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“Travel” to Europe Organizer

Get this information from the HOME PAGE:

Name of Country: Italy Quick Facts

Did You Know Facts: Most Italians go on Capital: Rome

(select 3 of your vacation in August. Many
choice) factories and businesses
close down for two to
three weeks around 15
August so that people can
go to the mountains or to
the beaches to relax.

Italy is home to more than Population: 62,246,674

50 UNESCO World
Heritage Sites.

Italian men rarely get Currency: Euros

married until after they
have finished their
education and found a

Flag of the Country: Map of the Country:

Get this information from the PEOPLE & PLACES:

Languages: Italian may sound Languages: Yes, they do speak English as a

Anything interesting different from city to city Do they speak second language but the main
about the language? because the people have English? language is Italian.
different accents. For
Example, in Tuscany the
letter c sometimes has
the same pronunciation
as the letter h in English.

Key Phrases Hello = Ciao Religion:

“Can you say it”: (Screenshot
Goodbye = Ciao
the chart)
Yes = Si
No = No Command+Shift+4
Ctrl + F5
Use Snipping Tool

Get this information from the LIFESTYLE:

Games and Sport: Soccer Food: What is Italian pizza, Pasta,

What is their main sport? something you would gnocchi (potato
expect to eat in your dumplings), risotto (a
rice dish with
vegetables, meat, and
broth), gelato (ice
cream), Latte caldo
(warm milk) for
children, and a
cornetto (cream-filled

Holidays: Christmas School: Is school Different by going to

What are their main similar or different from school at 6-16 where
holidays? (Pick 1-2 min.) school in the United ours is 5-18. They go
Ferragosto(Celebrat to school 6 days a
es the Virgin Mary week, though they
being taken to have long vacations.
heaven at the end of And they do not have
her life) activities like dances,
yearbooks, or sports
programs. Similar by
having similar subjects
like, math, English,
history, science,
geography, art,
information technology,
and physical

Life as a Kid: They either go to the Piazza which is an open area in the city or a park
What do kids do for fun? with their friends.
(Include at least one fact)
Get this information from the SOCIETY:

Government Getting Around: Mainly scooters

How do people but they still use
Who is the Head of State? President Sergio Mattarella cars and boats.
move through the Rome, Milan,
Who is Head of the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte country? Cars? Naples, and
Government? Busses? Other Turin have
Public transport? subways
How old does a person starting at age 25
have to be to vote?

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