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I. Describe the Class

- Pre-Algebra 8th grade class.

- 40 students.
- One LD students
- 3 ELL students
- Two gifted

II. Subject/Skill:

- – Slopes: Learning and labeling different types of slopes.

III. Objective(s)

- After students learn about the different type of slopes will identify the different
kind of linear slopes: Negative, Positive, Zero and undefined slope with at least
80 percent accuracy.

IV. Procedures

- Students will learn what the different kinds of slopes look like and their names.
- The students background knowledge consists of understanding of positive and
negative correlation in the different quadrants. It includes knowledge about the
four quadrants and the X (Horizontal Axis) and Y (Vertical Axis) coordinates.
The teacher will briefly review this knowledge before instruction.
- The students will be shown different images and examples of the slopes on the
- Then the teacher will put some extra examples on the board and students will
randomly be volunteered to identify the slopes.
- Students will be given a packet with images of negative, positive, zero and
undefined slopes for independent practice or have the option to work with a
- At the end the teacher will set up a Kahoot for students to review where students
will join with their phones.

V. Materials

- Different types of slopes practice packets.

- White board/Smart board.
- Kahoot classroom review
- Markers and color pencils

VI. Grouping Structures

- The classroom contains about 40 students per class. It has an average of two ELL,
one LD and two gifted students.

- Modifications

- ELL students will be paired with someone that speaks their native language. (The
teacher will also guide different students during independent or partner practice
work.) The teacher will help the student understand the concept of the slopes by
personally translating some of the key words into their native language.
- Gifted students will be paired with another gifted student or will help other
students that are struggling after finishing their work.
- LD students will partner up with an average student. Learning disability students
will be given extra material that heightens the shape and visual of the slope.
Students will use color pencils or markers to mark up the slopes to easily
distinguish the relation of the slopes in the graph.
- If gifted students finish early, they will have the option to work on homework
early, help other students or work in other subjects. They will also have the option
to go deeper or ahead in the weeks lesson material. The teacher will provide them
with khan academy or YouTube material that summaries the topic for the next

VII. Assessment
- The teacher will know that students have met the objective by playing a Kahoot
review game and doing a short test at home that evaluates if students can identify
up to 80 percent of the different slopes.
- There will also be a video assigned to the class to watch at home explaining how
to plot coordinate points to create the different kind of slopes.

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