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Tell me about the two (or three) most helpful suggestions that your 

TA provided for you

during this practicum in support of your professional growth.
This could be a very long list and I have been sitting and struggling to find just three suggestions
to discuss. I have been very lucky with my placement and with the help of my TA, I have learned
so many helpful strategies, but specifically those that work best for myself as an individual. That
being said, my top three favourite suggestions would be:

1. A visual agenda or list of tasks for the day accompanied with a quick discussion and run-
down of the plans and expectations for the lesson seemed like such small suggestion on
my second or third day, but it has proved to be a significant lifeline for myself, while
providing the students with clarity and flow. As someone who can be easily distracted or
lose my train of thought, specifically when I get in front of a group of people, this has
been a monumental help for sequencing and focus.
2. This one is a bit tricky to nail down exactly which piece of advice regarding management
has been most helpful. My TA has really taken the time to observe and guide my journey
towards classroom management. However, I think the most significant that sticks out in
my mind and that really summarizes many of the little things is developing my presence.
This includes the growth in my voice projection and tone, my confidence, and my wait
time. While I still have lots to learn, my presence in the classroom has improved what
feels like exponentially over the last month or so.
3. Last, but certainly not least, is to not be afraid of making mistakes and failing. The nerves
I felt at the beginning of my practicum as well as the pressure to execute every lesson
perfectly was quickly dispelled by my TA’s reminder that there is nothing to be learned
unless you make mistakes. Because of that advice, I have learned from every single
failure or mistake that I have experienced in the classroom during this practicum, and I
am confident that I am a better teacher for it. It allowed me to always reflect and adapt,
recognizing when something worked but especially when something did not work. It also
is a powerful lesson to model for students as well. This has certainly been my favourite
and most helpful suggestion in terms of my professional growth as it extends to all
aspects of my pedagogical practice. As someone who has always valued lifelong learning
and striving to be better and do better, this has been a monumental lesson for me that I
will always be incredibly grateful for.

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