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Domingo Cristine V.


The Importance of the Three Components of Language Planning and Policy

In Relation with our Culture and Tradition

Language Planning and Policy is concerned with the policies both explicit and implicit that
influence what languages are spoken, when, how, and by whom as well as the values and rights
associated with those language. Meaning, languages should be studied accordingly and embraced
it inwardly or even outwardly. That is way the three components of it should be learned, accept
and developed as well, so that it will grow. The first is language practices, ever since when we
started to learn to speak, what comes to our mind, whatever we hear we suddenly tell and trying
to copy to whom we heard, that is why language practices is very essential to us to learn it with
understanding. Language practice is vital also because if you want to preserved something and
you don’t want to missed or forgot you have to continue to practice it for you to be able to have
response, share and maintain what you have this is the role of language practice. While the
second one is language belief, which is easy to embrace because what you believe you will do it
or apply, that is why it is crucial to understand and to learn what can beliefs can do for you and
what you can do for that belief, through continuous studying we will learn that there are things
that really change, we then see the other side of things that we ought to know before, just like a
child growing up, that child will no longer a child after so many years pass by, but the way that
child learns from the start will eventually hold it tight or believe it for a long time, that is
language belief can do, but then language management can maximize either minimize it all,
choosing the right language to study or embrace can do a lot also, it can give another
achievements and can help an individual to grow and developed but what is more important is it
should have purpose not just for your own sake but for everyone else around you that see you as
a motivation, that is why language management is there to organized, to help and to build the
languages by giving a lesson, and understanding about how the language can do to anyone.
More of it, the importance of these three components of language learning is to unleashed the
unused ability of people to learn more about language, that it is not just about what you know
now but what more you will learn about language that you just see before as a normal words that
everyone is telling, but learning language while following the policies will unwrap your curiosity
about the different languages that you supposedly heard. Learning language is a must in our
culture and tradition to preserved our own language that will bring us progress and unity

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