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Name: Sawsan Mohammad Yusuf

Student ID: 21956001




Well everyone has a memorable unforgettable moment in their life time and will cherish that
moment as long as they live. I am one of those many with a memorable loving moment. I will never
forget it and happy to share it with others. It has been one of many favorite moment in my life. That
it even open my heart to be happy, proud and always grateful.

The memorable day of my life would the day when I came to know I was the second to score the
highest in science in my school. I could not believe my ears as I heard my name on mic Saying that
“The second position goes to SAWSAN MOHAMMAD YUSUF”, I never dreamed of such
achievements nor waiting or expecting it. I was on cloud nine. It was one of the memorable moment
of my life because I was able to see the happiness in my parents’ eyes and their faces were like OMG.
I thought they would cry specially my mom. But they did cried. They gave me a warm hug and told
me they knew I could do this. That day I realized my parents knew and believed me more than me.
Scores or rank was a big reason to be happy and proud. But what was precious to me was my
parents’ confidence in me. They believed in me since day one and I am so grateful for that. My
parents and my family was the one who never thought twice to be always by my side. Their love and
affection for me was the unconditional. They wanted me to be a self-independent woman and
believe in myself. And I made it. I became a self-independent woman and I believe in myself and one
day I will became a successful woman. Another reason why I consider the day as a memorable day of
my life because I was able to outshine my biggest competitors. There were too many students and
those students were intelligent and dedicated. I was determined to work hard and score as much
higher as possible because that’s what I wanted and I did alhamdulliah. I knew that I will win a good
rank but not expected I will take the second position. But the results of my hard work was beyond my
expectation as I was the second from the top. And I am very grateful and proud. And that day I came
to realize know that I should never doubt my abilities and have faith in myself, believe in myself that I
can do it. My parents, my family prayers, courage, determination were the three most powerful
driving factors for me. My family were my biggest support, specially my dad, my mom and my big
sister. During the time of struggle and distress they were my supporter and my biggest fan as well. So
yeah this the memorable moment of my life was the day when I could give my parents, my family the
most beautiful reason to be happy, proud of me and a big smile on their faces. :D

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