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Final Project

Melissa Hardin

Purdue University Global

HW420 Creating Wellness Psychological and Spiritual Aspects of Healing

Dorette Nysewander, EdD

February 15, 2022


Final Project

Spirituality can mean different things to different people. The purpose of this

questionnaire is to figure out the frame of mind a client is in so the practitioner can better guide

the client down the path of spirituality. Spirituality is defined by Christina Puchalski as “the

aspect of humanity that refers to the way individuals seek and express meaning and purpose and

the way they experience their connectedness to the moment, to self, to others, to nature, and to

the significant or sacred” (Delagran, n. d.). This definition is great because it focuses on the main

point of how a person relates to the world around them and their individual belief system. I

interviewed my 19-year-old daughter and provide her answers.

Inventory Questions and Answers

Q1: What is your definition of spirituality?

It is important to know what their definition of spirituality is in order to better tailor the

program for the client. Different people have different definitions of spirituality. To one person,

spirituality is defined by religious beliefs and faith. For another, it is just a system of beliefs. To

better assess someone’s spirituality, you have to know how they define it or else the whole

program will not be adhered to. The efficacy of the program will be compromised, and the client

will not follow it.

A: I guess my definition of spirituality would be one’s belief system. Believing that

something is controlling our lives from a different realm (I’m not sure if I would call it a realm


Q2: Do you have any spiritual beliefs? What are they?

This question gets to the root of spirituality and what the interviewee views their beliefs

as. Most will probably use religion to define this, but it is really just a system of beliefs that

someone has. By asking what the beliefs are, you include the client in the process, and you can

better understand the person overall. This question allows a glimpse into the mind of the client in

a way that can improve the program for them.

A: I believe that there is a higher being. I also believe that one’s actions affect one’s

future (karma) and also in fate. Everything we do leads us to who we are meant to be.

Q3: How would you say your spiritual beliefs have influenced your current state of mind?

Some beliefs can be negative and put someone in a negative mindset. Most are positive

though. Knowing the difference and how the interviewee sees them allows the interviewer a

deeper insight into the workings of the client’s mind. By asking how the spiritual beliefs have

affected the client’s current state of mind allows the practitioner insight into the frame of mind

the person is in. It will help to create a program in which the client can live with. Not knowing

this allows room for error, which in most cases is not bad, but when designing a spiritual

program, it is important not to make errors that can go against an individual’s beliefs.

A: I’m always trying to have a positive mindset because I believe that if you have a

negative mindset, you’ll have a negative time.

Q4: Do you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts? How often?

If the client is catching themselves having negative thoughts, then they are aware of them

at the current moment. This allows the client the ability to change the mind frame and turn the

thoughts into positive ones. The more aware they are, the better footing they have on changing

those negative behaviors and mind frames. It is important to know this because if a person is

more negative, then more work needs to be put on that mentality so the client can feel more

positive and negate the effects of stress. Knowing how often someone notices these negative

thought patterns is the first step on overcoming them.


A: Sometimes. Usually when my anxiety is acting up or I am feeling depressed.

Q5: What is your overall outlook on life?

This is an important question to ask if you are wanting to assess someone’s spirituality

and outlook on life. To know how they view their life will let the assessor know exactly how they

feel about their life. Since spirituality is about connecting to something bigger than themselves,

the overall outlook on life shows how those spiritual beliefs factor into their lives. This is

important to know because this is what shapes the whole program. A spirituality program focuses

on how the mind frame and belief systems fit together to shape the overall meaning of life for the


A: I have a very positive outlook on life. I am currently going to school for a career I

have a passion for and have a job that I absolutely love. I am also in a relationship with an

amazing guy. I am very excited to see what my future has for me.

Q6: How likely are you to forgive someone you feel has wronged you? Explain.

This question is important because it lets you know how the client feels about forgiveness

and if it is something they have to work at. It shows how important the client feels forgiveness

can be and how they view forgiveness. Being able to forgive someone who has wronged a

person, or perceived to wrong a person, is an important step for building character. Building

character is the first step of many to becoming closer to the client’s higher power and sense of

good and right in the world.

A: I wouldn’t be very likely to be honest. I automatically give someone my trust and if

they wrong me and lose that trust, then I won’t be very likely to trust them again.

Q7: Do your belief systems align with any particular faith over another? Explain.

Figuring out if the client believes that their belief systems align with any faith is good

information to have when trying to guide someone through the path of spirituality. If they believe

that their belief system aligns with a certain religion, then the practitioner can help guide the

client down the right path. It all begins with what the person has chosen as their beliefs. How

they were raised, and the religious beliefs they were raised with shapes how a person views the

world and everything in it. According to Waller and Casidy (2021), “a person’s belief in a

religion or their spiritual identity can have a direct influence on the way they live and their

attitudes and values.” It forms the deep root beliefs and values that someone holds dear to

themselves. The values that they put stake in can coincide with the way they live their lives.

A: Not necessarily. It can align with Christianity in a way, but my belief is very broad.

Q8: Would you say you have more positive or negative thoughts? Explain.

Figuring out if someone has negative or positive self-talk can help the practitioner figure

out what kind of state of mind the client has. It is important because knowing this will help

personalize the program for the client. The more personalized the program, the better efficacy

someone will have to adhere to the program.

A: Mostly positive thoughts. I struggle with anxiety every day so negative thoughts are

often. However, to lower my anxiety, I think of positive things. So overall, I have more positive


Q9: What kind of “self-talk” do you have? Explain.

Self-talk is, according to Stahl and Goldstein (2019, p 59), the way someone talks to his

or herself. Knowing the self-talk that someone has can show their frame of mind. If it is more

negative, then the person will be more prone to depression and anxiety. If their thoughts are more

positive, they will be happier and able to handle stressors better. Changing from negative self-

talk is difficult, but the rewards far outweigh the difficulty with the transition. This is important

to know because it will help guide the practitioner on how much practice needs to be put into this

part of spirituality.

A: Mostly motivational self-talk. I use this type of talk to help my anxiety and help

prepare me for working or going to class.

Q10: How often do you unplug from the world and recharge? Explain.

Being able to recharge and unplug from the world around them will help them manage

their stress and be more mindful of their situations. The client will be able to disconnect from the

outer world and reconnect to their inner world. This is something everyone needs to practice

doing. Mindful meditation is great for achieving just that – connectedness to one’s inner self. The

better connected someone is, the more likely they will be at staying calm and achieving their

inner peace. This question is important because it allows the practitioner to know where a good

starting point is for spiritual directions.

A: Honestly? Not often. I have thought about doing this, but I have never really done it. I

don’t think I could survive without technology.

Additions or Subtractions

To better learn more about the client’s belief systems, I would add a couple broader

questions about spirituality. The inventory does have a definition of spirituality, which is good,

but how one sees themselves in the broader stroke of spirituality could help to improve this

inventory even more. I would ask the question “What is my connection to the world around me?”

This will allow the practitioner to know how the client feels they affect the world around them

and how the world affects them. It is a giant circle. They affect the world, and the world affects

them. The impact of negative and positive thoughts can be felt throughout the whole spiritual


Spiritual Plan

The spiritual plan for the client interviewed is to start off with mindfulness meditation.

This will help overcome any negative thoughts and open the client up to becoming one with her

higher power. I believe that by practicing mindful meditation, the client will be less prone to

stress in a stressful world and will open her up to a happier existence. Figuring out exactly how

she fits into the world will help her learn how the world changes her. She will be in better control

of her emotions, and she will remain calmer through stressful situations.


In conclusion, this inventory of questions is a great starting point for creating a spiritual

journey for any client. Throughout this questionnaire, many factors are taking into account, like

the client’s view of the world and their view on forgiveness. It shows the practitioner where to

begin to help the client find their way down the path to spiritual enlightenment.


Delagran, L. (n. d.). What is spirituality?


Stahl, B., & Goldstein, E. (2019). A mindfulness-based stress reduction workbook (2nd ed.). New

Harbinger Publications, Inc.

Waller, D. S., & Casidy, R. (2021). Religion, Spirituality, and Advertising. Journal of

Advertising, 50(4), 349–353.

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