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Natural Resources of Asia


Natural resources are materials from the Earth that are used to support life and meet people’s
needs. Any natural substance that humans use can be considered natural resources. Oil, coal, natural
gas, metals, stone and sand are natural resources. Other natural resources are air, sunlight, soil, and
water. These resources are taken as gift of nature to human beings. Mankind used these natural
resources for their prosperity and survival. Natural resources are the bases of our life. We take on
differences development activities by using them.

Learning outcomes:

 Students will be able to define natural resources.

 Asses the importance of the region waterways and natural resources.
 Students will understand the basic principles of livestock production.

Experiential Learning:

A. Reflective Observations

Activity 1.

1. What are the two (2) most valuable resources in Southwest Asia?


2. What important natural resources are present in East Asia?


3. What are the most abundant natural resources are present in Southwest Asia?


4. What are the main natural resources in Asia?


5. What is the common characteristics of

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