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Where is CK-MB found? Heart

Where is CK-MM found? Muscle

Where is CK-BB found? Brain

Why should you wait 30min after a meal before swimming? All blood in gut and skeletal mm. have ran
out of ATP

How does a neurogenic muscle disease present? Distal weakness + Fasciculations

How does a myopathic muscle disease present? Proximal weakness + pain

What is a light chain composed of? Actin

What is a heavy chain composed of? Myosin

What band of the saromere does not change length? A band

Where are the T-tubules located? Cardiac muscle: Z line Skeletal muscle: A-I junction

What is Duchenne’s MD? Dystrophin framshift, Gower sign, calf pseudohypertrophy

What is Becker’s MD? Dystrophin missense, sx> 5y/o

What is Myotonic Dystrophy? Bird’s beak face, can’t let go when shake hands

What is Myasthenic syndrome = Lambert-Eaton? Gets stronger as day goes by, stronger w/ EMG, not
small cell CA

What is Myasthenia gravis? Gets weaker as day goes, stronger w/ Edrophonium, weaker w/ EMG, rule
out thymoma

What is Multiple sclerosis? Anti-myelin Ab, young woman w/ vision problems, sx come & go

What is Metachromatic Leukodystrophy? Arylsulfatase deficieny, kid with MS presentation

What is Ataxia Telangectasia? Spider veins, IgA deficiency

What is Friedreich’s ataxia? Retinitis pigmentosa, scoliosis

What is Adrenal Leukodystrophy? Carnitine shuttle problem, adrenal failure

What is Guillain-Barre? Ascending paralysis, 2wk after URI

What is ALS? Middle age male w/ Fasciculations, descending paralysis, no sensory problems

What is Werdnig-Hoffman? Fasciculations in newborn, no anterior horns

What is Polio? Asymmetric Fasciculations in child, 2 wk after gastroenteritis

What is Choreoathetosis? Dance-like movements, wringing of hands, quivering voice

What is Atonic cerebral palsy? No muscle tone, floppy


What is Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis? Obsese boys w/ dull achy pain

What is Legg-Calves-Perthes? Limp (femur head avascular necrosis)

What is Septic arthritis? Joint pain (Staph aureus)

What is Ankylosing Spondylitis? Ligament ossification  vertebral body fusion, ↓lumbar curve, stiffer in
morning, kyphosis, uveitis, HLA B-27

What is Cauda Equina Syndrome? “Saddle anesthesia”: can’t feel butt, thighs, perineum

Where does bone cancer metastasis occur from? Breast, prostate, lung, kidney

What is Costochondritis? Painful swelling of chest joint-bone attachments, worse w/ deep breath

What is Disk Herniation? Straight leg raise  shooting pain

What is Lumbar Stenosis? MRI “hourglass”, low back pain

What is Ochronosis = Alkaptonuria? Kids w/ OA, black urine, homogentisic acid oxidase deficiency

What is Osteitis Fibrosis Cystica? Inflammation of bone w/ holes

What is Osteogenesis Imperfecta? Blue sclera, multiple broken bones

What is Osteomalacia = Rickets? Soft bones (waddling gait), Craniotabes (soft skull), Rachitic rosary
(costochondral thickening), Harrison’s groove, Pigeon breast (sternum protrusion)

What is Ostomyelitis? Infected bones

What is Osteonecrosis = Legg-Calve-Perthes? Wedge-shaped necrosis of femur head

What is Osteopenia? Lost bone mass

What is Osteopetrosis? ↓Osteoclast activity  marble bones (obliterate own bone marrow)

What is Osteoporosis? Loss of bone matrix (not calcification)  compression fractures

What is Osteosclerosis? Thick bones

What is Paget’s Disease? “My hat doesn’t fit”, paramyxovirus, ↑osteoclasts/blasts, fluffy bone,
osteosarcoma, ↑CO , heart failure, deafness, ↑alkaline phosphatase alone

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