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1. Learning is an experience, which occurs inside the learner and is activated by the learner.

You cannot constrain individuals to memorize, they got to be motivated to learn. Fortunately,

most floating students want to memorize, in spite of the fact that it is imperative to undertake and

understand what is persuading them. When the learning gets to be more troublesome the teacher

may help to strengthen that inspiration to keep going.

2. Learning is an evolutionary process

Yes it is evolutionary process wherein when the students are able to understand all the

discussions, activities and quizzes the will find a way to find it harder for them to think and

improve their critical thinking so that they will learn from and at the same they think and

analyze the given questions. Sometimes the students couldn’t figure it out what is the answer

or they find it difficult so that they feel painful and for the next time that they having quiz he/

she will get the answer because of the experience that she/he have.

3. Learning is a process of actively constructing knowledge.

Being able to construct your own is one of the highest knowledge that a person can do.

Because of his/her point of view he/she will be able to express his knowledge to others. It like

give and take of a knowledge wherein the students is giving a information to the others which

they can accumulate to understand and have some ideas to it.

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