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Manucy 1

Shelby Manucy

Professor McGriff


20 February

Annotated Bibliography


IN NORTH CYPRUS." Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal, vol. 46, no. 1,

2018, p. 49+. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints,

u=lincclin_sjrcc&sid=OVIC&xid=0ead18ac. Accessed 4 Mar. 2021.

This journal discusses the impact of teen magazines on young Turkish girls. In the

journal teen girls were asked various questions regarding the ideal beauty. Majority of the

answers from the participants were answers such as thin, blonde or Brunnett, tall, light eyes, light

skin, and defined facial features. The research conducted showed that the magazines were used

by young girls as a reference point as to what they should look like to be considered the “ideal


This journal serves as useful to me because it shows how young impressionable girls can

be influenced to look a certain way from mass media, in this case magazines. This journal is also

helpful to my research because, it gives evidence to support my main thesis that the Beauty

Industry only supports one type of beauty as shown by the findings and its participants answers.

This journal also has no bias within it because it is purely based research and its findings.

This journal related to my topic because it discusses how teen magazines effect teen girls'

views of the ideal beauty. This relates to my other sources because its diseases some of the same

supporting topics and is related to the broad topic of beauty standards. This could be used in my
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paper as supporting evidence of what mass media has promoted as the ideal beauty and how it

could affect the youth.

Cartwright, Martina M. "Child Beauty Pageants Give Children Unrealistic Expectations." Beauty

Pageants, edited by Tamara L. Roleff, Greenhaven Press, 2014. At Issue. Gale In Context: Opposing


u=lincclin_sjrcc&sid=OVIC&xid=ea50f55b. Accessed 4 Mar. 2021. Originally published as "Child

Beauty Pageants: What Are We Teaching Our Girls?" Psychology Today, 12 Aug. 2011.

This source is about how children couldbe affeced and have long term affecrts from

beauty pagents. The source goes on to talk about how these pagents can effect its participants

negativley giving them boady obssession issues along with other issues that can devlope from the

pagent experiences, The source concludes talking about the long term imact that is has on gils

into their adulthood and how these issues often steamed from childhood participation in

competitive beauty driven cometitions.

This source is biased because the author although giving supporting evidence include her

person experience and views on the issue at hand. Although buased, the source was a leginimate

source because the source is writen by a proffesional dietion that has studied child beauty

pagents and have published her findings.

This source is useful to me because it gives information regarding the effects of Beauty

pagents have on young girls wich closely relates to the beauty industry. It is connected to my

other sources because it is in the same topic as the others and provides substantical evidence of

the negative affects the Beauty Industy has on people. The way I would use this source in my

paper is giving it as another example of a different medium of the Beauty Industry that not many
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people think about which can evoke the readers thoughts on beauty pagents and their effects on

young girls.

"Extreme Behaviors: What Girls Are Willing to Do to Be Model Thin." The Culture of Beauty, edited by

Louise I. Gerdes, Greenhaven Press, 2013. Opposing Viewpoints. Gale In Context: Opposing


u=lincclin_sjrcc&sid=OVIC&xid=2ff84c3e. Accessed 4 Mar. 2021.

This source shows the statics of what girls are willing to do to be thin. The graph shows

multiple ways that girls have seen someone around them to lose weight or have done themselves.

The graph also shows that most girls go on a diet or have seen others go on a diet fallowed by

refusing to eat or starving themselves. Overall, the percentages show that over half the females

that took the survey have personally went on a diet to become thinner or have seen others go on a

diet to lose weight.

This source was unbiased because it was statistical information collected and un-swayed.

This source is also legitimate because it gives where it got the information for the data. Also,

because it is as stated before collected data that was later analyzed and organized.

This source relates to my other sources because it provides as more evidence supporting

my main thesis and is other sourced based off similar research I have reviewed and will be using

in my future paper. The way I will use this source is by using it as statistical evidence as to why

and how girls are affected by the portrayal of beauty in the media and Beauty Industry. This will

also serve as a gate way into how weight is portrayed in media.

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Godsey, Chris. "Male Body Stereotypes." Body Image, edited by Auriana Ojeda, Greenhaven Press, 2003.

Teen Decisions. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, Accessed

4 Mar. 2021. Originally published as "How Does It Feel?", 2000.

In this journal it discusses male body imagine. Iti discusses that body image isn’t

something only women struggle with, men do too. Throughout the journal it is discussed that

mass media contributes to negative body images young men have and how media has affected

the authors self-image causing to question himself. He concludes that there shouldn’t be

importance of a person based on appearance because it can lead to feeling insecure.

This journal does have bias towards the idea that mass media and beauty standards cause

insecurities. This is because the author writes in his perspective of the situation, his feelings on

the topic of beauty, and his overall experience. Although the obvious bias, this journal shows

another side of the effects the beauty industry has on people in this case specifically men. This

proves as helpful to my research because it shows that everyone can be negatively by the beauty

standard and the beauty industries ideals.

This source relates to my topic by providing a viewpoint of someone who isn’t the quote

on quote “Ideal Man” and how mass media affected him in a negative way. This fits with my

other sources because it closely relates to them regarding ideal beauty image, while also giving it

from a male's viewpoint. In my paper I would use this source to show that the beauty industry

and mass media doesn't just effect women but men also. It would prove as a different experience

in the man's perspective and would provide a great spectrum, not just from women's viewpoints.
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Graydon, Shari. "The Pursuit of Beauty Is Harmful." The Culture of Beauty, edited by Louise I. Gerdes,

Greenhaven Press, 2013. Opposing Viewpoints. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, Accessed

4 Mar. 2021. Originally published as "How the Media Keeps Us Hung Up on Body Image,"

Herizons, vol. 22, no. 1, Summer 2008.

In this journal it disscuses how the exposure of unrealistic beauty standards impact

many women and girls. In this she goes in to detail about the negative impacts that go along with

it such as development of mental and eating disorder and poor body image. She also discusses

how more media such as magazines encourage women to go after these unattainable beauty


This journal has a clear bias towards the negative opinion of the beauty industry media in

terms of their portrayal of beauty standards. This is because the author writes in the perspective

of women including herself in the situation, her feelings on the topic of beauty, and his overall

experience. Although the obvious bias, this journal shows another side of the effects the beauty

industry has on people in this case specifically on women and youg girls. This proves as helpful

to my research because it shows that everyone can be negatively effected by the beauty standard

and the beauty industries ideals.

This source relates to my topic by providing a viewpoint of someone who has researched

and got the oppinions and storys of many women negatively effected by beauty standards. This

fits with my other sources because it closely relates to them regarding ideal beauty image, while

also givingnot only the authors veiwpoint but other research within her article. In my paper I

would use this source to show the mental and physical impacts the beauty standards have on

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Jankowski, Glen. "Why more men are wearing makeup than ever before." Gale Opposing Viewpoints Online

Collection, Gale, 2021. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints,

Accessed 4 Mar. 2021. Originally published as "Why more men are wearing makeup than ever

before," The Conversation, 15 Jan. 2018.

This source was about how more men are getting in to beauty and skin care and how it

effects men. Throughout this source it talks about how men are now breaking down the gendered

satariotypes of makeup, with it alos coming with a coast. That coast is now more men are

struggling with self image, causing men to worry more abou their apperince. The source goes on

to say how the beauty standard for men is higher now casuing men to have the same selfimage

issues that women suffer with.

This sorce did have bias towards the beauty industry and the medias portrayle of men. In

the source it gave the authors oppinion on the effects the Beauty industrie and medias portrayl of

men. While the author did shine positive light on the fact that men are now more into Beauty

than in the past saying how it breaks down the double standard of beauty only being for women,

the main focus is on some of the negative effect it has on men. Also, while this source was

biased it was still a leginimate source due to it being a opinion based off of some research and

prior knowledge of the topic.

This source is related to my topic because it give another side of someones opinion of the

Beauty Industry and the medias portrayle of beauty and how it effects people. This source also

gives insight on how it specifically effects men with is mostly overlook because of the double

standard of Beauty only being for women. The way I will use this in my research paper is using
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it as support that the Beauty Industy and Media dosn’t only effect women but, it also effects men


Malkan, Stacy. "The Beauty Industry Promotes Unrealistic Beauty Standards." The Culture of Beauty, edited

by Roman Espejo, Greenhaven Press, 2010. Opposing Viewpoints. Gale In Context: Opposing


u=lincclin_sjrcc&sid=OVIC&xid=5db67633. Accessed 4 Mar. 2021. Originally published in Not

Just a Pretty Face: The Ugly Side of the Beauty Industry, New Society Publishers, 2007.

This source is about as the titel says, how the beauty industry still today promotes

unrealistic beauty standards in media. In this article it discusses how a model from France

trajectly died from her battle with Anorexia. The model then became the porsterchild for a

campeign to deter teens from eating disorders. Although the idea was made to aid in the fight

against eating disorders the media portrayed it differently, ultimitally causeing the campeign to


This journal has a clear bias towards the negative opinion of the beauty industry media in

terms of their portrayal of beauty standards. This is because the author writes in the negative

perspective of the beauty industry in and media. Although the obvious bias, this journal shows

side of the effects the beauty industry has on people mainly refering to the toxic ingridients in

beauty products, medias portrayl of eating disorders, and the effects of western beauty standards

on ethinic groups. This proves as helpful to my research because it shows not only a negative

viewpoint towards the beauty industry and media, but also other evidence of toxic chemical in

beauty products.
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This source relates to my other sources because it provides as more evidence supporting

my main thesis and is other sourced based off similar research I have reviewed and will be using

in my future paper. The way I will use this source is by using it as part of my rebuble to my

counter argument.

Matlin, Jessica B. "The Beauty Industry No Longer Embraces the Unrealistic Beauty Standards of Moels."

The Culture of Beauty, edited by Roman Espejo, Greenhaven Press, 2010. Opposing

Viewpoints. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints,

u=lincclin_sjrcc&sid=OVIC&xid=315f98e1. Accessed 4 Mar. 2021. Originally published as "A

Revised Model: Has the Beauty Industry Soured on Fashion's Top Girls?" W, vol. 35, Mar. 2006, pp.


This article is about the opposite veiwpoint that the beauty indusry is no longer

supporting unrealistic beauty standards. The article goes in to detail about how run ways now not

only want a certain look from their models, but they are starting to expand on the type of people

to walk the runway. In this case the article specifically referenced wanted not only younger

models but also older models as well.

This journal had a clear bias towards the positives of media and the beauty industry. This

is because it never mentions the negative aspects of the beauty industry and media and it never

compares the two veiws. Intead it only focuses on how the beauty industry is inproving on

diversifiying the representation. This is helpful because it provides a different viewpoint on my

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This source relates to my other sources because it provides opposing view of my main

thesis while still staying on topic of beauty standards. The way I will use this source is by using

it as my counter argument to my main thesis.

Penny, Laurie. "The Media Foster Misplaced Public Concern About Anorexia." The Culture of Beauty, edited

by Louise I. Gerdes, Greenhaven Press, 2013. Opposing Viewpoints. Gale In Context: Opposing


u=lincclin_sjrcc&sid=OVIC&xid=d2e7ef7c. Accessed 4 March. 2021. Originally published as "Our

Disgusting Appetite for Anorexia Chic," New Statesman, 11 Jan. 2011.

This source is about how the Media, and the Beauty Industry publicizes eating disorders

not in concern for these models and so forth but because of the fascination of the eating disorder.

The author states that anorexia nervosa is “in-fashion” and that many young women can’t be

swayed from thinking that being slim and trim is beautiful. The author’s wanted to bring

attention to how wrongful the media is portraying eating disorders.

This source is clearly in bias toward the negative side of the Beauty Industry and Media.

It shows the bias through the text because of the obvious negative opinions given by author on

her viewpoint of the topic. Although the text is clearly biased it is still a legitimate piece of text

to use because it gives reasoning and background of her opinion not just undriven accusations. It

is also a legitimate piece of text because it gives a great accurate depiction of the negative

viewpoint on the Beauty Industry and the Medias depiction of Beauty.

The source relates to my topic because it gives the negative viewpoint on how the beauty

Industry and Media depicts beauty, which relates very closely to my main thesis. The way I

would use this source in my research paper is as support in how the Beauty industry depicts
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beauty and how it negatively effects people. This source would also prove helpful by giving a

viewpoint that wasn’t totally based off statistics but actual differing opinions.

"Views among US Women Regarding the Media's Portrayal of Beauty, 2018." Gale Opposing Viewpoints

Online Collection, Gale, 2019. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints,

Accessed 4 Mar. 2021.

This statistic covers the views of women from the U.S. regarding the Medias portrayal of

beauty in 2018. The statistic conducts surveys form various women of different age groups and

ethnicities. The results show that most women wish the media portrayed realistic images of

women, more representation of various groups, and women of different ages, not just younger

women. Overall women in the U.S. as of 2018 wanted more realistic representation of women in


In this sorce there was no bias and was legitimate to the topic. The source was legitimate

and not bias because the information was based off data collected from surveys taken by the

women of the U.S. This source proves as helpful to my research because it gives non-biased

information that can be easily reviewed.

This source relates to my topic because it shows how women think of the beauty industry

in media and how the media doesn't have broad representation. This source also fits with my

other sources because builds on my main thesis and connects with the other sources. The way I

would use this source in my research paper would be to put it into a point of my paper that I

would talk about quantitative data of my topic.

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