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My Personal Philosophy

The definition of teacher is, "a person who teaches, especially in a school.” Pretty much

gets to the point, right? Now let's take the root word “teach” and read its definition, “impart

knowledge to or instruct (someone) as to how to do something.” Studying to become a teacher

was honestly not my first choice for a career. As a little girl of course, I wanted to be baker,

veterinarian, meteorologist, doctor, and the list goes on. However, as I got into high school, I was

certain I had found my dream job, to become a nurse. This idea stuck with me all four years of

high school and even into college. So, my first year and a half of school at Francsican University

of Steubenville consisted of studying Nursing. But something wasn’t clicking. My heart wasn’t

in the right place. I found my heart being drawn closer and closer towards education. Never in

my wildest dreams would I pictured myself studying to become a teacher, but it clicked, and I

found so much peace within this beautiful occupation.

Summer of 2018 I was a summer missionary for a Life Teen Camp in the Georgia

mountains for three months. This camp had over 300 high school teens arrive every week for 10

weeks straight. Every week was a new experience. But what a joy it was to see these kids learn

and grow within the seven short days they had there. Truly I was inspired by them. This is where

I found the desire to teach. Whether it was little kids or high schoolers I figured out this is what I

want to do. Being a teenager is not only a difficult time but it is such a crucial time in one's life

to be loved, and to know they are loved and cared for. This is something I want to make sure all

my kids know no matter what age they are.

Something I have learned about myself while in college and during my three months as a

missionary is that serving others and just being unconditionally kind brings joy to my heart.

Knowing at the end of the day, that I tried my best to bring joy to this one person and care for

them in the best way I could consoles my heart. We don’t know everyone's story or what they

might be going through, or what they might be going home too. But it's important to me, that

while these kids are in my classroom, for the time being I want them to know they are safe,
loved, valued, and cared for. Attitude is everything in a classroom. If the teacher has a crummy

attitude it can carry over to the students. I want learning to be fun and not boring or stressful. I

want to include fun creative games within my classroom that will help my students learn. I'm

also very passionate about the schooling system in America right now. Technology has given an

endless amount of amazing resources to classrooms, however, oftentimes technology can take

away the creativity from the student and may be distracting. Within my classroom we would be

using technology, however, keeping in mind the limits and toll it can place on the students brain.

Cheesy or not, but these students in classrooms are our future. They will be getting our jobs

and working after the next generation retires, so it's important to me that these kids not only have

a firm education but the confidence needed to achieve their goals. Teachers dedicate a lot of time

into their profession. Whether it is teaching in class, grading papers, making lesson plans, parent

or teachers meeting, they are willing to do whatever it takes for their students to succeed. One

needs a deep compassion in their heart to become a teacher. This deep desire has been placed on

my heart, which I am grateful for. I want not only my students but all students to know that I am

listening to them. Teaching will not just be a job for me to make ends meet, it will be my

vocation and mission.

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