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Primary and Secondary Stability of Implants

in Postextraction and Healed Sites:

A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial
Luciano Malchiodi, MD1/Lucio Balzani, MD2/Alessandro Cucchi, DDS3/
Paolo Ghensi, DDS4/Pier Francesco Nocini, MD, DDS1

Purpose: This randomized clinical trial aimed to investigate the relationships between insertion torque,
implant stability quotient (ISQ), and crestal bone loss (CBL) of implants placed in fresh or 12-week healed
extraction sites. Materials and Methods: Forty patients were randomly assigned to one of two groups and
had one implant placed immediately (test group, n = 20) or 12 weeks after extraction (control group, n = 20)
at premolar or molar sites. For all implants, insertion torque and ISQ scores at insertion and loading were
recorded. Patients were followed for up to 12 months. Results: Implant success was 100% in both groups.
No differences were observed concerning both ISQ at insertion and ISQ at loading. A stronger correlation was
detected between ISQ at insertion and insertion torque in the postextractive group (R = 0.83), than in the
delayed group (R = 0.39), while ISQ at loading and insertion torque showed no correlation. CBL at 12 months
was significantly different between test (0.68 ± 0.43 mm) and control (0.40 ± 0.26 mm, P = .02) groups.
Conclusion: Implant placement timing (immediate or delayed) may affect correlation between insertion torque
and ISQ at insertion with ISQ at loading. While insertion torque influences ISQ at insertion, it does not affect ISQ
at loading because of successful osseointegration. Postextraction and delayed implants seem to have similar
ISQ at insertion and at loading, but different CBL after 12 months of follow-up because of postextraction bone
remodeling. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2016;31:1435–1443. doi: 10.11607/jomi.4710

Keywords: crestal bone loss, implant stability quotient, implant success, insertion torque, postextraction
sites, RFA

I mplant primary stability is defined as the mechanical

stabilization that develops immediately after implant
placement. Its role in determining implant success was
at the bone-implant interface has been shown to in-
terfere with the osseointegration process.4–6 Indeed,
micromotion exceeding 50 to 150 microns is regarded
established in the original implant placement protocol as a risk factor for increasing the probability of defec-
defined by Brånemark et al.1 Primary stability has been tive or abortive osseointegration and fibrous implant
shown to depend on several factors, including bone encapsulation.7 Accordingly, primary stability is a key
quality (ie, density) and quantity at the placement site; prognostic determinant,8 and achieving a proper de-
implant design, size, and surface; and the placement gree of primary stability is a fundamental prerequisite
technique used (ie, osteotomy undersizing).2 In con- for any implant-supported rehabilitation.9 Sufficient
trast, secondary stability is the mechanical stabiliza- primary stability becomes of paramount importance
tion that develops as a consequence of bone formation if implants have to be inserted in challenging condi-
and remodeling at the implant surface.3 Micromotion tions, such as in fresh postextraction sockets or low-
density or regenerated bone,10 or if early or immediate
loading protocols are involved.11–13
1Department of Surgery, Section of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Implant design is another factor affecting primary
Surgery, University of Verona, Italy.
2 Azienda Usl, Bologna, Italy.
stability.14 Implants with an expanded coronal third,
3Department of Biomedical and Neuromotorial Science,
reduced thread pitch design, and a slightly conical
University of Bologna, Italy. core provide greater primary stability than conven-
4 Centre for Integrative Biology (CIBIO), University of Trento, tional implant designs, thanks to their ability to com-
Italy. press bone upon insertion.15 The implant surface plays
a role later, as osseointegration occurs, by modulating
Correspondence to: Prof Luciano Malchiodi, Via Solferino 11,
25122 Brescia (BS), Italy. Email:
the implant-tissue interaction at the bone-implant
interface.16 Indeed, surfaces that are roughened via
©2016 by Quintessence Publishing Co Inc. metal-subtractive techniques, via anodic deposition,

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and/or via contamination by ions accelerate the osseo- stability (insertion torque and RFA at insertion), sec-
integration process.17,18 Therefore, while primary sta- ondary stability (RFA at loading), and CBL after 1 year
bility depends on mechanical anchorage, secondary of functional loading in the two groups; and (2) sig-
stability bonds develop because of bone remodeling nificant correlation between insertion torque and RFA
processes occurring at the bone-implant interface at scores at insertion and at loading in the two groups.
Several methods have been proposed to assess
implant stability,19 including histomorphometry ob- MATERIALS AND METHODS
servations, reverse-torque analysis,20 pull- and push-
through tests,21,22 and radiographic and computed Patients presenting at the Department of Dentistry and
tomography (CT) examination.23,24 However, due to Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Verona, between
problems of invasiveness or accuracy, these methods March 2011 and March 2012, seeking implant-pros-
are not suitable for clinical assessments. A noninvasive thetic rehabilitations that required a dental extraction
measurement procedure, first devised to assess dental at premolar or molar sites that could be successfully
mobility and later used to evaluate implant stability, restored with either a delayed or immediate postex-
was introduced in the early 1980s by Schulte et al.25 traction implant were screened for the study. Included
The so-called Periotest device involves measuring the patients had to meet the following criteria: a single
implant’s mechanical response to percussion. Unfor- postextraction socket with a containing alveolus (four
tunately, readings are strongly affected by the percus- bone-wall defects); more than 9 mm of bone height
sion direction and position and may not always relate in the maxilla and more than 11 mm in the mandible.
to an actual biomechanical parameter.26 Meredith et At least 3 mm of bone beyond the root apex should
al27–29 later introduced a method based on the fre- be available for following implant placement; if 3 mm
quency analysis of the implant’s response to a trans- were not available, the patient was excluded from the
ducer excited with a proper, steady-state wave form. study, because of the difficulty of implant stabilization.
The method, resonance frequency analysis (RFA), mea- They had to need a fixed prosthesis (single crown was
sures the stiffness of the implant with respect to the preferred), sign an informed written consent, accept
surrounding tissue, thereby providing an assessment treatment based on a new implant system, and be will-
of its mechanical stability, expressed as the implant ing to take part in a follow-up program.
stability quotient (ISQ). This method seems to provide Patients were excluded if they had ASA (American
more reliable information in comparison with other Society of Anesthesiologists) ratings of 4, 5, or 6; were
tests.30–33 Torque at insertion is another parameter pregnant; had osteoporosis or other bone diseases;
that is often recorded,34 and the extent of implant mi- were currently undergoing bisphosphonate therapy;
cromotion has been shown to be inversely correlated suffered from any psychiatric disease, neoplasia, or
with peak torque at insertion.35–37 The question of drug and/or alcohol abuse; had a history of chemo-
whether insertion torque represents a reliable primary therapy or radiotherapy in the head or neck region at
stability indicator is still open, however. A strong cor- any time in the previous 2 years; were immunocompro-
relation between insertion torque and primary stabil- mised; and had any acute oral infections or coagulation
ity as assessed using RFA has been observed by some disorders. Heavy smoking and poor oral hygiene were
authors,38,39 but others have not found any significant also considered exclusion criteria. Finally, patients with
correlation.40–42 Available data do not allow for defini- uncontrolled diabetes or other uncontrolled conditions
tion of an optimal insertion torque value to obtain good that were documented to have a negative influence on
primary stability. However, insertion torque correlates implant success were not included in the study.
with the initial bone-to-implant contact (BIC).43,44 Con- The enrolled patients were randomly divided into
sequently, implants that have a shape and/or thread two groups: 20 who had implants placed at the time
design allowing for higher insertion torque values may of tooth extraction (test group), and 20 with implants
enable achievement of greater BIC, possibly resulting placed 12 weeks after tooth extraction (control group).
in higher primary stability and in a greater probability Only one of the investigators, who was not involved
of successful osseointegration. in the selection and treatment of the patients, was
The aim of this randomized controlled clinical trial aware of the randomization sequence and had access
was to investigate the relationships between inser- to the randomization list. The randomized codes were
tion torque, ISQ, and 1-year crestal bone loss (CBL) of enclosed in identical, sequentially numbered opaque
implants with a cylindrical design and regular single sealed envelopes. Envelopes were opened in sequence
threads placed in fresh or 12-week healed postextrac- only after teeth were extracted to conceal the treat-
tion sites. Specifically, the aims of this study included ment group to which the patient was assigned.
evaluation of (1) significant differences of primary

1436 Volume 31, Number 6, 2016

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Patients were provided a detailed explanation of after raising a full-thickness flap extended to the adja-
the study protocol and signed an informed written cent mesial and distal teeth.
consent, which had already been previously approved In both groups, at the end of the surgical procedure,
by the local Ethics Committee for Human Research. a healing screw was placed and soft tissues were su-
The study was conducted in accordance with the fun- tured to obtain the most complete possible closure of
damental principles of the Helsinki Declaration, origi- surgical sites. Patients were instructed to avoid brush-
nally described in 1977 and subsequently revised in ing the treated area. Ibuprofen 600 mg (Brufen 600,
2000, concerning research on human subjects. Abbott Laboratories) was to be taken as needed. The
All implants used in the study (SybronPRO XRT, Syb- bone type at the site of insertion was classified accord-
ron Implant Solutions) had a cylindrical design and ing to Lekholm and Zarb’s system.45
regular single threads. These implants have coronal mi- For both groups, a definitive impression was made
crothreads, self-tapping blades, a rounded apex, a cor- after 3 months. Custom abutments and definitive pros-
onal flare, and a resorbable blast media (RBM) surface. theses were manufactured and positioned 1 or 2 weeks
after the impression was obtained, thus concluding the
Surgery treatment. The definitive rehabilitation included single
Patients received professional oral hygiene 1 day be- crowns that were cemented at the juxtagingival level
fore the operation and were instructed to rinse with and placed in occlusion. The occlusal surface was thor-
chlorhexidine 0.2% for 1 minute, 2 times a day, start- oughly modeled so that it was in contact with reduced
ing 3 days prior to the intervention and thereafter for areas during laterality and protrusion excursions, in
14 days. All patients received prophylactic amoxicil- order to reduce the dislocating vectorial components.
lin and clavulanic acid (Augmentin, GlaxoSmithKline) More contacts were maintained in maximum intercus-
2 g 1 hour prior to the intervention and 1 g 6 hours pidation. Patients followed a maintenance program
postoperatively. comprising professional oral hygiene every 6 months
Following the administration of local anesthesia and two chlorhexidine digluconate 0.2% rinses per day
using articaine with adrenaline 1:100,000 (Dentsply), a during the first 2 weeks.
careful circular fiberotomy was performed using perio-
tomes and small elevators to achieve atraumatic tooth Resonance Frequency Analysis
extraction. After removal of all granulation tissue, the Implant stability measurements were performed at the
integrity of the four socket bone walls was checked time of implant placement and at the time of loading
with a periodontal probe. If the facial socket walls by measuring ISQ values for each implant with a RFA-
were damaged, surgical flaps were elevated to allow analysis device (Osstell, Osstell). The transducer was
for guided bone regeneration procedures to be per- screwed onto each implant and tightened to 5 to 10
formed, and these sites were excluded from the study. Ncm. The device probe was aimed at the small magnet
Immediately after tooth extraction, the envelope at the top of the transducer and held still, at a distance
containing the randomization code was opened to let between 2 and 3 mm, until measurement was com-
the surgeon know whether to proceed with immediate plete and the device displayed the ISQ value. If two
implant placement. ISQ values were displayed simultaneously, their mean
In the test group, no flap was elevated, and the im- value was recorded. Measurements were taken twice
plant site preparation at the fresh extraction sockets in the buccolingual direction and the mesiodistal di-
was performed according to standard techniques, drill- rection. The mean of all measurements was rounded
ing osteotomies that followed the socket bone walls as to the nearest integer and regarded as representative
a guide. Bone was underdrilled apically to the extrac- of the ISQ.
tion sockets, leaving at least 3 mm of bone beyond the
root apex. No countersinking was used. Implants were Insertion Torque Measurements
placed 1 mm below the alveolar crest buccal level, to Peak insertion torque values were recorded by means
(1) improve primary stability because of the increase of the same motor used for implant placement (Osseo-
of BIC, and (2) balance out the bone resorption of Care Nobel Biocare). This motor features an insertion
the buccal plate, reducing the risk of implant dehis- torque control system to avoid mechanical overload
cence. In all cases, any gap between the implant and either of the equipment or the bone tissue and allows
surrounding bone at the facial aspect was filled with for torque visualization. For each implant, torque was
a mixture of autogenous bone collected during drill- increased in 5-Ncm steps from an initial value of 20
ing and deproteinized bovine bone (Bio-Oss, Geistlich Ncm up to complete insertion, and the final insertion
Pharma). For the control group, alveolar sockets were torque value was recorded. Such values were double-
left to heal spontaneously for 12 weeks. Implants were checked with a manual torque wrench featuring a 15-
then placed according to the manufacturer’s protocol to 70-Ncm graduated scale.

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Table 1  Characteristics of Treated Patients at Baseline

Sex Smokers (< 20 Controlled
Study group Age (median) (Male:Female) cigarettes/day) Controlled diabetes periodontitis
Immediate (test) 54 y 11:9 10.0% (n = 4) 2.5% (n = 1) 17.5% (n = 7)
Delayed (control) 51 y 13:7 15.0% (n = 6) 0.0% (n = 0) 22.5% (n = 9)

Bone Level Measurement size in each group is 82. However, it was decided for
Crestal bone levels were assessed using standardized clinical reasons to recruit only 20 patients in each
radiographs performed with a parallel technique at group.
the time of implant surgery, reopening surgery, func- Differences, if any, between the test and the control
tional loading, and at the 12-month follow-up visit. groups concerning insertion torque and ISQ at inser-
Radiographs were collected for each implant placed. tion were investigated by means of Student t tests.
All radiographs were scanned, digitized in JPG for- To investigate differences between primary and sec-
mat, converted to 600 dpi resolution TIFF images, and ondary stability, ISQ at insertion and loading for all
stored in a personal computer. patients, and for patients belonging to the test and
Peri-implant marginal bone levels were measured control groups, were compared by means of t tests
by two different blinded examiners using analysis soft- for paired samples. Correlations between ISQ at inser-
ware (Image J, National Institutes of Health) that was tion or ISQ at loading with the insertion torque, and
calibrated for every single image using the known im- between ISQ at insertion and ISQ at loading were in-
plant diameter at the most coronal portion of the im- vestigated by calculating the Pearson R coefficient and
plant neck. The distance from the implant-abutment performing simple linear regression analyses. A multi-
interface to the most apical point of the crestal bone ple linear regression was performed to investigate the
observed to be in intimate contact with the implant correlation of ISQ at surgery with insertion torque and
was measured to the nearest 0.01 mm on both the me- the placement position (maxilla or mandible). Finally,
sial and distal sides. The values recorded by two differ- a multiple linear regression was performed to investi-
ent examiners were used to calculate the mean value gate whether immediate or delayed insertion, implant
of CBL for each implant. The values obtained were then diameter, or implant length had an effect on CBL at 1
averaged and compared with the bone levels observed year. All tests were regarded as significant if P < .05.
at baseline. Additionally, 1-year CBL variations were re- Statistical analyses were performed with the SPSS
corded and correlated with stability parameters at in- software (version 16; SPSS). A biostatistician with ex-
sertion and loading. pertise in dentistry analyzed the data, without know-
ing the group codes. The patient was the statistical
Implant Success unit of the analyses. All results are expressed as mean
Implant success was assessed according to the criteria ± SD.
described in Buser et al46 and modified by Albrektsson
and Zarb,47 including: (1) absence of persistent pain
or dysesthesia or paresthesia in the implant area; (2) RESULTS
absence of peri-implant infection with or without sup-
puration; (3) absence of perceptible mobility of the im- Forty patients were enrolled in the study, and each
plant; and (4) absence of persistent peri-implant bone patient received one implant to restore a single lost
resorption > 1.5 mm during the first year of loading tooth. Records of 40 implants placed in 40 subjects
and 0.2 mm/year during the following years. Implants (ages 35 to 75 years; 16 women and 24 men) were
were considered successful when all the aforemen- analyzed. The main baseline patient characteristics are
tioned conditions were met. presented in Table 1.
The distribution of implants according to their sites
Statistical Analysis in the two study groups is described in Table 2; the dis-
The sample size was calculated for the primary out- tribution according to implant length and diameter is
come measures (implant failure): a two group conti- described in Table 3.
nuity corrected chi-square test with a 0.050 two-sided In the immediate postextraction group, all implants
significance level will have 80% power to detect the were inserted in bone types II to IV; the same findings
difference between a proportion of 0.100 and a pro- were observed for the control group (bone types II to
portion of 0.500 for patients experiencing at least one IV) because extraction sockets were left to heal for only
implant failure (odds ratio of 2.922) when the sample 3 months, and bone type I could not be present.

1438 Volume 31, Number 6, 2016

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Table 2  Distribution of Implants According to Their Sites in the Two Groups

Study group No. of implants Molar sites Premolar sites Maxilla Mandible
Immediate (test) 50.0% (n = 20) 20.0% (n = 8) 30.0% (n = 12) 27.5% (n = 11) 22.5% (n = 9)
Delayed (control) 50.0% (n = 20) 37.5% (n = 15) 12.5% (n = 5) 22.5% (n = 9) 27.5% (n = 11)
Total 100.0% (n = 40) 57.5% (n = 23) 42.5% (n = 17) 50.0% (n= 20) 50.0% (n = 20)

Table 3  Distribution of Implants According to the Implant Length and Diameter in the Two Groups
9-mm-long 11-mm-long 13-mm-long 3.3-mm-wide 4.1-mm-wide
Study group No. of implants implants implants implants implants implants
Immediate (test) 50.0% (n = 20) 20.0% (n = 8) 17.5% (n = 7) 12.5% (n = 5) 12.5% (n = 5) 37.5% (n = 15)
Delayed (control) 50.0% (n = 20) 20.0% (n = 8) 25.0% (n = 10) 5.0% (n = 2) 20.0% (n = 8) 30.0% (n = 12)
Total 100.0% (n = 40) 40.0% (n = 16) 42.5% (n = 17) 17.5% (n = 7) 32.5% (n = 13) 67.5% (n = 27)

Table 4  Distribution of Insertion Torque Measurements

Torque range Test group Control group
(Ncm) No. of implants % (immediate) % (delayed) %
< 35 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
35–50 26 65.0 15 75.0 11 55.0
51–60 9 22.5 4 20.0 5 25.0
61–70 5 12.5 1 5.0 4 20.0
> 70 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Total 40 100.0 20 100.0 20 100.0

No deviations from the study protocols occurred, to 82; Table 5). ISQ values for most implants (n = 21;
and no patients dropped out during the follow-up 52.5%) ranged from 60 to 69.
period. All patients attended follow-up visits regu- The mean RFA score at implant insertion (ISQ0) in
larly and maintained good oral hygiene. During the the test group was 61.90 ± 9.99 (median 62.0; range,
12-month follow-up, no implants were lost, and no 42 to 82). ISQ values for most implants, n = 11 (55%),
implants failed because of excessive bone resorption, ranged from 60 to 69; one implant (5%) scored from
providing a 100% implant success rate. 70 to 79; and one implant (5.0%) scored from 80 to 89.
Similarly, the mean ISQ reading at implant insertion
Insertion Torque (ISQ0) in the control group was 66.00 ± 8.25 (median
Mean insertion torque for all implants was 49.0 ± 66.5; range, 51 to 81). ISQ values for most implants,
9.95 Ncm (median 50 Ncm; range, 35 to 70 Ncm; n = 10 (50%), ranged from 60 to 69; no implants (0%)
Table 4). Twenty-six implants (65.0%) had insertion showed readings from 40 to 49; five implants (25%)
torques ranging from 35 to 50 Ncm; nine implants scored from 70 to 79; and two implants (10%) scored
(22.5%) scored between 51 and 60 Ncm; and five im- from 80 to 89.
plants (12.5%) scored between 61 and 70 Ncm. The
mean insertion torque value for implants in the test ISQ at Functional Loading
group was 46.0 ± 9.95 Ncm (median 45 Ncm; range, At the reopening surgery, the mean RFA score (ISQ1)
35 to 70 Ncm). Fifteen implants (75.0%) had insertion for all implants was 67.48 ± 5.95 (median 66; range,
torque values ranging from 35 to 50 Ncm. The mean 56 to 80). ISQ values for most implants, n = 24 (60%),
insertion torque for implants in the control group ranged from 60 to 69 (Table 5).
was 52.0 ± 9.23 Ncm (median 50 Ncm; range, 35 to 70 The mean RFA score at loading (ISQ1) in the test
Ncm). Eleven implants (55.0%) had insertion torque group was 68.15 ± 5.97 (median 66.0; range, 61 to 80).
values ranging from 35 to 50 Ncm. No insertion torque ISQ values for most implants, n = 12 (60%), ranged
values less than 35 Ncm or greater than 70 Ncm were from 60 to 69; seven implants (35%) scored from 70
observed. to 79; and one implant (5%) scored from 80 to 89. The
mean RFA score at implant loading (ISQ1) in the con-
ISQ at Insertion trol group was 66.80 ± 6.01 (median 66.5; range, 56 to
The mean RFA score at implant insertion (ISQ0) for 77): ISQ values for most implants, n = 12 (60%), ranged
all implants was 63.95 ± 8.81 (median 64.5; range, 42 from 60 to 69; six implants (30%) scored from 70 to 79.

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Table 5  ISQ Scores at Insertion and Reentry

At insertion At reentry
Test group Control group Test group Control group
All (immediate) (delayed) All (immediate) (delayed)
range No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
< 40 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
40–49 2 5.0 2 10.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
50–59 8 20.0 5 25.0 3 15.0 2 5.0 0 0.0 2 10.0
60–69 21 52.5 11 55.0 10 50.0 24 60.0 12 60.0 12 60.0
70–79 6 15.0 1 5.0 5 25.0 13 32.5 7 35.0 6 30.0
80–89 3 7.5 1 5.0 2 10.0 1 2.5 1 5.0 0 0.0
> 90 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Total 40 100.0 20 100.0 20 100.0 40 100.0 20 100.0 20 100.0
ISQ = implant stability quotient.

Table 6  Results of Comparisons Between Test Table 7  Comparisons Between ISQ at

and Control Groups Insertion and Loading
Test group Control group Parameter ISQ at insertion ISQ at loading P
Parameter (immediate) (delayed) P
All implants 63.95 ± 8.81 67.48 ± 5.95 .005*
IT (Ncm) 46.0 ± 9.9 52.0 ± 9.2 .0553*
Test group 61.90 ± 9.99 68.15 ± 5.97 .005*
ISQ at insertion 61.90 ± 9.99 66.00 ± 8.25 .14 (immediate)
ISQ at loading 68.15 ± 5.97 66.80 ± 6.01 .48 Control group 66.00 ± 8.25 66.80 ± 6.01 .46
CBL (mm) 0.68 ± 0.43 0.40 ± 0.26 .02* (delayed)
IT = insertion torque; ISQ = implant stability quotient; CBL = crestal *Indicates significance.
bone loss.
*Indicates significance.

Table 8  Summary of Regression Analysis respectively, P = .0553, while ISQ at insertion was
Results not significantly different between the two groups
(P = .14; Table 6).
Variables Control
(dependent vs Test group group ISQ at loading was not significantly different be-
independent) All (immediate) (delayed) tween the two groups (P = .48).
ISQ at insertion vs ISQ at loading and ISQ at insertion were signifi-
R = 0.66 R = .83 R = 0.39
insertion torque cantly different for all implants (67.48 ± 5.95 vs 63.95
ISQ at loading vs ± 8.81, P = .005) and for implants placed immediately
N.S. N.S. N.S.
insertion torque after extraction (test group, 68.15 ± 5.97 vs 61.90 ±
ISQ at loading vs
R = 0.55 R = 0.39 R = 0.82
9.99, respectively, P = .005; Table 7). The ISQ values at
ISQ at insertion the two points in time were not significantly different
ISQ = implant stability quotient; N.S. = not significant. for the delayed implants (66.00 ± 8.25 vs 66.80 ± 6.01,
respectively, P = .46).
Crestal Bone Loss A moderate/strong correlation was detected be-
Mean CBL for all 40 implants at the 12-month follow- tween ISQ and torque at insertion (ISQ0 vs insertion
up was 0.54 ± 0.38 mm (median 0.40 mm; range, 0.05 torque, R = 0.66; Table 8) considering all implants both
to 1.50 mm). CBL in the test group was 0.68 ± 0.43 mm by linear and multiple regression analyses. The correla-
(median 0.70 mm; range, 0.10 to 1.50 mm), while in the tion was stronger in the postextraction group (ISQ0 vs
control group, it was 0.40 ± 0.26 mm (median 0.35 mm; insertion torque, R = 0.83, test group) than in the de-
range, 0.05 to 0.90 mm). No implant failed according to layed group (ISQ0 vs insertion torque, R = 0.39, control
Albrektsson and Zarb’s criteria. group). A significant negative correlation was found
between RFA scores at surgery (ISQ0) and the site
Statistical Analysis Results (maxilla or mandible) of insertion. Inserting implants
Insertion torque was slightly different between the in the maxillary arch corresponded to a 5-unit mean
control and test groups, 52.0 ± 9.2 vs 46.0 ± 9.9 Ncm, RFA score decrease.

1440 Volume 31, Number 6, 2016

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No significant correlations were found between RFA at premolar and anterior sites, there is a trend showing
scores at loading and insertion torque. This was true an increased probability of failure.52 When only molar
for all 40 implants considered as a group and for the sites are considered, success and survival rates at 1
two groups separately. year are significantly lower (83% on average) than they
ISQ at loading and ISQ at insertion showed a mod- are for all possible positioning sites.53,54
erate correlation when all implants were considered The present study investigated the performance of
(ISQ0 vs ISQ1, R = 0.55, all implants). The correlation implants inserted either in fresh extraction sockets or
was stronger in the delayed group (ISQ0 vs ISQ1, after a 12-week healing period. One-year implant suc-
R = 0.82, control group) than it was in postextraction cess and survival rates, when assessed at the 12-month
one (ISQ0 vs ISQ1, R = 0.39, test group). Among factors follow-up, were 100% in both groups.
influencing CBL, immediate postextraction insertion Primary stability at insertion, as measured with the
had an almost significant and negative effect (–0.23 RFA method, was not significantly different for the
mm, P = .054) in comparison with delayed place- groups. RFA analysis also showed no significant dif-
ment, confirming the significant difference (P = .02) ference between the two groups as far as secondary
observed between the two groups as far as CBL was stability, measured at loading, was concerned. Imme-
concerned (0.68 ± 0.43 mm in the test group vs 0.40 ± diate postextraction and delayed insertion provided
0.26 mm in the control group). the same outcome. RFA scores at insertion correlated
with insertion torque values, when all implants were
considered (R = 0.66). The correlation was stronger in
DISCUSSION the immediate postextraction group (R = 0.83) and
weaker in the delayed one (R = 0.39). This difference
Implant mechanical stability at insertion, defined as could be attributed to the different conditions at the
primary stability, has been shown to be one of the time of insertion for the two groups. In the postextrac-
most important prognostic factors conditioning im- tion group, RFA analysis measures the stiffness of an
plant success. Micromotion at the bone-implant inter- implant engaging bone only in its more apical portion,
face, when exceeding a 50- to 150-µm threshold, may while in the delayed group, the presence of a surround-
lead to formation of fibrous instead of bone tissue, ing regenerated volume may introduce a bias lower-
hindering proper osseointegration. Considering inser- ing the extent of correlation. Insertion torque scores
tion torque, it has been shown that insertion torque in regenerated, softer bone, therefore, should not be
scores less than 20 Ncm are predictive of a greater regarded as reliable as in those in nonregenerated
failure rate for immediately loaded implants.48 If RFA is sites as far as primary stability measurement is con-
considered, failure rates increase when the ISQ is less cerned. RFA scores at loading showed no correlation
than 55.49 Implant primary stability has been shown with insertion torque, either when all implants were
to depend on different factors. Patient-related factors considered as a group or when the two groups were
include bone quantity and, above all, bone density. considered separately. Even if insertion torque corre-
Implant-related factors include the design (shape of lates with greater BIC at insertion, though, remodeling
the body and threads, thread spacing), length, and processes at the bone-implant interface occurring over
diameter. Implant surface modifications modulate the time may override this initial “advantage” and produce
biologic interaction between the implant and the sur- a similar degree of osseointegration at the loading
rounding tissues that leads to secondary stability, ie, time. This could be more evident when postextractive
osseointegration. The importance of achieving proper surgeries (either immediate or delayed) are concerned,
primary stability at insertion is enhanced when chal- since they may involve enhanced bone healing activity
lenging rehabilitation plans are involved, eg, immedi- around the implant in comparison with other kinds of
ate postextraction implants. Immediate postextraction implant placement conditions.
placement is a clinical procedure aiming to diminish RFA scores at loading were significantly different
the discomfort for the patient, eliminating the need for (and greater) than RFA scores at insertion when all
a second surgery, and shortening the time to complete implants were considered. This was also true for the
rehabilitation.50 Implants are given primary stability postextraction implants but was shown to not be true
by the residual alveolar bone at the apical position, for the delayed group, for which the two scores were
while a part of the implant surface is surrounded by substantially identical. This may reflect the fact that,
the clot or the graft and undergoes osseointegration while implants at immediate postextraction sites have
over time as bone regeneration occurs around the im- their stability provided only by the more apical portion
plant. For this reason, this condition is challenging for and acquire additional stability over time as bone re-
the success and even the survival of osseointegrated generation occurs (ie, their stability can only increase
implants.51 When considering postextraction insertion over time), implants inserted in delayed, regenerated

The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 1441

Malchiodi et al

bone get primary stability via the mechanical inter- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

action of their entire surface with the already-regen-
erated volume, and their overall stability develops The authors reported no conflicts of interest related to this
following the well-known trend over time that involves
first a decrease and then a subsequent increase as os-
seointegration develops. The choice to graft socket
gaps around implants in the test group was related to REFERENCES
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