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Brahma Kumaris - Soul Sustenance and Message for the day

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 01-12-2012

Posted: 30 Nov 2012 12:30 PM PST
Soul Sustenance 01-12-2012

Improving The Quality Of Different Areas Of My Karmas (Part 3)

Karmas performed for leisure or entertainment

When someone says they don't have time for meditation or for their spiritual development, it
generally reflects an unwillingness to face the self rather than an actual lack of time. The fact that
average T.V. viewing time in many countries runs to more than 15 hours a week tells its own story. To
the extent that I value my time, I value my life and make myself valuable. Valuing my time, energy
and money is very much a part of the whole karmic story of give and take: what they are
used for, how well they are used, whether they are wasted and so on. Difficulties with time,
one's own bodily energy and finances are the fruits of past indifference or wastage of these resources
(either in this birth or previous births). The world financial crisis is the karmic sum total of all such
individual difficulties. Am I using all that I have in a worthwhile way? Am I just wasting it or am I
using it for benefit for myself and for others? These questions, answered correctly, often spell the
difference between success and failure.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 01-12-2012

True service is to spread the light of happiness to all around.

Expression: In any negative situation, the usual reaction is to feel disheartened and unhappy. With
this reaction to the situation, the people around too are affected as the unhappiness spreads around.
Focusing this way only on the problem creates such negativity that it doesn't inspire anyone to work
for a solution.

Experience: Instead of spreading unhappiness in a difficult situation by seeing the negative aspect,

we need to think of how to bring a solution. Even if we can't, we need to look at some positive aspect in
it that will enable us to maintain our own positivity. When we keep ourselves happy in this way, we
will be able to spread this happiness to others too.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 02-12-2012

Posted: 01 Dec 2012 12:30 PM PST
Soul Sustenance 02-12-2012

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Improving The Quality Of Different Areas Of My Karmas (Part 4)

Karmas as spiritual service of others

Service of others can be seen on a very basic level as physical charity but the real service
is to uplift the souls of others by inspiring them to re-claim their state of self-
respect. There is the old saying that if I give others chapattis, I feed them for a day. If I teach them
how to cook chapattis, I feed them for life. In a spiritual way, this refers to the fact that instead of
merely performing a positive karma like the donation of money, food, clothes, etc. if one can show
others the understanding of karma and how it works and also teach them the ultimate, pure karma of
coming closer to the Supreme on a spiritual level, they can make efforts to change their negative
karmic situation and bring happiness, peace and positivity back in their lives. When there is a change
at the mental and emotional level, then changes will begin to show at the physical level too. Over a
period of time, due to understanding spiritual knowledge (as a result of which the soul starts
performing positive actions) and a deep connection with the Supreme (due to which negative actions
or sins performed in the past are burned up), the karmic situation of the soul, which has been served,
starts improving.

Message for the day 02-12-2012

The one who has the spirit of service is free from wasteful thinking.

Expression: It is usually thought of as an additional burden to think of serving others. The usual
thought is to think of first serving oneself and when one is content to think of serving others. But this
thought makes one miss out on the fact that both service to oneself and service to others are
complementary to each other, one helping the other in a positive way.

Experience: When we take on the responsibility of bringing benefit to others, i.e., when we consider
ourselves as a humble server we will be free from wasteful and negative thinking. We will not waste
our thoughts and energy on something that is not worthwhile, something that is not going to bring
benefit to anyone. So each thought, word and action of ours becomes elevated.

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 03-12-2012

Posted: 02 Dec 2012 12:30 PM PST
Soul Sustenance 03-12-2012

Saying Goodbye To Anger

'I expect' is the great illusion, which converts itself into demanding rights without due
respect for others.

Anger in all its forms is a direct result of an expectation not being fulfilled and brings cries (although
sometimes silent ones) of “They should have done this, Why did this happen? or Don't you know
better?” Disappointment, accusations and demands are violent energies, which we throw around very
naturally and easily in our daily life when our expectations are not fulfilled. They are like a burning
fire that eats away at our original spiritual qualities, turning them to a dust that pollutes the self and

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Instead, let us continue to practise returning our thoughts to the self and remembering our original
source of peace. In that experience of deep, natural peace, we will find balance and clarity and the
ability to tolerate and adjust to the unexpected.

One of the keys of meditation practice is to quickly gather our thought energy and take it inside to
connect to our original qualities, no matter what may be happening outside, or even inside!

Let me disconnect from the external and plug in to the internal energies that support
me and then I will be able to say goodbye to anger very easily.

Message for the day 03-12-2012

Where there is honesty there is flexibility.

Expression: When someone challenges the truth of what we are saying we generally tend to argue
and prove our point in order to prove ourselves right. When we argue in this way, it only shows our
own stubbornness and doesn't help in anyway to reveal the truth. Where silence doesn't help in
revealing the truth, argument never will because the other person is not in a position to listen to us at
that moment.

Experience: We need to realise the fact that when the other person is not able to recognise the truth,
our arguing will not help in any way. When the truth is with us we need not argue but we only need to
wait for the right opportunity to talk what we have to say. When we try to talk when the other person
is not in a position to listen to us, it only reveals our lack of flexibility.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance 04-12-2012


Open-Eyed Meditation

One of the special characteristics of Raja Yoga meditation (as taught by the Brahma Kumaris) is that I
learn to meditate with my eyes open. The training of the mind, so that it creates thoughts, to give a
positive experience, helps me in facing not only my daily routine, but specifically, in dealing with
unexpected practical life situations that test my real power. Mastering the art of meditating with my
eyes open can be of immense value to me in my practical life.

If I restrict myself to seated meditation with my eyes closed, then I am prevented from continuing the
meditative experience in the course of my normal activities i.e. walking, eating, cooking, working in
the office, moving around and so on.

Meditation is at the same time an incredibly relaxing experience as well as brings about an increase of
perception (judgement) powers and sharper reaction response. In this way, I can be walking along the
street in a meditative state and yet have a very quick perception (judgement) and reaction response to
the surrounding pedestrians and traffic.

Message for the day 04-12-2012

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Negative situations can be transformed into positive with the power of stability.

Expression: When faced with a negative situation, usually the mind gets affected. Lot of questions
arise in the mind that don't allow us to be stable at that time. Because of the thoughts in our mind,
though it is in our hands to work at transforming the situation, we don't make use of this opportunity
but only end up adding to the negativity.

Experience: In a negative situation, it is necessary for us to maintain our own inner stability. We
need to free ourselves from wasteful thoughts. Then, the negativity in the situation will finish, first in
our mind and then in the situation itself. Our own internal stability will help in finishing the influence
of the external situation.

Soul Sustenance 05-12-2012


Frozen Perceptions

Like water, which over a period of time freezes and takes the form of frozen ice cubes, when kept in an
ice tray; perceptions of different things, people and events, inside our consciousness,
which come onto the surface of our consciousness regularly i.e. we shape our thoughts,
words and actions based on them, regularly, take the form of rigid perceptions over a
period of time. These rigid or 'frozen perceptions', which sometimes never liquefy in our entire
lifetime, are commonly called our beliefs, which can stick in our consciousness like ice cubes and be
difficult to uproot at times. One of the greatest harms that holding to a set of beliefs does is,
that it doesn't let us see from other peoples' point of view.

Let's say two people look at the same painting from two different points in a room. One describes what
she sees and how the painting looks to her. Then the other describes how the painting looks to him.
Both perceptions are bound to be different to some extent. They are different because they look from
different angles, different points (places) of viewing in the same room. So who has the right view?
Neither. But what both of them see is right from their point of view. Another e.g. is, there is Mrs. A at
my workplace, whom over a period of time, I have been seeing from a certain point of view and have
started perceiving to be inefficient. Bringing this perception into my consciousness repeatedly has
frozen this perception inside my consciousness and it has taken the form of a belief, which may be
incorrect or correct, partially or completely. Now even if three different people who have all seen Mrs.
A from three different points of view i.e. in three different set of circumstances, and have seen three
different shades of the same virtue i.e. efficiency in her; come and share their different, but all positive
and right perceptions with me, depending on their respective circumstantial view, I will not agree with
them and not respect their perception because a person with unfrozen perceptions would at least give
a hearing to others' perceptions, but someone with frozen perceptions, i.e. with fixed beliefs, is not
able to that and is not able to empathize with or see from others’ point of view.

Message for the day 05-12-2012

The one who is aware of the attainments is the one who is content.

Expression: Sometimes, there is a tendency to compare ourselves with others and find ourselves
lacking in some way. This creates unhappiness in us and we are not able to remain content.
Comparing ourselves with others or having expectations makes us miss out on perceiving the
attainments we have in our life. And we are not able to experience contentment.

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Experience: Instead of looking at what we don't have, which is usually the practice, we need to make
effort to see what we have attained or what we are attaining. Once we make this practice, we will be
able to look at the positive aspect in our life, which will enable us to remain content under all
circumstances, i.e., in both positive and negative situations.

Soul Sustenance 06-12-2012


Are You A Compulsive Complainer (Part 1)?

We live in a world full of imperfections, and, luckily, we are not perfect either. Luckily, because being
imperfect offers us the possibilities of learning, change and hope. It inspires us to make an effort and
it prevents us from getting bored. However, for the one who complains it seems that the world should
be perfect. With such a habit it becomes something natural to think how things should or shouldn't be
or could or could not be.

When you complain, your energy and clarity reduce and your unhappiness increases. You don't accept
what there is or what is, as it is. Your complaints lead you to criticism and to useless gossip. In these
kinds of conversations time and energy are lost and mistrust and unhappiness are generated.
Relationships are harmed and then require a good investment of time and energy to get back the lost

Someone who complains regularly expects the world to make them happy and the Universe to dance
to their music. As things are almost never as they want, they are in a state of constant complaint. They
don't realize that happiness comes from within and is cultivated within. They expect situations and
others to make them happy. And, as this does not happen, they complain constantly.

The person who often complains feels disappointed and gets discouraged. They feel that they cannot
do anything to change what they would like to change. They feel weakened inside.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 06-12-2012

With benevolent feelings and good wishes we can free people from worrying.

Expression: When we come across people who are faced with a difficult situation because of which
they are worrying, we too usually tend to think about it. Instead of helping the other person to be free
from worrying, we too begin to worry. This doesn't help either of us in anyway but only adds to the
negativity of the situation.

Experience: We need to develop such benevolent feelings for the ones who are going through the
situation that the power of our positive feelings will spread to them too. It will act like the light of the
lamp, which helps to dispel the darkness around. Only when there is positivity in the mind will they be
able to think of some solution.

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Soul Sustenance 07-12-2012

Are You A Compulsive Complainer (Part 2)?

The person who almost never complains has realized that every time they complain they focus on
something negative, and the first person to suffer is, in effect, themselves, since it reduces their energy
level and they feel worse. The person who never complains accepts what is as it is, what comes as it
comes, and what happens as it happens. However, if they consider that something has to be changed,
they put their energy into making it happen.

Given below is a clear example of the reaction of a compulsive complainer and of someone who never
complains in the face of the same situation:

Two people visit a restaurant for a cup of tea. When the tea arrives, it arrives cold on both tables. The
complainer suffers and reacts immediately by making a great complaint to the waiter. He gets into
such a bad mood because of the cold tea that it generates a really unhappy feeling inside him. The
waiter, of course, gets a bit defensive. The person who doesn't complain does not remain quiet and
drink the tea. He calls the waiter and informs him that the tea is cold and asks for it to be warmed. He
doesn't get angry or into a bad mood; therefore, he doesn't suffer. He accepts that, at times, such
things happen! To inform and ask is not to complain; it is to give feedback and to make a request. The
difference between both is the difference between an emotional reaction and a proactive response.

If there is something that doesn't go as you would like it to go, use mental energy to construct, create,
transform or solve but do not complain.

Message for the day 07-12-2012

Faith enables the creation of elevated fortune.

Expression: Usually there is a tendency to leave things to destiny. When something goes wrong, we
blame fate for it. Then we feel the situation to be totally out of our control, which prevents us from
taking responsibility for our own life. And we will not be able to work in any way for bringing about a
change and improving the situation.

Experience: Instead of blaming fate for whatever is happening, we need to take up responsibility for
creating our own fortune for the future. When we have faith in ourselves we will take up responsibility
for our own life. We will then be able to work at making our each thought beneficial, contributing to
our success, making a better future for ourselves.

Soul Sustenance 08-12-2012


The Triangle Of Spiritual Energy (Part 1)

Harmony within the self and with others is based on the accuracy of three aspects of remembrance:
the ability to disconnect, connect and reconnect.

When I disconnect my thoughts from outside influences, stepping back from actions and words,
then I can go into silence and connect with the self. To plug into the self, l use the thought: Om
Shanti or “I am a peaceful soul”. This thought is the current that activates my eternal resource of
peace and the qualities that emanate from this peace. The first step in meditation is always to connect

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with the self: what we call the inward step.

The next step in meditation is vertical, where, within one second, my concentrated
thought connects my mind with the Supreme Source of Peace.

Silence and love give the mind wings to break the pull of gravity and to fly and unite with the One, who
is the purest point of energy in the universe. This vertical connection from the point of the self, the
soul, to the point of the universe, the Supreme Soul, gives the mind fresh new energy. This fresh
energy is divine spiritual power and cannot be found in, or taken from, a human being. Therefore, if I
wish to recharge myself, to rediscover and restore the original balance and harmony within myself, the
second movement made by my mind must be vertical.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 08-12-2012

The one who is free from wasteful words is the one who can be light.

Expression: Sometimes when something only needs a few words to explain, we continue to speak
and expand on it for a long time. We actually use more words than necessary thinking we are
clarifying things. We give the justification to ourselves that it is necessary or the other person does not
understand. These words sometimes disturb the other person and spoil our relationships too.

Experience: We constantly need to pay attention to the words that we speak. We need to check if we
are using any more words than we actually need to. When we remind ourselves of a simple slogan,
"speak less, speak softly and speak sweetly", our words will never be those that disturb others. We will
then be able to maintain our own lightness and that of others too.

Posted: 08 Dec 2012 12:30 PM PST

Soul Sustenance 09-12-2012

The Triangle Of Spiritual Energy (Part 2)

Today, when human beings seek love, meaning and purpose, they first connect horizontally (with
others) rather than vertically (with the Supreme Source). This leads to a greater loss of energy and
eventually dissatisfaction and emptiness. The vertical connection liberates the self from becoming
dependent on someone else and from having too many expectations.

After the vertical connection, there can then be the horizontal connection with others, that is, with the
outside or external.

The horizontal movement can be called 'reconnection'. When we have taken the first two steps (first
inwards i.e. connection with the self and then upwards i.e. connection with the Supreme), we
reconnect with others on the basis of openness and sharing, rather than selfishness and need. At this
point, there are real relationships that are respectful and balanced, rather than a relationship of
wanting, taking, or exploiting. We have come to understand that when we are well with ourselves, we
will be well with others.

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(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 09-12-2012

True love is felt by all who receive it.

Expression: Sometimes we do find ourselves in situations where others are not responding to the
love we are giving. We are trying to be understanding and accepting as much as possible but others
don't seem to be recognising it. In such a situation we begin to blame others and their lack of feelings
and concern.

Experience: Instead of blaming others when our love and concern is not being reciprocated, we need
to check the quality of the love that we give. If there is even a trace of selfishness or if it is mixed with
expectations, our love will not be able to reach out and touch the hearts of others. So we need to make
sure that our love is pure and unselfish.

Posted: 09 Dec 2012 12:30 PM PST

Soul Sustenance 10-12-2012

The Triangle Of Spiritual Energy (Part 3)

Referring to the last two days’ messages, all three points of connection (connection with
the self, of the self with the Supreme and of the self with others) are necessary for good
emotional and spiritual health.

If I am only connected inwards, there is a great danger of arrogance and being lost in only myself. If I
am only connected to the Supreme Source with little reference to myself, or others, there is the danger
of becoming rigid, fanatical and unrealistic. If I am over-focused on others and on my relationships
with others, thinking I will receive my happiness and sense of purpose from them, then a dependence
is created, which results in conflict and disappointment.

When I do reconnect with the outside world, it can only be done effectively from the point of
advantage of connection with the self and with the Supreme Source.

This three-point connection can be depicted in the form of a triangle with the self as a point (A), then
the vertical movement upward to the Supreme Point (A to B), then the horizontal connection to others
(A to C). Others need to have their own independent and personal connection with the Supreme Point
to revitalize and renew their own consciousness (C to B). In this way, the triangle of harmonious
energy (ABC) becomes complete.

(To be continued tomorrow …)


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Message for the day 10-12-2012

To know that the seed of selfless action will surely bear fruit at its own time is to be

Expression: Sometimes when involved in a task, we tend to get carried away with the result. We
become so result-oriented that we begin to expect the fruit of what we have done immediately.
Without the recognition of the fact that the result might take time to come, we begin to get caught up
with our own expectations. This creates a lot of heaviness in our mind and we might even give up what
we are doing.

Experience: When we make a contribution for something, we must develop faith that whatever has
to happen will happen at the right time. We don't have to eat unripe fruit, i.e., not get carried away
with immediate results but have to wait patiently knowing that the fruits of our actions will ripen at
their own time. With faith this is possible and we will be able to free ourselves from negativity and

Soul Sustenance 11-12-2012


The Triangle Of Spiritual Energy (Part 4)

Referring to yesterday’s message, in the triangle of harmonious energy, all three points (the self, the
Supreme and others) need to be equidistant - not too much one way or the other. The equidistant
triangle in ancient mathematics was the symbol of harmony. Harmony, peace, order and balance is
what is natural in human life and if we wish to return to that condition, we need to realize the
importance of equidistant relationships. It requires constant attention to keep the three points in
balance and in working order. Otherwise, when we get over-focused on any one of the three, we
become inflexible. This inflexibility causes us to go out of balance and the result is disharmony and
disunity, which can also be called 'violence', an unnatural condition, or even hell when it reaches an
extreme point.

In order to maintain a balance between the three, I need silence: times of introspection when I can
check the flow of three of my relationships – with the self, Supreme Source and others. This checking
mechanism protects, sustains and develops the qualities of these three points.

Message for the day 11-12-2012

True help is to give support in such a way that people become independent.

Checking: Think of those people we are giving some kind of help or support. Check if we are helping
in such a way to make them independent or is our help making them dependent on us.

Practice: We should remind ourselves that our aim in helping is to make people independent and
strong in such a way that they are able to support others too. Our help should never make people

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Soul Sustenance 12-12-2012

Resolving The Inner Identity Crisis (Part 1)

At the present moment in human history, almost every individual has lost the awareness of its real or
true self. This has happened very gradually as each individual has progressed in its journey of birth-
rebirth and has kept on attaching itself to various different things and as a result losing its sense of self
in things that it is not i.e. identifying with things that it is not. In a way it can be said that this took the
self far away from itself. This personal, internal identity crisis has led to a universal,
external identity crisis, which has resulted in an emotional crisis resulting in
peacelessness and sorrow in our inner world as well as in the outer world.

This inner identity crisis is the root cause of the multitude of deformed emotions that
exist inside us like anger, ego, lust, fear, comparison with others, greed, hatred, low self
esteem, dependencies etc. all of which have brought us and keep on bringing us
pain. We explain this with an example – suppose you have just constructed a new apartment. While
making it and once its ready and you are using it, you have become excessively attached to it i.e. you
have started identifying with it. Due to this false identification, the first emotion that gets created
inside you is ego. If someone were to criticize the apartment even slightly, you would react
immediately with anger. You constantly fear any sort of harm to the apartment. You even compare it
with apartments that others possess. You also start looking down at people whose apartment is not as
good as yours i.e. you create emotions of hatred for them. If something negative were to happen it, it
affects your mental state immediately i.e. your happiness has become dependent on the material
possession. Your temporary success along with the recognition that it brings you from others leads to
the desire of more success of a similar type i.e. possess some more things - bigger and better, which is
nothing but greed etc. The seed of all these incorrect emotions is my over-identification with this
newly acquired possession. All of these wouldn’t exist inside me, if my relationship with was one of
detachment with it. In this way, we identify with various objects and people in the whole day, which
leads to the creation of such emotions inside us.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 12-12-2012

The one who has the power of realisation is the one who can bring transformation.

Projection: When something goes wrong we immediately begin to look for excuses why that mistake
happened. This finishes our power of realisation and we will not be able to recognise our own mistake.
Then we will not be able to work at improving ourselves and we will not be able to bring any

Solution: Instead of looking for excuses for what happened, we need to take the opportunity to check
within ourselves and see our own mistake. When we recognise our mistake, however small it may be,
we will be able to work on it. Only when we are able to realise our own mistake, will we be able to
bring about transformation in ourselves.

Soul Sustenance 13-12-2012


Resolving The Inner Identity Crisis (Part 2)

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In yesterday’s message we had explained how the confusions, complications and problems that exist
in our world today and the state of human relationships all over the world, are simply a reflection of
our lack of inner clarity about who we are, what we are and where we are heading i.e. a lack of true
self-identity. So how do we resolve this internal and external turmoil? There is an original,
beautiful self, with characteristics of peace, love and happiness that exists within each
one of us, the self from which we have been distanced since a very long time. This is a centre full of
the spiritual resources of all virtues and powers. Reaching it is a journey of only one second and no
distance. By identifying with this inner centre, a centre which is imperishable,
unchangeable, constant and even eternal, my self identity becomes strong and stable, as
compared to many false identities based on external realities like position, wealth and material
possessions which are all perishable and subject to various ups and downs even in one single day, and
if we over identify with them, we are bound to experience constant pain and discontentment.

This process of true self-identification is not a renunciation or avoidance of the way the outer world is
but it is a healing process for your inner world. It is an internal correction process of identification,
whereby you rediscover your true self as a complete being full of positive emotions that you always
were and you start identifying with it, doing which very easily helps you let go of the wrong
identifications. This process is commonly called meditation, the foundation of which is spiritual
wisdom. Once this inner work is done, the outer world starts taking the shape of a reflection of that.
Resolving the identity crisis first changes the way our internal and external world looks to us, as a
result changing the way it works.

Message for the day 13-12-2012

The one who has the balance of flexibility and discipline is the one who is constantly

Expression: It is of course necessary to be flexible but if we are so flexible that others take advantage
of us it is not right. So we need to have a balance of flexibility and discipline i.e., to be flexible within
the rules and code of conduct.

Experience: It is necessary to take care that the flexible nature within us doesn't waste our time or
other resources. We have to be able to say no if the situation demands. But whatever we say has to be
told with love, which comes when our nature is that of flexibility.

Soul Sustenance 14-12-2012


Meditation And Physical Health

The state of the body is a result of the state of the soul not only because of past karmas (actions
performed in this and previous births) but because of its present state also.

For example, when the emotion of fear passes through the mind, the endocrine system starts pumping
adrenalin through the body to prepare it for a surge of energy. It is easy to note the cause-effect
relationship between fear (cause) and adrenalin (effect). In the same way all of the mental ups and
downs cause resulting secretions throughout the body. Internal rage is accompanied by heavy
breathing, fast heart-beats, red face and so on. This relationship between body and soul is the reason
most physical diseases arise from a psychological or mental origin. There is no doubt that any
lessening of harmful secretions by reducing the emotional causes will bring about sound and lasting
health. Health and order in the soul (mind) bring health and order in the body.

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Of course there are other factors which give rise to health problems - pollution, unhealthy life-style,
lack of exercise, wrong diet etc. Through Raja Yoga meditation (taught by the Brahma Kumaris) and
its connected positive lifestyle and through a pure vegetarian diet, ill-health can be minimized. The
removal of stress and tension has to be one of the most important advantages for a person who
practices Rajyoga meditation.

Message for the day 14-12-2012

Habits break easily when there is flexibility.

Expression: The more we work with a habit the more it will be strengthened. When we hold on to
our habits because of our rigidity, we will never be able to change them but will only be strengthening
them all the more. On the other hand if we are flexible we will be able to give up unwanted habits very

Experience: If we are working with any habit which we want to get rid of, we have to remind
ourselves that we must not strengthen the habit any more but have to break it. We only need to
emerge the flexibility within us and tell ourselves that we needn't act in the same way that we have
always done, instead we can think of something new.

Soul Sustenance 15-12-2012


Injustices And Suffering In The World – Applying The Law of Karma (Part 1)

We are presently living in a closely connected world where everyone knows what everyone else is
doing, as they are doing it. Each day brings scenes and images, through the media, in front of us, of
many apparent injustices and suffering of individuals or groups of individuals. Whether it's in the
office, or in the market or on the television news, we hear and see reports of people suffering
tremendous pain and sorrow at the hands of others. At these moments, our sense of injustice is
stimulated and it becomes easy to rise in outrage against the sinners. In the process we ourselves
suffer from our own self-created anger and perhaps hate. This process then becomes a habit and an
inner pattern we begin to repeat, not only when we encounter scenes of global peacelessness, but the
moment someone in the family or at office does something similar. A panic button is pressed and we
react with the same pattern.

What we forget in both global and local contexts, is the history and geography of karma. Every
scene and situation has a variety of related causes in both time (history) and space
(geography) e.g. emotions of hatred and revenge amongst various countries and religions (in
different parts of the world) and the actions connected with these emotions has underlying hidden
causes, related to the Law of Karma (Law of Cause and Effect) which go back sometimes to hundreds
of years – X is doing something with Y because Y had done something similar with X sometime in the
past, but in different physical costumes, sometimes quite some time back in history – this is the
reason, we often fail to take these causes into consideration when viewing these negative scenes and
situations, because we see the situations with a limited perspective of present physical costumes and

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 15-12-2012

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With humility and love, flexibility becomes natural.

Expression: In order to be flexible we need to have the virtue of humility. With humility we will be
willing to understand the people around and their behaviour. Then we will also be able to have love for
them. This automatically brings flexibility within us.

Experience: When we come across people who are not being cooperative, we need to become
humble and try to understand what the they are communicating, if not through words at least through
their actions. When we are able to listen with love and understanding, we will no more be rigid but can
easily adapt ourselves.

Soul Sustenance 16-12-2012


Injustices And Suffering In The World – Applying The Law of Karma (Part 2)

An understanding of the laws of action reminds us that whatever we give we get, and
whatever we get is the result of what we have given. When we apply this understanding into
our awareness while we watch apparent injustices in the world, it reduces our outrage, lessening our
pain. It's not that we sit passively and allow people to bring about suffering upon others, but it helps
us to see that the greatest or highest contribution that we can make, to both the victim
and the sinner, is to help them remember who they are and help them rise above their
anger and fear towards each other. Only in this way can we help them to liberate themselves
from an exchange of energy that has perhaps been going on for centuries.

But before we can effectively do this for others, it is necessary to try and do it for ourselves. Instead
of taking the law into our own hands (the desire for revenge and justice), we can benefit
everyone around us by first understanding and living ourselves according to the
invisible laws of cause and effect which define all human relationships. Sometimes this is
referred to as 'practice what you preach', and it often requires moments of reflection before action in
order to judge the consequences of any path of action. This capacity to stop, reflect and consider, in a
state of mental calm and with clear intellect, is an essential characteristic of all effective leaders. It is
also what makes us all potential leaders in life, every day, who can bring about world transformation
through self transformation.

Message for the day 16-12-2012

Flexibility makes problems into teachers.

Expression: Flexibility enables us to move with time, slipping through life as gently and strongly as
possible. When problems do come, instead of stopping with fear, we will be able to learn from them
and move on, experiencing constant progress.

Experience: In any problem that we are faced with we need to remind ourselves that the situations
around us will not remain the same, things might get worse too. If we are able to be flexible now we
will be able to adjust ourselves to any kind of situation that we might be faced with in the future too.

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Soul Sustenance 17-12-2012

Taming (Conquering) The Mind

In ancient times, the mind was understood to be extremely difficult to control. It was said to be like
the wind: you could never catch it, or hold it - it went where it wished and no human being could
become its master. In other instances, it was said that the mind was like an elephant: extremely
powerful but equally gentle and patient, able to do a lot of work for its master. However, when an
elephant turns wild, its gentleness and patience completely disappear and it destroys and damages
everything in its path. When the mind is under stress, it resembles a wild elephant; it has no control
and cannot be controlled.

Taming the mind is regarded as a great art requiring time, attention, practice and, above all, a
sincerity of heart where individuals truly want to change their way of thinking. To relax, to be positive,
to be peaceful and kind all require a change in our thought patterns and this can only happen when we
look deeply within. However hard they try, other people cannot change us; we must have personal
realization and the desire to make changes through our own effort. Permanent and positive change
cannot be imposed from outside; it is something that we choose.

Message for the day 17-12-2012

Wisdom is to recognize an obstacle from a distance and be prepared for it.

Expression: Our wisdom enables us to recognize the obstacles in advance and be prepared for them.
In this state there'll be no fear even while seeing these obstacles. Also, wisdom is not just to go on
hoping things will be all right but to make preparations knowing well the dangers ahead.

Experience: We should make our mental state in such a way that we are always alert. Our
preparation should be such that whatever the situation we might have to face, we are ready. When we
make preparations in this way we will be able to handle every situation that comes up without any

Soul Sustenance 18-12-2012


Bringing Your Dreams Alive

Each one of us has dreams that we nourish right through our lives. Some are short-term dreams and
some long term ones. Dreams keep changing as we progress through different phases of our life. Some
are achieved, some are not. Some of us possess the ability to realize our dreams more than the rest.
The most important and influential factor in this process is how much we believe in our dream and
believe that it will be realized. Some of the factors that hamper this belief are:

* The influence of the past - the memories of our past failures, which sow seeds of doubt in
our mind; as well as successes, which keep us in an illusionary consciousness and distance us from
the present moment and our present actions. Also, sometimes we associate present temporary failures
or ups and downs which may come in our way, with failures of the past.
* Lack of inner strength or power, when faced with obstacles in your path. Tendency to get
dejected very easily and creating weak thoughts like we do not deserve it or we are not capable of it
or are we not lucky enough or it is not in our destiny or maybe it is our negative past actions which are
influencing our dream realization process adversely, etc.
* The opinions or comments of people surrounding you who sometimes, are not in tune with

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your consciousness and are not able to empathize with your purpose. Their comments easily de-focus
you from your purpose.
* Lack of ability to mould or adjust during the dream realization journey. Any journey is always
full of twists, turns and sudden changes. A rigid state of mind, which is not able to change its tactics as
required, may make the path seem more difficult than it actually is.
* It is very good to dream but excessive attachment to the dream also may make the journey
towards the dream stressful and bring down your self-belief at times.

Message for the day 18-12-2012

Wisdom is to learn from one's experiences.

Expression: Things do not always go smoothly. In spite of the difficulties that we are faced with, the
wisdom within us enables us to learn from all that happens. Naturally with this learning we would
experience progress. If not, we will only be caught up with the past and lose the present too.

Experience: When we find ourselves thinking about the past, or caught up with it, we need to
redirect our thoughts towards a more constructive goal. We have to see if we have benefited in some
way with the particular experience of the past. Our wisdom enables us to learn from everything that

Soul Sustenance 19-12-2012


The Location Of The Soul Inside The Body

The soul has the following basic functions to perform:

• to give life to the body and to maintain life inside it,

• to express and experience its role through the body, and
• to receive the rewards or fruits of past actions performed in previous births, through
the body.

These functions are controlled and monitored by the soul via the nervous and hormonal systems from
a particular point in the area of the brain which contains the thalamus, hypothalamus, pituitary and
pineal glands. This region is known as the seat of the soul, or the third eye. The connection between
the physical (body) and the non-physical (soul) is by the medium of thought energy. Many religions
and philosophies place great importance on the third eye, or eye of the mind. When viewed from the
front, this region appears to be between and slightly above the line of the eyebrows. It's for this reason
that Hindus use a tilak, a dot in red or sandalwood paste in the middle of the forehead. Christians also
make the sign of the cross in this region. Even when one makes a mistake or expresses tiredness it's to
this region that we put the hands in the gestures of self-dismay or exhaustion. After all the soul
subconsciously knows that it makes the mistakes and not the body. When people are concentrating
deeply in thought it is this area of the forehead where creases or lines are formed on the skin.

Message for the day 19-12-2012

To become worthy of blessings means to make success easy.

Expression: Thinking of benefit for the self increases to such an extent that it sometimes takes on

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the form of selfishness. When we are selfish we stop thinking about others or the effect that our action
is going to have on them. Then we are not able to move forward with lightness because the good
wishes and blessings of others are not with us.

Experience: In each and every action of ours we need to first check if it is going to be beneficial for
us as well as for others. As much as there is benefit for others too in the task that we are doing, that
much the good wishes of others will be there for the task. With these good wishes we will be able to
move forward much faster and achieving success will be easy.

Soul Sustenance 20-12-2012


The Subtle Role Play Of Thoughts And Images (Part 1)

The human soul is a subtle (non-physical) stage on which a subtle role play of thoughts
and images constantly takes place throughout the day and even while sleeping. We have
explained in our older messages how thoughts are of 4 main different types - positive which are
based on virtues, necessary related to day-to-day activities, waste which are mainly unnecessary
and related to the past and future and negative which are related to vices and other weaknesses. In
the same way, we also constantly create images or scenes, which are of the same 4 types, which is why
we commonly use the term ‘the eye of the mind’. The mind not only thinks or speaks subtly but
visualizes or sees subtly too, almost all the time.

These two processes function, sometimes independent of each other as well as sometimes dependent
on each other i.e. influencing each other e.g. think of peace and that leads to visualizations related to
the same. Visualize an unpleasant scene of anger and hatred, and your thoughts are led in that
direction. Sometimes these two processes function at the same time and sometimes one at a time.
Sometimes neither functions at all, which happens much more frequently while sleeping as compared
to when we are awake. This subtle, physically invisible role play is the foundation of the
physical role play of words and actions that is visible to the self and everyone else
around you.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 20-12-2012

The one who is powerful shows the practical proof of success instead of just talking
about it.

Expression: It is usually very easy for us to talk about how to do things best, it is as much easy to tell
others and give directions. But the one who is powerful is not just satisfied with mere words or
proving to others about his success. He is more concerned more about being successful.

Experience: We need to check if we are applying in our life what we are talking about. We need to
see to it that whatever we speak about, we must put into practice. Only then will we find improvement
and progress in our life. Then there will be no more the need to talk about our success but our life will
reveal how successful we are. We will then be an inspiration to me.

Soul Sustenance 21-12-2012


The Subtle Role Play Of Thoughts And Images (Part 2)

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What the quality of a soul’s thoughts and images (or scenes) that it creates, depends on
the soul’s sanskaras. Depending on the quality, the soul experiences the various different
emotions, whether positive or negative. When the soul first incarnates on the physical world stage
from the soul world, the quality of this role play of thoughts and images is high, pure and positive,
hence it experiences only positive emotions. As it plays its different roles and comes down in the birth-
rebirth cycle, this quality reduces, leading to the experience of emotions like sorrow, peacelessness,

A point worth noting is that the key to any deep emotional experience, whether positive or
negative is the creation of thoughts as well as images related to that particular emotion
at the same time e.g. think and visualize at the same time, the death of a close relative that took
place ten years ago and you immediately have a deep experience of sorrow. Think and visualize
together, a loving hug of your mother that took place in your childhood, and you immediately
experience deep happiness. This type of co-ordination between these two subtle processes is true
concentration. The key to any type of spiritual upliftment is the upliftment of these two
processes. The meditation that is taught at the Brahma Kumaris is nothing but a spiritual
thought process accompanied by a spiritual visualization process, whereby thoughts
and images of the subtle, spiritual self (or soul) and the Supreme Being (or Supreme
Soul) are created together to experience the original qualities of the spiritual self and the eternal
qualities of the Supreme Being – purity, peace, love, happiness and power.

Message for the day 21-12-2012

Success comes to the one who understands the importance of time.

Expression: When we are working at a task, success doesn't come as much as it should because we
have not been able to recognise the importance of time. Because of this sometimes carelessness sets in
which makes us lose valuable time and interferes in what we are doing. Then we cannot give our best
to the task.

Experience: We need to recognise the importance of time so that we never postpone what we can do
now. We will then always have the slogan 'now or never' in our mind. Knowing that what we can do
now, we cannot do it as well in the future, we'll give our best to all we do right now. This will enable us
to use our time in a fruitful way and success will come very easily to us.

Soul Sustenance 22-12-2012


The Original Ingredients Of The Soul

Our original resources are very simply - peace, love, purity, knowledge and happiness. In Raja Yoga
meditation these are called the five original qualities of the soul. When we return our consciousness to
these five qualities and remember them, then the following feelings arise in us, which finally get
reflected in our actions:

• Love: I care and I share.

• Peace: I harmonize and reconcile (adjust).
• Purity: I respect and I honour.
• Knowledge: I am and I exist.
• Happiness: I express and I enjoy.

To understand and remember these qualities, we need to recognize the heavy deep shadows or

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personality traits (sanskars) which have blotted them out, or polluted them. Sometimes we don't
recognize the pollutants because they have ingrained themselves so deeply into the personality that we
say ‘I am this’. True, complete spiritual knowledge, makes us aware of these pollutants and the
practice of meditation empowers us to dilute them and get them out of our consciousness.

Message for the day 22-12-2012

True love is felt by all who receive it.

Expression: Sometimes we do find ourselves in situations where others are not responding to the
love we are giving. We are trying to be understanding and accepting as much as possible but others
don't seem to be recognising it. In such a situation we begin to blame others and their lack of feelings
and concern.

Experience: Instead of blaming others when our love and concern is not being reciprocated, we need
to check the quality of the love that we give. If there is even a trace of selfishness or if it is mixed with
expectations, our love will not be able to reach out and touch the hearts of others. So we need to make
sure that our love is pure and unselfish.

Soul Sustenance 23-12-2012


The Thought-Destiny Cycle

The process by which we create our own destiny is quite easy to see in theory; however it requires
some checking to see how it matches the reality of our practical lives. Here is the process in brief:

• As our intentions, so will be our thoughts.

• As our thoughts, so will be our feelings.
• As our feelings, so will be our attitudes.
• As our attitudes, so will be our actions.
• As our actions, so will be our habits.
• As our habits, so will be our personality.

As our personality in all our relationships on our journey through life, so will be our destiny. So
watch your thoughts! Be aware of your intentions!

Our intentions are based on our beliefs about who we are, where we are and why we are here. If we
believe we are the physical form, our belief will we be that we need to survive as long as possible. This
leads to the intention to get what we think we need before others, which leads to competition, which
leads to feelings of fear. Our destiny gets shaped accordingly. When you know you are the non-
physical and immortal (which is neither created nor can be destroyed) energy, a soul, then survival is
no longer an issue and your intention is one to include, connect and co-operate with and
enlighten others. The service of others at a spiritual level becomes the highest intention
in action. It is fully free from fear and can be seen as an act of love. This is why competition and
authentic spirituality can never be found together.

Message for the day 23-12-2012

The one who is detached is the one who is happy.

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Expression: When difficult situations come our way we tend to overreact because of our attachment
and expectations. Because of this we experience much more unhappiness than what the situation
actually holds. The understanding lacks that it is not the situation, but our own thoughts that are
giving us sorrow.

Experience: We need to look at the situation just as we would watch it happen to someone else -
with detachment. When we learn to detach ourselves from the situation in this way and see what it
holds for us, we will not experience unhappiness but will be able to remain happy under all

Soul Sustenance 24-12-2012


Spiritual Education

Spiritual education leads us back to the understanding and the experience of our holistic existence
as human beings, to the knowledge that we are spiritual, as well as physical, mental and emotional

A true spiritual education could be described as:

• learning from others
• growing through others
• integrating with others
• contributing to others

When we are genuinely learning, only then can we experience spiritual growth. When we grow,
we integrate with others and it is in that integration that there is a natural and
mutual contribution to nature and other souls. These four processes of education are constantly at
work, but only happen in a way that is enjoyable and meaningful when the spiritual resources of the
self like peace, joy and love are activated and creatively used.

These resources, along with the mind and intellect, enrich the way we see the world, the way we
interact with it and the way we individually create our place in it. These resources are the original
qualities of the self, which we have not properly used for a long time. By become spiritually aware, we
start to harness and use these positive energies.

Message for the day 24-12-2012

True fortune comes to the one who recognises and uses his treasures with an honest

Expression: Sometimes we might be faced with certain situations where we find that we are not very
fortunate. We find ourselves thinking about all those things that we need to have in order for us to be
able to bring a positive outcome. Because of this kind of thinking, we tend to miss out on perceiving
those treasures that we can make use of.

Experience: There are a lot of treasures within us that we can use in our practical life. These
treasures could be our talents, skills, or some specialities of ours. Under all circumstances we need to
have an awareness of these treasures. When we are aware of them we will begin to use them in our
daily life instead of just expecting things to happen right. This is what will create a good fortune for us.

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Soul Sustenance 25-12-2012

The Invisible Impressions That Shape Me

While the mind and intellect are two faculties of the soul which play their role on the surface of our
consciousness; at a deeper level, hidden beneath these two faculties, there lies a third faculty
commonly called the sanskaras. The sanskaras is not only a store house of personality traits,
as we commonly know it to be, but a store house of millions and millions of impressions
or imprints. Such a large number of impressions are created by millions of experiences that I go
through my sense organs not only in this life but in all my lifetimes. Everything that I hear, see,
touch, taste, etc. I process or analyze or summarize in my own unique way; basically I
give the experiences a unique form depending on my personality, before this form gets
stored in the form of impressions inside me. I even process my subtle experiences, which are
in the form of thoughts and feelings.

This process of experiencing and processing takes place during each and every second of my life
including the time I sleep, when my mind may not be experiencing a lot but it is busy processing the
physical and subtle experiences of the day that has gone by and storing the processed information in
the form of impressions. From this, one can get an idea of the magnitude of the database of
impressions stored within me, the being. These imprints which are unique to me, make up my
sanskaras, and shape up my unique personality in a cyclic process. My personality shapes what
type of impressions are created out of my experiences and the impressions in turn
shape my personality, my thoughts, words and actions e.g. if I constantly keep the company
of people who gossip, a large number of respective impressions based on the experience of gossiping
keep getting stored inside me, which in turn influence my personality, the personality characteristic
gets stronger and over a period of time I do not find anything wrong with it and indulge in it more and
more. As a result more such impressions get stored. Thus it is a cyclic process.

Message for the day 25-12-2012

The one with true mercy fills hope even in the ones who are hopeless.

Expression: When we see someone who is in need or who is totally negative, a case that is totally
hopeless, there are a lot of feelings aroused within us. What we feel is pity or hatred, which are only
negative feelings. Such negative thoughts don't help in anyway and the person remains as he is, unable
to take any benefit from us.

Experience: Instead of having pity or hatred we need to develop true mercy for others. To have
mercy means to have good wishes with love - combined with hope for them. It is our hope that enables
them to develop faith in themselves too. This is the method to bring progress even in the most
hopeless case.

Soul Sustenance 26-12-2012


Practical Ways of Changing Old Habits or Beliefs (Part 1)

Motivation for Change

An important factor to start positive change in our lives is for there to be a passion, a powerful force
that leads us, a final goal that keeps us motivated. It is important to set yourself goals, to be convinced
and to have the confidence and faith that one can reach them, since in this way we will make a daily
effort to achieve those goals. There needs to be a clearly defined sense of purpose to your existence,

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clarifying the values that must guide your life in order to achieve these goals and establish the steps
you must take for inculcating these values. If, at a subconscious level, you allow a mistaken purpose to
be created, or there is a lack of true purpose in your life, then you will not be motivated to know and
change yourself. Many people think that the purpose of their life is to survive and they use the
language of survival in this way: "Life is hard out there. You must get whatever you can". They are not
aware that they have chosen this purpose, but subconsciously it is what they believe they are here for,
and this makes them think that they must accumulate, take, create barriers to protect themselves and
compete with others.

(To be continued tomorrow …..)

Message for the day 26-12-2012

Where there is humility there is the give and take of love.

Expression: Usually we don't even know when we are working with our ego because it is deeply
concealed. Even when someone points out our ego, we don't want to accept it and we continue to work
with it. Ego finishes the ability to learn and negatively effects our relationships because there is no
give and take of love.

Experience: The method to overcome ego is to develop humility. Humility means to be strong within
yet to be gentle and flexible. This enables us to bend i.e., to bow. When we bow it doesn't mean we are
defeated, but reveals our own victory. It is only when we bend and forgive that we will be able to allow
the flow of love in relationships.

Soul Sustenance 27-12-2012


Practical Ways of Changing Old Habits or Beliefs (Part 2)

Positive Affirmations
Affirmations are promises that we make to ourselves. They are helpful for breaking negative habits or
weak thoughts that have been created as a result of mistaken attitudes. Affirmations help to
strengthen the mind, although to be effective there must be acceptance and understanding behind
them. It is interesting to begin experimenting with them and, later on, we can begin to create
variations of new affirmations, according to our individual needs.

Here are some examples:

* Today I will experience peace through positivity. I will see what is good in others and will not think
about what is negative or harmful. I will see others in the way I would like them to see me.
* From now on I will not judge others.
* Today I will speak peacefully and share peace with everyone around me. I must speak as softly as I
* Today I will make the past the past and look towards the future with a new vision.
* Today I will not react angrily. I will stay calm and in peace and will not sacrifice this for anyone or
any situation. I must not allow anything or anyone rob me of my peace.

For the affirmation to be effective, we must repeat it to ourselves often, so that it becomes recorded in
our subconscious. It is also important to proclaim the affirmations with feeling, believing in them and
not in a monotonous and impersonal voice. As a minimum, you should repeat each affirmation at least
five times a day. If we listen to something repeatedly, we begin to believe in it. In reality, this is the
origin of the majority of our beliefs, when as children we heard our parents tell us things over and over

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again. Advertising uses this technique constantly. They create a phrase, a slogan, and repeat it over
and over again in the media until, finally, people believe it. To be able to control your life, first you
must know and dominate your beliefs. One way of doing this is through affirmations.

(To be continued tomorrow …..)

Message for the day 27-12-2012

Patience brings harmony in relationships.

Expression: When there is a misunderstanding in a relationship we hardly put in any effort in order

to understand the other person. We tend to become impatient and we don't listen to the other person
to understand them. Because of which we start inventing things about them. This only further
increases the misunderstanding.

Experience: When we have a difference of opinion with someone, we need to give some time to
understand and listen to the other person. Only then will we be able to understand the other person's
point of view. This practice will enable us to finish any misunderstanding we have with others and
bring harmony in relationships.

Soul Sustenance 28-12-2012


Practical Ways of Changing Old Habits or Beliefs (Part 3)

Conscious Disassociation
A useful method for transforming habits is that of conscious disassociation. This involves avoiding the
situations that give rise to the habit occurring automatically. For example, if you often smoke after a
coffee, you have to make sure there is no coffee. By breaking your habit, you will be less likely to have
a craving to smoke. Instead of your habitual coffee, you can create a new pattern and have a cup of
herbal tea and sit down to think or read, instead of smoking.

Rajyoga Meditation
Rajyoga meditation is an efficient method for transforming habits. By connecting with the Supreme
Soul (who is the purest conscient energy) in the incorporeal (non-physical) world of divine light,
which is called paramdham or shantidham, the soul purifies itself and one experiences a natural
disinclination from negative habits that we have been trapped in for a long time.

(To be continued tomorrow …..)

Message for the day 28-12-2012

To be a donor means to give at each step and increase one's own stock.

Expression: Usually it seems very difficult to be a donor - to give from whatever resources we have.
The thought often arises in the mind that we cannot give because we are ourselves not complete or
full. We find ourselves constantly trying to fill ourselves and we then have no time or thought for
giving to those around us.

Experience: We have a lot of treasures within us which we can give to those around us, our virtues,

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our specialities etc. Even if we have just a little and give to the others, we will find ourselves
benefitting. For having given from whatever we have, we find that these treasures begin to increase
within ourselves too.

Soul Sustenance 29-12-2012


Practical Ways of Changing Old Habits or Beliefs (Part 4)

Visualization consists of creating positive images by means of the ability to imagine, and in this way
reinforce positive thoughts and strengthen your will to achieve positively what you affirm for yourself
in your mind. With visualization you manage to intensify experiences of positive affirmations and self-
motivation, and it also helps you to specify and clarify your goals. The basic principle of using images
in our mind is to act as if the desire we have in our mind has already been achieved. If we place images
of success, health, wellbeing or inner peace in our mind, these will materialize in positive situations
and experience, and this image of success will become real in our lives.

(To be continued tomorrow …..)

Message for the day 29-12-2012

To keep the aim in front of us is to move forward with contentment.

Expression: Several times there are situations that are negative where we have to face things that
are not really what we are expecting or wanting. At such times we tend to get disheartened and
experience discontentment. Our state of mind becomes such that we can no longer experience peace.

Experience: The solution at such times is to keep our vision clear on our aim. When all our thoughts
and energy are concentrated on our aim, we will be able to consider any negative scene that comes our
way as only a side-scene. We can easily ignore all such situations and so our mind is at rest or peace.

Soul Sustenance 30-12-2012


Practical Ways of Changing Old Habits or Beliefs (Part 5)

Exercises of Silence
Exercises of silence help you concentrate your mind and intellect, and go within yourself to recover
the positive and eternal energies. With the appropriate concentration of the mind and intellect
towards your constructive inner forces of peace, love and happiness, you can strengthen yourself.
Being strong means staying positive when faced with negative situations, peaceful when everything
around you is chaotic: in other words, not being influenced negatively but influencing the situation
with your positivity. When you stay calm in your inner power of peace, you can transmit this to others
and help them to calm themselves. When you begin exercises of silence, concentrate primarily on
peace. This is the basis of the practice, as when there is inner balance and harmony it is easier to build
over these the other values love, happiness, truth and sincerity. The experience of deep peace calms
you, clarifies you and fills you with energy to think and act positively and achieve your purpose that
you have set for yourself.

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Message for the day 30-12-2012

The more we experience peace within the more there will be positivity in our life.

Expression: We usually try to change ourselves and our negativities by working on each of them
separately. We might be able to overcome them also but being connected to the other weaknesses we
find that they re-emerge again. Then we find that the negativity remains in our life influencing all our
thoughts, words and actions.

Experience: We first need to make a promise to ourselves to maintain our own inner positivity. Once
we do that, we also need to make an attempt to practice relaxing our mind and remaining calm before
we do any important thing. When we practice in this way, we will be able to keep our mind calm and
this calmness will bring contentment through which there will be positivity in all we do.

Soul Sustenance 31-12-2012


Emotional Joy And Emotional Sorrow

We commonly become emotional, either in times of sorrow e.g. at being separated from a loved one, at
experiencing failure in an external event, on hearing a negative news, etc. or in times of joy e.g. when
our child or spouse or even pet performs a warm act, while watching a movie, etc. While we have
always believed that it is absolutely normal or natural to become emotional and some of us even
believe that it is good to let go of our emotions and crying once in a while makes us lighter and
stronger; on a spiritual level, becoming emotional comes under the realm of dependencies and
dependencies always weaken us. This is because when we become emotional, instead of
influencing our self on our own, we allow something or someone outside our self to
influence us. We bring that something or someone or some event outside our self,
inside, in front of the eye of our mind, attach our self to it, and lose our self in it i.e. we
let the image hijack our internal world in a way, as we become subservient to it. As a
result our thoughts, feelings, emotions, words, actions are influenced in a big way by the image. This is
a spiritual definition of becoming emotional. Passing on the remote control of my internal world to the
outer world in this way is a sign of a not so strong internal self.

So what does one do instead? Instead of creating images of external events and people inside our
minds and being influenced by them, we still watch these scenes, but instead of losing our self in
them and taking from them, we contribute to them by giving them our internal energy,
but at the same time make sure that while doing that, we are detached from them and
not over-involved emotionally. Internal energy is given in the form of appreciation and love if it’s
a positive scene and power, compassion and co-operation if it’s a negative scene, so as to help the
scene to be corrected or resurrected. This is influencing instead of being influenced. This is a more
empowering experience. In this way we regain the control over our inner world and rise above such
emotional dependencies.

Message for the day 31-12-2012

To be seated on the seat of self-respect is to use virtues in life.

Expression: It usually seems very difficult to use the virtues within us when the people around are
not doing so. At such times using negativity seems much easier. In spite of not having that particular

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weakness predominantly, say of anger, when there is provocation from the outside we tend to react
with that weakness.

Experience: In order to free ourselves from weaknesses and work with the virtues within us we need
to make sure we are seated on the seat of self-respect. For this we need to recognise and appreciate
some speciality within us. When we are in the awareness of this speciality of ours, we will be able to
stabilize ourselves in the state of our self-respect.

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 01-01-2013

Posted: 31 Dec 2012 12:30 PM PST
Wish you and your families a Prosperous & Happy New Year 2013

May this New Year brings lots of Fun, Health, Wealth and Happiness

Soul Sustenance 01-01-2013

The Functioning Of My Internal Processor

The body consists of physical limbs to move around and carry out its tasks in the physical world. So
too, the soul has the subtle limbs – the limb possessing the power to think (mind), the limb possessing
the power to reason and make decisions (intellect) and limb of its own unique personality. These three
subtle limbs are used to maneuver, control and carry out tasks in the inner subtle (non-
physical) world of thoughts, feelings, emotions, decisions, mental images and nature characteristics
(or commonly called habits). I need to understand completely how these limbs work
individually and also how they function together in conjunction as a team. This
understanding helps me immensely in putting my personal mental and emotional world
in order.

If the processor of my computer develops a problem, my computer comes to a standstill. I will be able
to fix it only if I know how it works. In the same way, I have an internal processor which has three
processes going on inside it continuously right through the day - the processes
of thinking (mind), deciding (intellect) and becoming (sanskaras) – which affect my complete
functioning as a human being. Only if I understand completely the functioning of this internal
processor, can I start to correct myself and function well.

Message for the day 01-01-2013

To be experienced means not to be deceived by anything.

Expression: There are so many times when a situation takes us by surprise and we make the same
mistake that we had made before. It is only when the situation has passed that we realise that we have
actually repeated that mistake. What then remains is only repentance as the time has passed where we
could have done something.

Experience: Whenever there is a mistake, we need to take care that we learn from whatever has
happened. When we continue to move forward in this way there will be no repentance for the mistakes
made but there will be learning that'll make us experienced. And when we are experienced we'll never
be deceived by situations which make us commit mistakes.

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In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance 02-01-2013


Keeping The Watchman Of Attention Alert

All the religions and spiritual groups place a lot of importance on the virtue of discipline. Without
discipline you do not manage to transform negative habits and you do not create a new state of
awareness where the self is nourished through the experience of spirituality. Every day you eat, you
brush your teeth, bathe, drink water and breathe, and all of this you do not consider a discipline; you
have adopted them as something natural in order for your body to continue working. On a spiritual
level you also need to nourish yourself and to have a discipline that, with practice, a time comes when
it becomes natural because you incorporate it into your life. In the process of change you need to
discipline yourself in order not to let old habits come to the forefront. Until you have burnt
them and they have died, you should keep the watchman of attention alert in order to maintain
your self-control, given that each time you use a negative habit in action, you strengthen it. When you
do not use it, you allow it to die.

The path of the spiritual traveller is therefore one of waking (awareness of self as soul) and sleeping
(under the illusion that we are our body), waking and sleeping. We tend to fluctuate between the two
(like dawn and dusk) until we find stability in soul-consciousness. This is why it is important to
awaken and stay awake, and why it's important to give our mind and intellect good spiritual food
(knowledge) and exercise (meditation) every day to keep them fresh and alert. Being conscious
of the soul, acting from that consciousness, the scars (habits and tendencies) left by past actions based
on illusions of bodily awareness are healed. Discipline is necessary for growth and personal
transformation if you want to obtain satisfying and permanent results. If not, the old habits continue
to rule in your life. The evidence that our discipline in the practice of meditation is
working is mental lightness and an increasing easiness in our interactions with others.

Message for the day 02-01-2013

To have knowledge in the intellect is to be constantly cheerful.

Expression: When something negative happens, we find that there are only negative or waste
thoughts about the situation or people. We try hard not to think about it but we find only those
thoughts coming to our mind. With such thoughts the situation seems worse than it is and we find it
difficult to remain cheerful.

Experience: In such situations instead of trying to cut out waste we need to give ourselves
something positive to think about. When the intellect is busy thinking about the positive, there'll be no
room for negativity. In this way we will be able to remain constantly cheerful even in the most
negative situations.

Soul Sustenance 03-01-2013


Opening The Third Eye

The concept of the third eye has always interested people. What is the third eye? Can it be opened
during an operation, or by going on a journey to a religious or sacred destination? In meditation, we

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understand that the third eye means the ability to understand and to perceive (realize) correctly.
Then, on the basis of that perception (realization) or insight (understanding); to act and behave
accordingly. In other words, on the basis of spiritual truths, we think, speak and act so that peace
and well-being become natural in our life.

Spiritual values, or truths, are necessary for genuine improvement of the human
condition and life.

The third eye is the intellect of the soul - when it is open, there is realization of the need to improve,
change and/or create something that will help the self and others to make the quality of life better.

Message for the day 03-01-2013

The one who experiences freedom in the mind is the one who can bring benefit to

Expression: There is usually the feeling that there is not enough time for the self. And so there is no
time to spare for others too. The more we think about ourselves only, we don't seem to be able to be
free for anyone else. Then we find our days just pass by without being able to bring any benefit to
others or ourselves.

Experience: Instead of taking out time separately for bringing benefit to others, we only need to see
how we can help others wherever we are. We would be able to do this only when we are free from the
weaknesses in our own mind. This will help us to be available to everyone around. If we are mentally
preoccupied with our own weaknesses we will not be able to free to bring benefit to anyone.

Soul Sustenance 04-01-2013



A great deal of our communication is non-verbal and we rarely realize the effect that it has on others.
Our tone of voice, our body language (particularly our eyes and face), our attitudes and our feelings,
are constantly in communication with others, expressing anger, fear, love, trust, rejection - in fact, all
our feelings and emotions. We cannot hide what we mean; we may do so for a while, but finally the
truth emerges.

Communication is not just with others, but also with the self, with the Supreme Being and even
nature. Being still, focused and open enables us to tune in to others so that we can respond in an
appropriate and meaningful way, not simply in a mechanical way.

Here are some common reasons for blocks to communication:

* Too many thoughts, and an overload of words and actions, results in us being unable to
think clearly. We lose the essence of what is trying to be conveyed (transmitted) by the other.

* Being lost in our own feelings or ideas. In such a state we do not listen attentively to others.

* Remembering the past in a negative way. This does not allow us to tune in properly to our
present and future. When we do not communicate properly with the needs of the present time, we
loose opportunities.

(To be continued tomorrow….)

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Message for the day 04-01-2013

The one who is free from wasteful words is the one who can be light.

Expression: Sometimes when something only needs a few words to explain, we continue to speak
and expand on it for a long time. We actually use more words than necessary thinking we are
clarifying things. We give the justification to ourselves that it is necessary or the other person does not
understand. These words sometimes disturb the other person and spoil our relationships too.

Experience: We constantly need to pay attention to the words that we speak. We need to check if we
are using any more words than we actually need to. When we remind ourselves of a simple slogan,
"speak less, speak softly and speak sweetly", our words will never be those that disturb others. We will
then be able to maintain our own lightness and that of others too.

Soul Sustenance 05-01-2013


Communication (cont.)

Here are some more common reasons for blocks to communication:

* Lack of sincerity. When our thoughts and feelings are honest and respectful, then the hearts of
others will open to us. A positive highway of trust is built and communication flows positively.

* Creating negative perceptions (understandings) and emotions about others i.e. how we

visualize or label them. Such emotions, no matter how well hidden, are finally always communicated
to others on a subtle (non-physical), non-verbal level, and create an atmosphere of tension and

* Not letting go of negative perceptions (understandings) and emotions. The only method

to revive our relationship with others is to let go of negativity on a daily basis, to prevent it from
building up. Far too often, the build-up happens without us even noticing it and, we wonder why
positive feedback is not coming from the other side.

* Lack of silence. To go deep into the self and put our thoughts and feelings into silence enables
them to become positive. The silent relaxation defuses (reduces) anger and the blame and complaints
that often go with it.

Message for the day 05-01-2013

To remain alert means to ensure our success.

Expression: Inspite of putting in our best efforts we do find ourselves taken by surprise in certain
situations and we experience failure. We often do not understand why we are experiencing failure
even though we have put in our best efforts. At such times just blaming our fate will not help but what
we need to do is to check within ourselves to see if we have something to change.

Experience: If we experience failure, it means some or the other weakness of ours is definitely
working at that time. We need to check and recognise our weakness and be constantly alert to it. Since

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it might start working at any time we need to be totally alert and then we will find that the weakness
will not take us by surprise. We will then be able to attain total success.

Soul Sustenance 06-01-2013


Understanding What Is ‘Time’

Here are some more common reasons for blocks to communication:

We created the concept of time to measure our experience of the space between events. Time
passes only because we experience change. What is change? Change is only a series of
events. So time is our experience of the speed of events. This explains why time seems to be
moving faster today, because both the speed and the number of events are increasing. And it seems
even faster if we participate in those events. If the speed and number of events was less, we would
experience time to be moving slowly, as it used to be a little earlier in the history of mankind.

Today, sitting in our living rooms and offices, electronic, print and other media allows us to observe
hundreds of events from all over the world, every day. To observe them actively is to participate in
them. If you want to slow time down, learn to be a detached observer of the thousands of
events around you – participate or observe actively only when necessary. If you want to
stop time, meditate and be in your original, timeless, eternal consciousness. Meditation is
after all an art of shutting down your senses and slowing down. Today, we fear time, as a result we
hear ourselves saying many a times, "Hurry up, time is running out!" or "I hope to have more time
tomorrow!' or "I need to save time!” Ultimately time, is our life: it cannot be saved or lost, but must be
lived now. This is where your will-power is important - we can choose exactly how we spend our time
at any moment.

Message for the day 06-01-2013

To work with the inner happiness is to move forward with lightness.

Expression: Usually we do take care not to give sorrow to others, but we sometimes do take sorrow
from the words and behaviour of others. This disturbs our own inner state and we are not able to work
with lightness. Then we find that we are not able to be effective in our work and this further effects our
inner state.

Experience: We need to pay special attention not to take sorrow from anyone. As much as we are
careful not to give sorrow to others, we need to make sure we don't take any sorrow too. That means
we need to remain light by keeping ourselves open to criticism. We need to take any criticism that
comes our way in the right spirit and see that we learn from it without having any negative thoughts.

Soul Sustenance 07-01-2013


Meditation For Personality Transformation

At the heart of every human being or soul there is a spiritual energy, pure, of peace, love, truth and
happiness without dependence. Being aware and experiencing this energy provides you with the inner
strength necessary for change. Meditation is the method of access in order to allow that energy to

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come to the surface of your consciousness and in your mind in order to color your thoughts and
feelings. In a way very similar to that of a volcano whose melted lava, hot, flows from the centre of the
Earth to the surface, we, on meditating, can create volcanoes of power (which emerge in our conscious
minds) required for personality transformation.

You can do an exercise, a meditation whereby you choose a habit or ‘sanskar’ that you don't want, and
you will replace it with a characteristic that you would like to incorporate, like a thread, into the cloth
of your personality. For example, replace impatience with patience.

Tomorrow we shall explain a meditation with this theme: changing a habit or ‘sanskar’.

Message for the day 07-01-2013

To celebrate means to finish all trace of the old.

Expression: We find that whenever there is an occasion, we are full of zeal and enthusiasm for that
day. However this doesn't continue for long and we find ourselves getting caught with our old nature.
We then give the excuse to ourselves saying, 'this is how we are, and this is our nature' etc. Once we
start working with our old nature we cannot be enthusiastic anymore.

Experience: Each new festival is an occasion for us to finish something of the old. We only need to
take a determined thought to remove something of our old nature. We no longer need to give excuses,
but make the firm promise to ourselves to transform. Our zeal and enthusiasm will then never lessen
and we will continue to celebrate with constant enthusiasm.

Soul Sustenance 03-01-2013


Opening The Third Eye

The concept of the third eye has always interested people. What is the third eye? Can it be opened
during an operation, or by going on a journey to a religious or sacred destination? In meditation, we
understand that the third eye means the ability to understand and to perceive (realize) correctly.
Then, on the basis of that perception (realization) or insight (understanding); to act and behave
accordingly. In other words, on the basis of spiritual truths, we think, speak and act so that peace
and well-being become natural in our life.

Spiritual values, or truths, are necessary for genuine improvement of the human
condition and life.

The third eye is the intellect of the soul - when it is open, there is realization of the need to improve,
change and/or create something that will help the self and others to make the quality of life better.

Message for the day 03-01-2013

The one who experiences freedom in the mind is the one who can bring benefit to

Expression: There is usually the feeling that there is not enough time for the self. And so there is no
time to spare for others too. The more we think about ourselves only, we don't seem to be able to be

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free for anyone else. Then we find our days just pass by without being able to bring any benefit to
others or ourselves.

Experience: Instead of taking out time separately for bringing benefit to others, we only need to see
how we can help others wherever we are. We would be able to do this only when we are free from the
weaknesses in our own mind. This will help us to be available to everyone around. If we are mentally
preoccupied with our own weaknesses we will not be able to free to bring benefit to anyone.

Soul Sustenance 04-01-2013



A great deal of our communication is non-verbal and we rarely realize the effect that it has on others.
Our tone of voice, our body language (particularly our eyes and face), our attitudes and our feelings,
are constantly in communication with others, expressing anger, fear, love, trust, rejection - in fact, all
our feelings and emotions. We cannot hide what we mean; we may do so for a while, but finally the
truth emerges.

Communication is not just with others, but also with the self, with the Supreme Being and even
nature. Being still, focused and open enables us to tune in to others so that we can respond in an
appropriate and meaningful way, not simply in a mechanical way.

Here are some common reasons for blocks to communication:

* Too many thoughts, and an overload of words and actions, results in us being unable to
think clearly. We lose the essence of what is trying to be conveyed (transmitted) by the other.

* Being lost in our own feelings or ideas. In such a state we do not listen attentively to others.

* Remembering the past in a negative way. This does not allow us to tune in properly to our
present and future. When we do not communicate properly with the needs of the present time, we
loose opportunities.

(To be continued tomorrow….)

Message for the day 04-01-2013

The one who is free from wasteful words is the one who can be light.

Expression: Sometimes when something only needs a few words to explain, we continue to speak
and expand on it for a long time. We actually use more words than necessary thinking we are
clarifying things. We give the justification to ourselves that it is necessary or the other person does not
understand. These words sometimes disturb the other person and spoil our relationships too.

Experience: We constantly need to pay attention to the words that we speak. We need to check if we
are using any more words than we actually need to. When we remind ourselves of a simple slogan,
"speak less, speak softly and speak sweetly", our words will never be those that disturb others. We will
then be able to maintain our own lightness and that of others too.

Soul Sustenance 08-01-2013


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Meditation For Personality Transformation (cont.)

Decide on a habit that you want to change e.g. impatience. We will focus this meditation on changing
impatience. You can apply it to other habits also:

I relax and prepare to look inwards…

I am aware of the unwanted habit of becoming impatient...
As I sit in meditation, I relax my body.
I become the observer of my own thoughts and feelings...
Realizing my true identity as soul – a subtle point of light situated at the center of my forehead, just
above my eyebrows, I remember my real nature is one of calmness, peace and power...
I focus on the power of peace, inviting it in and welcoming it into my thoughts and feelings from deep
within.... enjoying the calm contentment which it brings...
On the screen of my mind, I begin to visualize patience...
I see myself in a situation where I normally become impatient…
I now see myself as being completely full with the virtue of patience...
I shape my feelings around the idea and image of patience.... unhurried and relaxed... calm and
If necessary, I can wait... forever.... with patience
I am free of the desire for certain outcomes...
I see how I respond with patience...
I see the effect of my patience in others within the situation...
I now know how I will speak with patience, walk with patience and act patiently in the real life
I maintain this peace, which generates serenity and patience in me…

Message for the day 08-01-2013

When we are in the elevated company of the One God, no bad company will influence

Expression: Sometimes when we are working for our self- development we sometimes wish for
support or understanding from others which we don't always get. We actually look for a role model,
whom we could follow or who could be an inspiration for us. When we don't find anyone like that we
tend to get disheartened and continue to justify ourselves for not bringing any change in ourselves.

Experience: The solution lies in becoming a role model and a source of support for others instead of
expecting others to do so. For this we need to pay extra attention to the kind of company we keep.
Under all circumstances, if we keep God as our companion we will not be influenced by any other
company, however strong they might be. We will then be able to bring about change in ourselves.

Soul Sustenance 09-01-2013


Living With A Purpose

How can we define heaven? Heaven could simply be described as the place to experience peace, joy
and happiness. So, what is our heaven in our practical life? How can we experience it?
Fulfilling our dream or true purpose or experiencing it being fulfilled is our heaven.
Living out our dream and purpose is to live in our personal space of heaven here and

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right now.

If everything that we do during the day and in life is directed at fulfilling our purpose - our reason
for being, for existing and for living - we will be much happier in everything we do, because
everything will be channeled or focused towards what we really want. On the other hand, if we do a
little bit of everything, but without knowing where we are going or what our true destination is, we will
be like a ship that has lost its way in the ocean. The ship’s crew steers the ship – it now goes towards
the left, now to the right, goes backwards, then forwards towards the north, towards the south and in
the end stays in the same place and gets nowhere, although it’s crew is busy or is working all the time.
The crew lets itself be carried by the currents, the tides, the waves in the ocean and the winds above
the ocean. It has lost its bearings and doesn't know how to be guided by the stars, which would show
the crew the right way. In our case, the stars being our intuition. Without our life’s course dictated by
a true purpose, we let our consciousness asleep and don't listen to our intuition, which will reveal to us
our purpose.

Message for the day 09-01-2013

To share virtues along with knowledge is to encourage transformation in others.

Expression: When we have to give a suggestion/advise to someone we tend to share a lot of points of

knowledge in order to make them understand. We try to prove logically why they have to change.
Although the reasoning is right most of the time, the others don't seem to change either because they
don't understand or because they don't want to understand.

Experience: When we want to bring transformation in others we need to make sure to share our
own virtues along with the points of knowledge. To share virtues means to give them an experience of
our love, peace, good wishes etc. When they experience our virtues, they'll be willing to bring about
change quickly.

Soul Sustenance 10-01-2013


Understanding The Quality of Peace

Inner peace is inner power. But before you start walking the path of relaxation and meditation to
create a life, which is free from anger, and based on peaceful living, it is important to clear some
misunderstandings we hold in our mind about mental peace.

1. Peace means nothing is happening; it’s a state of inaction.

Fact: By practicing meditation for a few minutes everyday, very soon you can experience a stage in
which you are physically active yet mentally peaceful, when the mind is active but nothing negative
happens inside it. Nothing and no one can irritate or upset you, irrespective of what they say or do.

2. Living a peaceful life is being submissive (bowing down) or defensive.

Fact: Inner peace is not submissiveness or defensiveness. The power of peace that you acquire
through the practice of meditation makes you assertive and confident. Emotions like anger and fear
show in our behaviour in the form of aggression and defensiveness respectively and make you
emotionally weak. Peace is strength.

3. To remain in an inner peace experience, you have to disconnect yourself from the world.
Fact: For a long time you have used the world to stimulate (energize) yourself mentally and
emotionally. If at the beginning of your meditation practice, you suddenly disconnect yourself from
the world you will experience an increase in your attractions towards it. Thus, initially it is wiser to

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include only short spells of meditation in your daily routine, otherwise the meditation practice can do
more harm than benefit.

(To be continued tomorrow….)

Message for the day 10-01-2013

To spread the light of happiness is to become a spiritual lighthouse.

Expression: When we are in situations where there is negativity around or there seems to be no

source of happiness, we too naturally tend to feel low and negative. We are totally under the influence
of the situation and we can't seem to overcome the feeling at that time. Nothing actually inspires us to
make effort to come out of such a feeling.

Experience: We need to remind ourselves that we are a lighthouse, a source of light to all those
around us. This thought will give us the inspiration to remain stable and strong even when we are
amidst chaos or difficult situations. We will be able to spread our light across and show everyone the
right direction by becoming an inspiration to those around us.

Soul Sustenance 11-01-2013


Understanding The Quality of Peace (cont.)

To experience true inner peace take the following thoughts into your mind. Then experience each
thought by holding it in your awareness.

Let us now move away from the demands and the needs of our noisy world, and slip into our inner
world, into the quiet, still room of the mind........
It is a place, a space of calm, stillness and peace........
Here, I can let go of my concerns, worries and constant fears........
In this dimension of silence, in this plain of peace, voices grow distant (faraway) and quiet........
And in this arena (space) of inner calm and soft peacefulness, my racing thoughts begin to slow down,
begin to lose momentum and are absorbed into that inner peace........
I am surrounded by silence, by peace........
And that soft vibration soothes (relaxes) my mind and calms my thoughts and I am held in that spell
of tranquility (peacefulness)........
I bath in the inner light of the inner self........
And I float and drift in this sea of silence, in this sea of peace........
For here the waves of the world cannot come and I feel light and free and calm........

Message for the day 11-01-2013

Our words are effective only when we combine them with pure thoughts and
inspirational actions.

Expression: As soon as we find someone's mistake it is natural for us to give correction through our
words. We tend to explain to others using a lot of words. Yet we find that inspite of saying the right
thing we are not being listened to and our words are just wasted away. We don't understand at such
times where the problem lies.

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Experience: To enable our corrections to others to be effective, we have to combine our thoughts,
words and actions. There need to be good wishes in our thoughts which also brings sweetness in our
words. We also need to take care that we are putting into action all that we are talking. When we do
this we will find that our words are really effective.

Soul Sustenance 12-01-2013


The Role Of Emotions In The Functioning Of The Soul

Inside the soul, there are four components – thoughts, feelings, emotions and
‘sanskars’. Thoughts and feelings are present more on the surface of the soul in the conscious.
Emotions and ‘sanskars’ on the other hand are less easily perceived and lie below thoughts and

‘Sanskars’ can be defined as the traces left on the soul due to actions performed by it and also due to
its interactions with others in relationships.

Emotions, on the other hand, are impulses associated with the ‘sanskaras’ and are very close to these

The internal functioning of the soul is cyclic - ‘thoughts gives rise to actions, actions give rise
to ‘sanskaras’, and ‘sanskaras’ give rise to further thoughts’. This description becomes
complete, when we add an additional component – emotions. The deepest component inside the soul
is the ‘sanskaras’. Next up from ‘sanskaras’ are the emotions, above that are feelings and then finally
the uppermost component inside the soul is the thoughts.

Thoughts can be caught instantly. Feelings can be seen and perceived if I stop for a moment and
check. Emotions are deeper than both of them and are very close to the ‘sanskars’, and just as its
difficult to see all the ‘sanskaras’ of an individual, we can't always see their emotions. Feelings, being
more towards the surface, can be clearly identified, but you have to go deeper to see the quality of
emotions a person is creating and the quality of his/her ‘sanskars’.

Message for the day 12-01-2013

The fire of anger can be cooled with the sprinkling of the cool water of virtues.

Expression: When someone is angry, we come under the influence of the situation and we too get
angry. It seems very difficult at that moment to remain cool. With our own anger we find that the
other person's anger also increases. But we find that this is not the solution because it doesn't help
either of us in anyway.

Experience: Instead of getting angry and aggravating the anger of the other person, we need to
instead emerge our qualities or virtues of coolness and peace. We will then find that where anger
doesn't work, only the cool water of virtues will help us put off the fire of anger.

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Soul Sustenance 13-01-2013

Am I Creating Negative ‘Karma’ – Guilt As An Indicator

At the heart of our consciousness, we have a conscience. Our conscience is essentially our basic
awareness of truth. From a spiritual point of view, the truth of who we are as spiritual
beings is core and eternal truth. If we consider ourselves to be anything other than soul
or spirit then we will be thinking and acting against our conscience, against our
truth, which is like going against the essence of spirit. We will feel something is not quite right. If one
of the pistons in our car engine is out of sync with the others, the engine will sound slightly different
from normal. We immediately have it fixed, because we know that if it continues it may destroy the
engine. If we do something that is out of sync with the truth, the voice of our conscience speaks to us.
But we tend to ignore or suppress it, especially if we are having a seemingly pleasurable experience -
we then create the ‘sanskars’ or habit of ignoring our own conscience. As a result we keep repeating
the negative ‘karma’ and the ‘sanskars’ of the negative ‘karma’ are deepened, further ignoring the voice
of our conscience. It is a vicious cycle, to come out of which is extremely difficult.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 13-01-2013

To experience newness each day is to be creative.

Expression: Sometimes we find things to be very monotonous. There seems to be nothing new that
is happening. Days pass on and we tend to become action-conscious only trying to finish the tasks at
hand. We feel caught up in the routine not able to enjoy anything anymore.

Experience: Instead of just doing what has to be done in a monotonous way, we need to take a
thought each day to experience something new. There is such a variety in each day, we only have to
discover ways of experiencing it. When we learn this creative art, we'll never be bored, but will be able
to enjoy everything that comes our way.

Soul Sustenance 14-01-2013


Am I Creating Negative ‘Karma’ – Guilt As An Indicator (cont.)

An angerholic (one who gets angry repeatedly) hears the internal voice telling him to stop creating
mental unrest, harming his body, hurting others and being addicted to the habit and the hormones
that get created inside the body due to the habit, but then ignores the voice or drowns it out. This only
adds to the inner disharmony (peacelessness) already present and both self-respect and self-esteem
are slowly reduced. Any action we do which springs from forgetfulness (body-consciousness) will
trigger this inner, spiritual discomfort. Following the action, we might feel guilty for doing something
we internally knew was wrong. Any form of guilt except the one that is caused by another person i.e.
except the case when guilt is caused inside you because another person is emotionally blackmailing
you, is the voice of our conscience calling to say that we are acting against the essence, something is
out of sync. Our level of guilt acts like a thermometer (an indicator). It shows us when and to what
extent we are not aligned to truth. If we learn to pay attention, listen closely to this inner
discomfort and the message it conveys, we will also hear why and how to make
corrections, so that we no longer create negative ‘karma’.


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Message for the day 14-01-2013

Determination enables us to overcome our weaknesses.

Expression: When we recognize any weakness of ours, we want to make effort to remove it. But
usually we work on it for a few days with great attention. After some time, we find ourselves losing
interest and the weakness gets stronger taking hold of us once again. We find ourselves exactly where
we had started having no further enthusiasm to work on ourselves.

Experience: In order to overcome any weakness of ours, we need to have a strong aim in our mind to
remove it. With this comes the determination to work on it without losing hope. Even if we find
ourselves becoming slack, we need to remind ourselves that we don't want that particular weakness in
our life. Then we will be able to work at removing the weakness fully.

Soul Sustenance 15-01-2013


The Source Of Pure Love

The highest love is the Supreme Being’s (Supreme Soul’s) love. This is the love of the perfect spiritual
being (soul), the perfect parent towards the imperfect child where the parent does not see the child’s
weaknesses. Just as the flower turns each morning to absorb the light and warmth of the sun we too
need to turn each day to absorb the light of truth and warmth of pure love from the Supreme Being,
from the Source. This is not the God of a religious belief system, but the personal god that we all share,
the one parent and friend that we all share. This is not a God as a concept, nor is God a belief. If we
hold God just as a concept or belief in our minds, which is perhaps what we learned as children, we
will never know him, never experience the greatest and deepest love. We cannot receive love from a
belief just and we cannot have a real relationship with a concept. Instead, it is necessary to establish a
personal relationship with God through a silent conversation of thoughts and feelings (to begin with).
Hence the need to practice quietening a busy mind, the need to free our feelings from emotional
disturbance. The Supreme Being is available to everyone but few of us know how or where to direct
our attention. The connecting and absorbing of the love of God is a personal process called
meditation, that never costs anything and can finally become a natural part of living each day.

Message for the day 15-01-2013

To say yes is to have regard for all.

Expression: When someone expects us to do something that we don't like our usual reaction is to
say no and give reasons why we don't want to do it or why we don't agree with what the other person is
saying. But it usually happens that once we say no, the other person is no longer able to listen to what
we have to say.

Experience: Instead of saying 'no', we need to practice saying 'yes'. To say yes means to try to
understand what the other person is saying. Only after that can we put forth our argument. And then
the other person will also give regard to our opinion. This practice will enable us to get good wishes
from others and increase our chance for success.

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Soul Sustenance 16-01-2013

Defining Failure

Given below are ‘some’ definitions of failure:

• Depending on your perception: failure actually does not exist.

• Staying stuck in what you could have done and haven't done. Letting your though patterns to be
influence by the same.
• Experiencing emotions of frustration, pain, suffering.
• Losing your notion (idea) of the dream, of the ideal life you want to lead.
• Not fulfilling set expectations.
• Not having enough courage and bravery to walk through life.
• Not being the ruler of your thoughts, feelings, actions and life in general.
• Allowing yourself to be led by something negative that a particular situation causes.
• Distancing yourself from your values.
• Not being in harmony with your inner conscience (while performing actions).
• When the self does not accept what life brings it.
• Putting your life in the hands of, and blaming, others and circumstances with feelings of emptiness
and confusion.
• False expectations.
• Excessive attachment.
• Excessive materialism.

Tomorrow we shall discuss some factors that bring us closer to failure.

Message for the day 16-01-2013

Pure feelings reach out and bring benefit to others.

Expression: When there is someone who is being negative, we tend to think or speak about the
negativity we perceive at that time. To think about negativity is to imbibe a little of that negativity
within our mind. Then our mind is no more pure and so whatever thoughts we have for that person
don't have any positive influence and there is no benefit for them.

Experience: If we see someone using some weakness, we need to pay special attention not to think
or speak about it. Instead we need to concentrate on some speciality of the other person. This gives
them the encouragement to use it. The more we see negative, the more negative they will be with us
and the more we see positive the more positive they'll be with us.

Soul Sustenance 17-01-2013


Factors that Bring Us Closer To Failure

Given below are ‘some’ factors that bring us closer to failure:

• Dejection and Disillusion.

• Fear.
• Ignorance.
• Confusion.

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• Influences.
• Mental weakness.
• Insecurity.
• Inexperience.
• Ego, arrogance.
• Mistrust.
• Attachment, dependencies.
• Excuses, laziness, putting off.
• Excess of acceptance with submission.
• Fear of being yourself.
• Making judgements without an objective vision.
• Nervousness.
• Not taking on limits.
• Low self-esteem.
• Blockages. Not going forward.
• Intolerance.
• Rigidity – inability to adapt to different situations.

Message for the day 17-01-2013

The one with true mercy fills hope even in the ones who are hopeless.

Expression: When we see someone who is in need or who is totally negative, a case that is totally
hopeless, there are a lot of feelings aroused within us. What we feel is pity or hatred, which are only
negative feelings. Such negative thoughts don't help in anyway and the people remains as they are,
unable to take any benefit from us.

Experience: Instead of having pity or hatred we need to develop true mercy for others. To have
mercy means to have good wishes with love - combined with hope for them. It is our hope that enables
them to develop faith in themselves too. This is the method to bring progress even in the most
hopeless case.

Soul Sustenance 18-01-2013


Moving From ‘Action’ Consciousness To ‘Spiritual’ Consciousness

As the name suggests, to be a ‘rajayogi’ means to be a practitioner of meditation, who with the practice
of meditation is able become a ruler of the self. But on the other hand, ‘rajayoga’ is not restricted
to learning to discipline the physical sense organs only but more importantly, of
redirecting the energy of my thoughts, feelings, emotions, intellect and ‘sanskaras’ in a
positive and constructive way. When these energies become positive, my ‘karmas’ start becoming
elevated. And how do I make these energies positive? By performing actions while having a mental
connection with the Supreme Being or by having a meditative consciousness while walking,
interacting, cooking, driving or working - in fact, while doing anything. After all, meditation is
specifically related to the use of the mind and intellect and does not require the use of the physical
sense organs and so can be done alongside each ‘karma’ in the day – only the form of meditation
changes depending on the ‘karma’ being performed. Just as we can remember other things and people
while being involved in various activities throughout the day, we can keep our minds on our true
spiritual self, the Supreme Being, churn different aspects of spiritual knowledge, remain focused on a
single aspect of spiritual knowledge, etc. while performing’ karmas’ – these are all some of the
different forms of meditation – there are more that can be practiced. Thus, ‘rajayoga’ can also be
called ‘karmayoga’. ‘Karmayoga’ meaning the one who maintains the balance of meditation and

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‘karmas’ while being involved or busy in ‘karmas’.

Message for the day 18-01-2013

Where there is humility there is the give and take of love.

Expression: Usually we don't even know when we are working with our ego because it is deeply
concealed. Even when someone points out our ego, we don't want to accept it and we continue to work
with it. Ego finishes the ability to learn and negatively effects our relationships because there is no
give and take of love.

Experience: The method to overcome ego is to develop humility. Humility means to be strong within
yet to be gentle and flexible. This enables us to bend i.e., to bow. When we bow it doesn't mean we are
defeated, but it reveals our own victory. It is only when we bend and forgive will we be able to allow
the flow of love in relationships.

Soul Sustenance 19-01-2013


World Transformation (Change)

As we activate our subtle (non-physical) energy field (aura) that surrounds us

through conscious positive thought, we carry it with us wherever we go. Then we can positively
influence those who come into contact with us in our office or at home. The positive vibrations
influence those who interact within our energy field very powerfully and on an unlimited level.

If you know somebody who might need a little bit of help, support or guidance experiment by going
into silence and sending out your positive thought energy to him/her. As a first step, practice with the
following positive thoughts:

Let me adopt the consciousness of a conscient (living) being, a soul, full of light, love
and energy, situated at the centre of the forehead.

Now I send a very powerful protective light to my friend or to my family.

Message for the day 19-01-2013

Patience brings harmony in relationships.

Projection: When there is a misunderstanding in a relationship we hardly put in any effort in order

to understand the other person. We tend to become impatient and we don't listen to the other person
to understand them. Because of which we start inventing things about them. This only further
increases the misunderstanding.

Solution: When we have a difference of opinion with someone, we need to give some time to
understand and listen to the other person. Only then will we be able to understand the other person's
point of view. This practice will enable us to finish any misunderstanding we have with others and
brings harmony in relationships.

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Soul Sustenance 20-01-2013

Simple Exercise To Identify Your Hidden Fears

If you want to overcome and overpower fears that exist inside you, you have to first take a look at your
feelings and hidden emotions. After realizing your feelings and emotions, you have to know how to
manage them and finally correct or overcome them. Given below is a simple exercise that will help you
to achieve that. This exercise will help you identify the conscious and sometimes sub-conscious (very
subtle) fears that lie inside you.
Choose an area of your life that you feel is negative and needs some improvement. Now, ask yourself
these three questions:

1. What do I really want, what is my aim and objective?

2. What obstacle/obstacles are stopping me from achieving my objectives?
3. What prevents me from dealing with or overcoming that obstacle?

For each fear that comes to you in response to the question no. 3, ask yourself the
following questions:
A. What is the worst that can happen, if what I fear occurs?
B. What is the best possible result for me and for others, if I do it even though I feel afraid of doing it?
C. Keeping in front of you the answer to question B and comparing it with the answer to question A
will inspire you to overcome the fears that lie inside you.

Message for the day 20-01-2013

True progress brings progress in others as much as for the self.

Projection: It is usually believed that self-progress and progress of others are totally separate. It is
believed that where there is thought for the progress of the self, there is selfishness and there is no
benefit for those around. In fact, selfishness in an extreme form can also have a negative influence on
those around.

Solution: In whatever we do we have to check and see if there is any benefit for others along with
whatever benefit we are getting. If there isn't we can check to see if there is a better way of doing what
we are doing which could have a positive influence on at least one person. Then we will find ourselves
benefitting doubly. We will get the blessings from others along with the personal benefit we get.

Soul Sustenance 21-01-2013


The Power To Transform Emotions

As with feelings, when emotions are aroused, there are physical changes inside the body
in the form of chemical and electrical activity. In fact, strong emotions don’t just affect
the body; they also have an impact on the soul. When the soul suffers emotional trauma, from
which there is lasting impact, the emotional trauma brings about an immense strain on the brain and
body. Brain chemical production is likely to be affected, and there may also be feelings of depression
and tiredness. But the real trauma at the root of these physical effects is at a deeper level within the
soul itself, and the resulting emotional sensitivity will also arise from the soul.

e.g. I suffer a series of losses or setbacks in my business that causes a lack of confidence and self-
respect inside me. A ‘sanskara’ of low self-esteem is created inside. As a result I become emotionally

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unstable and sensitive. I'll show a tendency to react emotionally with extreme sorrow (may be in the
form of depression) or extreme anger (sometimes in the form of an outburst) whenever there is a
similar setback that touches this sensitivity. A person who has not suffered similarly in the past and
does not have a ‘sanskara’ of low self esteem, and as a result does not have this tendency, will not react
in a similar fashion under similar circumstances.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 21-01-2013

To be a donor means to give at each step and increase one's own stock.

Projection: Usually it seems very difficult to be a donor - to give from whatever resources we have.
The thought often arises in the mind that we cannot give because we are ourselves not complete or
full. We find ourselves constantly trying to fill ourselves and we then have no time or thought for
giving to those around us.

Solution: We have a lot of treasures within us which we can give to those around us, our virtues, our
specialities etc. Even if we have just a little and give to the others, we will find ourselves benefitting.
For having given from whatever we have, we find that these treasures begin to increase within
ourselves too.

Soul Sustenance 22-01-2013


The Power To Transform Emotions (cont.)

Thoughts may be temporary. Feelings (either positive or negative), accompanying repeated

thought-patterns, stay a bit longer inside us. But when a soul suffers a major setback, loss or failure in
life that it is not able to deal with, it becomes emotionally damaged and the results of that can be

Suppose I lose a loved one all of a sudden. If the feelings that come to me because of this loss can be
taken care of at that time, through any means like the remembrance of God, meditation, developing a
positive hobby to divert my mind, spending more time in the positive company of other family
members, etc.; I will deal with the feelings and move on. If however, I am unable to deal with my
feelings through any of the means mentioned, the experience of loss I feel is going to cause a lot of
deep damage on the emotional level. Then it will not just be a feeling of loss, but it will actually have
wounded the soul emotionally. Until that wound has healed, I'll carry it with me long after the loss has
suffered. The emotions linked to it will come to the surface repeatedly, though I may have no idea
where my sorrow is coming from. Due to the emotional wound, I'll be unable to stay happy, no matter
how positive my circumstances may be today.

Meditation does not require me to go into the subconscious roots of my pain. Instead, through
thought, meditation enables me to take conscious control of my feelings and emotions,
so as to displace the negative, which brings sorrow; with positive, which brings
happiness. It helps me experience pure, powerful emotions and loveful feelings to such an extent
that the wounds left by past experiences are healed. Raja Yoga means 'royal union’ - it means having a
loveful relationship with God. The experience of God’s love is a soothing balm for my emotions, and a
remedy for the emotional pain the soul feels.

Message for the day 22-01-2013

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To keep the aim in front of us is to move forward with contentment.

Projection: Several times there are situations that are negative where we have to face things that are
not really what we are expecting or wanting. At such times we tend to get disheartened and experience
discontentment. Our state of mind becomes such that we can no longer experience peace.

Solution: The solution at such times is to keep our vision clear on our aim. When all our thoughts
and energy are concentrated on our aim, we will be able to consider any negative scene that comes our
way as only a side-scene. We can easily ignore all such situations and so our mind is at rest or peace.

Soul Sustenance 23-01-2013


Thought Energy

Our thoughts are always there, whatever age we are. Their content may change but our ability to think
does not. First of all, I am a thinking, experiencing being or soul. Thoughts are not something physical
which l can experience with the physical sense organs. I cannot see, taste or touch a thought. Thoughts
are not made up of matter or even brain cells. I am a non-physical or spiritual being (soul), which
creates thoughts. My form, a point of energy, situated in the centre of the forehead is the only form
that cannot be destroyed. It is something so small that it cannot be divided. My identity is a soul, and
all the other identities - teacher, student, man, woman, father, mother, friend, relation and so on - are
simply different roles which I, the soul, play.

Message for the day 23-01-2013

The more we experience peace within the more there will be positivity in our life.

Projection: We usually try to change ourselves and our negativities by working on each of them
separately. We might be able to overcome them also but being connected to the other weaknesses we
find that they reemerge again. Then we find that the negativity remains in our life influencing all our
thoughts, words and actions.

Solution: We first need to make a promise to ourselves to maintain our own inner positivity. Once
we do that we also need to make an attempt to practice relaxing our mind and remaining calm before
we do any important thing. When we practice in this way we will be able to keep our mind calm and
this calmness will bring contentment through which there will be positivity in all we do.

Soul Sustenance 24-01-2013


The Benefits Of Soul Consciousness

The following differences between body consciousness and soul consciousness, will make you realize
the benefits of soul consciousness (the practice of meditation make us soul conscious):

In Body Consciousness: I am in bondage (not free).

In Soul Consciousness: There are no bondages, I am free.

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In Body Consciousness: I have many questions and few answers.
In Soul Consciousness: I understand everything that I do.

In Body Consciousness: I am afraid of dying (losing the body).

In Soul Consciousness: I know I am eternal (the soul is beyond birth and death) and there is no fear of

In Body Consciousness: I have no control over sense organs e.g. eyes, ears, tongue, etc..
In Soul Consciousness: I am able to practice self-control.

(To be continued tomorrow ….)

Message for the day 24-01-2013

To be seated on the seat of self-respect is to use virtues in life.

Projection: It usually seems very difficult to use the virtues within us when the people around are
not doing so. At such times using negativity seems much easier. In spite of not having that particular
weakness predominantly, say of anger, when there is provocation from the outside we tend to react
with that weakness.

Solution: In order to free ourselves from weaknesses and work with the virtues within us we need to
make sure we are seated on the seat of self-respect. For this we need to recognise and appreciate some
speciality within us. When we are in the awareness of this speciality of ours, we will be able to stabilize
ourselves in the state of our self-respect.

Soul Sustenance 25-01-2013


The Benefits Of Soul Consciousness (cont.)

The following differences between body consciousness and soul consciousness, will make you realize
the benefits of soul consciousness (the practice of meditation make us soul conscious):

In Body Consciousness: I become bored and depressed easily.

In Soul Consciousness: I understand situations and overcome them easily. I am able to maintain

In Body Consciousness: The wings of the soul are clipped (cut).

In Soul Consciousness: I have wings of thought to fly beyond the body.

In Body Consciousness: The intellect is dull. I am limited to the perception (way of looking at things)
of this physical world only.
In Soul Consciousness: The intellect is sharp. I can travel, with the power of the intellect, to my
original home – “paramdham” or “shantidham”.

In Body Consciousness: I see a distorted (misunderstood) past and have no aim for the future.
In Soul Consciousness: The past, present and future of my part are seen clearly.

(To be continued tomorrow ….)


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Message for the day 25-01-2013

To be experienced means not to be deceived by anything.

Projection: There are so many times when a situation takes us by surprise and we make the same
mistake that we had made before. It is only when the situation has passed that we realise that we have
actually repeated that mistake. What then remains is only repentance as the time has passed where we
could have done something.

Solution: Whenever there is a mistake, we need to take care that we learn from whatever has
happened. When we continue to move forward in this way there will be no repentance for the mistakes
made but there will be learning that'll make us experienced. And when we are experienced we'll never
be deceived by situations which make us commit mistakes.

Soul Sustenance 26-01-2013


The Benefits Of Soul Consciousness (cont.)

The following differences between body consciousness and soul consciousness, will make you realize
the benefits of soul consciousness (the practice of meditation make us soul conscious):

In Body Consciousness: I am disturbed by feelings of false attractions.

In Soul Consciousness: I am attracted by the qualities of the Supreme Soul only.

In Body Consciousness: I give sorrow, like a thorn hurting everyone.

In Soul Consciousness: I spread the fragrance of virtues like a flower.

In Body Consciousness: I see everyone relative to my individual identity, my life revolving around
"me"... this is arrogance (ego).
In Soul Consciousness: I respect each individual and relate to them with humility (egolessness).

In Body Consciousness: I am tense and tired.

In Soul Consciousness: I am alert and relaxed.

Message for the day 26-01-2013

A practical example is one whose every action inspires others.

Projection: When we want to start off something new and different we look for role models or
inspiration, which we rarely get. We usually never think of being an inspiration for others. So we begin
to lose enthusiasm to the extent that we might even give up what we started.

Solution: For whatever we do, we need to have the aim of becoming an example, an inspiration for
others. The more we have this in our mind, we will never be discouraged by others' actions. Instead we
will be able to perform each action with such enthusiasm and such perfection that our each action
becomes an inspiration for others.

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Soul Sustenance 27-01-2013

Effects Of Anger On The Human Body

In numerous studies, anger has been found to have a completely negative effect on our physical well-
being. In one such study, reported at a recent conference on forgiveness and peace in the US, it was
demonstrated that letting go of negative feelings that we have for someone due to his/her negative
actions relieved and reduced chronic back pain.

It seems we have been conditioned to treat any tension-triggering event, be it a small accident or a
conflict with a partner or colleague, as a big problem or crisis. At these moments our bodies generate
and release the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol. Our heart accelerates, our breath quickens
and our mind races. It's all harmless if the tension or fright is brief and once in a while, like a near
miss while driving, but the emotional disturbances of anger and hatred are like accidents that don't
end, and hormones turn into toxins. The depressive effect of cortisol upon the immune system has
been linked to serious diseases and disorders. According to a recent medical research, "Cortisol wears
down the brain, leading to cell degeneration and memory loss. It also raises blood pressure and blood
sugar, hardening the arteries, leading to heart disease."

Message for the day 27-01-2013

To have knowledge in the intellect is to be constantly cheerful.

Projection: When something negative happens, we find that there are only negative or waste
thoughts about the situation or people. We try hard not to think about it but we find only those
thoughts coming to our mind. With such thoughts the situation seems worse than it is and we find it
difficult to remain cheerful.

Solution: In such situations instead of trying to cut out waste we need to give ourselves something
positive to think about. When the intellect is busy thinking about the positive, there'll be no room for
negativity. In this way we will be able to remain constantly cheerful even in the most negative

Soul Sustenance 28-01-2013


Understanding What Are ‘Karmic Accounts’

We are not individuals acting alone in this world drama; we act in this extraordinary drama or play of
life with other actors or souls who (along with us) play their different roles with different physical
costumes at different times in the drama. During the process of interaction with other actors
(souls) and according to the type of interaction with them, we create accounts of debit
or credit that become the basis of our connections with others. The reasons for which a
specific relationship goes well or not are in the so called ‘karmic account’ that I have accumulated with
the other person in the past. The past could be in this birth alone or in one or many previous
births. The souls that play the parts of parents, children, husbands, wives, brothers,
sisters, friends, office colleagues and others whom I know form a network for the giving
and receiving of happiness and sorrow from accounts established in the past or being
created in the present.

The strongest relationships that I have now were established previously. We knew each other in other
lives and but in different roles. The daughter of some births ago returns now as the father, the best

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friend comes back as the sister etc. As long as the account exists, the interchange of actions between
two souls continues. When there is nothing more to give or receive, the paths between the two souls
separate by death, a break-up, a divorce or simply by the loss of contact. An e.g. of this is our school
friends. Many of our friends whom we were close to in our school days, we are not in touch with today.
Another e.g. is when we change jobs; we might lose complete contact with our old colleagues.

Message for the day 28-01-2013

The wings of courage and enthusiasm enable one to fly forward.

Projection: While moving forward we sometimes find ourselves in a position where there seems to
be no progress. We don't seem to understand the reason for this and we find success eluding us. We
try different methods for success but if we look within we find that either we have no courage or no
enthusiasm, which prevents us from giving our best to the task.

Solution: We need to have both the wings of courage and enthusiasm in order to succeed. If there is
no courage we give up trying. On the other hand, if there is no enthusiasm we get tired and tiredness
never lets us work towards success. So before we take up any task we should make sure we fill both
these wings with such power that we will be able to work constantly till we succeed.

Soul Sustenance 29-01-2013


Harmonizing The Mind And The Intellect

The intellect is the faculty of the soul that judges thought and determines its quality, its ethical purity,
its truthfulness, its usefulness, its appropriateness, whether it is necessary, right or wrong. The
intellect is backed by the conscience. In fact, the conscience expresses itself through the
intellect. If you have a positive thought, the intellect should approve it and allow it to be put into
practice. If a feeling of doubt accompanies the positive thought, the intellect should take it into
account and remove that doubt, before the thought gets converted into action. When the faculties
of the mind and intellect are pure and strong, and they cooperate in harmony; they
support one another and there is no inner conflict. If the intellect is weak, the mind feels
confused and it will generate many unproductive thoughts. There will be an inner conflict and in the
end the intellect will lose, because the power of influence of the intellect is less. Then, the intellect will
not have the power to prevent them from going into action. Actions will be performed that are
negative or unproductive, in opposition to the conscience, and they will as a result create negative

The intellect is the most important faculty of human consciousness to bring about
personality change. If the quality of the intellect is good, the capacity and quality of the intellectual
processes through which you perceive and live reality will be higher. If the intellect is clean and pure,
you will differentiate what is real and authentic from what is unreal and false. You will be able to judge
if a situation is beneficial or wasteful, useful or useless.

Message for the day 29-01-2013

To have true faith in oneself is to attain success.

Projection: Sometimes false courage is mistaken as faith. When we take up some task we might be
deceived into a feeling of having a lot of courage which makes us over-confident. Then instead of

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putting in effort to give our best we tend to become careless. Such carelessness will not enable us to
achieve easy success.

Solution: We need to check within ourselves and see if we have true faith in ourselves or not. Faith
always comes with the recognition of our own specialities. We also need to pay special attention to
work towards something that we can achieve. When we do this we will find ourselves succeeding

Soul Sustenance 30-01-2013


How Often And Why Do I Need To Meditate?

As with anything else, the more we practice meditation, the more we feel the benefit of what we are
doing. We do need to practice meditation regularly because the habits of:

i. identifying with our physical form,

ii. succumbing to mental and emotional negativity (in the form of waste and negative
thoughts) along with negativity in words and actions,

iii. becoming attached to the physical as well as the non-physical, and

iv. being dependent upon the experience of physical stimulation of any sort (from e.g.
food, movies, people, sports etc.) for happiness are extremely deep.

These habits have deepened over a period of many many births, because of repeating them regularly,
due to a lack of spiritual awareness. As a result, in the present moment also we regularly and quite
easily slip into these four habits.

(To be continued tomorrow…)

Message for the day 30-01-2013

To be prepared for obstacles is to remain cheerful under all circumstances.

Projection: Generally there is always a wish not to have to face any obstacles. When we begin
something new we usually have a thought to have things going perfectly well. So when obstacles do
come we are not prepared and we experience dissatisfaction and sorrow.

Solution: Whenever we start something new we need to prepare our mind that we are sure to be
faced with obstacles. Along with it we also need to understand that these obstacles actually teach us
something new and it is only with such situations we can learn and progress. When we have such
thoughts we will be able to remain cheerful under all circumstances.

Soul Sustenance 31-01-2013


How Often And Why Do I Need To Meditate – cont.?

As explained yesterday, we regularly and quite easily slip into four main negative
habits. So meditation is not only sitting in a quiet corner, and connecting with the self and the

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Supreme, at a couple of fixed times during the day, but it is also the way to gently remember
and remind ourselves, many times in a day, that we as well as others, are souls or
spiritual beings not physical beings, by detaching ourselves from actions and also while being
involved in actions. These reminders given to the self over a period of time become natural and
prevent us from succumbing to these four habits. Given below is a basic meditation, which you could
use to remind yourself regularly during the day:

I have a body but this body is not me…

I have thoughts but these thoughts are not me …
I have feelings but these feelings are not me …
I have attitudes but these attitudes are not me …
I have emotions but these emotions are not me …
I have beliefs but these beliefs are not me …
I perform many actions through my sense organs, but these sense organs are not me…
I play many roles but I am not my roles…
I experience joy or sorrow through my sense organs, but these experiences are not me …
I am a soul – a being of energy, which is neither created nor can be destroyed, and my original and
true nature is one of peace, love, joy and power…

Message for the day 31-01-2013

True detachment is to be a master of all things that we use.

Projection: Detachment is usually mistaken as being away from things because usually while using
the facilities available we tend to get dependent on them. Such dependency is troublesome and so we
sometimes give up using these facilities thinking that this is detachment which helps us to be free
from their control.

Solution: The solution lies in mentally detaching ourselves from the facilities we are using. That
means we use them but we are not dependent on them. For this we need to remind ourselves that we
are the creator and whatever facilities are available to us are the creation. This enables us to develop
mastery and control over everything.

Soul Sustenance 01-02-2013


Surfacing Positive Thoughts

Meditation helps you to work on yourself instead of worrying about external situations, so that you
can have a genuine positive influence over circumstances. This shift in attitude being of the solution
and not part of the problem. The positive attracts the positive, whereas the negative attracts the
negative. If there is hate, resentment, jealousy or revenge in your thoughts and feelings, you will
attract people in similar situations. This is how you think, this is your life.

If you want to be successful when you start or create something new, sow thoughts full of
determination, confidence, perseverance, enthusiasm, positivity and stability; whether you start a new
day, a new job, activity or project, or a new stage in your career or your life. Creating these kinds of
thoughts on beginning any activity will help you achieve success in your life easily in everything you

If you want to change your behavior, concentrate on the thoughts that produce it. Thoughts are like
seeds: our attitudes and our actions sprout from them.

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Message for the day 01-02-2013

The power of positive thoughts enables others to be free from their worries.

Projection: When someone is going through difficult times there would be naturally worry and
tension. At such times it becomes very natural for us too to come into tension. However, we don't
seem to be able to help the other person in anyway when we have such thoughts. Instead we only add
to the negative thoughts of that person.

Solution: When we find someone who is having negative thoughts in a difficult situation, we need to
remind ourselves that we are the only ones who can help them come back to his positivity. It is
possible for us to do this only when our own thoughts are positive. When we train our mind in this
way we will be able to maintain our own positivity which will enable the other person also to be rid of
his worries.

Soul Sustenance 02-02-2013


Meditation – The Art Of Thought Training

There is a common impression that meditation means to empty the mind of all thoughts in order to
experience the stillness or peacefulness of the mind. The mind is not to blame for our existing distress
or confusion. It is really only a screen upon which thoughts are projected. The waywardness and
naughtiness of the mind is due to the quality of thoughts that arise in it and not due to some problem
inherent in the mind itself.

Though this emptying of the mind may bring temporary relief, it's not a natural part of living to have
no thoughts. Instead, the mind has to be trained to create the types of thoughts that lead to harmony
and peace. Thus, each session of Raja Yoga meditation (as taught by the Brahma Kumaris) can be seen
as one of thought-training in a similar way to a tennis player who, seeking perfection, practices his
serve, back-hand and volley in order to improve them.

Meditation is the journey towards soul-consciousness and god-consciousness guided by the use of the
thoughts created in the mind and the deep and inner memory of the original and basic state and
virtues of the soul. I first have to withdraw my attention from all outer circumstances and direct it
within towards inner dialogue.

Message for the day 02-02-2013

To be an embodiment of power is to be free from effort.

Projection: When we are faced with a difficult situation we usually try to make our mind positive at
that time, but we find it very difficult to do so. We then give up making effort thinking that we don't
have the power to change our nature. We continue to work with the weakness and strengthen it

Solution: In order to win over our weakness we need to become an embodiment of power. For this
we need the practice of a long time of being powerful so that we experience the power within. Then the
power that we want at that time will emerge naturally. Like a master we'll be able to order our inner
powers and be free from the effort of changing negative to positive.

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Soul Sustenance 03-02-2013

The Creations Of The Mind

Scientists have learned a lot about our physical functioning, but most admit that what actually keeps a
human being alive is a mystery not completely solved. Rising above being just a product of chemical
and electrical activity in the brain, as believed by many of us, spirituality orients me and trains me to
come close to my real self, my spiritual self. Before I was a stranger to my own self, unaware of what is
going inside my consciousness and distant from my own self. The first step in coming close to
myself is that I learn to use the energy of my mind in the most effective way possible. For
this, I decide to find a place where, each day, I can sit for a few minutes without interruptions, in order
to focus on the self and explore the inner world of the creations of the mind - my thoughts, feelings,
attitudes and emotions.

There has been a lot of conflicting views in the world about what the mind is and how it works. In the
teachings of meditation by the Brahma Kumaris, the mind, which gives rise to my
thoughts, feelings, attitudes and emotions, is seen as a faculty of the soul, not the
body. It is rather like the difference between a television set and the movies seen on that set. The
movies originate in the minds of the directors, not in the television set itself. The television set is just a
medium for displaying the movies. So it is with all these four creations (thoughts, feelings, attitudes
and emotions). These originate in the non-physical consciousness and not in the physical brain. The
brain is just a processor of them and the body is a medium via which all four are displayed or brought
onto expressions, physical gestures, words and actions. When I realize this, and really understand this
difference, it very empowering. I am then able to use the power of discrimination to make
choices between thoughts, feelings, attitudes and emotions that are useful and
empowering for myself and others, and those that bring me down.

Message for the day 03-02-2013

To think less is to remain happy.

Projection: Usually there is a tendency to think more than normal when there is a challenging
situation. Although it is considered to be good to think more, we usually miss out on the fact that
thinking more means having lots of waste thoughts along with those that are necessary.

Solution: When we find ourselves thinking a lot we need to ask ourselves if all these thoughts are
really necessary. We need to recognise waste thoughts and replace them with something more
positive. With this practice we'll find ourselves thinking less and at the same time having powerful
thoughts which will keep us cheerful under all circumstances.

Soul Sustenance 04-02-2013


A Simple Definition Of Contentment

If one was asked to define contentment, how would one do the same? A very simple and easy to
understand, definition of contentment, is:

“At the present moment:

* wherever you are is wherever you are meant to be,

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* whatever you are doing is whatever you are meant to be doing and

* whatever everyone else is doing is what they are meant to be doing.”

To experience constant contentment, we need to become aware of all the things that make us
discontent (dissatisfied) and free ourselves from those things (ideas, opinions, objects, people). We
don’t have to reject them or distance ourselves from them, but a detachment from them, a detachment
at the level of the consciousness that will bring back our inner freedom. Detachment is then
accompanied by the experience of a deep, inner awareness of satisfaction and stillness, because you
stop being dependent on anything or anyone outside ourselves.

It is highly unlikely that we will arrive at this deep state of fulfillment very soon - though we may touch
it and experience it temporarily. It is only by understanding and accepting completely that everything
is the way it is meant to be at every moment, both outside our minds and inside our minds that we
move closer to being content.

Message for the day 04-02-2013

Even the most difficult task is made easy with the cooperation of all.

Projection: When given a responsibility we usually think of doing it alone. We usually feel it is much
easier not to involve many. We do this in order to avoid the different kinds of personalities that we
have to deal with.

Solution: When involved in a big task, we need to see to it that we involve many. When we involve
many and make sure we make use of their specialities even the most difficult task will be made easy.
Secondly, the good wishes of all involved will be for the task which will add to its success.

Soul Sustenance 05-02-2013


Applying The Law Of Balance To Anger (Part 1)

We are all very much aware of the law of gravity. It keeps us grounded on the earth. Gravity ensures
everything returns to a state of balance. This is the law of balance on a physical level.

The law of balance can also be applied on a mental and emotional level, to the emotion of anger
e.g. Too many angry thoughts of revenge and animosity (hatred) inside our
consciousness can emerge in two ways:

a) either externally as toxic, violent behavior, which will attract toxic, violent responses from
others, or
b) if these thoughts are kept bottled inside, they will eventually, after a period of time, emerge as some
disease or the other in the physical body. This is because our consciousness then tries to find a way to
get rid of the mental impurity, which enters our physical body and restores balance to the mental and
physical system, which has been upset due to the creation of the toxic thoughts, in the first place.

The above e.g. is an application of this law on a micro level. We can apply this law of balance on a
macro level, on the world at large, where we watch groups of people, even countries exchanging
negative energy. We shall explain that in tomorrow’s message.

(To be continued tomorrow…)

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Message for the day 05-02-2013

To understand that each one is unique is to have respect.

Projection: We usually expect others to change according to our expectations. We actually want
everyone to get moulded according to our own value system. But it doesn't happen so because each
one is different.

Solution: We need to understand that each one is unique with their own specialities. When we look
at others in this way we will no longer expect others to change according to our wish but will have full
respect for them.

Soul Sustenance 06-02-2013


Applying The Law Of Balance To Anger (Part 2)

Yesterday we had explained how the law of balance can be applied to anger on a smaller level. The
same law can also be applied on a larger level. Each time a group of people transmit the
negative energy of anger physically to another group of people - at that time, either:

a) one party is disturbing the balance temporarily, which will be restored sometime in the future, by
the second party indulging in similar behavior, or
b) balance is being restored at the present moment (because negative energy had been transmitted
from the opposite party to the first party sometime in the past). This balancing must take place,
because it's an unbreakable law. This is the law of balance.

This law that does not need to be enforced by us, the police or even by God. It is a natural
law like other laws of nature. It gets enforced itself and cannot be broken by
anyone. Understanding that this law is embedded in the human state of affairs at all times makes us
careful and detached so that we don’t hurt ourselves with violent, toxic thoughts, when someone acts
negatively. We create these kinds of thoughts because we believe this is revenge that is justified. Also,
knowing that anger that is radiated comes back doesn't mean we don’t have any laws within society –
they are required, but it helps us not to take the law into our own hands. We cannot force justice to
take place before its fixed time. We cannot force the balancing of energies of anger. If we trying doing
it, it is being egoistic and we only upset the balance of our energies as a result. Even to criticize those
who try to take the law into their own hands is to take the law into our hands.

Message for the day 06-02-2013

The way to get blessings is to be open to learning.

Projection: We do get both negative and positive situations in our life. When we are faced with
negative situations we usually expect blessings from God or someone great by which the negativity in
our life will fully finish. But it doesn't usually happen so.

Solution: The method to receive blessings is to go on learning from the experiences of life. To learn
means never to repeat mistakes by learning from whatever has happened. This learning acts as a lift
for us, which takes us forward.

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Soul Sustenance 07-02-2013

Meditation On Experiencing Deep Peace

Consider your mind as a stage, and each thought, feeling, emotion as a scene in the film of your life...
Relax... Don't try to control anything... Observe how your thoughts pass through your mind... Don't
identify with any of them... Only observe... Look where they take you... Observe what happens inside
you... Do not judge... The thoughts flow through your mind as if they were clouds that are crossing the
sky until everything is clear and open... The mind is becoming calm, making itself peaceful... like the
surface of the sea when it is serene...

Now, be conscious of the sounds that are produced around you... Stay here and now as an observer
who sees and feels everything from a point of light, a point of calm and peace, behind these eyes... Feel
the calm... the tranquility... that comes from within you... Look around you... Observe without
interpreting or judging... Feel the silence that is created through the power of concentration.
Consciously, create a positive, peaceful, elevated thought that you repeat slowly in your mind, leaving
a space of silence between one thought and another, while you keep the focus on that point...

I am a being of peace... I am at peace... I feel the peace... I am light... I am a being of light... My nature
is of light... peace and silence... I am feeling the silence between one thought and the next... I listen to
the peace... a silent peace... calmed... full... This peace and silence attracts the ocean of peace... I feel
the attraction towards my home of silence and peace... a world full of soft golden light, beyond the
sun, moon and stars… In this peace and silence, I strengthen myself... my mind rests in that calm and

I experience a light, the Supreme Light, the Supreme Soul who fills me... he recharges me... renews
me... heals me... frees me... I am free... completely free... now I am at peace... I leave my mind in
silence, as if I were floating on a sea of peace for a few minutes...

Message for the day 07-02-2013

To make our promise practical is to benefit at each step

Projection: Sometimes we make a lot of promises to ourselves and to others. At such times we are
very confident of what we are saying but later find that our promise doesn't come into action. So that
promise gets wasted as we don't take benefit from the intensity of that moment.

Solution: When we make a promise to bring about a change in ourselves we need to immediately

make a practical plan that will help us make the promise real. We also need to make sure we
understand why fulfilling that promise is important for us. Along with this we also need to remind
ourselves again and again about it till it becomes practical.

Soul Sustenance 08-02-2013


Overcoming Frustration In Relationships

There are two things in life that we can never change:

• the past and

• other people
This often brings us one frustration after the other, especially when we do not get the results that we

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want. Frustration is also a sign of failure, and every time that you fail in getting what you
want from the other, your self-esteem and self-confidence are reduced.

Frustration is a form of anger. You allow the negative emotion to control you, and therefore you
lose control. Most times situations will not be as you want them to be and neither will people behave
as you want them to. Therefore, you can decide now if you want to continue allowing the other to
dictate your reactions according to how they behave, which results in the loss of your rule, control and
personal power, or you can decide that no matter how the other behaves, you rule over your
responses; you decide what you want to think and feel.

When another tries to control you and then gets frustrated because you don't do what he or she wants
or you aren't who he or she expects you to be, they get in a bad mood with you; they look at you with
anger and what do you do? You then place an invisible barrier between you and him or her. In such a
way that they cannot 'enter' into your world and you do not leave yours either, they lose their influence
over you. In the same way, when you try to control people you lose your influence over
them and distance is generated.

Message for the day 08-02-2013

To share virtues along with knowledge is to encourage transformation in others.

Projection: When we have to give a suggestion/advise to someone we tend to share a lot of points of

knowledge in order to make them understand. We try to prove logically why they have to change.
Although the reasoning is right most of the time, the others don't seem to change either because they
don't understand or because they don't want to understand.

Solution: When we want to bring transformation in others we need to make sure to share our own
virtues along with the points of knowledge. To share virtues means to give them an experience of our
love, peace, good wishes etc. When they experience our virtues, they'll be willing to bring about change

Soul Sustenance 09-02-2013


Letting Go Of The Past

The influence of the past on our personality, hopes and fears is deep, and difficult to trace. The past is
by definition a collection of memories. It is also the journey on which we have picked up the skills
required in our day to day activities, because of which we tend to believe that remembering the past
will help, sustain (strengthen) and protect us. There are certainly great benefits in learning from our
past mistakes, but too much attachment to the past can damage present satisfaction.

Many of us are very worried about avoiding past disaster, even to the extent that we forget how to
enjoy the present or how to hope positively for the future. E.g. if we have been badly hurt by someone
in the past, we may allow this to damage our self-esteem. We become worried that the unhappiness
will occur again, because of which we see our current relationship with some other person with a
negative frame of mind. As a result of that the negativity is reflected back at us. The relationship fails,
which strengthens our belief in the past, and increases negative feelings about the future.

Message for the day 09-02-2013

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Words are effective when truth is combined with sweetness.

Projection: It is usually believed that when we speak the truth, we need to be frank and outspoken.
And with this attitude we sometimes tend to become harsh in our words too. We believe that only
when we are assertive in this way, will our words be effective. But practically it is found that when our
words are without sweetness we will only find temporary results.

Solution: In order to have lasting effect when we have to give correction to someone we need to take
care that there is sweetness in our attitude and voice too. Only then will there be the desired effect in
the words that we speak and we will find people bringing about change in themselves.

Soul Sustenance 10-02-2013


The Method Of Realizing Your Purpose (Part 1)

Throughout our daily routine right from the time we wake up till we go to sleep at night, we all always
have something to think about, to say and/or something to do. We are occupied and are busy. The
question is whether everything that we do forms part of our life purpose or whether we are simply
occupying time spaces and using our mental, verbal and physical energy in activities, tasks and
conversations that do not lead us to anything substantial or whole. We simply pass time doing and
talking, but without a sense of purpose. Although the things we do and/or speak about are
necessary to be done, if they do not make up part of our life purpose, they will tire us.
We will feel an inner emptiness and dissatisfaction, as if we are missing something.

The most authentic purpose is that of fulfilling our ideal, our dream in life. What happens is that,
sometimes, we haven't worked out what our true purpose or life dream is. We have to ask
ourselves what our true purpose is. There are two purposes – one is a purpose related
to the self and the other related to what we want to offer to the world. During the day we
are exchanging energy - each one of us is different and can give something to the world during this
exchange; each of us can play our musical note in order to contribute to the orchestra of the Universe.

Message for the day 10-02-2013

Anger comes where there is discontentment.

Projection: When we don't get what we want or when people don't do what we expect them to do we
experience discontentment. When there is discontentment, when our desires aren't fulfilled we
experience anger. Then trying to do away with anger without knowing the actual reason, doesn't work.

Solution: When we find ourselves getting angry with someone or some situation, we need to first
check what is the true reason for our anger. Once we find the cause of it, which is some expectation of
ours, we will be able to work at overcoming it. we will then be able to get rid of our anger too.

Soul Sustenance 11-02-2013


The Method Of Realizing Your Purpose (Part 2)

A question that can help you to find the purpose for your self is: when you feel absolutely on top

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of the world, very much content and full of enthusiasm, what is there in you? Who are
you at that moment? What is the energy inside you at that time? What do you give to your
surroundings and to others? This stage is something that you want to reach all the time and keep with
you. Ask yourself that question. Visualize that moment, which at some time in life you must have
experienced. If not, visualize what you would like to experience.

Second question to find your purpose related to the world: What is it that you want to radiate to
others? What is it that you want to give? That is, what do you want to devote yourself
to? This isn't limited to your job or a hobby or a sport for e.g., but rather applies to what you offer and
radiate in the whole day, in relationships, with people through your thoughts, words and actions - in
the family, at work, in the market, friends, acquaintances and even strangers.

To carry out this inner inquiry (in both the cases above) you need to go to its deepest part. What is
your purpose? Not your purpose for this weekend you want to go for the club meeting or not, or that in
the holidays you want to visit a hill station; all these are short term purposes. Your life purpose refers
to what it is that you really want to reach. If you clarify it, it will help you to make decisions with
clarity and determination in your life.

Message for the day 11-02-2013

The easy way to overcome any negative trait or habit is to work with virtues.

Projection: In order to overcome negative tendencies the usual tendency is to make effort to remove
them. But it is found that the more we think about them even if it is to remove them, we find ourselves
becoming more aware of them. This makes the influence of our negativity stronger.

Solution: The solution lies in making effort of working with virtues. For example, instead of saying
we will not work with anger we will now practice working with our inherent peace. For this we need to
make it a habit to work with peace so that it emerges naturally even in difficult situations.

Soul Sustenance 12-02-2013


The Evolution Of Anger

We become a little irritated when we are stuck in a traffic jam and we getting late to reach somewhere
on time, or we are not going to complete a particular task, as per our expectations or if someone whom
we very well know decides to ignore us today, for some reason or the other. If this seed of irritation is
watered, or in other words it is given the concentrated energy of our attention i.e. we continue with the
irritation for some time, it slowly grows or evolves into frustration. Unless we take some constructive
inner action to stop the growth of the frustration and we keep energizing it, it will grow or evolve into
anger. And if this happens regularly and we are not careful, it will become a habit, a part of our
personality, which we will finally come to believe is a natural part of your nature. We will even think
we were born with it. That it is ‘in our genes’. Every time we become angry we cause the production of
certain chemicals in our body and we also become addicted to those chemicals – then we look for
people and situations which will give us an excuse to get angry so that we can have our daily dose of
chemicals. We not only become attached to material objects, people, ways of thinking, beliefs etc. - we
also become attached to our emotions like the emotion of anger. The regular secretion of these
chemicals will finally kill our body. We don’t need to kill our body. We need to accept that anger is
never ever productive, know that it is just not necessary to be angry with anyone or about anything,
know that it is entirely our own creation and know that we can choose a different response. If we know
and accept that, we will experience freedom from it.

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Message for the day 12-02-2013

When our vision is on our aim, we will continue to progress.

Projection: Sometimes as we move along we suddenly stop. We no more find the progress that
should be there in our life. At such times we don't really understand what the reason is. We do try to
bring about changes but it doesn't always work and we find ourselves stagnating.

Solution: When on a journey, we are sure to come across many scenes that are beautiful or
distracting. But when we know where we have to go we will never be distracted but will move on
appreciating each scene that comes our way. In life too, when we are faced with a situation that is not
in keeping with our aim we need to pay special attention not to get carried away with such side-scenes.

Soul Sustenance 13-02-2013


Overcoming The Fear Of Interaction Or Socializing

There are various activities that you are perhaps afraid of doing, but that you know they are very
useful activities to indulge in e.g. if you are afraid of socializing or interacting with people, either on a
one-to-one basis or in a group. In a party or a situation where lots are people are enjoying the
company of each other or in a meeting with your boss for e.g., you feel out of place and
uncomfortable. The problem might lie in a negative image of the self or low self-esteem,
lack of confidence, fear of the other’s opinion about you, lack of spiritual strength, past
failure in having done so, being influenced by the other person’s role or position
etc. How do you overcome this fear? By interacting with more and more people. The more you
interact and mix up with them and express your viewpoint fearlessly, you realize that it is not a
problem. Even if you make a mistake or you feel unsure, with practice you will see that there is no

Most of our fears are overcome with the practice of doing what you are afraid of. If you
do not make a brave step forward in order to overcome the fear of expressing yourself, you will
continue to be the victim of this fear. This fear is then a negative energy that paralyses your intellect as
a result of which your concentration and your decision-making power reduces. It also disorganizes
your ideas, and confuses you whenever you express yourself in front of a person or people. What is
more, fear produces clumsiness in your words, body movements and actions and makes you lose your
image of credibility. It gives an impression of nervousness and low self-respect to the other. You have
to overcome it, and you will manage to do it with practice and by changing the vision that you have of
others: they are not a threat, they are not judges who are going to pass a judgment against you, they
are offering you the opportunity to express yourself. If you value yourself, you will not be afraid
of not being appreciated by them and others will finally appreciate you. If you do not value
yourself, the opposite will happen.

Message for the day 13-02-2013

To be an inspiration to many is to be a hero actor.

Projection: When we see negativity in others, we usually think and speak about it. We then take no
inspiration to think and act positive. The more the attention is drawn towards negativity, our actions
will become negative too.

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Solution: Whatever the situation we are in, we need to make effort to change our own actions and
turn them to positive. We will then be free from looking at the negativity in others. And our actions
will become an inspiration to those around us, which will inspire them to become positive too.

Soul Sustenance 14-02-2013


The Car-Driver Comparison To Aid Self Realization (Part 1)

One of the comparisons which help in self realization i.e. in strengthening the awareness that I, the
soul, a non-physical energy am different from this physical body is that of the driver and the car,
where the driver represents the spiritual energy and the car represents the body which is controlled by
the spiritual energy. The biggest reason why I do not have the desired control over my
physical body, my vehicle, my sense organs today is that I lost the consciousness of
being a driver which could control and rule the vehicle. Instead I developed the
consciousness that I am this vehicle, this physical body. This consciousness disconnected me from the
ability and the power I possessed inside me to control the vehicle. If I want to achieve the desired
control, I need to be in a driver consciousness i.e. in the awareness that I am a soul and my body is a
vehicle, through which I experience life. Being in this awareness, in this consciousness awakens me
and empowers me to regain the much required control over my body.

The car controls are the gears, brakes, accelerator and steering wheel which can be compared to the
sense organs of the soul which are the mind, intellect and sanskars and those of the body which are
the eyes, ears, nose, hands and tongue. A good driver is one who remains extremely alert and is able to
use the gears, brakes, accelerator and steering wheel effectively and efficiently, in order to be fully in
control of the vehicle and avoid any accidents. In the same way, as I move on the road of life, I
need to keep my mental and physical sense organs (mentioned above) in complete
control. If I do that, they will keep my journey enjoyable and take me to my desired
destination of mental peace and happiness safely and successfully. If I don’t do that and let
them overpower me, accidents will definitely occur, making me peaceless and sorrowful.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 14-02-2013

To be humble is to be a source of happiness to all around.

Projection: Sometimes we find that we don't mean to be negative to others but people seem to be
displeased with us. When there is any kind of sorrow experienced or if others are experiencing any
negative feelings, it means we are not working with our inner humility.

Solution: We need to develop regard for all around us. When we work with this regard there will be
humility within us. This naturally enables others to experience happiness. To the extent that even in
the most negative situations others will experience happiness.

Soul Sustenance 15-02-2013


The Car-Driver Comparison To Aid Self Realization (Part 2)

If a good driver, while driving a car is distracted by the negative and disturbing scenes which he comes
across and his attention is pulled in many different directions, he will make his journey unsafe

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increasing the probability of meeting with accidents. When the same principles are applied to the soul
and the body, I also need to take care that, while traveling on the road of life, I am not
distracted by scenes that are not useful to me e.g. when looking out through my eyes and I
don’t have to take in all the images, scenes and information along the way, otherwise I may meet with
an accident. When listening through my ears, I don’t have to take in all the words and everything that
people say, otherwise I may meet with an accident. I can choose to take in what is useful for me, but I
do not have to register distracting, negative and harmful images and words. Just like a driver, I see
and understand situations, too I keep my eyes and ears open - it would be unsafe to
ignore them completely, I need to be aware of them - but I look only for the positive in
them, so that I remain focused and am not deflected from my goal of experiencing inner
contentment and bliss, while making the journey.

I, as the driver in charge of this vehicle, the body, also need to take care that I do not drive rashly i.e. I
learn to monitor the feelings and attitude that are transmitted outwards through my
eyes, my words and my complete body language. Driving rashly i.e. transmitting negative
energy in this way could harm any co-traveler on the road of life. When these feelings stay positive,
filled with sweetness, purity and respect, that too helps to ensure that my journey passes smoothly and
enjoyably. When I stay alert and aware in a driver conscious and drive carefully as explained in this
and yesterday’s message, my actions bring me closer to my spiritual truth and I am able to share my
positivity with others around me. When I lose awareness for even a moment, there's danger either
from me to others or vice versa.

Message for the day 15-02-2013

Happiness increases when given to others.

Projection: We usually expect others to give happiness to us. We rarely ever think of giving
happiness to others. We don't usually get what we expect because the other person is also expecting
the same from us.

Solution: Whatever the kind of person we only have to make sure that we continue to give happiness
to others without any expectations. For this we have to increase our own treasure of happiness by
continuing to be happy under all circumstances.

Soul Sustenance 16-02-2013


Remaining Relaxed During An Interview Or Meeting

A state of relaxed alertness will yield best results in an interview or an important meeting. To relax,
you need to remove all sense of confrontation, instead see the meeting as a friendly fact finding
exchange and an opportunity to talk quietly of your achievements.

1. Think of your interviewer as someone with whom, very soon, you might find that you have a great
deal in common – perhaps not a friend, but someone you enjoy talking to.

2. If the questions become difficult, visualize the Supreme Being in the form of a person in the room –
perhaps standing behind the interviewer. Imagine him as a friend urging you on, praising your
handling of the situation, persuading you to succeed.

3. If the interviewer seems unfriendly, say to yourself: it is because he or she has difficulty with the
situation. Respond calmly and pleasantly.

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Message for the day 16-02-2013

The one who is royal plays with the jewels of knowledge.

Projection: Throughout the day several times we find ourselves performing such actions or speaking
such words that hurt others. Such behavior actually reflects the fact that we are playing with stones
instead of jewels.

Solution: Real jewels are such words and actions that are filled with knowledge or truth. Knowledge
gives us understanding which brings sweetness in our words and accuracy in our actions and this is
real royalty.

Soul Sustenance 17-02-2013


Attaining Success Using The Tool Of Visualization

A study shows that the majority of sportsmen and women, who win at prominent international events,
are trained to use the tool of visualization to achieve success. Many months before the actual event,
they visualize i.e. they create pictures of success inside their minds that they have already achieved
their goal. The same principle of visualization is also used to cure patients from major illnesses
including cancer. Patients are taught to visualize their diseased organs free from illnesses or visualize
the organs receiving healing energy in some form or the other. Visualization helps people to have
100% belief in themselves that they will achieve the desired goal. The efforts made with
this powerful energy of belief have a greater probability of success than when you make
the efforts without believing in what you are doing and without visualizing yourself as
achieving your objectives.

If you think about your failures from the past, you stop believing in yourself, lose your enthusiasm and
get frustrated. Visualizing images of a positive future helps you work from the present towards the
future, without allowing the past failures to have any negative influence on you. You visualize
yourself as a person, who has already overcome his fears and negative habits, and the
fears are removed and the negative habits are transformed. You see yourself already
transformed e.g. you say "I am a soul full of all powers" and not "I am going to or am trying to fill
myself with all powers ". The power of that vision and the positive affirmations, combined together, is
such that it helps you to bring about a major change in yourself, not just a small change, because you
make it easy for your sub-conscious mind that is sleeping to wake up and realize its potential. You stop
always expecting the worst and hope for, visualize and believe in the best.

Message for the day 17-02-2013

To see ourselves in the mirror of knowledge is to bring progress in ourselves.

Projection: The usual way of looking at ourselves when things don't go right with us is to either look
at ourselves with self-pity or to point out others' mistakes. When we do this we lose the opportunity of
learning from whatever has happened and so there is no progress.

Solution: The ideal way of looking at ourselves when things go wrong is to look with a knowledgeful
eye and see what we can improve in ourselves. We only have to look and we are sure to find something
that we can work on and improve. This brings about real progress in us.

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Soul Sustenance 18-02-2013

The Game of Life (Meditation)

I relax my body… I breathe deeply and let go of all tensions… I centre myself on this present moment…
On the screen of my mind, I visualize myself without fears… I let go of all labels, all roles that I play…
Now I ‘am’… I am a shining being of light… I am free… I am peace… I am totally free, beyond all
limitations… I enter into another dimension, a home full of soft golden red light, a home without any
boundaries, my original, unlimited home, the home from where I have come… I stop thinking so
much; I simply experience my spiritual presence…

I am who I want to be… I am me… I do not need to justify myself… I do not need to give explanations…
I connect to my inner beauty… I radiate the energy of the beauty that there is in me…

I let go of the branches… I fly… I fly high… Beyond the body, above this place, the people that
surround me, beyond the houses and the streets, beyond the clouds, I fly towards the dimension of
light where no physical limitation ties me down…

I feel the unlimited peace that caresses my being… I let myself be taken by the sensation of freedom
that the flight gives me… I see the planet Earth from above… I recognize that everything there below is
a game… I relax: everything is a game… I am a player in the game of life… I simply have to learn to
play the game being who I am…

Now, it is time to return… I am here, present… My breathing calmed… I, the soul am relieved… Now I
know that, whenever I want, I can fly… Being an observer of the game, and live it with joy and

Message for the day 18-02-2013

The ones with pure love bring benefit to all.

Projection: Each day of ours is usually spent in doing things for ourselves and providing for our
needs and desires. We seem to have no time for others. We are usually caught up with a few people,
which brings attachment and expectations. We then find ourselves getting caught up with the
weaknesses of others.

Solution: We need to check if our love for others is pure. Where there is pure true love there is
kindness and the attitude of bringing benefit. With this attitude of ours we will be able to see each
one's potential for perfection. They too will be able to then work towards their own perfection.

Soul Sustenance 19-02-2013


Anger Management

Keep a daily chart for one week for the questions below, the answers to which will help you manage
emotions of anger, irritation, frustration, etc. more effectively. Review your progress at the end of each
day and then at the end of one week. Having made your observations, make improvements for the
next week. Keeping this chart for a month, will help you manage and overcome your anger much

1. During which event today did you get angry or irritated...even a little?

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2. What was the type of your thoughts at that time?
3. Which negative thought/thoughts contributed to your stress the most?
4. What positive thoughts helped you to regain your calmness and composure?
5. How long did it take to regain your calmness?
6. Why did it take so long to regain your peace?
7. What would you do differently and more appropriately if the same scene happened tomorrow?

Message for the day 19-02-2013

The practice of positivity enables us to be stable under all circumstances.

Projection: Usually we find ourselves reacting negatively to situations. At such times we want to

maintain a positive attitude but are not able to. We then work hard and think of ways to change the
negative situation to a positive one. A lot of time and effort goes into it and we tend to feel tired.

Solution: The solution lies in maintaining our own positivity rather than trying to change negative
into positive. When we have a long time of practice of working with our inner positivity we will be able
to be positive even in the most negative situation. Then we will be saved the effort of having to work at
transforming our negativity.

Soul Sustenance 20-02-2013


Nurturing My Relationship With Myself

One of the most significant areas of importance in any human’s life is that
of relationships. Someone with very good, close, harmonious and loveful relationships with loved
ones, friends, colleagues, etc. is normally considered very fortunate or lucky. But of all
relationships, the first and most basic one is the one I have with myself. So, how good,
close or deep is my relationship with myself? How well do I know myself? Am I my own friend? If I
think over the last week or fortnight, how many of my reactions were unexpected or uncontrolled or
basically not the right ones? How many reactions left me confused, sad, unenthusiastic, peaceless,
depressed, negative in any other way or in short uncomfortable? If there have been several such
situations, it is an indication that there are still things deep within me that I do not know.

Normally a friend is someone whose company I enjoy, for whom there is love and from whom there is
some benefit. As in any worldly relationship, without knowing a particular person to the
core I can never have a deep relationship with that person. As the phrase ‘spiritual
knowledge’ implies, it is the knowledge of the spirit or the self. Only by knowing myself completely
and having a good relationship with the self, can I channelize my inner potential that I have within
myself - just as water from a river, when properly channelized, provides water for various purposes. In
any worldly relationship, if enough time and attention is not given to it and it is not nourished, it gets
affected negatively. In the same way, though it's obvious that I have to spend a large chunk of each day
involved in situations arising from my duties, routine activities, responsibilities and worldly
relationships; my relationship with myself should also be given enough time and attention, so that it
does not suffer. If I am not careful about that, my worldly life may use up my energy completely and
discharge my inner battery. I need to find times in the day when I give time to my
relationship with the self and recharge myself. The peace and happiness I long for
internally will be obtained by having a good, positive relationship with the self.

Message for the day 20-02-2013

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To be able to bend means to be a giver.

Projection: There is usually a demand from situations for us to bow and bend. Even when it is not
our mistake we are expected to understand or adjust. It seems very difficult at that time and we
usually stand straight continuing to do what we believe in.

Solution: When such storms come in our life, we need to learn the art of bending, just as a flexible
tree would bend to save itself in the storm and straighten once the storm passes over. To bend means
to try to understand the other person also and to adopt the value of flexibility.

Soul Sustenance 21-02-2013


Creating A Meditation Space Of Your Own

The first step in your journey towards experiencing your true state of inner peace is finding a place or
space in your home where you will practice your meditation regularly, even if it's just an armchair.
Always use this chair, this space when you can. In this space, place two or three objects, which
represent peace to you. Soft music, soft red light and lighting an incense stick ('agarbatti') can make
the atmosphere soothing and relaxing. The walls could be decorated with white curtains to create a
peaceful and purifying effect. After using this space for your practice of meditation for a few days, you
will experience that the atmosphere of this space has elevated itself to a higher positive level and this
will help your practice further.

Message for the day 21-02-2013

Trust brings help from others.

Projection: Many times we find that we are not able to get sufficient help from others. We seem to
be struggling all alone. We do expect help from others and might say so in words too, but we find that
we are not always able to get full cooperation from others.

Solution: We will not get help from others if we expect and demand from others. Instead we need to
develop faith in others that they will help. For this we need to develop total respect for each and
everyone. It is this respect that will naturally encourage the other person to help us.

Soul Sustenance 22-02-2013


Benefits Of Realizing The Law Of Action

Suppose a person from India goes to America for the first time and rents a car over there. He then
parks his rented car on the wrong side of the road. He will be charged a fine because parking laws are
different in both countries. He cannot simply say ‘I didn’t know, I am ignorant’. It should have been
his responsibility, if driving, to find out the laws of the new country but he didn’t take enough care.

In ignorance, we have done many things against the universal laws of creation – especially the Law of
Karma. We did not have the complete knowledge of what are good/bad karmas, what are
right/wrong karmas; what different types of effects different karmas would have on me,
others and nature. But we cannot just say 'I didn't know'. It was our responsibility to know. If we
look at the state of the world now, there may be a few sparks of light or spiritual enlightenment but,

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generally, there is a great amount of darkness. That gives us an indication of the sorts of karmas the
vast majority of us have been performing, due to ignorance, to have produced the situations or
circumstances in the world.

The complete knowledge of the karmic process, which we learn when we are introduced
to spirituality, helps us:

• reduce the burden of the past

• remove any type of suffering or sorrow in our present life
• change our future as well as that of the world, to make it better and more positive
• experience a positive return from our spiritual efforts
understand all the why’s, how’s, what’s and when’s which surround our life

Message for the day 22-02-2013

Humility helps us maintain good relationships with others.

Projection: When involved in something that we are doing, we naturally come into contact with a lot
of people. We sometimes find that we are not able to get along with certain people. We find it very
difficult to maintain a good relationship with them and finally avoid dealing with them all together.

Solution: The first thing to do is to avoid thinking that we cannot get along with someone because of
their personality. When we remove this first block in our mind we will be able to see the good in all.
We will no longer think that we are here to teach them but will humbly learn whatever we can from

Soul Sustenance 23-02-2013


Self Transformation (Change) (Part 1)

We nourish the soul by going into the depths of silence and learning to love and appreciate the self.
Giving time to do this will bring about a change in how we go about doing things, and this will start to
show itself in improved relationships and in quality of life. By adopting a systematic and practical
approach, we can assist the changes we wish to bring about in our life, otherwise old patterns of
behaviour and the influences of the world will weaken our determination and efforts, like the sea tide
washing away a sandcastle.

Here are some practical reminders and steps we can take to grow spiritually and bring out
transformation (change) in ourselves:

Create a space for silence

Creating a space for inner silence is important and we can also create a corner area or a room used
only for this purpose. In that place there is the opportunity, for instance, each morning to prepare for
the coming day and, in the evening, to unburden the mind of any wasteful thoughts and feelings that
have accumulated during the day.

(To be continued tomorrow….)

Message for the day 23-02-2013

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To remain focused is to fill speciality into everything we do.

Projection: Sometimes while moving along, we find ourselves becoming unenthusiastic and slack.
Everything seems so ordinary and we don't seem to understand how to make each day special for us.
We try in little ways to do something different and temporarily find relief.

Solution: The solution lies instead in changing our consciousness. We first have to make sure that we
will never forget our aim in whatever we are doing. Then, no act of ours will be ordinary or waste, as
we continue to check if everything that we do is according to our aim or not.

Soul Sustenance 24-02-2013


Self Transformation (Change) (Part 2)

Here are some practical reminders and steps we can take to grow spiritually and bring out
transformation (change) in ourselves:

Daily practice
Having the inner discipline to practise meditation by one's self is necessary because, in reality, we
have to be self-reliant as only we can step into our mind and bring it long-term benefit. The mind
needs to relax and to refresh itself if a person is to feel positive and strong to live each day peacefully
and effectively. When this is recognized, time for inner silence every day becomes a personal priority.

Start each day with positive silence. Before work, breakfast, or doing anything, let us step inside the
self for a little while. In this space of introspection (self-observation), we can connect with our original
spiritual qualities, charging up our internal battery with positive thoughts for the day ahead.

At the end of the day, we can remove any remaining thoughts of past actions - after all 'past is past' -
and send our good wishes where they are needed.

The daily practice of morning preparation and evening clearing, keeps the mind healthy. A healthy
mind is light and focused, not disturbed, or burdened easily.

(To be continued tomorrow….)

Message for the day 24-02-2013

To stay in our self-respect is to achieve success.

Projection: The opinion of the self is usually based on those around us specially on those who are
important to us. We usually find our thoughts being swayed by whatever we hear from others about
us. As we continue to hear from others we begin to believe what we hear and consider ourselves the

Solution: We need to recognise our own uniqueness and speciality and make conscious effort to
remember and work with them. The more we do this we will be able to maintain our own self-respect.
Then we will not be influenced by any criticism but will continue to work for our success.

Soul Sustenance 25-02-2013


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Self Transformation (Change) (Part 3)

Here are some practical reminders and steps we can take to grow spiritually and bring out
transformation (change) in ourselves:

Use 'traffic control'

To remember our original peaceful state during certain moments of the day creates a space for us to
recharge and to be released from accumulated negativities, which have influenced our mind without
our realizing it.

'Traffic control', is a method to check and control the flow and type of thoughts that we create. Are our
thoughts wasteful or are they useful, necessary, positive, and peaceful? By stopping for a minute every
hour, we can step inside, apply a brake to the flow of thoughts and instead focus on the experience “I
am a peaceful being (soul)”. This practice has an immediate cooling effect on the mind, and if done
regularly, has a very positive impact on our daily lives.

(To be continued tomorrow….)

Message for the day 25-02-2013

Where there is constant checking there is progress.

Projection: Sometimes we find our mood fluctuating seemingly without any reason. At such times
we do not understand why it is happening so. We try to change our mood at that time by doing
something else. We do find temporary relief but the feeling reemerges after sometime.

Solution: What we need to do is to first check the cause of our fluctuation in mood. Particularly we
need to check what weakness is working within us. Once we discover this we would find it easy to
change our thoughts and feelings.

Soul Sustenance 26-02-2013


Self Transformation (Change) (Part 4)

Here are some practical reminders and steps we can take to grow spiritually and bring out
transformation (change) in ourselves:

Attend a meditation centre

The starting point is knowledge, or understanding. It is not possible to begin this journey without
some kind of route map (directions). There are Brahma Kumaris centers of Raja Yoga meditation
throughout the world that provide these maps and help a person begin his, or her, practice of
meditation. At these centers, information is shared on how the mind functions, the power of positivity,
spiritual values and the art of effective concentration. All of these maps help us to know ourselves
better and, when translated into our personal daily life, give us strength in the form of self-respect and

A Raja Yoga meditation centre is a spiritual school, where we can learn the original arts of true living;
it is a spiritual clinic, where we receive the understanding of how to apply the healing medicines of
peace, trust and respect in our relationships; it is a spiritual family, where we realize that each
member has a uniqueness and goodness that needs to be appreciated and genuinely accepted, and
where we pay attention to avoiding the trap of focusing on weaknesses and the roles of others.

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(To be continued tomorrow….)

Message for the day 26-02-2013

To use the treasures within is to increase them.

Projection: Whenever there is a difficult situation, we always expect others to listen and understand.
And so we feel helpless as the situation seems beyond our control and we don't feel we can do
anything to change it. Then we don't make any attempt and the situation remains as it is.

Solution: Instead of looking at others we need to look within and we'll find a lot of treasures that we
can use to change the situation. These treasures, our own inner powers and virtues are such that the as
we continue to use them in situations, we find them increasing.

Soul Sustenance 27-02-2013


Self Transformation (Change) (Part 5)

Here are some practical reminders and steps we can take to grow spiritually and bring out
transformation (change) in ourselves:

Meditate with others

Another great help in maintaining a stable base on the path of meditation is collective practice
(practicing together). Through personal practice, I keep my sense of responsibility intact and remain
independent. However, without losing these, I can also get together with others at the meditation
centre, valuing and learning from their experiences and perceptions (ways of looking at situations) -
the group energy brings us to another level of experience, a space of mutual (shared) experience and
learning. We learn from everyone, everywhere, all the time; it depends on our willingness to accept
certain realities.

Often we live too much in the past, or future, and so do not realize that the present is the bridge to
moving away from the negativity of the past and to creating a confident future. We do not cross this
bridge because we live by, or are too influenced by, the other two time zones (past and future).

Remember that NOW is the opportunity where newness on any level can be created and for that
getting together regularly with people who are on the spiritual path is very important.

(To be continued tomorrow….)

Message for the day 27-02-2013

To be free is to be free from the influence of time.

Projection: Usually we allow time to change us. We are time conscious and we normally wait for the
time to bring about a change in our situation. Then we say only if a particular thing happens can we do
something else that we need to do. To wait in this way for time is to set limits on ourselves.

Solution: We need to free ourselves from the influence of time. When we remind ourselves again and

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again that we are the creator and time our creation we will be able to change ourselves. This will
automatically bring change in the situations too.

Soul Sustenance 28-02-2013


Self Transformation (Change) (Part 6)

Here are some practical reminders and steps we can take to grow spiritually and bring out
transformation (change) in ourselves:

Develop a spiritual lifestyle

The daily practice of meditation will be aided (helped) if we change those aspects of our life that affect,
or weaken our ability to control the mind and live in a state of peace e.g. taking mind-altering
substances (substances which affect the mind negatively) like alcohol and drugs, watching violent
films or performing other negative actions that strengthen old patterns of behaviour and sanskars that
take us away from our true self.

Many changes happen easily and naturally as we begin to experience the benefits of meditation. Our
desires for material objects beyond those that are necessary for daily living reduce as we seek to live a
simpler, quieter life. We gain a deeper respect for nature and loose the desire to eat animal flesh, and
we become more selective about the company we keep and the things we talk about, realizing that
everything we say and do has an impact on us and the world around us.

As our self-esteem and confidence subsequently grow, we feel ourselves drawn to help others, to share
the benefits we have learned from our own inner journey. Life becomes filled with greater meaning
and purpose and we want to do our best for the spiritual upliftment for ourselves, for our families and
for our communities.

(To be continued tomorrow….)

Message for the day 28-02-2013

To be strong is to watch situations with detachment.

Projection: When a difficult situation comes our way, we think it is permanent. We do try to bring
about change, but very soon give up when we don't find any change. We lose patience to work on the
situation and we feel tensed and stressed.

Solution: In order to pass in any situation we need to recognize and understand the fact that all
situations will surely pass by when the time comes. But we don't have to get stuck with it at that time.
We need to do what we can and just wait for the time to pass by.

Soul Sustenance 01-03-2013


Self Transformation (Change) (Part 7)

Over the last few days, we have shared with you some practical reminders and steps we can take to
grow spiritually and bring out transformation (change) in ourselves. Noted below is the last of the
series, but the most important one.

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Get Started!
The main part of any journey is to start. Sometimes we hesitate, sometimes we make excuses, but we
must not give in to these thoughts. When we accept the challenge to try, the journey begins. When we
agree to take the first steps, success is there waiting for us. Faith in ourselves brings optimism to what
we do. Optimism and faith open the Horizon of Possibility, and I begin to see what good could be
there on the spiritual path, which as yet, I cannot see, or even imagine.

It is said, 'Nothing ventured (attempted), nothing gained.' So why not venture? Why not gain?

Message for the day 01-03-2013

Where there is courage there is success.

Projection: When we are involved in a task, we sometimes experience setbacks. Such setbacks often
make us lose our confidence and we no longer have faith that we will succeed in the task. We then lose
all courage to go ahead with the task and lose every chance of achieving what we have to.

Solution: We need to remind ourselves that we achieve success to the extent that we have courage.
We need to make effort to maintain our courage even during the most difficult circumstances. Only
when we do this will we continue to put in effort, which will bring us success at the right time.

Soul Sustenance 02-03-2013


Resisting False Attractions In Actions

All that glitters (shines) is not gold. Life presents you with many illusionary scenes, scenes in which
what may be visible may not be the truth. These scenes cause desires to be born inside you to achieve
something unnecessary for your prosperity or other types of fulfillments. These can be illusions that
make you believe that you will gain something from a situation or person, without the same being
true. Thus, you waste time going down a path that not only leads you to disappointment; but you also
waste the resource of your thoughts and energy and as a result you tire yourself out emotionally and

If the intellect is polluted, you make incorrect judgments and are easily deceived by
situations or people. Thus, you will make incorrect choices, dishonest or illogical decisions. You
will justify dishonesty and improper actions and you will be incapable of differentiating
between the real and the imaginary. A person with a pure, clear, clean and powerful intellect will
act with honesty and sincerity. When your intellect is polluted, you may act against your own
conscience or against your better judgment; you also may be insensitive. A person with a doubtful
intellect will always justify a dishonest act. Meditation is the process of purifying and cleaning the
intellect, because in meditation we connect with the purest intellect, the intellect of the Supreme Soul
or God. Meditation is also a process of inner awakening and strengthening of your conscience. Being
awake means to realize, and being strong means to act according to what you have

Message for the day 02-03-2013

To recognize the uniqueness of one's own role is to be free from negativity.

Projection: When we find things going wrong with us, we sometimes wish for a change in our role.

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We begin to compare ourselves with others or wish for something better in our life, which makes us
lose all our enthusiasm. We, then, make no effort to better our role.

Solution: We need to recognize the importance of our own role. Like an actor who doesn't make
effort to change his role but brings perfection to his own role, we, too, need to concentrate on our own
role. The recognition of the importance of our own role and the desire to bring excellence to it makes
us free from negativity.

Soul Sustenance 03-03-2013


Checking Myself On The Stage Of Action

Once we become aware of the possible types of thoughts that the mind creates at different times in the
span of a particular day, then we are in a position to keep a check on our thoughts and understand
where our energy is being wasted. Once we realize that there are patterns of waste and negative
thinking at some times during the day, which are usually triggered by certain situations or people, we
can apply a brake on the pattern of habitual negative thinking, thereby transforming this energy
wastage into something more positive.

It does happen, that when we are informed about the benefits of meditation for the first time, perhaps
in a course or a presentation either in the office, in a center of a spiritual organization or elsewhere;
we realize the need for the same but we also feel that, in order to get the house of our minds in order,
we need to leave our busy city lifestyles behind and head for the hills. There, we think, we will find the
time and the physical and spiritual environment to practice meditation and get our mental state in
order, but this is absolutely untrue. While going on an occasional spiritual retreat is certainly useful
and recommended for the development of the spiritual self, the real workshop is life itself. Even if I
am able to maintain a positive and powerful state of mind in a retreat, it is in our daily
actions and relationships with others where the challenge lies, it is on the stage of
action or ‘karma kshetra’ that we have to check whether we can remain soul-
conscious i.e. in the awareness of our spiritual identity. It is here where we have to see whether we
can apply the brakes on patterns of negative thinking, establish and maintain patterns of positive
thinking and test whether we have reached the stage where, no person or situation, however negative,
can disturb our state of mind.

Message for the day 03-03-2013

Perfection comes to the one who is open to learning.

Projection: When we realize having made a mistake, we usually have negative thoughts about
ourselves. This is because we expect the best out of ourselves, i.e., we expect ourselves to be perfect in
everything we do. But this expectation prevents us from taking naturally the learning from the

Solution: We need to realize that perfection does not come by thinking about it but by being busy in
whatever we are doing. With every action of ours comes learning and this automatically brings

Soul Sustenance 04-03-2013


Serving Though The Subtle Body Of Light

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Apart from our physical form (body), each one of us also has a form of light - a subtle light body. It is
referred to as the aura, and can be 'seen' by some sensitive souls. All of us might not be able to ‘see’ it,
but we can become ‘aware’ of the aura of others’ through the vibrations they emit. The purity of our
subtle, light form is dependent on the purity of our thoughts or mental vibrations. Given
below are some thoughts for a meditation to help experience your subtle form and serve through it.
Think and visualize each thought alongside:

I become detached from my physical surroundings... I consciously create only the purest thoughts...
Now I visualize my true form… I am a subtle being of pure spiritual light, a sparkling star situated at
the center of the forehead... Gradually, I become aware of my subtle body of pure, white light
surrounding rny physical form... In my body of light, I, the soul, the sparkling energy, consciously
stand up and step away from my physical form, which remains seated... I, the soul, inside my subtle
body, observe my physical body in a detached way… Now I slowly fly outside the room I am in… I
visualize myself, in the subtle form, suspended in the sky… White rays of spiritual light radiate from
me, the soul, and my body of light into the world... like that of an angel… In this pure awareness of
myself in my form of light, I realize that the greatest gifts I can share with those around me are the
light of love, peace and truth.

Sitting anywhere, this meditation exercise can be done to visualize oneself in a hospital,
on the site of a natural calamity, accident, next to a friend or relative in pain etc.,
basically anywhere where vibrations of positivity, peace and happiness are required –
the location of visualizing yourself can be hundreds of miles from where you may
physically be. As you practice the art of being aware of your subtle body, you will begin to sense how
you can have a positive effect on others simply radiating good wishes, pure thoughts and pure feelings.

Message for the day 04-03-2013

To take a vow means to guarantee transformation

Projection: When we decide to bring about a change in some aspect we sometimes work hard in the
beginning with commitment and sincerity and slowly find our enthusiasm lessening. So we give up
before we could really bring about any change.

Solution: Just as the one who takes a vow never breaks it, we too need to take the vow to transform.
Whatever obstacles come our way, our special attention has to be not to break the vow. Then we will
not stop when obstacles come our way.

Soul Sustenance 05-03-2013


The Energy Of Thought And Feeling

Like so many other energies like sound energy, light energy, electrical energy, etc. which are primarily
invisible forms of energy and come under the realm of matter or the 5 elements, the energy of thought
and feeling is also a form of invisible energy. The only difference is that it is an energy which
transcends the limits of matter or the 5 elements and is metaphysical or non-physical and
extremely subtle in nature. It is a living or conscient energy which originates from the
conscient soul, as compared to the other energies which are non-living or non-conscient in nature.
But at the same time, it is important not to forget that it is closely connected with the physical body
and can only express itself through a physical body. The other energies cannot express themselves
since they are non-living. Also, we perceive this energy only when we are inside the physical body.

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It is an energy which has kept going and going for as long as we have lived, life after life, in many
wrong directions a lot of times. It is this energy which we need to learn to channelize,
control, manage, discipline etc. because by doing that we experience our original
virtues of peace, love, joy and power, which is our only and only desire, for which we use various
different methods, but many times is not fulfilled, because we forget this basic and most important
method. This is something which we have not been able to do since a long time, and something which
a lot of people have desired to achieve since thousands of years. The technique of meditation is one
technique which helps us in doing that. The channelization of this energy will also improve
the state of our physical body as it has a positive effect on the various body systems, the
quality of all roles that we play and the success we achieve while playing them and very
importantly our relationships – not only with others but with our self and the Supreme Being or
God also.

Message for the day 05-03-2013

The one who is truly fortunate is constantly enthusiastic.

Projection: When we find things going wrong with us, we immediately find ourselves losing all
enthusiasm. We then do nothing to change our situation but just begin to curse our fate. With such an
attitude we can do nothing to change our fortune.

Solution: When things go wrong, we have to recognise the fact that it is the present that is in our
hands. We don't need to think of what happened in the past and curse our fate. Instead we need to fill
ourselves with enthusiasm to make the best use of the present to make our future the best.

Soul Sustenance 06-03-2013


Stress Management

Often when faced with stress at work or at home, we can feel quite drained (mentally tired). Indeed,
we may have noticed how certain individuals or particular situations are draining. We feel as if all our
energy has been drawn out of us and it leaves us tired and exhausted. Although this sort of energy
cannot be measured in the scientific sense, we can use the power of imagery to stop us feeling drained.

E.g. we can visualize that we are surrounded by a sphere of golden light, so any negative feelings or
energies cannot affect us. In a detached way, we can view what is happening and can act suitably, but
we are not touched by the stress. This method of using your power of visualization to create protective
shields around us can be used in stressful situations e.g. before or during an important exam or an
important meeting, interview or any other specific situation.

Message for the day 06-03-2013

The one who serves with the balance of the head and the heart is the one who is

Projection: We usually give directions to people when they go wrong. We also use a lot of logic when
we give such directions, but it doesn't always have the desired effect. We then begin to consider the
other person to be wrong.

Solution: What we need to do is to have a balance of both the head and the heart while giving our

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suggestions to others. That means we need to have a lot of love while giving our suggestions to them.
Then whatever we say will have its effect on them.

Soul Sustenance 07-03-2013


Healing Of Wounds Inside The Soul Through Meditation

Our connection with the Supreme Soul, through meditation, is the best way of healing the inner
wounds and negative traces, inside the soul, which have been left by the negative karmas of the
past. Given below is a meditation commentary that will help you to absorb the positive
healing energy of the Supreme in order to do the same:

I become aware of myself as a tiny sparkling star of light, situated just above the eyebrows – a soul...
In soul consciousness, I experience the beauty of the many qualities like peace, love and bliss; of the
spiritual being that I am... Now I turn my mind to the soul world… Over there, I visualize, in front of
me – a sparkling Sun of golden light - God, the Father and Mother of me, the soul... He radiates
immense spiritual energy... I turn my mind and intellect to his light... I feel the warmth of His
presence and the light of His love for me gently healing the wounds of the past that are buried deep
inside me, the soul... wounds left by ego, fear, sorrow, jealousy, hatred, anger…

While I sit and absorb this healing energy from the Source, I also transmit that light and positive
energy out into the world... This light touches everyone I know and have ever known... It is a light
which also heals my negative vision of them... I now recognize everyone around me as bother souls,
playing their own unique roles... With this new soul-conscious vision, I experience unconditional love
for each soul and all negative memories and past hurts associated with each of my relationships is
consciously released... The past is forgotten, resulting in a deep feeling of freedom inside me...

The beauty of the Law of Karma is realizing that when our consciousness is filled with
happiness, peace and love for others today; and we transmit that positivity to others
through our words and actions, the energy received back from each of our
relationships, as a result of doing that; ensures that our own future will be bright.

Message for the day 07-03-2013

The ones with pure thoughts experience safety in all situations.

Projection: When there are negative situations, we usually get negative thoughts very easily. Such
negative thoughts take us further into negativity. We get caught in this circle of negativity and we then
can't make our thoughts positive.

Solution: We need to take care that we don't blame anyone when we are going through any negative
situation. We need to maintain whatever positivity we can in the situation, and we will find our mind
changing towards positive too. It is this positivity that acts as a means of safety for us.

Soul Sustenance 08-03-2013


Practical Positive Response Training To The Mind (Part 1)

Meditation is a process in which I train the mind to consciously create those right type
of thoughts that I wish to have, inside my mind, regularly in my daily routine. On the field

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of action, I am faced with various different types of negative and uncomfortable situations, which have
the first and most immediate effect on my thoughts, before showing on my face in my expressions or
in my words or actions. I do realize inside, that the thoughts (and as a result my physical response)
created at these times are not the right ones. I want to inculcate a habit, whereby my thought
patterns are only which I like or are the right, positive and powerful ones no matter
what happens.

So where do I start? Meditation is the start. Meditation is the time, when I consciously create positive
thoughts. What benefit do I achieve from that? In these few moments, I am changing the deep and
very old habit (not limited only to this birth) of creating the wrong type of thoughts, whenever I am
faced with a situation which I do not like. How do I do this? I do this through the intellect. The
intellect takes hold of the reins of the mind and chooses the direction in which it will travel. Why is it
able to do this? Because, during meditation, I bring myself back to the knowledge or belief
that I am a soul and my intellect accepts and absorbs this awareness. This belief then
becomes the key to taking charge of what is going on in my mind.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 08-03-2013

The one who sacrifices name and fame is the one who gets recognition.

Projection: When we make a positive contribution we usually want to get recognition for it. We
might not always say it in words but there is always an expectation that others should recognise our

Solution: We need to make sure that we enjoy whatever we do. Since the task itself becomes
enjoyable for us, we don't anymore expect recognition. The more we become free from expectations
we get the love from others and recognition too.

Soul Sustenance 09-03-2013


Practical Positive Response Training To The Mind (Part 2)

If I believe that I am just the physical body and that my thoughts are simply results of
chemical and electrical processes in the brain, and not something I can consciously
control, I let go of the key of taking charge of what is going on inside my mind. In
meditation, my intellect recognizes and realizes that my thoughts are my own creation, of me the soul
and not the body and that I, the soul, using the intellect, which is also a part of the soul, can make
choices about them.

When I realize that my natural state is to be the master of my mind and not to be dictated by it or
dictated by the brain, I start taking charge of what is going on inside. When I practice being a master
of my mind repeatedly by practicing meditation regularly, the new habit of creating only positive
thoughts settles inside me and my habit of responding negatively with a negative state of mind to
negative situations, begins to change over a period of time. I start responding positively even to
negative situations. So, meditation is a major transformation process of the habit of thinking
negatively, which then has positive results on my personality and behavior.

Tomorrow we shall further clarify the process which has been explained in today’s and
yesterday’s message, with an example.

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Message for the day 09-03-2013

When we change our world changes.

Projection: We usually wait for the world to change, sometimes the world at large and sometimes
our own little world. Since it is not in our hands we don't find it changing according to what we want
and we give up trying. We rarely think of changing ourselves which is possible.

Solution: When we change, our thoughts and attitude change too. We are then able to look at the
people and our world around us with a different vision. Thus we find that our world changes, not so
much in the situation as much as in our own perception.

Soul Sustenance 10-03-2013


Practical Positive Response Training To The Mind (Part 3)

In last two days’ messages, we have explained the process of restoring positivity in the mind when
faced with a negative situation, where the most common response is a negative one but the mind can
be trained to respond in a different way, in a positive way. Today we explain this process with an

e.g. You have just had a major argument with your spouse and have lost your temper. At that time, not
only your mind but your physical body also feels uncomfortable - it is in a state of complete stress. You
feel your blood pressure has suddenly shot up, your heart is beating fast, you feel uncomfortable in the
stomach, your hands are shaking, your face and eyes are red. On top of that, you also feel sad. You
have behaved like this many times before and you know the results of responding in this way. The
relationship has been scarred and you have worsened a situation. This could have been avoided. There
is sorrow, guilt, low self esteem and hopelessness over your loss of control. Also, there is a fear
regarding your future, not necessarily a long term one, because things will get sorted out sooner or
later, but a short term uncertainty does exist, especially regarding what your spouse's response will be
in the next few hours or days. In this state of mental and physical helplessness or desperation, anger
may come again either projected towards yourself or towards your partner, which will be followed by
the same effects, worsening your state further. In this moment of lack of spiritual wisdom, you remind
yourself of the simple wisdom that you are in fact a soul. Even while you are still caught up in
the turmoil of the negative situation, using your intellect, you consciously emerge
inside yourself, your true awareness of being a sparkling point of peaceful light situated
just above the eyes, at the center of the forehead. You not only become aware but you
also use the intellect to visualize your true, peaceful, spiritual and star-like form
clearly. In that moment, you are able to tap into the reservoir of peace that is present deep inside
your being. You calm your mind by holding on to this awareness for a few minutes. You feel - you
know - that you are peace. As this experience grows, it has a soothing effect on your whole physical
system. Gradually, stability and peace are restored to your body as well as your mind.

Message for the day 10-03-2013

When we have the switch of awareness on, our mood will never go off.

Projection: When something goes wrong we find that our mood goes off immediately. We then lose
all enthusiasm and all our thoughts become negative. To change negative thoughts to positive then
becomes difficult.

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Solution: Like one single switch brings light into a dark room, our own switch of awareness will
bring positivity in our mind. We can take a thought like 'I am the master of my own life' or 'nothing
can go wrong today' right in the morning. When we have this awareness on, we will never have our
mood off.

Soul Sustenance 11-03-2013


Understanding The Mechanism Of The Virtue Of Peace (Part 1)

Each and every human soul's original trait or characteristic is peace. Before each soul comes down on
the earth to take its first physical body, the soul is in a state of complete peace, residing in the soul
world. In the soul world, the two faculties of the soul – the mind and intellect are
complete inactive or dormant and the third faculty, the sanskara or spiritual
personality is only that of eternal peace and purity and no other virtue like happiness,
love or knowledge. The mind is completely silent, not creating a single thought or emotion or
feeling nor possessing an attitude. The intellect which possesses the power to discriminate right
thoughts, words or actions from the wrong ones does not exercise its power because there are no
thoughts, words or actions in the soul world, so there is nothing there to discriminate. The sanskaras
(as mentioned above) are also inactive to a certain extent – there are no thoughts, feelings, emotions,
attitudes, words or actions to be created or processed, which would be based on the sanskaras or

When the soul first takes a physical body on the world stage, it creates thoughts and feelings which are
few in number and they are only positive and its words and actions are also limited and completely
positive. Its discrimination power is active and completely accurate and its sanskaras or personality
come into an active mode (sanskaras other than peace also become active) but only for a positive
purpose to create positive thoughts, words or actions. As a result of this, the soul experiences immense
peace, but the extent of the peace is lesser than that of in the soul world, where it is completely still
and experiences dead silence or peace. It is never peaceless though at this stage. As the soul starts
coming into the process of birth and rebirth, its starts losing its energy slowly; its mind, intellect and
sanskaras start functioning negatively or incorrectly, it begins to succumb to the vices, leading to the
creation of thoughts, words and actions, which are not only large in number but they are mostly waste
or negative in nature. As a result, the soul gradually begins to lose its peace, which it experienced in
the soul world (eternal peace) and at the start of its journey on the physical world and starts becoming

Tomorrow we shall explain how we can return to our original state of peace.

Message for the day 11-03-2013

The way to get blessings is to be open to learning.

Projection: We do get both negative and positive situations in our life. When we are faced with
negative situations we usually expect blessings from God or someone great by which the negativity in
our life will fully finish. But it doesn't usually happen so.

Solution: The method to receive blessings is to go on learning from the experiences of life. To learn
means never to repeat mistakes by learning from whatever has happened. This learning acts as a lift
for us, which takes us forward.

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Soul Sustenance 12-03-2013

Understanding The Mechanism Of The Virtue Of Peace (Part 2)

Yesterday we have explained how the virtue of peace works in human souls through the cycle of life. In
today's message we explain (with reference to yesterday’s message) how we can experience our
original state of peace experienced during the initial phases of the birth-rebirth cycle. Tomorrow we
shall explain how we can experience the eternal peace of the soul world. To have both these
experiences, the basic principle that I need to remember is that to experience peace, I
need to concentrate on it – concentration means creating thoughts about it and
visualizing it at the same time. Secondly to access peace, I need to separate myself from
my body and surroundings. So how do I bring these two principles in practice?

The first chapter of the Rajyoga meditation course as taught by the Brahma Kumaris in each of its
centers states a simple fact and makes me realize it that I am not this body but I am an eternal soul, a
non-physical star like spiritual energy, situated at the centre of the forehead, just above the eyebrows,
the original nature of which is peace. The body is my vehicle. Now, to experience the peace
experienced during the initial phases of the birth-rebirth cycle, my mind picks the above fact or
wisdom from my intellect, which is a reservoir of spiritual knowledge and where the above fact is
stored. Then, my intellect, which possesses the decision making ability judges the thought as to
whether it is a right or wrong one. If my intellect is convinced about the fact, it judges the thought as
right. Next, I take this process further. Along with creating this thought I visualize this thought on the
screen of my mind i.e. see my star-like white/golden light form just above the eyebrows radiating
white/golden rays of peace in all directions. I do this exercise for a few minutes. This exercise then
leads me to an experience of peace, as a result of which a sanskara of peace is
created. This is the peace experienced whilst visualizing the spiritual self inside the body – it is the
peace experienced in the initial phases of the birth-rebirth cycle.

Message for the day 12-03-2013

To understand that each one is unique is to have respect.

Projection: We usually expect others to change according to our expectations. We actually want
everyone to get moulded according to our own value system. But it doesn't happen so because each
one is different.

Solution: We need to understand that each one is unique with their own specialities. When we look
at others in this way we will no longer expect others to change according to our wish but will have full
respect for them.

Soul Sustenance 13-03-2013


Understanding The Mechanism Of The Virtue Of Peace (Part 3)

To experience the eternal peace of the soul world, I do the simple exercise explained
yesterday and then go a step further. Having created the thought about myself that I am a
sparkling star-like energy at the centre of the forehead, just above the eyebrows, visualized it and as a
result experienced it, now my objective is visualizing my star like form in the soul world. With this
objective in mind, I now create a simple thought that I the star-like energy will make a short journey
to the soul world and back. So I create simple thoughts and visualize alongside that I, the soul am
leaving my physical body and flying outside. Then I, see my star like form, slowly fly past the ceiling of

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the room I am in and see myself suspended in the sky (night sky makes the visualization more easy). I
see myself as a point of radiant light high above many many buildings and lights. This is similar to
what one would see from an aeroplane window while landing or taking off. I then see my light form
going higher, past the atmosphere and going past a sea of stars and a few planets and the moon. I then
take this visualization further and see myself entering the soul world, a region of soft orange-red light
(this is similar to how it looks like at dusk). This region is multidimensional and unlimited in size or
expanse. I see my star-like form suspended in this region, radiating rays of peace in all directions. I
also see other white/golden star-like souls just like me in the same region. I spend some time in this
region, in this experience. In this region my thoughts stop completely and I am only visualizing.

This is the eternal peace experienced whilst visualizing the spiritual self in the soul
world. The peace experienced in this exercise is greater than in the exercise mentioned
yesterday. Thus the sanskara of peace created in the soul in this exercise is deeper. After
a few minutes of this experience, I see myself descending in the physical body in exactly the same way
as I flew to the soul world. This is just a visualization exercise or experience and the soul
does not actually leave the body and go anywhere. The two practical exercises explained in
yesterday's and today's message can be used to experience the two types of peace mentioned. At one
time, you can choose to either experience both types or only the first one. You can start with a few
minutes and increase the time gradually. Continuous practice will create stronger sanskaras
of peace and take you closer to your original state of peace.

Message for the day 13-03-2013

Even the most difficult task is made easy with the cooperation of all.

Projection: When given a responsibility we usually think of doing it alone. We usually feel it is much
easier not to involve many. We do this in order to avoid the different kinds of personalities that we
have to deal with.

Solution: When involved in a big task, we need to see to it that we involve many. When we involve
many and make sure we make use of their specialities even the most difficult task will be made easy.
Secondly, the good wishes of all involved will be for the task which will add to its success.

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 14-03-2013

Posted: 13 Mar 2013 01:30 PM PDT
Soul Sustenance 14-03-2013

Natural Qualities and Acquired Qualities

When we look at ourselves from outside we can only see the surface of what we have become. We can't
see or perhaps cannot even imagine the inner core (center), which, like in the example of the coconut,
is the only part that really can nourish us and give us energy. The shell (in the case of the coconut)
serves as a protection but we certainly can't eat it.

In our case, the core (center) consists of natural or inner qualities such as peace, love, power, truth,
happiness and so on. The shell is the ego which consists of features or personality characteristics we
have acquired through the journey of our lives such as experiences, abilities, memories, learning,
habits and beliefs – in short, all that we are referring to when we say: 'I am so-and-so, from such-and-
such family or organization or city'.

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While we are limited to these acquired characteristics, our true qualities remain inaccessible. Through
deep reflection and meditation we can break the shell and activate our inner qualities from which our
values or principles are born.

Message for the day 14-03-2013

True contentment brings contentment to others as much as to the self.

Projection: When we have to do something, we usually do it the way we like. We don't bother about
others and only see if we are happy about it. So we find that others are not content with us although
we are happy with what we are doing.

Solution: Our actions need to be such that they do not cause sorrow to anyone so we need to check
our actions and change them. When we do something in the right way others will be content with us as
much as we are.

Soul Sustenance 15-03-2013


Radiating Positive And Powerful Energy

You will notice many people in your life who are very much in need of love but they attract the
opposite energy. This is because the negative energy of lack of love for the self and low self esteem
which they continuously radiate causes them to attract that same negative energy from others. In the
same way, there are many people who are very much in need of success but they attract failure
repeatedly. Failure is directly related to the quality of energy we radiate i.e. how positive and powerful
our expectations of success are. Once we set the goals that we wish to reach, we need to be careful that
we move towards our aim without creating the negative energy of fear inside our
consciousness. Failure appears when we make an effort to achieve those goals and we
damage the result or attract failure without us desiring so, simply because of our fears
of failure. Even then, if at that step we feel that we have failed, we need to have a positive and
constructive attitude.

We need to emerge the power to face and power of acceptance inside us. That way our
creative energies will flow and we will carry on going forward without the failure (whether real or
only perceived by us to be real but actually not real) becoming an obstacle in our path from doing so.
Although at that time it may seem as though we have missed an opportunity or that some openings
have closed for us, have faith and be fearless. If we are fearless and radiate positive and powerful
energy, other possibilities will open up. We have this deep rooted belief that our fear will keep us safe,
and we treat it like a comfort zone, a red signal that tells us that we should stop. Creating a time
every day to do something that you fear, helps you to re-condition yourself internally to
begin to see the fear as a green signal and to develop inner courage, so that you can
move towards your goal of success. Each day, do what you fear and the fear will soon be

Message for the day 15-03-2013

The one who is accurate in every thought, word and deed is the one who becomes

Projection: We do take care most of the times to see that our words and actions are not negative, but

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sometimes we are not as attentive with our thoughts. When there are waste thoughts we are not able
to make even our words and actions right.

Solution: Instead of making great efforts to change our actions and our words, we need to pay
special attention to our thoughts. When our thoughts are right filled with good wishes for others as
well as for the self, we find that they become accurate. And with this comes accuracy in our thoughts
and actions too.

Soul Sustenance 16-03-2013


Ending The Day In The Presence Of God (Part 1)

On a physical level, there is complete transparency in a parent-child relationship. When a child is born
to a mother and father and the parents see the child for the first time, the child is completely bare. As
the child grows in the canopy of the parents, the parents see and know everything about the child, not
only in a physical way, but also the child’s personality or nature right from childhood. Sometimes,
there are certain things about the child that even the child himself does not have an awareness of, but
the parents are aware of the same. So, in short, there is nothing that the child can hide from the

In the same way, the Supreme Being, who is a permanent resident of the soul world, has seen from
that world, each soul right from the time when it was completely bare or bodiless residing in the soul
world with Him, to the time when it took its first physical costume or body on earth and then changed
many costumes in the process of birth and rebirth. He not only knows the soul’s original sanskaras,
which were there in the soul in the soul world, but also each and every costume that the soul wore. He
also knows every soul’s different relationships while wearing each and every costume; every thought,
word or action created while wearing each and every costume and the different personality traits or
sanskaras of the soul while wearing each and every costume. That is on an unlimited level. On a
limited level, there is no doubt that the Supreme Soul who is the Supreme Parent of all
human souls and is said to possess a thousand eyes; very well knows the mental,
emotional and physical activity of the complete day of each soul. Thus, there is nothing that
is hidden about the soul from this Parent.

(To be continued tomorrow...)

Message for the day 16-03-2013

To have the right discrimination is to save time.

Projection: When we find someone doing something wrong, we immediately start giving corrections
and directions. Yet we find that the other person is not in a position to listen to us. In the process of
explaining to others we find our time getting wasted.

Solution: When we give directions to others we have to first see if they will understand what we are
trying to say. We need to understand the other person before we speak. Then our words will make
their full impact on others.

Soul Sustenance 17-03-2013


Ending The Day In The Presence Of God (Part 2)

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Inspite of the fact that the Supreme Soul already knows whatever I have done right through the day on
a physical as well as on a non-physical level; there is immense benefit in meditating for a few minutes,
before going to bed at night. It is wise that before I sleep, I have a face-to-face meeting with
the Supreme and I become a child, become humble, and put my entire day with
obedience, transparency, loyalty and love; before the Supreme. In this stage of
transparency, I definitely receive a response from God, which may be in the form of a thought
vibration immediately or as soon as I get up from sleep or through some other medium the next day,
when I read something positive the next morning or may be in the form of a loved one at home or even
a friend or colleague at office, who may become instruments used by the Supreme to communicate
with me. The Supreme Being has His ways of responding to your act of honesty and love
of sharing the day’s happenings with Him.

He is the Ocean of Truth and His response will be one which is filled with the light of
truth or wisdom which I make use of, to illuminate the path or road of my life. Using this
light, I'll find I am helped to see clearly where there has been progress, and where I failed, with
accurate judgment, so that I learn. God, the Supreme Companion or Friend or Beloved is with me,
wanting to lead me to my destination of perfection. I want to fulfill my side of the relationship with
Him, so His light will help me recognize where I must change, and what I must do to make corrections
to any damage for which I have been responsible. Where my actions have been positive and right, the
subtle blessings of ‘well done child’ that I receive from Him, will make me aware that the strength
behind these actions came from my relationship with the Him – He is permanently and was my back-
bone right through the day. Then there will be neither worry (due to mistakes committed by me) nor
laziness or complacency (due to positive actions done by me), but only love and contentment in my
dreams. If I do not surrender the day’s happenings to Him in this way, although He loves me and is
concerned for me, He might and will most probably remain detached and not guide me in any way.

Message for the day 17-03-2013

Success means to have positive thoughts which bring right actions in our life.

Projection: When things go wrong we usually find ourselves flooded with negative thoughts. We, no
longer can think right and so our actions go wrong, too. We try to correct our actions but we cannot
succeed in it and so we give up.

Solution: We need to change the way we think before we can think of changing our actions. Success
comes in the ability to maintain positive thoughts even in the most negative situations. For this, we
need the practice of maintaining positive thoughts under all circumstances.

Soul Sustenance 18-03-2013


Realizing Our Natural Nature Of Peace

If we look at nature, we will notice that everything in nature – plants, flowers, etc. do everything they
do peacefully – they grow, flourish, decompose and die in peace. We get an obvious impression from
them that peace is their natural nature. Even the five elements – earth, wind, water, fire and sky are
mostly peaceful by nature. It’s only when we try and exercise control over them and interfere with
their balance that they lose their peace. Most of us, irrespective of our age, even in these
stressful and hurry filled times, act peacefully and express our peaceful nature in
relationships by means of peaceful thoughts, words and actions, unless something is
wrong in the relationship. We instinctively like peaceful relationships. If something is wrong in a
relationship and it lacks peace even to a small extent, we do not feel good or comfortable about it. All

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this proves to us that we, like nature, are essentially peaceful by nature. That is our basic

Most of us have, at some time in our lives and even more frequently in the case of many of us,
experienced and expressed our peaceful nature. It's so natural, we are not even consciously aware of it.
What we are more aware of is when we are distanced from the natural i.e. we are unnatural - worried,
scared, irritated etc. But these unnatural phases always pass and we finally return to our peaceful self.
There are some people who are permanently grumpy and tight with someone or the other, because of
something or the other. On some days we also feel as if we are continuously living on the edge and
continuously succumbing to frustration and anger. But even then, away from everyone’s eyes;
everyone, the compulsive angerholic (one who cannot live without anger) and you also,
will, at some stage, look inwards, relax and have an inner personal spiritual retreat in
which they will find relief by experiencing their true nature of peace.

Message for the day 18-03-2013

True progress is to bring perfection to the role we play.

Projection: Usually when we think of progress we think of changing the role we play. The idea of
progress is to change the place or the position that we are in. We rarely associate progress with the
present position that we are in.

Solution: We need to recognise the fact that we can bring perfection to whatever role we are playing.
When we continue to work at improving ourselves wherever we are, we will not only experience
progress but also will be able to move forward in the position we are in.

Soul Sustenance 19-03-2013


Understanding The Process Of Birth And Death

When the body has become unserviceable due to age or disease, or it suffers a fatal injury, the soul
leaves the body. At the moment of death, the soul withdraws its energy from the organs of the body
and vacates its seat in the middle of the forehead. Like a bird, it leaves the cage made of skin and
bones, and taking its sanskaras, it enters into another, a new body, in the womb of the new mother.
From the very birth, the sanskaras of a soul are apparent (visible); whether the new-born baby is
happy, unbothered, sad, shy, mischievous, quiet, violent or agitated.

Death occurs at the precise moment when the account of giving and taking with other souls through a
particular body is finished. The new birth is determined by the soul's account of karmas with another
set of souls. One may be born into a cultured, wealthy family, another as a beggar, one may be born
deaf, dumb, blind or crippled, another with a strong supple body. The type of body and the conditions
of birth are determined by the thoughts and actions performed in the previous births.

Message for the day 19-03-2013

To remind ourselves that we are the children of God is to take the gift of positivity.

Projection: We usually turn to God only when the situation at hand becomes the worst, i.e., when
there is no hope from anyone else. So, we find that in a negative situation our mind naturally goes into
negativity and then we have to make great effort to turn it positive again.

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Solution: We need to remind ourselves that we are the children of God. When we remind ourselves
in this way we find that we have a right to our father's property, of all the positive qualities. Then,
there will naturally be peace, happiness and love in our life.

Soul Sustenance 20-03-2013


The Three Root Causes Of Anger (Part 1)

Any time we sense irritation, frustration or anger emerging inside our consciousness, if we take a close
look at it, we will notice we are fighting a war in our consciousness with one of these three: either
with another person, most obviously or with the past or with our self.

We are at war with the past because our anger is always towards something that has
already happened and looking at it we react emotionally which means we are trying to
change it, which is impossible. Any scene that has taken place a year ago, a month ago or even a
second ago cannot be changed. We may be completely convinced and we may believe we can. That's
because we hold this belief subconsciously. Somewhere and sometime in the past, we have picked up
and absorbed the belief that the world and its circumstances should shape up exactly as we want.

When our internal desire of a certain type of circumstances is not fulfilled, or in other
words something against this belief happens, our instant reaction is one of the various
forms of anger and we tend to try and change the incident that has happened in a far-off past
or a past that has just gone by. We keep replaying a revised incident, with words and actions that we
would have liked and that suit our convenience and we also keep nullifying the actual incident or
remain in a un-acceptance mode towards it. This is like fighting a war with the incident. We tend to do
this inside our minds, repeatedly, even realizing somewhere deep within, that it is impossible.

(To be continued tomorrow…)

Message for the day 20-03-2013

The sparkle of a true diamond reveals itself.

Projection: Whenever we make a positive contribution, we expect those around us to recognize and

appreciate it. But there are occasions where we do not receive such recognition and we then feel
disheartened which in turn doesn't let us give our best in all we do.

Solution: Whenever we find ourselves expecting people to appreciate us, we need to remind

ourselves that the diamond doesn't need to speak about it's own sparkle but is recognized because of
its speciality. We, too, need to discover our own speciality and work with it. We will, then, be satisfied
whether we get recognition from others or not.

Soul Sustenance 21-03-2013


The Three Root Causes Of Anger (Part 2)

We are at a subtle war with another person when he/she has done something which we
perceive or judge to be wrong and our anger is an attempt to change them or take
revenge. This is the second belief (we had mentioned the first one in yesterday’s message) that is

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embedded very deeply in our consciousness that the world, including its entire people, should do
exactly what we want them to, or what we think they should do. Perhaps we have not yet realized that
it is impossible to control others and make them change. The lack of awareness and realization of this
truth, which we will definitely realize at some point or the other, doesn’t let us become anger-free very
easily. People will always make their own decisions and control their own actions, always. They can
definitely be influenced, but they cannot be controlled. When our internal desire of a certain
type of behavior from people is not fulfilled, or in other words something against the
above belief happens, our instant reaction is one of resentment or irritation or
frustration or hatred which are all forms of anger.

One of the most important attributes of a great soul is the ability to not have even a trace of desire for
revenge inside and the ability to forgive someone who has supposedly wronged him in anyway. Don’t
we all acknowledge that such an individual who has freed himself completely from all anger forms
earns our and everyone else’s respect and deepest admiration, and we give him the medal of greatness
inside our minds and even physically? So doesn’t that mean we intuitively know that this anger is an
incorrect emotion and peace, good wishes and forgiveness are the correct ones, in harmony with the
basic nature of the human spirit?

(To be continued tomorrow…)

Message for the day 21-03-2013

The one who is content is creative and thereby successful.

Projection: It is usually believed that to be content is to have nothing to look forward to. And the one
who is content is the one who tries for nothing new. So it is usually believed that contentment brings
hardly any great achievements.

Solution: We need to ensure our own contentment in whatever we do. Because when we are not
content we find that the mind is not able to work to the fullest extent. On the other hand contentment
brings creativity. This creativity ensures our constant progress and thereby our success.

Soul Sustenance 22-03-2013


The Three Root Causes Of Anger (Part 3)

We are at war with our self when we fail to make the world do exactly what we want, or
we believe we have let our self down. An e.g. of a war with one self is – Suppose you are standing
in a queue waiting for your chance to arrive, only to discover an hour later, just when your chance is
about to arrive, that the time for the counter to close has come and the counter has closed. You get
upset, but with whom? Perhaps the person at the counter at first and may be with the other people in
the queue and then with yourself, for not having found out the time of closing of the counter. There
are two failures that make you uneasy here. First you failed to ask someone early enough, which would
have saved you the hour time loss. Second, you failed to control your emotions of anger. Although you
might not externally admit that you failed, inside you know. Because of these two failures, you then
start to get angry with yourself. The thought pattern that goes inside your mind: to fail is to lose, to
lose is to be sorrowful, to be sorrowful causes me to become angry, as you look for an external cause of
your sadness which, in this case, is initially the person at the counter and the other people in the
queue (who would have known the time of closing and could have told you). So you demonstrate to
others your justified anger towards them. But deep inside you know it is you yourself that has made
you sorrowful.

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As the anger builds up inside you, again, after a while, you find someone else outside on whom you
vent out your anger. You seem to feel better as a result, but it's only temporary. The next time you
become angry; interrupt the pattern of your anger by asking yourself two simple
questions: Who are you fighting a war with? Answer: Yourself. Who is suffering the
most due to the war? Answer: Yourself. And if your anger is directed at yourself for
your own supposed failure then just tell yourself, "There is no such thing as failure,
only a different result from the one that I expected and results are not going to be
exactly as I want, expect or desire. That is a rule of the game of life."

Message for the day 22-03-2013

The one who is free from complaints is the one who becomes complete.

Projection: When things go wrong it is the usual reaction to complain, against situations or others,
and to find fault with them. When we are busy complaining we will not be able to make any effort to
make any improvement in ourselves.

Solution: Whenever we find ourselves complaining we need to see what we can do to bring about a
change instead of just complaining. There would surely be something that we can do. Slowly as we
begin to implement each thing that we learn, we find ourselves moving forward towards our own

Soul Sustenance 23-03-2013


Marrying Spiritual Practices With Actions

Spiritual practices and life are interconnected; so are my thoughts and actions. It is not possible to
separate them. The immediate influence of any spiritual practice like meditation is on the
quality of my thoughts. The quality of my thoughts is then reflected in my day-to-day
actions. As the quality of my actions improves, it starts influencing my thoughts
positively and the quality of my spiritual practice also starts improving. When I really
understand this, it becomes clear that the right way to live is to marry both these sides within my life -
meditation and practical life, marry the process of improving the quality of my thoughts with my
actions, because both are interconnected with each other.

Actions performed by being too action conscious, in a wrong, non-spiritual consciousness, have led to
a monotonous and meaningless existence, an existence without permanent peace, love and joy,
causing feelings of discontentment and an emptiness in many hearts. On the other hand, religious or
meditation practices, which were done with the aim of bringing peace and happiness in our personal
life as well as in relationships, but were performed in seclusion (by detaching or becoming aloof from
society), did not achieve the desired objectives and was unable to influence life positively. This caused
spirituality to become disconnected from reality.

I want my consciousness to become such that I can experience the richness of a life of actions,
interactions and relationships of the world, but adorned (decorated) with the jewels of the energy and
spiritual power that only meditation can provide.

Message for the day 23-03-2013

To think of solutions instead of the problems is to be in peace.

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Projection: When faced with difficult situations, we see such situations as problems. Thus we find
ourselves anxious or tensed and our mind is full of negative thoughts. We can no longer think positive
or keep our mind in peace.

Solution: In each difficult situation we need to see what solution we can find for the situation at
hand instead of thinking unnecessarily of it as a problem. When we learn to think in this way our mind
will be light and we will be able to maintain our own inner peace.

Soul Sustenance 24-03-2013


Meditation For Overcoming Fear (Part 1)

Breathe deeply. You should say to yourself "relax, calm yourself". Repeat until you are peaceful and
centered. Become serene and feel a sensation of peace and wellbeing. Maintain this serenity on
breathing. Free yourself of worries on breathing out. Now slowly create the following thoughts:

I sit comfortably like an observer in silence... I let go of every-thing around me... objects, people,
responsibilities, places... I focus my mind on the present moment... I let the serenity... the
peacefulness... envelop me... In this calm I can see the dark corners of my inner self... Like shadows, I
can see the fears, anxieties, guilt, unhappiness, weaknesses that lie hidden there... Fear has poisoned
my being; it has stolen my peace, my happiness and my self-respect...

I accept that there is fear within me... I observe it and I realize that I am not that fear... I am not that
weakness... it is not real, it is a shadow... I focus now on what is real: it is love... it is peace... it is
wellbeing... it is the purity of the soul, what is real, authentic and true... I only have to access these
original qualities and allow these energies to heal and strengthen my soul... To do this, I continue to
observe calmly... with patience... I do not allow my mind to judge, or analyze what is happening to
me... everything that has happened to me forms part of the past... I have learned from my mistakes... I
forgive myself... I forgive others...

This meditation commentary will be continued tomorrow:

Message for the day 24-03-2013

When there is equality in what we understand, desire and do, there is success.

Projection: We usually recognise the need to bring about a change in ourselves from the signals we
get from different situations. We also feel strongly that we have to change, but most times we find
ourselves not taking into action and our change is limited only to understanding and having a desire.

Solution: As soon as we understand that we have to change, we have to work at bringing about a
change in ourselves immediately. We need to tell ourselves that there is no better time than now when
we can bring about a change. We, then, find ourselves successful in all we do.

Soul Sustenance 25-03-2013


Meditation For Overcoming Fear (Part 2)

This meditation commentary is a continuation of yesterday’s message.

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Create the following thoughts:

I continue to go forward... I only observe feeling who I am... I am a being of light... a peaceful being...
like a small candle that lights up a dark room I radiate light and remove the darkness inside.
Conscious of who I am... I imagine that I am in the presence of a generous Being of Light that radiates
infinite love, peace and happiness... It is a powerful ocean of love that can dissolve all my fears, the
pain and suffering that there is inside my soul...

I open my heart... and mentally I say: "here are my fears... They are yours... They are no longer useful
to me... I hand them over to you... I absorb your light... I absorb your love and let it reach each dark
corner of my inner self... I feel how your powerful light, full of love, touches my fears... they dissolve
and I am freed... I let go of all worries... The weaknesses and problems no longer have power over
me... I feel that the Supreme Being is with me... that He accepts me as I am... He comforts me... I feel
safe... at peace... in an immense peace... and free of worries..."

I enjoy this present moment in His company and I share this peace and love with the world.

Message for the day 25-03-2013

To have cooperation, love and mercy is to be a giver.

Projection: When we see others' weaknesses all we can have generally are negative thoughts about
them. We can, then, no longer help the other person in any way as such negative thoughts only further
strengthen the others' negativity.

Solution: Instead of reacting with negativity, we need to have mercy for the ones who are in the
control of their own weakness and see if we can help them in any way. And the only way we can
encourage the others to change is with love.

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