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Guiuan, National, High School

Guiuan, Estern, Samar

Nicole C. Doblon


Andrew Navarro

Eudoxu Model

Eudoxus' model placed a spherical Earth at the centre of the universe. The Sun, planets, and stars
were then placed in giant transparent spheres surrounding it. A model of the universe that has the Earth
at the centre is known as a geocentric model of the universe.
The Aristotle's communication model is a speaker centered model as the speaker has the most
important role in it and is the only one active. It is the speaker's role to deliver a speech to the audience.
The role of the audience is passive, influenced by the speech.
Ptolemy's Model
Ptolemy's model: Ptolemy thought that all celestial objects — including the planets, Sun, Moon, and
stars — orbited Earth. Earth, in the center of the universe, did not move at all. ... The planets are lined
up to make the charts easy to read; they never line up this way in nature.

Copernicus Model
Copernicus was born
in 1473 in Poland
and studied,
among other subjects, mathematics and astronomy. He is mainly
remembered for formally introducing the idea that the Sun is the
center of our solar system. This heliocentric concept (sun-centered
concept) was a radical idea for his time. Nearly all contemporary
astronomers had adopted the Greek Earth-centered model. It was so
radical a concept, in fact, that Copernicus waited until the year of his
death to publish his famous essay titled, “On the Revolutions of the
Heavenly Spheres.”

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