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Pateros Technological College

Bachelor of Science in Office Administration

Reading in Philippine History

Name: Madali, Nanzy Joyce M.

Year & Section: 3 – A
Virtual Classroom Rules & Regulation
1. Use your real name. On messenger, change your name. For accurate accounting, kindly
refrain from entering duplicate accounts. Monitoring the constant number of pupils must
be the responsibility of the class representative. Ex. RAMOS, DON’
2. Turn off your microphone while in a synchronous session. Unless called upon to recite or
to answer questions. Student being called to recite must open the cam.
3. Be punctual and respectful.
4. Synchronous meetings will be conducted for a maximum of 1 1/2 hour.
5. Throughout the semester, a total of three (3) asynchronous meetings will be permitted.
the primary mode of instruction will be synchronous.
6. All activities and quizzes will be conducted and submitted through Google Classroom.
7. Submit assigned task/activity on time. Late submission is strictly discouraged.
Quizzes/Recitations will be conducted during the actual class period only. Special quiz is
optional. all late submission may be accepted, but there are points deducted.
8. For screenshots of attendance and during recitation, students will be asked to
intentionally open the Google Meet Camera. Be sure to dress appropriately.
9. Attendance for synchronous classes is compulsory. The class representative is
responsible for capturing attendance through screenshots and submitting it to the
professor as a pre-requisite for the After Activity Report. Attendance can also be
converted into points for recitations and activities, serving as an incentive and motivation
for students.
10. Class representatives will assist the professor on administrative aspects.
11. Throughout the exam time, attendance is required. Be punctual. Sending exam links to
classmates is not permitted. Before the link to the exam is posted student must be in
Google Meet.
12. The use of supplemental instructional materials (YouTube videos, Books, and other
references) will be observed purposely to reinforce learning.
13. Keep your professor informed at all times.
14. A recapitulation will be posted after discussion to assist those who failed to attend the
synchronous session.
15. Grades will be distributed for reference prior to submission to MIS.
16. Cooperation is highly encouraged.
17. Consultation time will be every Friday to 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
18. Each test, recitation, assignment, activity, and major exam result will be transmitted to
the class representative for recording for recording and individual monitoring. a duplicate
set of class representative, which you can utilize to monitor your own progress.
19. Anyone with a query for the professor may do so via messenger using the following
format: 1. State your name, 2. Your section and 3. Your concern.
20. All students are required to acknowledge any posted documents within the classroom.
Furthermore, in-class comments may be translated into grades as a reward for
homework or recitations to incentivize and motivate students.
21. To ensure the quality and clarity of your assignments and other submitted activities, we
kindly request that you avoid handwritten submission. Handwritten work can often be
challenging to read, potentially affecting the accuracy of grading and feedback.

In the online learning landscape, cultivating a productive and respectful virtual classroom is
contingent upon the establishment of precise guidelines and expectations. The primary
objective of this assignment is to further refine your understanding of effective virtual classroom
etiquette. Your mission is to carefully curate a comprehensive list of 10 virtual classroom rules
from the 21 we have previously discussed, providing thorough explanations for each selected
Ensure that your completed assignment is neatly organized and formatted as a PDF document.
Be certain to include your identifying information, such as your name, picture, and student

Rule No. Comprehension

 It is for the professor to see and learn
who is or her student.
2  To show respect and commitment.
 Being punctual portrays that the student
is eager to learn.
 The professor must motivate to study
and learn the subject in the semester
 It gives student the onuses to be more
7 responsible in terms of activities and
taking their exams.
 It is to show that the students were able
to take the exam at the given time.
 For emergency reason only, it is used if
13 the student or the professor has
emergencies in their end.
 Communication and association to one
another is preferable especially when
one is having a hard time in dealing the
subject or course.
 It is to see if the student followed the
18 instruction and if they cooperate to the
 So that the students are informed to
20 what it is to be discussed and for the

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