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Every business needs to promote their company through social platforms. For a
company to expand and get the attention that they need, I believe that
Instagram and Facebook are the best social website to catch the eyes of
people who are in need for that specific business. An example of what I mean
by this is let’s say a person is promoting their clothing line. The best way was to
put their advertisement out there is instagram and Facebook because they are
unique to others who are constantly searching up clothing lines and fashion
ideas. Instagram is a video and photo platform where people can take pictures
and videos of themselves.

Content publishing platform

Multimodal texts are a way of communicating which utilizes

a combination of two more modes in order to convey meaning

Some tips to help you deliver a great presentation

Share stories- Stories help us to pay attention, and also to remember things. If you can
use stories in your presentation, your audience is more likely to engage and to
remember your points afterwards. It is a good idea to start with a story, but there is a
wider point too: you need your presentation to act like a story.

To avoid being bored, take advantage of your own experiences to make

things interesting. Pepper the message with personal stories. Your audience
will better understand your message and remember a greater reformulation of
the current sentence.

Make sure that you know your topic well. It's much easier to explain something to other
people if you have a good understanding of it yourself. Practice your presentation out
loud! This will help you get a more accurate feel for how much time your
presentation will take

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