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Classroom Rules

By: Zachariah Deans

Philosophy of Discipline
My philosophy of discipline in my classroom, as the educator, I am to give explicit expectations
that are clear, easy to understand and direct. As a student they are to do their best to abide by the given
expectations that will help the student not to disrupt others or their self. If a student does not follow the
expectation it is my duty as the educator to discipline the student in a healthy matter that will lead to the
student having a better understanding of the expectations and move forward with their education.

Preventing Misbehaviors and promoting the positive:

To promote positive behavior in class I will acknowledge proper behavior by celebrating and
spending the time and energy to promote those behavior instead of stressing and focusing on someone’s
mistake. I will give shout out to students each week that did astounding work. To prevent misbehaviors
from escalating in the classroom and to minimize disruptions from happening the teacher should have a
fair, firm, and consistent expectation of their classroom. The teacher should de-escalate the situation
quickly and respectfully to keep the class moving forward. At an appropriate time, the instructor should
follow through with the student or students with an appropriate consequence if any and a discussion with
the students to have an understanding why the student(s) felt this misbehavior needed to happen.

Rules Consequence Reasons why

Safety First!!!! The consequence will range Rule: I put this because this
from call to parents to covers safety of the classroom,
expulsion. Depending on the and safety of the students in the
severity of safety violation. classroom during lecture and

Consequence: This consequence

needs a spectrum due to the
severity of what the students
may be working with in lab.
Accidents happen but if the
accident is due to safety
violation could been avoided
(i.e., the student throws
chemicals at another student)
than the consequence should be
more severe than if the student
did something because of an
Treat everyone with respect, Depending on the severity it will Rule: I want to provide an open
dignity, and consideration. be as simple as a warning or and healthy learning
referral to office. environment, where each
student has a voice and knowing
it will be respected
Consequence: This will change
depending on how bad the
behavior is. For example, if a
student just keeps interrupting
another student that will result in
a warning and reminder. If the
student calls a student a racial
slur or says sever inappropriate
comment the student will be sent
to the office.
Follow all teacher directions Loss of participation point for Rule: I want to support rule
lab or up to removal of class one and two but umbrella
during lab activity. against loopholes students
may attempt.

Consequence: This is to
prevent a more serious
problem from happening that
could lead to rule one or two
being broken.

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