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Nama :

LK 1: Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri

Judul Modul Modul 2
English for Personal
Judul Kegiatan Belajar (KB) 1. Personal Letter
2. Invitation
3. Announcement
4. Advertisement
No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban
1 Daftar peta konsep (istilah 1. Personal letter
dan definisi) di modul ini a type of letter which concerns about
personal matter, and is sent from one
individual to another.
Generic Structure
 Heading
 Salutation/greeting
 Body of letter
 Complementary close
 Signature
Sosial Function
Totell good news or bad news
To tell about experiences or activities
Apologizing or giving advice
Asking for help
Language features
 Focus on exchanging personal current
news, feelings and conditions
 Use of pronouns, simple present
tense, and past tense
 Use of date and address
 Informal greetings or salutations
2. Invitation.
Invitation is a written or verbal request
inviting someone to go somewhere or to do
something or participate an event.
Generic Structure
 Invitee/Salutation
 Body of invitation
 Occasion
 Day or date
 Time
 Place/venue
 Inviter
Sosial Function
To invite someone to attend or join an
Language features
 Simple, precice, and concise words
 Use of pronouns, simple present tens
e, and past tense
Nama :

 Use of date and address

 Informal greetings or salutations

3. Announcement.
Announcement is a written or spoken
statement in public or formal containing
information about fact, event, or intention
that has happened or is going to happen.
 Generic structure of announcement
 Stating Purpose
 Stating Day and Date
 Stating Place
 Informing Sender
 Social function of the text is used for
giving people some information of what
has happened or what will happen.
 Language Features
 Using simple present tense and simple
future tense
 Using exact noun

4. Advertisement.
An advertisement is a public announcement in
a newspaper, on television, on the internet, or
in a public place, which tries to persuade you
to buy something, or which gives you
information about an event or job vacancy.
Sometimes it is about a product, services, or
an event for sale.
 Generic Structure
Name of Product/service/event
Target reader
Contact Person
 Social function
- To advertise the
- To persuade people buy the
- To give information/ promote the
 Language feature
Comparative and superlative adjective
Compound word
Simple sentence
Imperative sentence
Nama :

Disjunctive clause

f Daftar materi yang sulit 1. Announcement

dipahami di modul ini 2. Advertisement
3 Daftar materi yang sering
mengalami miskonsepsi

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