholesterol. These constituents help protect the skin
and keep it watertight when they are present in the SC in the proper balance. SC equilibrium is
also thought to be maintained via stimulation of keratinocyte lipid production and keratinocyte
proliferation by primary cytokines (3).
When the primary components of the SC are not in proper balance, the skin’s capacity to
maintain water is decreased, and the skin becomes more susceptible to environmental factors.
With the skin barrier thus impaired, transepidermal water loss (TEWL) increases and the skin
is left dry and sensitive. This occurs because the enzymes essential for desmosome metabolism
are inhibited by inadequate hydration, leading to the abnormal desquamation of corneocytes (4).
At the same time, superficial SC desmoglein I levels remain high. The resultant compromised
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Figure 1 The BSTI skin types. The BSTI questionnaire can be located by registering online at The Web site is frequently
updated with the latest data as new questions are developed. The nonidentifying data collected on this Web site will be used to expand knowledge of skin-
type prevalence around the world.
The Baumann Skin-Type Indicator 31

desquamation leads to a visible accrual of keratinocytes, leaving a rough and dry appearance to
the skin (5). Dry skin has also been associated with a perturbation in the lipid bilayer of the SC as
a result of elevated fatty acid levels and reduced ceramide levels (6). Exogenous factors, such as
UV irradiation, acetone, chlorine, detergents, and protracted exposure to or immersion in water,
can also affect and inhibit the lipid bilayer. In addition, recent studies have suggested that local
pH fluctuations may account for the initial cohesion and ultimate desquamation of corneocytes
from the SC surface. These alterations are thought to selectively activate numerous extracellular
proteases in a pH-dependent manner (7).
NMF, derived from the breakdown of the protein filaggrin, is an intracellular,
hygroscopic compound present only in the SC that is released by lamellar bodies and plays
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an integral role in maintaining water within skin cells. Filaggrin, which is composed of lactic
acid, urea, citrate, and sugars, imparts structural support and strength to the lower layers of
the SC. A cytosolic protease breaks it down into free amino acids, such as arginine, glutamine
(glutamic acid), and histidine, in the stratum compactum, an outer SC layer (8). These water-
soluble substances remain inside the keratinocytes and avidly cling to water molecules.
Aspartate protease (cathepsin) initiates this chain of events and is believed to regulate the pace
of filaggrin decomposition into NMF as well as the level of NMF (9). It is important to note that
external humidity levels can affect cathepsin, resulting in changes in NMF production. After
an individual enters a low-humidity environment, the pace of NMF production typically increases
over the course of several days of getting acclimated (10). Notably, xerosis and icthyosis vulgaris
are associated with low NMF levels. In addition, UV irradiation and surfactants can inhibit
NMF production. However, NMF production cannot yet be artificially regulated through the
use of any products or procedures.
HA can bind 1000 times its weight in water, and its presence in the dermis assists the
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skin in retaining water. HA is also found in the epidermal intercellular spaces, particularly
the middle spinous layer, but is not present in the SC or stratum granulosum (11). Produced
primarily by fibroblasts and keratinocytes, HA has an estimated turnover rate of 2 to 4.5 days
in mammalians (12). Although the role of HA in skin hydration has not been fully elucidated,
aged skin, which is less plump than youthful skin, is characterized by decreased levels
of HA. Significantly, topically applied HA does not penetrate the skin (13). Nevertheless,
several manufacturers include HA in topical skin care products and claim that they are
Aquaporin-3 (AQP3) is a member of a family of homologous integral membrane proteins
and a subclass of aquaporins called aquaglyceroporins that facilitate water transport and small
neutral solutes, including glycerol and urea, across biological membranes (14). Present in the
urinary, respiratory, and digestive tracts as well as the kidney collecting ducts and, notably,
epidermis, AQP3 was shown recently to be expressed copiously in the plasma membrane of
epidermal keratinocytes in human skin (15). The water conduction function in the skin is
thought to occur along an osmotic gradient below the SC, where high AQP3-mediated water
permeability is manifested. In this context, AQP3 water clamps viable epidermal layers to
promote the hydration of cutaneous layers beneath the SC. A high concentration of solutes
(Na+, K+, and Cl ) and a low concentration of water (13–35%) have been shown to exist in the
superficial SC that produce in the steady-state gradients of solutes and water from the skin
surface to the viable epidermal keratinocytes (16–19). Nevertheless, the relationship between
keratinocyte fluid transport and SC hydration as well as the molecular mechanisms of fluid
transport across epidermal keratinocyte layers remains poorly understood. It is thought
though that AQP3 enhances transepidermal water permeability to protect the SC from water
evaporating from the skin surface and/or to spread water gradients throughout the layer of
epidermal keratinocytes (15). In a study evaluating the functional expression of AQP3 in human
skin, researchers observed that the water permeability of human epidermal keratinocytes was
inhibited by mercurials and low pH, which was consistent with AQP3 involvement (15).
Some of the same investigators considered skin phenotype in transgenic mice lacking AQP3
and discovered substantially decreased water and glycerol permeability in AQP3 null mice,
supporting earlier evidence that AQP3 functions as a plasma membrane water/glycerol
transporter in the epidermis (20). In most areas of the skin, conductance measurements revealed
significantly diminished SC water content in the AQP3 null mice. Epidermal cell water
permeability is not an important determinant of SC hydration, however, because water
movement across AQP3 is slower in skin than in other tissues (21). Currently, only extracts of
32 Baumann

the herb Ajuga turkestanica have been demonstrated to exert an influence in regulating
AQP3 (22). Ajuga turkestanica is included as an ingredient in a high-end line of skin care
products. Eventually, pharmacological manipulation of AQP3 may lead to its use in treating
skin conditions caused by excess or reduced hydration.
Sebum, the oily secretion of the sebaceous glands containing wax esters, sterol esters,
cholesterol, di- and triglycerides, and squalene, imparts an oily quality to the skin and is well
known to play an important role in acne development (23). A significant source of vitamin E,
sebum is also believed to confer cutaneous protection from exogenous elements and, perhaps,
when production is decreased, contribute to dry skin (24). The xerosis aspect of this theory has
not received much support though, as low sebaceous activity has not been found to foster dry
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skin. In fact, a more complex role for sebum production in the causal pathway of xerosis has been
expounded. It has been previously assumed that sebum does not alter epidermal permeability
barrier function because skin with few sebaceous glands, such as that in prepubertal children,
manifests normal basal barrier function (25). Indeed, prepubertal children (aged 2–9 years)
often present with eczematous patches (pityriasis alba) on the face and trunk, which are not
associated with sebaceous gland activity. In addition, the pharmacological involution of sebaceous
glands with supraphysiological doses of isotretinoin has no impact on barrier function or SC
lamellar membranes (26–28).
Although sebum levels do not alter barrier function, sebum may still play a role in the
etiology of xerosis in people with dry, resistant skin (DR in the BSTI system). Lipids from
meibomian glands, which are modified sebaceous glands found in the eyes, act against
dryness by preventing tear evaporation (29,30). TEWL is prevented in a similar fashion, as
sebum-derived fats form a lipid film over the skin surface. This theory received support from
a recent study that assessed permeability barrier homeostasis and SC hydration in asebia J1
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mice that demonstrated sebaceous gland hypoplasia (31). Investigators observed normal
barrier function in these sebum-deficient mice, which they ascribed to unaltered levels of the
three primary barrier lipids—ceramides, free sterols, and free fatty acids—and the persistence of
normal SC extracellular membranes. The mice did exhibit reduced SC hydration, however,
suggesting that an intact intercellular membrane bilayer system, although sufficient for
permeability barrier homeostasis, does not necessarily imply normal SC hydration. It is worth
noting that normal SC hydration levels were restored with the topical application of glycerol.
Sebaceous gland-derived triglycerides are hydrolyzed to glycerol before they are transported to
the skin surface in normal skin. In individuals with low sebum production, replacing this
glycerol may be an effective way to ease their xerosis. Using glycerol has also been demonstrated
to be successful in accelerating SC recovery (32).
Patients rarely, if ever, complain about reduced sebum production, but elevated sebum
production, yielding oily skin that can be a precursor to acne, is a common complaint. Several
factors are known to influence sebum production. Age, in particular, has a significant and
well-known impact, as sebum levels are usually low in childhood, rise in the middle-to-late
teen years, and remain stable into the seventh and eighth decades until endogenous androgen
synthesis dwindles (33). Sebum production is also affected by one’s genetic background, diet,
stress, and hormone levels. In a study of 20 pairs each of identical and nonidentical like-sex
twins, nearly equivalent sebum excretion rates with significantly differing acne severity were
observed in the identical twins, but a significant divergence was seen in both parameters
among the nonidentical twins, suggesting that acne development is influenced by genetic and
exogenous factors (34). Using oral retinoids to reduce sebaceous glands is a well-established
approach, but this capacity has not been demonstrated in topical retinoids. No topical products
have been shown to lower sebum production.

Skin Care for the O–D Parameter

An intact SC and barrier, normal NMF and HA levels, normal AQP3 expression, and balanced
sebum secretion are qualities of the skin that fall in the middle of the oily–dry spectrum.
Increased sebum secretion, regardless of whether it contributes to acne development, is
typically the reason that the skin may be described as falling on the oily side of this continuum.
Oily skin that is also prone to acne would be characterized as oily, sensitive (OS within the
BSTI framework), as acne-infiltrated skin is distinguished by heightened sensitivity (see
section “Acne Type”). Treatment for individuals with OS skin should concentrate on lowering
sebum levels using retinoids, reducing or eliminating cutaneous bacteria with antibiotics,
The Baumann Skin-Type Indicator 33

benzoyl peroxide, or other antimicrobials, and complementing with anti-inflammatory agents.

Individuals with oily skin but no acne (the OR type within the BSTI) should be treated only to
decrease sebum production, unless other skin-type parameters dictate otherwise (e.g.,
hyperpigmentation or wrinkling). Sebum secretion has been shown to be effectively reduced
using oral ketoconazole as well as oral retinoids, but no topical products have yet shown such
success (35,36). Further, unwanted sebum in OR skin can be camouflaged using sebum-
absorbing polymers and talc.
Treatment of dry skin starts with the identification of factors contributing to dryness. The
other BSTI skin parameters can provide clues. The skin barrier is likely impaired in a patient
whose skin is dry and sensitive (DS in the BSTI system). To treat such skin, products that repair
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the skin barrier (i.e., formulations that include fatty acids, cholesterol, ceramides, or glycerol)
should be used. In a patient with dry photodamaged skin (with a high score on the W vs. T
parameter), lower HA levels likely account, at least in part, for the dryness. Skin care products
that include HA are useless in this context as topically applied HA is not absorbed into the skin.
Recent studies have suggested that HA levels may be boosted through the use of glucosamine
supplements (37). The role of glucosamine has not been established though, as one small single-
blind study demonstrated wrinkle enhancement but no improvement in skin hydration (38). Dry
skin that is habitually exposed to the sun likely exhibits an impaired skin barrier and diminished
NMF. Treatment for such skin should concentrate on repairing the barrier and reducing or
avoiding sun exposure. If sun exposure cannot be avoided, adequate sun protection is necessary,
of course.
Harsh foaming detergents, which remove hydrating lipids and NMF from the skin,
should be avoided by all patients with dry skin. Such detergents are found in body and
facial cleansers as well as in laundry and dish cleansers. All patients with dry skin should
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also abstain from bathing for prolonged periods, especially in hot or chlorinated water.
Humidifiers are recommended for people with very dry skin who live in low-humidity
environments, as application of moisturizers is recommended two to three times daily and
after bathing. Several over-the-counter (OTC) moisturizers (e.g., occlusives, humectants, and
emollients) are effective in hydrating the skin and serve as worthy adjuncts to the aforementioned
pharmacological and behavioral approaches to treating dry skin. Indeed, moisturizers are the
third most often recommended type of OTC topical skin product (39). Moisturizers are typically
formulated as water-in-oil emulsions (e.g., hand creams) and oil-in-water emulsions (e.g., creams
and lotions).


Sensitive (S) Vs. Resistant (R)

A potent SC that provides especially reliable protection to the skin, rendering harmless allergens
and numerous irritating exogenous substances, characterizes resistant skin. Individuals with
such skin are unlikely to experience erythema (unless overexposed to the sun) or acne (though
stress or hormonal fluctuations could lead to a breakout). Such skin also confers an interesting
set of advantages and disadvantages. On the positive side, resistant skin allows for the use of
most skin care formulations with an extremely low probability of incurring adverse reactions
(e.g., acne, rashes, or a stinging sensation). However, resistant skin also renders many skin
care products ineffective, with individuals with such skin experiencing difficulty in detecting
differences among cosmetic formulations and exhibiting an exceedingly high threshold for
product penetration and efficacy.
Sensitive skin is more complex than resistant skin in terms of characterization, presentation,
diagnosis, and treatment. Nevertheless, the diagnosis of sensitive skin is increasingly common
(40). The majority of people that complain to a dermatologist about sensitive skin are healthy
women of childbearing age. On an individual basis, sensitive skin incidence diminishes with
age, fortunately. The prevalence of sensitive skin continues to increase, though. While
numerous skin care products are increasingly touted as suitable for sensitive skin, such skin
remains challenging to treat. Variations in the qualities of sensitive skin and poor self-
diagnosis account for this difficulty. Indeed, four discrete subtypes of sensitive skin have been
identified: acne type, rosacea type, stinging type, and allergic type. Consequently, the products
marketed for sensitive skin are not necessarily suitable for all sensitive skin subtypes, which is
34 Baumann

a phenomenon that presents some unusual treatment challenges. All four sensitive skin
subtypes do share a significant feature, though: inflammation. The treatment approach to any
kind of sensitive skin understandably begins with a focus on alleviating and eliminating
inflammation. Treatment for patients with more than one sensitive skin subtype, which is not
uncommon, is, of course, more complicated.

Acne Type
This is the most common subtype of sensitive skin because of the prevalence of acne, which
is by far the most common skin disease. Individuals with such sensitivity are prone to
developing acne, black heads, or white heads. Acne typically affects adolescent and young
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adults, equally by sex, between 11 to 25 years old. Most of the remainder of the millions of
those suffering from acne are adult women, who display a hormonal aspect to their acne. The
complex interplay of four primary factors is at the heart of acne pathogenesis: an increase in
sebum production, clogging of pores (which results from dead keratinocytes inside the hair
follicles clinging more strongly than in people without acne and can also result from elevated
sebum production), presence of the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes, and inflammation.
Significantly, acne can occur as a result of various causal pathways or in idiopathic
presentations, but the sine qua non of the condition is the amassing and adherence of dead
keratinocytes in the hair follicles due to elevated sebum production, leading to clogged follicles
and appearance of a papule or pustule. This is followed by the migration of P. acnes into the
hair follicle, where the combination of the bacteria, sebum, and dead keratinocytes stimulates
the release of cytokines and other inflammatory factors. In turn, an inflammatory response is
provoked that manifests in the formation of redness and pus. Indeed, in chronic inflammatory
conditions such as acne, high levels of primary cytokines, chemokines, and other inflammatory
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markers are typically present (3). To treat acne, the therapeutic intention is to target the four
main etiological factors. This translates to decreasing sebum production (using retinoids, oral
contraceptives, and/or stress reduction), unclogging pores (using retinoids, a-hydroxy acids,
or b-hydroxy acid), eliminating bacteria (using benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, antibiotics, or azelaic
acid), and reducing inflammation (using any of a wide array of anti-inflammatory products).

Rosacea Type
The acneiform condition rosacea affects 14 million people in the United States, typically
adults aged between 25 and 60 years, according to the National Rosacea Society (41). Those
with the rosacea subtype of sensitive skin exhibit a tendency toward recurrent flushing,
facial redness, and experiencing hot sensations. The etiology of rosacea remains elusive, but
this condition shares the aforementioned symptoms with acne, along with papules, but is
distinguished by the formation of salient telangiectases. Avoiding the triggers that exacerbate
symptoms is, of course, recommended for rosacea treatment, as is using anti-inflammatory
ingredients to reduce the dilation of the blood vessels. Eosinophils, which are versatile
leukocytes, contribute to the initiation and promotion of various inflammatory responses
(42,43). The aim of rosacea therapy is to inhibit eosinophilic activity, decrease vascular
reactivity, neutralize free radicals, and hinder immune function, the arachidonic acid pathway,
and degranulation of mast cells (which frequently migrate to areas of eosinophil-mediated
disease). Several anti-inflammatory medications are available for the treatment of rosacea,
including antibiotics, immune modulators, and steroids. The most effective anti-inflammatory
ingredients (many of which are botanically derived) in the copious supply of topical rosacea
therapeutic agents include aloe vera, arnica, chamomile, colloidal oatmeal, cucumber extract,
feverfew, licochalcone, niacinamide, quadrinone, salicylic acid, sulfacetamide, sulfur, witch
hazel, and zinc (44).

Stinging Type
People with this particular subset of sensitive skin exhibit a predilection to experiencing
stinging or burning sensations in response to various factors and triggers. This tendency is
best characterized as a nonallergic neural sensitivity. “Stingers” or the stinging tendency can
be identified through the use of numerous tests. The lactic acid stinging test is the best-
regarded, standard way to assess patients who complain of invisible and subjective
cutaneous irritation (45). This test has, in fact, been used to show that individuals with
“sensitive skin” experienced a much stronger stinging sensation than those in a healthy
The Baumann Skin-Type Indicator 35

control group (46). It is worth noting that erythema does not necessarily accompany the
stinging sensation, as many patients report stinging without experiencing redness or
irritation (47). Nevertheless, exposure to lactic acid is more likely to elicit stinging in patients
with rosacea distinguished by facial flushing (48). Topical products that contain a-hydroxy
acids (particularly glycolic acid), benzoic acid, bronopol, cinnamic acid compounds, Dowicel
200, formaldehyde, lactic acid, propylene glycol, quaternary ammonium compounds,
sodium lauryl sulfate, sorbic acid, urea, or vitamin C should be avoided by patients that
are confirmed to have the stinging subtype of sensitive skin.

Allergic Type
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Over the course of a year, the use of personal care products, including deodorants, perfumes,
nail cosmetics, as well as skin and hair care products, elicit adverse reactions in 23% of women
and 13.8% of men, according to a recent epidemiological survey in the United Kingdom (49).
Individuals with the allergic subtype of sensitive skin are more prone to exhibit erythema,
pruritus, and skin flaking. Patients tested for allergies to cosmetic ingredients are typically
patch tested for 20 to 100 ingredients, with erythema or edema in the tested area indicating an
allergy to the particular ingredient. Several studies have demonstrated that approximately 10%
of dermatological patients who were patch tested were found to have an allergy to at least one
ingredient common in cosmetic products (50). Fragrances and preservatives are the most
common allergens, and most reactions, approximately 80%, arise in women aged 20 to 60 years
(50). Overexposure to common allergens, by using several skin care products, raises the risk of
inducing allergic reactions. In particular, individuals with the D skin type (within the BSTI
system) who have an impaired SC manifested by xerosis are more likely to exhibit an increased
incidence of allergic reactions to topically applied allergens (51).
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On the basis of the guidelines of the BSTI, oil control is necessary for those with OS skin.
An acne or rosacea regimen would also likely be necessary for the OS type. Treatment to repair
the SC is indicated for people with DS skin. Therapy to ameliorate wrinkles and to prevent the
development of new ones is recommended for individuals with sensitive, wrinkled (SW) skin.
Frequently, people with sensitive, pigmented (SP) skin request procedures or topical applications
to reduce or remove hyperpigmentation and therapy to lessen the likelihood of developing new


This skin-type parameter refers to the proclivity to develop unwanted hyperpigmentations on

the face or chest. Within the BSTI framework, the focus is on the pigmentary changes or
conditions that can be ameliorated with topical skin care products or minor dermatological
procedures. In this context, melasma, solar lentigos, ephelides, and postinflammatory hyper-
pigmentation are representative conditions for the pigmented skin type. Considerable anxiety is
often associated with the presentation of these skin lesions, and patients often pay substantial
sums in the attempt to treat these conditions. To best treat these pigmentary problems, it is
incumbent upon the physician to understand the source of pigmentation. In addition, the
practitioner can be well served in terms of making suitable product selections for patients to
place such knowledge within the context of other aspects of an individual patient’s full
(BSTI) skin type.
The enzymatic breakdown of tyrosine into dihydrophenylalanine (DOPA) and then
dopaquinone leads to the synthesis of two types of skin pigment (melanin), eumelanin and
pheomelanin (52). These skin pigments (of which eumelanin is the more abundant and which
regularly correlates with the visual phenotype) are produced by melanocytes, which use
melanosomes to transport the pigments to keratinocytes (53). One melanocyte is typically
attached to approximately 30 keratinocytes. Melanosomes are surrounded by keratinocytes,
which absorb the melanin after activation of the protease-activated receptor (PAR)-2 (54).
Expressed in keratinocytes but not melanocytes, PAR-2 is a seven transmembrane G-protein-
coupled trypsin/tryptase receptor activated by a serine protease cleavage. PAR-2 is believed to
regulate pigmentation via exchanges between keratinocytes and melanocytes (55). Notably,
melanogenesis can also be initiated by UV irradiation. Under these conditions, melanogenesis
is a defensive manifestation to protect the skin and is characterized by accelerated melanin
36 Baumann

synthesis and transfer to keratinocytes, leading to darkening of the skin in the exposed areas (56).
Melanocytes synthesize more melanin in darker-skinned people, and their larger melanosomes
accommodate this comparatively greater abundance of melanin and consequently break down
more slowly than in lighter-skinned people (55).
Inhibiting tyrosinase, thus preventing melanin formation, and blocking the transfer of
melanin into keratinocytes represent the two main pathways through which the development
of skin pigmentation can be hindered. Hydroquinone, vitamin C, kojic acid, arbutin, mulberry
extract, and licorice extract are the most effective tyrosinase inhibitors. Skin pigmentation is
also thought to be inhibited by two small proteins contained in soy—soybean trypsin inhibitor
(STI) and Bowman–Birk inhibitor (BBI). Both STI and BBI have been shown in vitro and in vivo
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to exhibit depigmenting activity and to prevent UV-induced pigmentation by inhibiting the

cleavage of PAR-2 (57). Consequently, STI and BBI are thought to influence melanosome
transfer into keratinocytes, thereby exerting an effect on pigmentation. Niacinamide, a vitamin
B3 derivative, has also been demonstrated to hinder the melanosome transfer from melanocytes
to keratinocytes (58). Soy and niacinamide, the most effective PAR-2 blockers, are the main
agents for preventing this transfer.
There are three classes of topical agents used within the two pathways of inhibiting
melanin formation. In addition to the inhibitors of tyrosinase and PAR-2, exfoliating products
(e.g., a-hydroxy acids, b-hydroxy acid, retinoids) have the capacity to increase cell turnover
to outpace the rate of melanin production. Such exfoliation can also be achieved through
microdermabrasion and the use of facial scrubs. Broad-spectrum sunscreens should also be
employed in any skin care program intended to reduce or eliminate undesired pigmentation.
The most effective way of preventing pigmentary alterations remains the avoidance of chronic
sun exposure. Within the BSTI framework, a person with a penchant for developing unwanted
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dyspigmentations has “P” type skin, or, otherwise, “N” type skin.


Cutaneous aging is a complex multifactorial phenomenon described in terms of endogenous

and exogenous influences that ultimately manifest in alterations to the outward appearance of
the skin. Endogenous aging—known as natural, chronological, or intrinsic aging in this case—
is a function of heredity or cellular programming. The aging-related manifestations of such
forces that occur over time are, therefore, considered inevitable and beyond human volition.
Exogenous aging—known typically as extrinsic aging—is driven by chronic exposure to the
sun and other deleterious environmental elements (e.g., cigarette smoke, poor nutrition) and,
therefore, can be avoided, though not always easily. While these etiological strains appear, and
have been typically evaluated, as discrete processes, recent findings suggest that UV irradiation—
the leading cause of extrinsic aging—may also alter the normal course of chronological aging.
Therefore, it is possible that there is a significant overlap in the processes of intrinsic and extrinsic
aging. For the purposes of this discussion, however, intrinsic and extrinsic aging will be
considered separately.
Cellular or intrinsic aging is currently best understood with reference to telomeres,
specialized structures that shield the ends of chromosomes. Telomere length shortens with age,
and this erosion is considered an internal aging clock as well as the source for one of the
currently espoused theories on chronological aging (59). The enzyme telomerase, which
lengthens telomeres and imparts stability, is expressed in approximately 90% of all tumors and
in the epidermis, but is absent in several somatic tissues (59,60). This suggests that most cancer
cells, as opposed to normal healthy cells, are not programed for apoptosis or cell death. For this
reason, cancer and aging are thought to represent opposite sides of the same coin. Current
knowledge regarding telomeres and telomerase has not yet been harnessed for any viable
antiaging therapies, primarily because little is known regarding the safety of artificially
increasing telomere length.
As implied in the definition, extrinsic aging is a premature aging of the skin that is the
result of the interplay of external factors and human behaviors resulting in the chronic
exposure to such factors, and thus falls within the realm of human control. By far, exposure to
UV irradiation is the leading cause of extrinsic aging; indeed, such premature aging is often
referred to as photoaging. Of course, other factors such as smoking, other pollution, poor
The Baumann Skin-Type Indicator 37

nutrition, excessive alcohol consumption, and protracted stress among additional exogenous
influences can contribute to accelerating cutaneous aging. Significantly, photodamage
precedes photoaging, and this evolves through several mechanisms, including the formation
of sunburn cells, thymine and pyrimidine dimers, production of collagenase, and induction of
an inflammatory response. In addition, photodamage and aging have been associated
with signaling through the p53 pathway subsequent to UV-induced (especially by UVB)
telomere disturbance (61,62). The best-known deleterious effects of UV (UVA, 320–400 nm, in
particular) include photoaging, photoimmunosuppression, and photocarcinogenesis, but
much has yet to be discovered regarding the mechanisms through which UV irradiation
engenders such extensive harm (63). Nevertheless, as the aforementioned theory implies,
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intrinsic aging can be thought to be impacted by the primary source of extrinsic aging, as
chronic UV exposure can damage DNA and accelerate the diminution of telomeres, which is
known to play a role in chronological aging.
Cutaneous aging is evidenced, first and foremost, by the formation of rhytides, which
develop in the dermis. Because few topical skin care products can actually penetrate to this
layer of the skin to affect wrinkles, the dermatological approach to antiaging skin care
concentrates on preventing the formation of wrinkles (64). This translates to a focus on
replenishing or maintaining the three primary structural constituents of the skin, collagen,
elastin, and HA, which are known to degrade with age. Despite the inadequacy of most topical
formulations to deliver active ingredients that alter these components, some products have
been shown to exert such an impact on collagen and HA. Specifically, collagen synthesis has
been shown to be spurred by topical retinoids, vitamin C, and copper peptide as well as oral
vitamin C (65–67). The synthesis of HA and elastin has been demonstrated in animal models to
be stimulated by retinoids (68,69). In addition, HA levels are thought to be enhanced through
For personal use only.

glucosamine supplementation (37). However, no products have yet been demonstrated or

approved for inducing the production of elastin.
Collagen, elastin, and HA can also be broken down by inflammation; therefore, targeting
ways to reduce inflammation represents another significant approach to preventing or
mitigating cutaneous aging. Skin inflammation can result from reactive oxygen species (ROS)
or free radicals acting directly on growth factor and cytokine receptors in keratinocytes and
dermal cells. Although their effects on cutaneous aging are not fully understood, growth
factors and cytokines are known to act synergistically in a complex process involving several
types of growth factors and cytokines (70). Antioxidants protect the skin from ROS via various
mechanisms not yet fully explained. However, the events through which ROS directly impact
the aging process are known. UV exposure is thought to induce a chain of events, acting on
growth factors and cytokine receptors in keratinocytes and dermal cells. This yields downstream
signal transduction from the activation of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase pathways,
which accrue in the cell nuclei, developing into cFos/cJun complexes of transcription factor
activator protein 1, in turn leading to the breakdown of cutaneous collagen as a result of the
induction of matrix metalloproteinases, including collagenase, stromelysin, and 92-kDa
gelatinase (71,72). The use of antioxidants is thought to delay or act against photoaging in this
context by preventing these pathways from synthesizing collagenase. Kang et al. demonstrated
that production of the UV-induced cJun-driven enzyme collagenase was inhibited by the
pretreatment of human skin with the antioxidants genistein and N-acetyl cysteine.
Numerous antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, and coenzyme Q10, as well as
botanically derived ingredients (e.g., caffeine, coffeeberry, ferulic acid, feverfew, grape seed
extract, green tea, idebenone, mushrooms, polypodium leucotomos, pomegranate, pycnoge-
nol, resveratrol, rosemary, silymarin) are found in skin care products. Despite compelling
evidence in the literature substantiating the potency of these antioxidant ingredients, there is a
paucity of data demonstrating their efficacy in topical formulations. Research is ongoing to
harness their potential in such products, however. Research and development might also yield
technological advances in tissue engineering and gene therapy that result in innovative
therapeutic applications of growth factors, cytokines, and, perhaps, telomerase (73). Currently,
the best approaches to combat cutaneous aging remain behavioral—avoiding sun exposure
(particularly between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.); using broad-spectrum sunscreen daily; avoiding
cigarette smoke, pollution, and excessive consumption of alcohol; reducing stress; eating a diet
high in fruits and vegetables; taking oral antioxidant supplements or topical antioxidant
formulations; and regularly using prescription retinoids.
38 Baumann


The four traditional expressions used to describe skin type have remained prominent and
largely unchallenged over the last century. However, the terms “dry,” “oily,” “combination,”
and “sensitive” as characterizations of the skin have been found to be inadequate guides or
gauges for finding the most suitable formulations among the ever-burgeoning supply of skin
care products. The BSTI proposes that four fundamental skin parameters, covering the spectra
from dry to oily, sensitive to resistant, pigmented to nonpigmented, and wrinkled to tight, can
be used to better understand and more accurately depict the nature of human skin and identify
an individual’s skin type among the 16 possible permutations. Because the skin qualities
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described in the BSTI are not mutually exclusive, all four parameters must be considered when
identifying skin type. A four-letter BSTI code is derived from answers to a 64-item self-
administered questionnaire, with each letter corresponding to the end of the spectrum of each
parameter that an individual favors. With this code, consumers and physicians can more
readily select the most suitable OTC skin products, and practitioners may be assisted in
treating various skin conditions with the topical formulations most appropriate for a patient’s
skin type.


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