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World Literature Exam 1

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1. Dharma the guiding principle of proper human 20. Roman founded in 753 BC
conduct, prescribed program at sacred duty, Empire
the basis for the social and moral order of the
21. Aeneid written 10 years after the fall of troy and was
written in 20 BC
2. Visnu The preserver
22. Heroic ancient ideal of excellence to which all
3. SIva The destroyer Code aristocratic male members. involves courage,
heroism in Battle, complete loyalty, wisdom, and
4. Brahma The creator
5. Daiva ancient indian word for divine will. It is the
23. Aidos is the sense of responsibility
collective will of the gods.
24. Hubris overwhelming pride or insolence that results in
6. Vedas hindu's primary sculpture of few books of
the misfortune of the protagonist.
sacred hymns
25. Kudos individual glory
7. Laksmi Situ is the avatar for which spouse of
Vishnu?? 26. Ate greek word for "ruin"or "falling" it is the clouding
of the mind results from excessive pride.
8. Homosocial the intense personal bond between men. Ex.
Bond Gilgamesh and Endiku share this. 27. Devices -Statement of the Theme
used in -in media res- in the middle of things
9. Ishtar Mesopotamian goddess of love, fertility, and
Epic -Catalogues of warriors, armies, and ships
Poetry -extended formal speeches by the main character
10. Grantas seriousness of purpose and devotion to duty -invocation of the muse
(Qualities of -Describing a Simile in 2-14 lines
a Roman
28. Greek Gods do not dictate human destiny, humans
Concept determine their own fate.
11. Pietas Devotion to the gods of rome of Fate
(Qualities of
a Roman
12. Fugalitas Idealizing of the simple life free from
(Qualities of distractions of vanity
a Roman
13. Anachronism out of time, out of place
14. Amplification rhetorical device used to emphasize intensity,
(Literary or enlarge elaborations with details. Ex:
Strategies) Homers description of Achillies Shield
15. Apostrophe when a speaker turns directly to address an
(literary absent person
16. Appropriate to adopt or alter a pattern or style. Romans
appropriate greeks stones in 4 major ways
17. Refocusing Changing Greek names to romans and
reflecting romans attitude towards war.
18. Historicizing romans insisted in trying real names and
myths to specific places on certain dates.
Romans were proud of their history.
19. Reinterating changing the myth to reflect a particular and
linear universe directed at one. the subjection
of all the eorlf to roman laws and views

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