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Developmental Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Cecelia Weiler Date: March 5th, 2021

Group Size: 20 students Allotted Time: 50 min Grade Level: 1

Subject or Topic: Living vs non-living

Common Core/PA Standard(s):

a. Standard - 3.1.1.A1: Categorize living and nonliving things by external

Learning Targets/Objectives: The first grade students will be able to define and identify
living and nonliving items by comparing and being aware of examples.

Assessment Approaches: Evidence:

1. Thumbs up/side/down 1. Observation
2. A sorting activity 2. Notes on students understanding
3. Checklist 3. Notes using met/not met
4. Exit Slip 4. 10 written things
Assessment Scale:
1) None
2) Rubric (based on if they sorted correctly or not)
3) >80% of class meeting or above goal
4) > 80% of answers sorted in the correct category

Subject Matter/Content:
Prerequisites: None
Key Vocabulary:
- Living: something that is alive, something that can grow, move, reproduce, respire and
carry out various cellular activities.
- Nonliving: anything that was never alive.
- Animals:a living organism that feeds on organic matter, typically having specialized
sense organs and nervous system and able to respond rapidly to stimuli.
- Plants:place (a seed, bulb, or plant) in the ground so that it can grow.
- grow:(of a living thing) undergo natural development by increasing in size and
changing physically; progress to maturity.
- change:make (someone or something) different; alter or modify.
- Breathe:Breathing is the process of moving air into and out of the lungs to facilitate gas
exchange with the internal environment, mostly to bring in oxygen and flush out
carbon dioxide.
- Grow:undergo natural development by increasing in size and changing physically;
progress to maturity.
Content/Facts: Ask the question to the class, when they answer let them know if they were
correct or if they were incorrect provide the students with the information written below the
- What are living things?
- Living things are something which is now or once was alive. In order for
something to be classified as living, it must grow and develop, use energy,
reproduce, be made of cells, respond to its environment, and adapt.
- What are non-living things?
- Non-Living things are things which were never and are not living. Non-living
things do not grow, change, or reproduce.
- What are examples of living things?
- Plants and animals are both living things. Examples of Plants is dandelions,
petunias, fern, and grass. Examples of animals include, deer, dogs, cats,
groundhog, raccoon. Examples of living things such as crops include corn,
cabbage, beans and wheat.
- What are examples of non-living things?
- Buildings and man made objects. Buildings such as the White House,
Independence Hall, and The Empire State Building. Other examples of non-
living things include rocks, water, wind, soil and sunlight.
- How to identify external characteristics.
- External characteristics are traits that you can see and use to describe what a
character looks like. If you are identifying the external traits of a rock you
could say it is grey and has a hard surface, it could be smooth and firm.

Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies:
Start class off by watching a youtube video (
4 ) which is a song we can sing along to about living vs. non-living things.

Development/Teaching Approaches
We will talk about the living vs nonliving things we saw in the video and how we can tell if it
is living or nonliving.
1. Modeling: I will show the students a bunch of real objects as well as figurines and I
will sort them by listing off the characteristics that make me know they are living or
2. Guided Practice: We as a class will use the website
( )
and we will play the game Ready for Freddy? And we will need to identify which one
of the two objects is living. I can do this by having students give a thumbs up when
they know the answer and they randomly select a student to call on based on their
thumbs up or down.
3. Independent Practice: We will use the sorting game that is shown below and the
student will work independently or with their table mates to sort all the pictures they
are given into the categories living or nonliving.
Closure/Summarizing Strategies:
We are going to watch this video ( ) and
review the characteristics of living vs nonliving things, discussing things we see in everyday
life that are living and nonliving. The students will be given an exit slip where they need to list
5 living things and 5 non living things. The exit slips will be graded on if the students sort
them into the right category or not. They will need 80% accuracy in order to pass.

Follow all IEPs
A student with ADHD
- Accommodations could include allowing them to stand during the lesson and teacher
modeling. You could also allow them to use different seating such as a yoga ball as a
chair. Use seating away from the door or windows to prevent them from having


Reflective Response:
Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels

Remediation Plan (if applicable)

Personal Reflection Questions

Additional reflection/thoughts

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