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Congratulations! You’ve almost completed the lesson. You've learned that the Industrial
Revolution had a significant impact on everyday life in Britain, mainland Europe, Japan, and the
United States. The introduction of the factory system, labor unions and advances in
transportation had far reaching impacts on the economies of these nations as well.
Industrialization had its share of both champions who celebrated these changes and critics who
opposed them.

A blog is a website that shares written content such as information or thoughts and ideas. A
personal blog could help you share your life and how you feel about things day to day. A blog
gives you a voice and lets you tell your own story. It can be a wonderful outlet for creativity and
personal expression.

For your assessment, you will write blog posts from two opposing points of view: a capitalist
opening a factory and a teenager working in that factory. How does each feel? What are their
motivations? What are the positives or negatives that they encounter on a daily basis during the
Industrial revolution?

Step One:

Imagine that you are a Capitalist who is opening a brand new factory during the Industrial
revolution. How do you feel? Use the first person (“I,” “we,” and “my”) to describe what this
experience would be like in 3 to 5 complete sentences. Be sure to include 2-3 positives from the
Industrial Revolution in your details. Don’t forget to use the lesson for support.

Step Two:

Now imagine that you are a teenager working in a factory during the Industrial revolution. How
do you feel? Use the first person (“I,” “we,” and “my”) to describe what this experience would
be like in 3 to 5 complete sentences. Be sure to include 2-3 negatives from the Industrial
Revolution in your details. Don’t forget to use the lesson for support.

Capitalist Example: “Hey guys, it’s me again. Another day down in getting the textile factory up
and running. The amount of capital needed to start a business is crazy, but I’m determined to get
my business off the ground here in London. All I need ……”

Teenager Example: “I’m totally exhausted… It’s 9pm and I need to be up again in 6 hours to
make my way back to the coal mine in the morning. We lost Jimmy today, shaft caved in, I don’t
know how much more of this I can endure. The boss is …….”

Capitalist: Imagine that you are a Capitalist who is opening a brand new factory during the
Industrial revolution. How do you feel? Use the first person (“I,” “we,” and “my”) to describe
what this experience would be like in 3 to 5 complete sentences. Be sure to include 2-3
positives from the Industrial Revolution in your details. Don’t forget to use the lesson for

What pages will you use to support your response? ____________ and ____________


Teenager: Now imagine that you are a teenager working in a factory during the Industrial
revolution. How do you feel? Use the first person (“I,” “we,” and “my”) to describe what this
experience would be like in 3 to 5 complete sentences. Be sure to include 2-3 negatives from
the Industrial Revolution in your details. Don’t forget to use the lesson for support.

What pages will you use to support your response? ____________ and ____________


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