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Nurs 401- Introduction to Professional Development for Baccalaureate Nursing Practice

Oral Presentation

Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is for the student to assemble a PowerPoint presentation. In
addition, the student will organize content about their value/viewpoint of the professional image
of a nurse. There is no right or wrong to the content.

Student Approach to Assignment

This assignment was completed using PowerPoint and creating a video to explain the
professional image of a male nurse from my personal view. I explained what a majority of
people think when they think about the image of a nurse. Stereotypes of male nurses were
included in the PowerPoint.

Reason for Inclusion

This assignment was included in the portfolio because as a male nurse, it explains the image of a
male nurse from my point of view. It explains stereotypes of male nurses that I have heard from
people. By completing this assignment, it enhanced my skills and enabled me to become more
familiar with PowerPoint.


 Expresses oneself and communicates effectively with diverse groups using a variety of
Through the completion of this assignment, I was able to express my personal viewpoint of a
male nurse. I then recorded a video of me presenting my PowerPoint on my personal view of a
male nurse. Then, I posted this PowerPoint on my class Blackboard site for my classmates to

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