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4/4/2021 Three Rays - Gary Osborn

1. The Kundalini Shakti Goddess

2. The Execution of John the Baptist

Welcome Gate of God 3. The Head of the Shining One

4. Ishtar's Descent into the Underworld
5. The Seven Tesut
6. The Seven Me and the Seven Kas
Author Bio
Three Rays 7. The Spinal Seed
8. The Serpent Staff and the Tree of Life
Revelations 9. Serpent Fire
10. The Djed Pillar and Kundalini
Gary Osborn 11. Power Centres
Books 12. Eye of Horus
Originally written in 2003. Updated, 2007 and 2012 13. Sokar
14. The Scarab Beetle god Khepri
Contact Copyright © Gary Osborn 2012. All Rights Reserved.
15. The Djed and Crown of Osiris
16. Annointment: The Chemical Wedding
17. The Cross, the Cup and Orion
19. Chamber-Gland Theory

Earlier we noted the observations made by Schwaller de Lubicz that there are ‘three’ power centres in the brain - the ‘Triad’ or
‘Trinity’ adopted by virtually every major religion around the world - and that the Triple Sanctuary in the Temple of Luxor
corresponds to the skull, and these “three endocrine glands” (de Lubicz), or power centres.
It's possible that de Lubicz was also familiar with the following . . .
The image below is from the rst register of the exterior panel on the left side of the golden shrine found in the tomb of 14th-
century BCE pharaoh  Tutankhamun, discovered by Howard Carter on the 4th November 1922.

Figure 1 Detail from the Shrine of Tutankhamun. Exterior left side panel.

In the rst register of this panel, we see six male gures (gods) with their ba (soul) elevated and perched on four columns in front
of them.
On the left and in front of this procession of six gures, a huge cobra Uraeus (again, the goddess Wadjet) "spits" THREE rays of
“ re” against the brow of the rst gure.
It has been interpreted that all ve gures behind the rst, (the image above only shows the rst three), appear to be receiving the
same ow of energy, and each directly from the star placed above the head of the gure in front.
The hieroglyphs above the scene express the following:
“These gods are like this: the rays of Re enter their bodies. He calls their souls. It is indeed they who enter after the soul.”
Underneath an artist's rendition of this same scene, researcher and writer Joseph Robert Jochmans writes the caption: 1/13
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“Awakening the Kundalini Serpent in the Higher Chakra as the Opening to the Cosmic Dimensions”.

Clesson Harvey, an interpreter of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic script who has his own Website, interprets the hieroglyphs in
front of the rst gure as “when the Star of the Soul comes.” 
He also adds:
‘In front of the second gure where the triple re from the Star is striking the brow, the explanation is still “when the
Star of the Soul comes”. ‘The Star is shown coming to the same person in six different levels of ‘Chakra’ experience in the
spinal serpent which was also shown in the complete illustration’.
As for the star connected to the head of the individual by three rays of energy, Clesson Harvey reads as ‘triple re’.
This star is called the “Star of the Soul.” This “star of the soul” is indeed the Polestar seen to represent the third eye of Atum-Ra –
which of course was seen to be connected to the individual’s own third eye.
Here’s a quote from The Purpose of Yoga by Gopi Krishna, showing how these ancient Egyptian images actually illustrate the Hindu
descriptions of the ‘third eye’ chakra where the three channels ida, pingala and sushumna unite as one:

‘The spot between the eyebrows—known as the Ajna Chakra — on which is placed a sandal, vermilion or saffron
mark, denotes the point at which a new form of energy, coursing through the central and sympathetic nervous
systems, is channeled into the brain to galvanize the dormant centre for the manifestation of a new form of
consciousness in the adept.
‘The spot is also known as “Triveni”, the place of con uence of the three channels of psychic energy.
The practice of bathing at the point of conjunction of two or three rivers in India is a symbolic representation of the
inner puri cation effected and the freedom (Mukti) gained by the soul, when the cranial centre springs to life with
the impact of the prana energy concentrated at this point.
‘The sacred thread worn round the neck with its three strands of cotton, tied by a knot, is symbolic of the three
channels of the new radiant energy or prana which converge at the Ajna Chakra in the forehead’.
The Purpose of Yoga, by Gopi Krishna (UBS Publishers) 1993. p. 4.
Based on the above correspondences, following is my own interpretation of the symbolic imagery on Tutankhamun's Golden
Shrine :
Wadjet (the reared-up Uraeus) represents the risen Kundalini goddess through the central susumna channel.
Wadjet spits “ re” (Kundalini energy known as “serpent re” and “liquid re”), expressed as the light of the Sun god Ra (Re)  at the
“third eye”, brow chakra of the male gure.
We see this “serpent re” (synonymous with the Hindu “cosmic re pillar”) delivered through three rays of energy.
In my view, these three rays represent the three nâdî channels – the pingala, the idâ and the central susumnâ – and all three are
aimed at, and ending respectively, within the three components of the “third eye” – being the pineal gland, the pituitary gland and
the central thalamus.
These are the three power centres within the head associated with the ajna (third eye) chakra and the crown chakra, according to
the more reliable esoteric sources.
The following six gures represent the six chakras (kas) of the rst gure (or rather the sixth gure from the right) that again, end
at the sixth “third eye” (brow chakra) and so they con rm this sixth level being activated as symbolised by Wadjet spitting three
rays of energy at the brow of the sixth gure from the right.
The opening of the “third eye” can lead to enlightenment, and this is what is being expressed here.
This ascent of energy through all six chakras is depicted in all six god gures – the energy ascending through all six chakras (kas)
to the “third eye”, and then onto the highest crown chakra (the bindu point above the head).
The seventh chakra is depicted as the Pole Star above the head of the sixth gure from the right who stands in front of Wadjet, and
this is consistent with the shamanic tradition.
All six chakras become ONE in the seventh chakra – again the Pole Star above the head.
And so what we see here is also the shaman's ascent; his symbolic climb on the “ladder” (the rungs being the six chakras) towards
the Pole Star, and from the “third eye”, the three rays from the pineal, pituitary and thalamus.
Of course it could be depicted here that the energy as illumined knowledge and enlightenment is also being received from the
seventh chakra (Pole Star) and is entering the body of the rst gure through all six chakras. 2/13
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Not many of us realise that the traditional Christmas Tree - a pine or r tree - which symbolises the shamanic World Tree, axis
mundi Celestial Polar Axis and Cosmic Axis - again, represents the human spinal column.
" . . . and the leaf of a r-tree represents both Osiris and Egypt". A. E. Wallis Budge.
When we celebrate Christmas around the time of Winter Solstice - nine months after the conception of the resurrection god on
the Spring Equinox - we are actually celebrating the 'shining one' and the internal Kundalini enlightenment experience through
which one is reborn.
Christ-Mass: Christ meaning 'oil' in Greek is associated with anointment - the activation of the glands in the brain which leads to
The Star above the Tree - which is colourfully decorated with shiny baubles (chakras) and wrapped in tinsel wreaths (the serpents
and human aura; the swirling eld of radiant energy being generated by the chakras) - conveys the same knowledge of the bindu
centre above the head as re ected in the Pole Star above the celestial polar axis.
Although the majority of us are not aware of it, the true gift to mankind at Christmas is man's realisation that there is indeed a
source of creative intelligence to which he is connected and that he is immortal.
Now as an alternative theory, its possible that the three rays exiting the brow of these gures from the Golden Shrine panel, are
not directed at the Pole Star, but instead they are being directed at the three stars in Orion's Belt.
The clues to this are all there in the related symbolism.
We cannot know this for sure, but its a theory worth considering.
(See the full chapter quote from the book God-man: The Word as Flesh, [1920] at the bottom of this page).
In any case, it is evident that the ancient Egyptians possessed knowledge of these three chakra-related power centres in the brain
and their connection to the seventh chakra above the head known as the bindu in Hindu tradition.
 Now compare the above scene from the Golden Shrine of Tutankhamun ( gure 1) with this Hindu illustration below of the Hindu
 god Shiva pictured as Lingodbhava.

Figure 2 Shiva is pictured as Lingodbhava, emerging from the Lingam – the cosmic re
pillar – proving his superiority over gods Brahma and Vishnu.

Like the serpent goddess Wadjet (Kundalini Goddess), who spits the “serpent re” energy of the Kundalini at the brow of the
initiate, we see the Kundalini Shakti goddess emerging from the bindu location of Shiva's head, spitting the “cosmic re pillar”,
which falls onto the lingam-yoni, symbolising the union of male and female opposites.
The sacred waters of the Ganges River also symbolises this energy, as did the River Nile for the ancient Egyptians.
The energy symbolises the cooling waters of the goddess which unites with and quenches – neutralises – the activated “ ery” male
energy and as both ascend together uniting at the chakras aligned with the central susumna channel of the spine, towards the
head and to the pineal and pituitary glands, where their nal sexual union (fusion of both) takes place within the "bridal chamber"
- the Thalamus at the centre of the brain.
How ancient is this knowledge pertaining to the point of enlightenment represented by the Pole Star and the three channels and three
power points in the brain relating to the physio-kundalini-chakra system?
The following image – a stone carving that is claimed to be older than 6,000 years old and found in the La Maná cave in Ecuador in
1984 – is from Klaus Dona's collection of ancient, anomalous artifacts, and as we can see it conveys the same information we see in
the scene from the Golden Shrine of Tutankhamun. 3/13
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Figure 3 Left: Carved stone found in Ecuador, said to be 7,000 years old. From the Klaus Dona collection of ancient artifacts.
Compare the three rays associated with the brow of the head with this scene from the Golden Shrine of Tutankhamun (right).

I asked Klaus Dona about the origin of this carved stone, and Klaus told me that the stone was found together with the famous
thirteen-stepped pyramid with the all-seeing-eye capstone, along with many other artifacts – including a carved cobra which
does not exist in Ecuador.

Figure 4 Left: Pyramid with All-Seeing-Eye Capstone and 13 brick levels, the same as the pyramid on the US $1 bill, found in Ecuador, again, said
to be 7,000 years old. From the Klaus Dona collection of ancient artifacts.
Right: Ancient Egyptian wall painting from the Tomb of Shuroy, Luxor, 19th Dynasty. The black-marked apex of the pyramid-like, tower structure
is between the Eyes of Horus, revealing that the apex - the capstone of the pyramid - represents the thalamic 'third eye' - again as we see with
the all-seeing eye in the US $1 bill.

Klaus added that the other artifacts that were found with this stone are not consistent with any known South American culture.
I then asked Klaus what his own thoughts were regarding the imagery on this carved stone, and he told me that in his opinion, the
man sitting on a stone holding a pyramid is sending rays to another man.
To me, the gure on the left appears to be a crude carving of a reared-up snake or serpent, which is again “spitting” three rays of
energy at the brow of a gure seated upon a stone or throne, who is holding what appears to be a pyramid with a cross on its
The oval shape of the head of the left gure and the way it is projected forward on a thin, long, serpentine neck and body, is more
like that of a snake than that of a man - although there are also depictions of serpents in ancient Egyptian art of a serpent with
human legs.
But whether the gure on the left is a rearing snake or a man - or even a serpent-like humanoid - and whether the three rays of
energy are being directed from the left or from the right, can still be debated of course, and although I respect Klaus Dona's view, 4/13
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what we see here is always going to be open to interpretation.
Again, in my view, what is being conveyed in this crudely-carved image is tantalisingly close to the scene above from the left panel
of Tutankhamun's golden shrine; the three rays aligned with the brow of the seated gure being a decisive factor; which leaves me
convinced that both images are conveying the same information and knowledge – the source of which must be considerably ancient
and shamanic in origin.
Just above and behind the seated gure appears to be a mountain or pyramid with what looks like a celestial boat resting on its
Inside is an arrow pointing up towards a shining oval or “eye”-like gure in the sky - (some would say it is perhaps an alien-related
The tip of the “arrow” could be a smaller pyramid, or more likely an elevated, pyramidion capstone.
This feature behind the seated gure is supported by the symbolic imagery we see in a photo taken at a Templar Church in
Garway, Herefordshire, England.
As we can see the whole design carved on the stone above is similar to the mysterious carvings we see above the head and torso-
shaped piscina.
Note the pyramid or pyramidion capstone inside the vessel or cup above the head – itself capped by a crossed 'communion wafer'.
The placement of these symbols indicate the position of the bindu – the centre of the seventh chakra above the head.

Figure 5 Mysterious carvings around the head and torso-shaped piscina in the Knight's Templar Church at Garway, Herefordshire, England.

Seeing as everything we have been looking at is leading us to it, in the next presentation we will begin to take a closer look at the
connections between the head and skull, these three power centres in the brain and the Great Pyramid.

Earlier I mentioned the deeper symbolic signi cance of Christmas being associated with the Kundalini enlightenment or
Awakening experience, and that the true gift to mankind at Christmas - especially those who are aware of it - is man's realisation,
and via this rebirthing enlightenment experience, that there is a source of creative intelligence to which he is connected and that he
is immortal.
Here's an interesting quote in this regard from the book Godman: The Word Made Flesh - published in 1920.
All down the ages there have been stories of fairies, gnomes, mermaids, naiads and fabled characters galore.
The ancient Norsemen, Dutch, Huns and all the oriental races possess literature proli c with allegories, parables and
fables built around the wonders and physical and chemical operations of the human body.
The birth of the monthly seed is the basis of the Mother Goose Stories and similar tales in all lands.
Santa Claus, or Saint Nicholas, the patron saint of seafarers, virgins and children, is the bearer of gifts to children on
Christmas eve.
Of all festivals celebrated all over the known world, that held in honor of Santa Claus ranks as rst in the hearts of all
humanity, old as well as young. This in itself is a most signi cant fact. 5/13
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It is time that the truth in regard to this age long custom be made known to the world, time that its real and true
signi cance be understood. Then will it be truly celebrated, for it will have become an inward process, as well as an
outward observation.
Parents, from time immemorial, have explained to their children that the presents which they found in their
stockings, when they jumped eagerly from their beds in the morning, were placed there by a mysterious person
called "Santa Claus." No one saw him come, no one saw him leave, but he left unmistakable evidence of his visit.
Some children ask many questions in regard to this mysterious "person", and when they become too insistent the
ingenuity of parents is sorely taxed to give satisfactory answers. There comes a time, however, when they must have
the Santa Claus "myth" explained to them, and it is then that their deep childlike trust and con dence in their
The last two paragraphs could easily apply to the UFO phenomenon. The general public (children) and the parents (governments)
parents receives its rst shock. Thereafter they commence to doubt their parents, to question their veracity, and
and the of cialmany
denial made to the existence of the 'intelligence' behind the phenomenon which comes and leaves. 
tears have been shed, because, after all Santa was not a "really, truly person".
Through my work
  on the Penniston Binary Codes I have been involved with the possible meaning behind the Rendlesham Forest
Incident which began on Christmas Day evening/morning of Boxing Day, December 1980.  
Also, on Christmas morning, 1980, a group of Tibetan lamas were brought to meet Hopi elders. The two groups went   into the kiva
and prayed for  several days. Soon thereafter, a representative of the Dalai Lama planted the seed of the dharma with the Hopis.
(More about these connections later).
THERE IS A SANTA CLAUS, IT IS A PHYSIOLOGICAL FACT, and IT does "SECRETE" the most holy and wonderful gift"
or substance in the body of every individual. Those who understand it who receive it in the right spirit have "Become
as little children."
"As above, so below." As in the Macrocosm the universe, so in the microcosm-man.
Can anyone think for one moment that the parables, fables, allegories and myths that have come down to us through
the ages have no basic foundation? They, as well as the fast days and feast days are founded on great esoteric truths.
Otherwise they would have ceased to be.
The Great Hierarchy that rules the Universe see to it that nothing is forgotten that needs to be remembered.
Santa Claus, or Saint Claus, is derived from the same root word as "claustrum," from which "cloister" is also derived.
Claustrum means a barrier, a covered place, seclusion. Cloister is referred to as a place of seclusion, and more
especially as a place of seclusion for something
holy, something dedicated to divinity.
There is a Saint Claus, or Claustrum within the cerebrum, and whoever gave it that name knew why they did so.
The suture of the skull is the point where the bones meet. We can very easily see this place on the head of infants, as
the sections are not then drawn closely together, and the vibrations of the brain can be both seen and felt.
In Sanskrit this is called “The Door of Brahm,” for it is the aperture through which the Ego, or Spirit leaves the body.
It is also the chimney of Santa Claus.
The vertebrae as a whole is called the “stick of Brahm”.
Directly underneath the "door of Brahm" is a triangular shaped body named in physiology the "Island of Reil." This is
the place where "John" was when "he" looked back and saw the wonderful vision of the regenerated man in the "Isle
of Patmos" This island is the central lobe of the cerebrum, and is also called the Pole; hence, the Island of Reil is the
North Pole of the body, and is, as we well know, the imperishable, sacred land.
In Santee's anatomy of the brain and spinal cord, we nd that this island is "situated in the medial wall of the lateral
ssure of the cerebrum, between the frontal, parietal and temporal lobes, whose growth, after the fth month in
utero, gradually covers it over. At the end of
the rst year of extra-uterine life, it is entirely concealed by temporal, parietal and frontal parts of the operculum"
cover or lid. Thus we see that Mother Nature has taken great pains to conceal this sacred center.
Underneath this island, and directly in a line with the Optic Thalamus lies the Claustrum, but separated from it by
yet three other bodies.
The claustrum is a thin sheet of isolated gray matter, found just medial to the Island of Reil. Santee says it "is a sheet
of peculiar gray substance, and is made up of fusiform (spindle shaped) cell-bodies." It is from this claustrum that
contains yellow substance within its outer
grayish exterior, that the wonderful, priceless OIL is formed that ows down into the olivary fasciculus, "descending
with the rubro-spinal tract through the reticular formation in the pons and medulla to the lateral column of the
spinal cord. It terminates in the gray matter of the spinal cord, probably giving off collaterals to corresponding
nuclei in the brain stem." Santee. This is the OIL, the precious gift of which the Bible speaks,
"Thou anointest my head with oil". Psalm 23.5. 6/13
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And not only is there oil manufactured within this special laboratory of the brain, but there is actually an olive tree,
which bears actual olives so named in any anatomy. The two olives are two in nitesimal eminences on either side of
the medulla, with the Pyramid between.
They are one-half inch in length. It is found well developed only in the higher mammals. They are RELAY (Santee)
stations between the cerebrum and the cerebellum and between the spinal cord and the cerebellum.
This oil is the most sacred substance in the body it is the quintessence of gold the "Gold of Ophir" most trulv a rare
gift. Globules of oil are found in the vital uid, the semen, and when the prodigal son has wasted his substance, he
nds that it takes a long time to replace
the de ciency and make good the looted bank account.
This wonderful oil is the secret work of the immaculate Virgin, Mary (or Mare) "represented by the sign Virgo. In
chemistry we nd that sulphate of potassium is the mineral salt, which, uniting with sulphur and oxygen,
manufactures the oil. We nd that this salt also crystallizes out from the mother-liquors of sea water and salt
springs. People born under the sign Virgo, if they have become de cient in this salt suffer from dryness of the skin,
and baldness. We can also understand why draining of the vital uid living in excesses, will also produce baldness. If
there were no oil in the body, the skin would become harsh and dry.
The story of the wise virgins who had their lamps trimmed and lled with oil is given to emphasize the necessity for
the presence of oil in the body, for they cannot go out to meet the "bridegroom" unless their lamps are burning. "The
lamb is the lamp thereof."
The olives, which contain the oil, are the reservoirs the relay stations, of course, which furnish the oil for the lamp,
the pineal gland, at the top of which is the ame or eye. When the Kundalini, the serpent re that lies concealed
within the sacral plexus is awakened, burns up the dross within the spinal cord, and reaches the conarium, it sets
re to this oil and thus lights the "perpetual lamp," [Thalamus] which "Gives the light to the whole house."
Santa Claus is thus the giver of the supreme gift in the human body, the oil for the perpetual lamp the gold of Ophir,
the quintessence of richness.
A total lack of oil in the body will, in itself, cause death. Click here to go to next page: Chamber-Gland
Santa Claus brings his gifts when the Christ-mass is celebrated.
The Greek characters that stand for Christ are X P I, and the word itself (Christ) means oil, in Greek. The seed is the
bread of life, and when anointed with oil
(Christed and cruci ed) become the Christ-mass the bread, eaten in the Father's Kingdom.
Thus we now clearly understand the meaning of Santa Claus and his Christmas visit with gifts to the children".
God-Man: The Word Made Flesh by George W. Carrey and Inez Eudora Perry,
(The Chemistry of Life Co. Los Angeles, 1920), pp. 107 - 110. 7/13
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