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Physical Examination &Rheumatology

Oral examination (Endround)

1. Rheumatoid arthritis :
Diagnostic criteria - Scoring criteria (old & new)
Deformities, & DR nak extra yg valgus deformity of knee, flexion deformity selain 4 yg typical
: Skin manifestation, Joint affected
: treatment - dose methotrexate
- What if a woman wants to get pregnant tomorrow, but she has taken leflunomide today?
- DMARDS, type of DMARDS
- medical treatment
 definition
 clinical picture
 lab investigation, xray finding
 Diagnostic imaging
 what is the most famous rheuma disease in Msia?
 what disease cause those nodule(RA)

2. Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

: type, subtype
: type of fever
: clinical type

3. Gout
: define
: treatment, new drug, rf
: diff with osteoarthritis
: Criteria of dx new & old
: Camna blh jd gout dr mkn ayam or daging, Diet in gout
: diff diagnosis

4. SLE
: diagnosis
: treatment
: manifestation, SLE manifestation especially skin and kidney
: criteria
: important investigation *kidney fx test
: SE of corticosteroid if use in long duration

5. Osteoarthritis
: definition, treatment
: risk factors
: DMARDS - Chondroitin sulphate and Glucosamine
: common site, joint affected
: treatment drug and its contraindication, Corticosteroid can be given or not? (No)
: Patient with osteoarthritis can walk on hard surface or not?
(Pastudia mention mcm pakai terompah boleh tak?) (No)
: Can OA affect Spine? What does it call and its manifestation
6. Seronegative Spondyloarthropathy
: 5 examples
: List all seronegativearthropathies. In the book only 4 but I want 6.
: enumerate
: Ankylosing Spondylitis
: Diagnosis, Criteria
: Radiological finding
: How to dx, Cp? Explain Schober's test
: Diagnostic imaging
: why osteoporosis occur in this disease.
: Can we use DMARD for ankylosingspondylosis? If yes, what does it role? It can
relieve the axial symptom or only peripheral?

7. Osteoporosis
: investigation, xray
: do u think malaysia have high cases. Explain yes / no
: do u think obese woman have higher tendency or low tendency to get this. Explain.
: type& classification
: how to diagnose osteoporosis(gold standard evaluation=DEXA), T-score
: Causes & management of osteoporosis

8. Others
: in what disease DIP joints affected : OA,Psoriatic A.
: tnya pasal pictures kat dpn buku
: What is the causes of monoarthritis? explain 3 of them
: Example of biological DMARD? Give one anti-TNF inhibitor?
: what disease cause back pain(all sero -vespondyloarthropathies)
: Ddx of low back pain ( ankylosisspon, lumbar canal stenosis, caudaequina lesion..)
: SE of steroid – ALL
: Common site affected by Psoariatic Arth& OA = DIP
: What diseases have nodule?, DD, Where tender point?
: What diseases have skin manifestation?
: Disease that affect spine *(DD)
: disease cause cutaneous manifestation (SLE,DM,Psoriatic Arthritis)
: Disease that affect axial (all seronegative)
: DMARDS, site effect, contraindicated in pregnancy
: what diseases effect on DIP?
: Specific serology : ACCP ab
: Rx : general + pain Rx *neuropathic pain =preballin, gabapentin
: Rx - fibromyalgia

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