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1. Discuss the ideals ot the

Flipinos as people

2 Discuss the roles of cach citizen towards the rcalization of Filpino ideals

3 Discuss the work values of successful ilipinos

4. Envision one's self as a person who lives up to the Filipino idcals

Finvision the T'ilipino dcals tor one's sclt

2 Determine onc's duties as a citizen towards the realization of our collective llipino ideals

Our ideals as social beings are shaped in the context of our environment. First,
we emerge to be the persons that we are through our relationships with ourfamilies,
friends and neighbors; our associates in school or in the workplace, the people in
authority: teachers, superiors and leaders in the different institutions or sectors. Of
special influence are the people who have taught us life principles by their nurturing
behaviors and good examples. Second. our societal realities determine the extent by
hich our social development as a people is achieved. The healthy interplay be
ween the.responsiveness of our socio-political structures and leaders, on one hand,
and the active and responsible citizenship of the people, on the other hand, are es-

ential in ensuring a governance that is maka-tao at maka-Diyos and thus, promo-

tive of social
his chapter discusses: 1) work values of successful Filipinos which we could
ti 2) our ideals as a Filipino people and 3) our duties as citizens toward the
Tealization of such ideals.
Values& Work Ethics


Filipinos, in general, share common values for success. As a people, we promote
ailt Cultural heritage. For example, we pass on treasured Filipino proverbs from
aeneration to generation as our guide: precepts to observe or as warning to beware
of. Consider the tollowing:

Nasa Diyos ang awa, nasa tao

ang gawa.
Ang tunay na anyaya, sinasamahan ng hila.

Kapag ang tao y matipid, maraming maililigpit.

Ano man ang gagawin, makupitong iisipin.
Ang magalang na sagot ay nakakapawi ng poot.
Ako ang nagbayo. ako ang nagsaing.
saka nang maluto 'y iba ang kumain.
Kung sino ang masalita

ay siyang kulang sa gawa.

Successful Filipinos would draw life-enduring principles from those that are
expressed in the proverbs stated above and live by them. People who succeed
actualize their value ideals and manifest these as their distinguishing qualities or
traits. They adhere to enduring life principles as standards for life and conduct.
They are determined to utilize value ideals as the bases for making choices,
determining preferences and actions. On the other hand, Filipinos who are not
successful hold on to the same values, but only at the cognitive level. Their choices
and actions would not be determined by lifë principles but most likely by the desire
for immediate gratification of needs.
256 Values & Work Ethics

Exercise No. 3

Name: Date Score:

1. What enduring life principles can you draw from the proverbs?

2 What courses of action should we take?

Values &Work Ethics 257


Enduring life principles, the values that have been used as standards for life
to such principles.
conduct have guaranteed success to Filipinos who have adhered
Such values have served as the bases for making choices. determining preferences
Ihis chapter. which cites the work of Jocano, serves to complement
and actions.
under Essentials of Work Ethics.
In a study conducted by Jocano (2000), a cluster of the core traits ofsuccesstul
involved 500
Filipinos in the workplace have been identified. The respondentshave succeeded
ordinary people who have a track record of superior performance
are clustered as
in their fields of endeavor. The core traits of successful Filipinos
personal, relational and team.
Personal Traits

Personal traits consist of: katimpian (self-discipline), kapunyagian

(patience), katapatan
(perseverance), kasipagan (industriousness), katiyagaan
(commitment) and kagitingan (integrity).


Relational traits bring about good relations: marunong makisama (able to get

along others), marunong makitungo (flexible), marunong makiramay

to talk to),
(empathic), madaling lapitan (approachable), maduling kausapin (easy
disposition; congenial).
matulungin (helpful, supportive) and masayahin (happy

Team Traits

who are group-oriented workers.

Team traits characterize successful people
The traits include: maypag-
They value interdependence more than independence.
aalala (concerned), may paggalang (respectful). may pananagutan (accountable),
may pagkalinga (caring), may pakikibaka
(involved) and may pagmamalasakit
the who have succeeded and
Take note that in the abovecited study,
have excelled are not the extraordinary or the gifted few. They are the ordinary
persons who have to lived up to enduring lite principles. Their transformations are
combination of personal, relational and team
to their cultivation of a good
Values& Work Ethic

who pOSsess the different s u e

Presented below are the attributes of persons uccess
Jocano. The characteristic traits
traits, as revealed by the study conducted by the study. Such descriptions can ho
from descriptions given by the respondents to
the Filipno ideals. As
resolve to live up to you
us envision ourselves as persons who
the specific values and the clist
identify both
read through the descriptions, try and level of development
based on your uniqueness
ofvalues that you should nurture,
in order for you to succeed and excel.


Personal Traits
to control one's emotions
Katimpian Katimpian is the ability
actions that are wrong or
(Self-Di_cipline) and to restrain one's self from
in others. Such self.
those which can cause distress
moral awareness. With
restraint results from one's
katimpian, one.achieves a of personal honor and
what he/she views asthe
dignity, enabling one to pursue
right path to success. The study shows that
Filipino workers are very keen in imposing self-discipline. |

Kapunyagian With kapunyagian, one has the determination to

(Perseverance) work hard against difficulties in order to attain one's
goals. The term means perseverance. It also

persistence. To persevere or to persist is to overcome

seemingly insurmountable odds. Many:succeed because
theywork hard, not minding difficulties but enjoying them.

An industrious person works hard with steady effort,

(Industriousness; manifesting zealousness in accomplishing a task. He/
Diligence) she takesinitiative, is creative and innovative. With the
end view of attaining one's dream, he/she works win
self-satisfaction, such that he/she goes on and on without
feeling tired.

Katiyagaan A person with patience sticks to a purpose,

(Patience) manifesting consistency in his or her work, persistenty
carrying out his/her task demands. With tivaga one never
gives up: he/she accepts sethacks in the process. n
person patiently waits for his/her turn and does not take
shortcuts nor manipulate to get what he/she wat
Instead, he/she works with honesty and integrity.
Values && Work Ethics

Personal Traits

Katapatan A person with commitment is transparent and

(Commitment) He open.
manifests the values of honesty,
probity, uprightness
sincerity. He/she is without pretense or deceit. He/
she is loyal, reliable
and, therefore, has commitment. Such
person gains the trust and confidence of
customers and co-workers.

Kagitingan Kagitingan may be expressed as "doing what one

(Integrity) promises to do'". The word ofa person with integrity is
backed up by his/her deed. What he/she says is what he/
she thinks, believes, feels and does. The
person walks
thetalk. Personal integrity generates the respect, trust,
loyalty of co-workers, superiors, colleagues and
Kagitingan also means courage or valor to stand up
to one's conviction. Conviction is the
deepest and
strongest belief we have in the goodness or rightness of
our motives that makes us willing to brave the cause and
die for it if necessary.

The respondents perceived integrity as the highest

equirement for success and sustenance. Personal
integrity generates the respect, trust, loyalty of co-
workers, superiors, colleagues and customers.

Relational Traits

Marunong (This is commonly referred to as Filipino

Makisamna tactfulness.) To be tactful, one exercises pakikisama in
(Able to Get Along time af need. Without pakikisama, there is no teamwork.
With Others) Marunong makisama is a people skill without which one
cannot develop good relations.

Marunong Pakikitungo refers to being flexible when one has

Makitungo no control over the situation. A flexible
person is able to
(Flexible) exercise maximum tolerance when necessary and to work
within the "spirit of majority rule" to preserve workplace
260 Values & Work Ethics


Relational Traits

Marunong Damay means to share in people's suffering; to

Makiramay emphasize with their sorrows. As a trait, it refers to a
(Empathic) deep concern over people in times of crises where help
is extended either emotionally or materially. With empathy,
relationships are seasoned with utang na loob which
lead to long-term relationships.
An approachable individual is predisposed to
Madaling Lapitan accommodate a request for attention. This trait makes
feel important and will thereby have the support
of others toward the attainment of higher goals.

Madaling A person who is easy to talk to has the ability to

Kausapin listen to the suggestions and ideas of others and gets
(Easy to Talk To) along easily with others.

A helpful, supportive person readily gives assistance

Matulungin to others in times of need. In return, he/she also gets
(Helpful, assisted easily by others. As members of a group, it is
Supportive) generally expected that one be accommodating and willing
to bestow favors to the other members. The helpful
attracts real friends.

A person with a happy disposition has many friends.

Masayahin You like to work with people who are fun to be with.
(Happy Disposition Cheerfulness gets people connected, inspired and
Congenial) motivates them to work harder, and with better quality
outputs. With cheerfulness is a positive outlook. Thus,
we are able to overcome stressful experiences by shifting
from fear to confidence, from complaints to cheerfulness,
and from gloom fo good cheer. By being masayahin, we
become more productive.

Team Traits

May pag-aalala is to have concern over the welfare

May Pag-ualala of other people, showing goodwill. A concerned person
(Concerned) is sensitive to the feelings of
kapwa. Such person refrains from acting in ways that
embarrass others. By being helpful to others, others wll
& Work Ethics 261


Team Traits

May Paggalang Galang means respect. To show respect is to generate

(Respectful) respect. Respect for others indicates one's respect for
oneself. A respectful person is maunawain. He/she
understands other people's feelings, beliefs, and opinions
which may differ from his/her own.

The person who is accountable is answerable to what

May Pananagutan
he/she has committed himself/herselfto do; for example,
his/her duties and responsibilities. When coupled with
kapwaan (maintaining reciprocal relations with each
other), which is a dominant Filipino value, we are
responsible for what we say or decide on in relation to
one another.

A caring individual shows concern over the well-

May Pagkalinga
being of others (family members, co-workers, and
colleagues in the organization). He/she is protective of
the interest of others. The term is closely related to
pananagutan- our sense of responsibility for
welfare of others.

May Pakikibaka Sapakikibaka, tayo ay sangkot at nakikiisa. It is to

have a sense of involvement in the activities undertaken
bythe group. The person who has a passionate sense of|
involvement in group activities, willingly participates ina
task. He/she manifests sincerity. benevolence and
courage in people. This may
involve making a stand/
fighting with others for a cause.
Selflessness is shown as a solicitous concern over
May Pagmamalasakit other people's predicament demonstrated through|
(Selfless) service to others. Within the organization, this trait leads
to a supportive organizational climate, enabling
organization members to enjoy their works.
262 Values &Work Ethics

Exercise No. 4

Date Score:

1. Does our environment at home, in school and in the neighborhood pro-

mote the cultivation of these values? Explain.

2. Which among these character traits do you possess? Which ones do

you lack?


Values&Work Ethics 263



In our day-t0-day reality, we are faced with both good and bad influences. Yet,
in many situa uations, values that cater to the lower.appetites of people become so
asive. It is very common to see or hear of government officials who der

ublic.funds/resources for personal gain and comfort, unmindful of the deprivation

Fthe less privileged who should be beneficiaries ofsuch resources. In the academe,
chea is rampantamong students. School authorities fail to set academic standards.
Teachers receive favors or gifts from students, and these are procated with
good gra Cheating of different sorts prevail. In many or in most cases, we feel
here is nothing we can do. Worse, we participate in a deeply-entrenched system
that perpetuates evil practices. On a large scale, it would seem like to do right isTto

swim against the current.

Each and everyone of us must decide to promote good rather than evil. Our
moral consciousness dictates that we actively participate in the creation of a life
enhancing social order in the community or society in which we live. There is a need
for us to be vigilant to promote lasting goodness. As citizens, we have the duty to
take part in establishing a government that promotes the general interest of the
Filipino people, without which the ideals that we pursue collectively and individually,
will be hindered. Human progress emanates from the social responsibility taking of
individuals, corporations and nations concerned.

Our ideals as a people are summarized in the Preamble of our
We, the sovereign Filipino people,
imploring the aid of Almighty God,
in order o build a just and humane society
and a Government thal
embody our ideals and aspirations,
promote the comnon good,
conserve and develop patrimony

and secure to ourselves and our posterity

amd democracy
theblessings of independence
mder the rule of law love, equality and peace,
and a regime of truth, justice, freedom,
this Constitution.
do ordain and promulgate

Constitution envisioned the ideals of a good and

The framers of the 1987
Filipino society. With a background of
20 years
of Marcos dictatorship,
OCratic a transtformation of our society
to one that is
1987 Constitution mandates freedom. Iove, equality and peace through a
aracterized by truth, justice, structure and mechanism by
provides the
dynamic dem
mocracy. The

ruleof law, we, as a sovereign

ideals shall berealized. Under the
ch our
shall actualize our ideals and aspirations
people are
ple are to establish a government that
Abueva, et al., 1998).
264 Values & Work Ethics

The team commissioned by the National Economic Development Authorit

NEDA) to conduct a study on "Developing Scenarios on the Future Development
of the Philippine Nation-State" led by Jose V. Abueva, envisioned a seenario of
Sustained, progressive national development for the period from 1998 to 2025 and
beyond. Based on analytical anticipations. forecasts or realistic visions ofprobable
future developments of our country have been developed. The different aspects in
the development ofthe Philippine Nation-State as presented by Abueva, et al. (1998)
are discussed below.


The promotion of greater unity and cohesiveness of the Filipinos as a national
community in a global environment is essential in the pursuit of nation-building.
Our sense of national identity and history as a people has to be enhanced, so with
our love and pride ofcountry, the appreciation ofthings Filipino, and the achievements
of the Filipinos; and our concern for the common good and the national interest.


This is associated with the Filipino people's growing ability to meet their basic
needs for food. health, housing, transport and a mutually-sustaining environment.
Beyond these, Filipinos also strive for the progressive enhancement oftheir education,
welfare and recreation and the promotion of socioeconomic equity, harmony and
mobility, through poverty eradication, nonviolent conflict resolution and improved
communication and commerce among various groups. There is also an effort to
promote the nationwide use of Filipinoas the national and official language, and the
continued ability to relate to the rest of the world by proficiently using English and
other foreign languages. Filipinos seek to provide the enjoyment and enrichment of
the national, regional and indigenous cultures, the development and appropriate use
of science and technology and the nurturing of a culture of curiosity, creativity,
innovation and lifelong learning. In the end, nothing really compares to the people's
feeling of security, satisfaction. well-being, and happiness as individuals, as families
and as a community.

National development is associated with cohesive, adaptive and resilient families,
neighborhoods and communities, schools and universities and various religious, social
and civic organizations, as well as business and government institutions consciousty
aiming to be. and variously becoming effective in realizing their values and purposc5.
They generally support each other and work towards fulfilling the comman good
This cooperation among the people ultimately serves the welfare ofthe whole Filipmo
nation and community. Naturally. they face problems and setbacks, but they strive
and move ahead.
to recover
alues & Work Ethics 265

This is assOCiated with peace, constitutional democracy, democratization,
decentralization, devolution and good governance. Political development involves
hoth sustained nation-building and state formation, or the continuous improvement
ofthe capacity of the State and its government institutions to perform their functions
within the franework of constitutional democracy in relation to the
State political sector, civil society and the outside world. The conductmarket, tne no
of external
relations should safeguard the nation's security and contribute to all-around
Abueva and colleagues (1998) explain that effective democratic
involves the interdependent democratization 'of the State and its governmental
institutions. This is to make them responsive
and accountable to the On
other hand, the democratization of civil society aims to ensure the people's active the
and responsible citizenship and participation in governance. In order to make the
political participation of citizens in a democracy effective, the citizens need not only
select and change their leaders through elections, but also, be informed about
affairs in order to be able to participate in govenment decision making, and in shap1ng
the political agenda.

Citizens need to realize their rights to health and education, and their economic
rights to have the economic and financial resources for autonomy in a democracy.
As members of civil society, the people need to continually organize and be effective
members of people's organizations, nongovernment organizations, or civic
organizations at the local and national levels dealing with the government, business,
and other institutions, such as schools and universities. It is in this organized way,
specific aims andereative ways ofinthuencingdecisions. policies and actions
that the people can perform their roles and responsibilities as citizens in a
The core ofthe United Nations International Development Strategy for the 1990s
aimed at enlarging people's choices to a global concern for human development.
e choices include income, health, education, good physical environment, and
reedom of action and expression. It emphasized the need to develop human
pabilities so that people can participare freely in social. political and econoinic
eCsion making, working more productively and creatively for development. In the
ippines, social devclopnment involves the following compolents: 1) self-reliance,
ability to identify, develop and make full use of capacities; 2) welfare, or the
quate provision of basic services; arnd 3) socialjustice, orthe adequate distribution
of Pportunities,
o income and wealth (Guzman, 1997).
266 Values & Work Ethics

Exercise No. 5

The Development of the Filipino Nation

Name Date Score:

ldentity realities that you commonly encounter with respect to the different aspects
of Philippine development. Then, determine what you can undertake with others
towards the realization of the desired scenarios



Cohesiveness of Filipinos

Sense ofnational identity and history

Love and pride of country

Appreciation ofthings Filipino/

achievement of Filipinos

Concern for the common good/

national good
Values &Work Ethics 267

Exercise No. 6
Social and Cultural Development

Name: Date: Score

ldentity realities that you commonly encounter with respect to the different aspectS
of Philippine development. Then, determine what you can undertake with others
towards the realization of the desired scenarios.



Provision of basic services: education.

health. housing, security, others

Protection/maintenance of our

Provision of economic opportunities/

eradication of poverty

Conflict resolution

268 Values & Work Ethics

Exercise No. 7

Institutional Development

Date Score:

fdentify realities that you commonly encounter with respect to the diferent
of aspects
Philippine development. Then,
determine what you can undertake with others,
towards the realization of the desired scenarios.


Development of cohesive. adaptive and
- Families

Neighborhood and communities

-Government institutions

Schools and universities

- Others
Values & Work Ethics
- - - -

Exercise No. 8
Political Development

Name Date: Score:

Identity realities that you commonly encounter
with respect to the different aspects
of Philippine development. Then,
determine what you can undertake with others,
towards the realization of the desired scenarios.

Philippine democracy and the
democratization process

Performance of government institutions

Role and impact of civil society

Political system: its dynamics and impact

270 Values &Work Ethics

Exercise No. 9

Name: Date Score

ldentify realities thatyou commonly encounter with respect to the different aspects
of Philippine development. Then, determine what you can undertake with
towards the realization of the desired scenarios.

Have you been contributing to the betterment

of your community/your society?
In what ways?

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