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Sacred Scribing: Keymakers: Season 3, Episode 6

We’re learning more about ourselves and our connections to each other using Ennealogy - an
ancient system of 9 archetypes. We are co-creating solutions by applying our unique
perspectives to a series of questions.
You can find your single-number Ennealogy archetype by adding up the numbers of your birth
Ex.) Born on March 22, 1885 → 2 + 2 = 4
Featured Keymakers

1. Sevan Bomar 4 - Keymaker, conscious entrepreneur, founder of the Innerversity and

Secret Energy.
2. Alistair Hart P2 / D1 – Yoga, meditation, and psychic abilities teacher who helps people
overcome self-worth issues, infuse their spiritual practice into daily life, and maximize
their potential.
3. Curtis Heru P3 / D1 - Conscious entrepreneur offering hand-crafted crystal orgone
devices, crystal accessories, and mindful education in schools.
4. Joi P4 / D6 – Chief nourishment officer bringing in foundational love, nourishment, and
attunement with plant allies to help you be the best you can be.
5. Paige Flowers P9 / D7 – Musician, content creator, teacher, enjoyer of life, assistant to
others in their journey of personal development.
6. Gayleforce P1 / D8 - This creative economist and content curator helps people bring
their uniqueness to the marketplace through strategic allocation of energy, time, and
resources. She has an affinity working with Saturnal (8) energies.
7. Déesse Wigeby P7 / D4 - This womb healer and Secret Energy Soul Coach helps herself
and other women to heal on a holistic level through various spiritual self-care techniques.


1. Questions from a life path 7: What are the main strengths of a 7 to build on, esp. for
those over 40? How does one focus on one endeavor, when they are interested in
many? How do you overcome a lack of passion? And, given these considerations,
what would be a good approach to transition from the 9-5 routine?
Keymakers’ Responses:
i.) 7’s are smart and fast, and so they may easily run out of interest in an endeavor and find
themselves with a lack of interest. This situation can become more common as a 7 gets
older. As a 7, you want to find what gives you your foundation, which is also your head (oddly
enough). Meditation is important and helps to slow things down, and then the next most
important thing is your uniqueness. In the process of discovering your uniqueness, certain
things will call to you, like musical instruments. Forging a relationship with music is like
building your uniqueness. For 7’s especially, working with music can help them build focus
and prepare them for entering into spirituality, which they tend to do later in life.
ii.) Although economics is usually about scarcity, if we consider uniqueness from an economical
perspective, we find that it is actually abundant, and so it is not necessary to approach it from
a perspective of scarcity. Considering resource re-allocation may help you realize this
abundance. For example, using the 80/20 rule – where 80% of your income comes from 20%
of your effort – can help you give yourself the time and space to figure out how you can use
what you already have to boost yourself toward sovereignty. Take an account of what you
already have, something you could make use of – for a limited period of time, if necessary –
in order to gain income that will buy you more time to focus on your uniqueness.
iii.) Knowing that you’re unique and knowing your uniqueness are two different things, because
the former could take energy away from you if you’re not following your uniqueness. You
may need to invest capital first to get to a higher plane with your uniqueness.
iv.) Focus is important, especially after your youth and when the planet associated with your
psychic number transits different zodiacal houses. 7’s esp. will feel the energy of those
different zodiacal houses, and that may cause confusion for them. So it’s about your focus
and whether or not you are fulfilled, not about what you do as a job, because 7’s can do
many things. If you are doing something you don’t really want to do, you will realize it in your
later years. 7’s should also be careful about overthinking things, which can cause anxiety.
Meditation is vital to counteract overthinking and to focus, esp. on spirituality, because the
spiritual awakening of 7’s is strong. Also, don’t think of failures as failures, but as part of the
process of learning about yourself.
v.) 7’s are wise beings who will go through more than most do on this plane. Remember you are
more than your pain, so lighten up a bit, watch a comedy film, laugh, and don’t let yourself
get overly serious about your spiritual path. And, yes, meditation is also very important on
this path.
vi.) Here are some suggestions for going into your heart-space and reconsidering what you
really want to do with your life: Set aside a sacred time during the day and take out a big
piece of paper, write down all the jobs you’ve had, identify common themes with color
codes, and consider which themes really speak to you. You can clump some together into a
new venture, but you have to be very pragmatic about building your heart’s passion into a
business. Building up your body is also important: give yourself 10-15 min. every morning to
bring your energy up, and perhaps switch up your exercise routine so that it gives you extra
time and energy to think about what you really want to do during that sacred time. Also,
think about what your highest experience of bliss is, and try to identify ahead of time
potential obstacles to achieving it. Remember that it’s a balance between finding your
heart’s passion and being pragmatic enough to implement it. Reassess progress every 3
vii.) Because they are social beings, 7’s need to be careful of the social environments they find
themselves in and the influence of those environments. If you want to get into your heart-
space and really think about what you want to do with your life, it may be a good idea to find
a person or groups where it is safe to be vulnerable about such issues. Also, ask yourself
what your personal story is every day, and consider how you are presenting yourself to
others on a daily basis.
2. Question from a #5 female: What is the best way to release weight? How does one
overcome physical symptoms of programs like water fasts?
Keymakers’ Responses:
i.) Water fasts are cheap, but difficult. If you’re primarily trying to lose weight, a water fast will
probably not be a real solution for that. It would be better to take a close look at your diet
and look for healthier alternatives to what you’re already eating. Also, cleansing kits can give
you a step-by-step process that is more intrinsic than a fast (e.g., Dr. Scholl’s and Anima
Mundi’s kits).
ii.) Water fasts will cause an immediate release of toxins, so they are definitely effective, and so
are cleansing kits. It may also be a good idea to pay attention to what you eat and drink, and
to track it for 3-7 days, which will help you really see how you need to shift your diet. The
analytical abilities of the psychic 5 are good for tracking and going into detail.
iii.) In addition to diet, also consider what issues your psychic number is most susceptible to. For
5’s, one of those issues is stress, and excessive stress can cause weight gain. Also look at
your body type and what kind of diet is best for you accordingly. Remember that
maintaining/optimizing the physical vessel is a lifetime endeavor. Also remember things like
which days are good days for you to fast according to Ennealogy and how the cycle of the
moon may affect your energy levels.
iv.) Remember that 5’s are good communicators. Find someone you trust with whom you can
talk about how you express yourself. 5’s also need a certain type of acceptance, and taking
on stressful practices like fasting without considering your needs may not work out for you
until you have more thoroughly learned yourself. Always remember to do the inner work,
while keeping a smile on your face.
v.) Some people will hold on to weight if there are unresolved emotional issues. So, again, doing
deep inner work can help you, preliminary to doing a fast or diet.

3. Question from a 4: How can I help myself when I struggle with perfectionism in
achieving my goals?
Keymakers’ Responses:
i.) This issue may be unavoidable, in a sense, esp. because the task of life management can be
so complex. What you think are “mistakes” may actually be calibrations. In addition, it’s
unrealistic to expect perfection in this task. Facing complexity in long-term tasks may be
humbling for your skill set. Accept that things will unpredictably get crazy in life, even when
you have worked really hard on a project.
ii.) Give yourself 3 attempts to master something, and know that you will succeed despite
iii.) 4’s like to create systems, and they can see the end of a project at its beginning because
they are visionaries. Yet, because change is often the only constant, a lot of changes will
occur as you work on a project, causing you to create many versions of it. Learn to expect
that you will “turn corners” a lot in any endeavor, and to see frustrations as building blocks
on your path, which will involve building progressive versions of your life’s work.
iv.) Impatience and perfectionism can be positive things, because as a 4 you do things brilliantly
already. However, when you’re young you’re still learning, so learn to see frustrations as
learning experiences. Ask yourself if/how you berate yourself when you “fail” and try not to,
because life itself is one big lesson and obstacles are learning opportunities, not problems to
be avoided. As a 4 especially, impatience is part of your lesson and can bring you to
brilliance, and your attention to detail can be your success.
v.) Think about how eating fecal matter makes you sick, yet it is a part of your body and a basic
building block for growing plants, fuel, fodder to enrich soil, etc. This means even what we
think of as the worst thing can be synthesized into something that nourishes, and evidence
of this is everywhere in Nature. Frustration can lead to quitting and depression, but you
need to realize it is necessary “manure” for the next stage. Then you need to learn to quickly
synthesize it, take it through a process, and digest it. How you do that is your uniqueness;
how you process your experience is completely unique to you. In the same way, managing
the body requires unique intuition, so doshas and diet are another example of useful
frustration, because even formal guidelines are not 100% correct for every individual. If you
can find guidelines that are 60%+ accurate for you, then they may be useful – yet you are
your own ultimate gauge. The same applies to finding mentors: If you want mentors to
advise you, make sure you know them thoroughly. Ask yourself, how many reflections of
you can you find to help you on the journey? Figuring this out will make the journey fun,
because then you will no longer need to care what others think about you. Going back to the
psychic 4 and the issue of perfectionism: Things can get a little crazy when obstacles seem
to come out of nowhere and disrupt things you have worked really hard on, and this is where
intuitive synthesis is really useful.

4. Question from a 7: How can I move past shyness and live up to my full potential? I
have a lot of easily doable projects on my plate, but my need for perfection seems to
keep me from even starting them.
Keymakers’ Responses:
i.) Perfectionism is a like button you hit within yourself, but only at certain times, so as not to
disrupt other relationships inside yourself or make you ego-trip. You hit it to remind yourself
that you know what perfection is. Give yourself 3 honest tries, but don’t let your ego get
caught up in it. Try to recreate the components of a past experience that meant “perfection”
to you.
ii.) Know that as a 7 you are a brave risk-taker, but in order to really benefit from that quality you
have to be open to new experiences that most others will not have. Take a chance on
yourself, because you are your own greatest potential. Do things like going out to events and
meeting new people; tell a story about yourself, record it, and listen. Make such practices
habits so you can hear how you sound and then practice on other people. Look at yourself in
the mirror and be proud of yourself. Practice what you have to say about yourself, and then
practice it with others. Embrace such experiences; approach them boldly.
iii.) Shyness never really goes away, esp. when you need to be live in front of an audience.
Consistent repetition is the only thing that will allow you to brave shyness. Learn to accept
the nervousness and stop trying to do away with it completely. Remember that even the
smoothest presentations are often heavily edited behind the scenes. Realize that shyness is
really excitement, which can be cultivated by breathing. Don’t let the nervousness get you
down, because if it gets you down too much you will begin to question why you are doing
what you’re doing. Instead, use it to become excited and to help you sharpen your skills.
iv.) Everyone who has to go live gets nerves sometimes. Because 7’s are social beings, it may
be beneficial for them to join supportive groups to practice in front of, like groups that host
open mics. You can also watch yourself in front of a mirror, or record yourself and then listen
to the playback, or perform in front of children to have an easier audience. Remember that
the nervousness and how you use it are parts of the process of your growth and expansion.

5. Question from a 3: I live with someone whose vibration is very different from mine.
How should I approach this situation in order to heal?
Keymakers’ Responses:
i.) Even if you are living with someone whose psychic number is compatible with yours, that
doesn’t mean you both will never face obstacles together. Take a psychic 3 and a psychic 9
for example: the “bossy” 3 may be very forthcoming about discussing the relationship and
may be more optimistic about it, whereas the 9 may be less forthcoming in order to avoid
conflict, or to quickly end conflict.
ii.) 3’s can help 9’s by giving them gifts (actual gifts, or space and time), in acknowledgement of
their humanitarian nature and flexibility in avoiding conflict. Utilize your wisdom to create a
space between the two of you that is conducive to compatible vibrations, allowing for
communication without words (because Mars natives may not always be able to say what
they really need to say).
iii.) Remember also that someone in conflict with a 9 will not win. Gifts can help them realize
they are appreciated and that there is no battle over who is “right.” This will help bring out
the “peaceful arbitrator” aspect of the 9. If you are in direct conflict with a 9, though, you may
likely experience the flipside of that nature and end up only doing more damage to yourself,
because the 9 will not let the conflict go easily. 9’s may sometimes seem passive, but are
not really so.
iv.) To address the issue of vibrating well with someone else: This may have to do with being a
self-consciously spiritual person, while the other person is not into spirituality as much. You
should gauge the other person’s level of awareness, while keeping in mind that they are in
their own process of growth, which may require patience on your part. Be mindful of your
own attitude toward them. Know that the other person is in a process with their Higher Self,
just as you are. Avoid combativeness in advocating the knowledge.
v.) As a spiritual person, you may feel the need to “plant the seed” with regard to the knowledge,
but remember that the “germination period” is not under your control. All the same, the
person with whom you are dealing – regardless of their vibration – is still part of the Grand
6. Question from a life path 1: Do you have any advice on the best way to work with one’s
spiritual guides and to tap into one’s intuition?
Keymakers’ Responses:
i.) Consciously proclaim that you want to meet your guides; meditate; consciously enter the
dream space by making a declaration/intention before falling asleep. Plant medicine journeys
may also bring your guides to you. Research your ancestry and its cultural knowledge; this
may trigger something in you that brings your guides into your space.
ii.) Gentle cleansing of the body, or a shift to a more holistic lifestyle, will help open the channel
to receive information from your guides. Cravings can really scramble your inner world.
iii.) Meditating with the rising sun, sun-gazing at sunrise when the sun is not as strong, while
making gradual adjustments to looking at the sun, will help. Realize that you are always
guided, as well – even the random person in the street who speaks to you may be your
guide. They are also in your dream space, whether you are lucid or not.
iv.) For a psychic 1, experimenting with cool and bitter tastes in the diet, like peas, may help.
Keep your inner light strong. Work in the animal world may help as well.
v.) Devotion and enthusiasm are crucial for psychic 1’s. Be happy and enthusiastic in the
process of getting in touch with your guides. Approach them with compassion, as the sun
shows up every day to sustain life. Remember your sunny nature!

Rapid-Fire Responses to Next 4 Questions:

7. From a 7: I’m new to metaphysics and consciousness. How can I move past anxiety
about trusting my partner?
Keymakers’ Response:
i.) Begin by reviewing previous Keymaker episodes for medicine as a newcomer to metaphysics
and for advice on how to deal with yourself first before dealing with others, and then for
advice on approaching others and handling relationships. You will empower yourself by
learning about yourself first, and then you won’t feel a need to be with someone whom you
feel you cannot trust.
8. From a 5: same question as the earlier one from a 7 about maintaining consistency.
Keymakers’ Response:
i.) The same answers apply here because the issue has already been thoroughly dealt with.
Like 7’s, 5’s need focus too. Again, check out past Keymakers episodes, esp. those where
Curtis has talked about how to manage new projects while remaining in your power.
9. Does the kapha dosha really fit the profile of a 6 in Ennealogy? The questioner has
been told she is a vata dosha.
Keymakers’ Responses:
i.) Listen to your body, read about your Ennealogy path, and then calibrate yourself accordingly.
Your constitution may be made up of 2 doshas, so you may need to decide which one best
describes you, using your own internal bearing in addition to external guidelines.
ii.) To put more context around the planets in Ennealogy and the doshas: You need to take into
account the physical and emotional characteristics and dietary habits of each dosha, and
innerstand that medical subscriptions and stress levels also influence one’s diet. There’s
always a blend of doshas inside everyone’s body. You can take online tests to find your
doshas and then eat accordingly. You can see how planetary systems come into play as well
when, for example, you compare the Sun and the pita dosha – both are about heat, fire,
energy. So as to whether the psychic 6 is vata or kapha dosha, you might consider how the
psychic 6 likes the sweet taste and how that fits in with the doshas. The main concern is the
tie-in to your personal energetic, not strict categorization. In finding your personal energetic,
you may begin with a broad view, but you can gradually fine-tune it.
iii.) Also, get a blood test to hone in on your personal energetic, then figure out what the test
means. Always remember that fine-tuning your energy via diet is a lifestyle, not a fad.

10. From a number 7 who has been on a spiritual journey for 2 years and finds it hard to
be around most people, but who has also realized how important it is to connect with
others on the journey. How does on connect more with other conscious people?
Keymakers’ Responses:
i.) For connections with like-minded people, you can join Secret Energy’s Ambassador Training,
where you will find a harmonic balance with others that can make communication easier, and
then those initial connections can serve as a gateway to communicating with others. That way
you won’t waste time looking for like-minded people where you’re not likely to find them – you
won’t find conscious people at strip clubs!
ii.) As you become more and more conscious, you may find your comfort zone expanding as
well, and you may find that people you have been around resonate with you less and less.
But another part of becoming conscious is realizing your sovereignty, that you create your
own reality. And technology offers many opportunities to connect with like-minded people
with whom you can work through the process of becoming conscious, restore or correct
internal dialogue, and with whom you can form genuine bonds.
iii.) 7’s need to tell their story, because they tend to be introverted and not want to deal with
others when they experience that internal peace. However, others need your connection,
and you need a connection with them as well. If you tell your story, you will attract the
people you are looking for, as Sevan did when he published The Code to the Matrix. Publish
your story online, go to Meetups, use the geolocation chat on the Secret Energy site.
Ambassador Tribe could be the people you are looking for. What is going on internally will
always reflect externally, so you need to reflect from the inside what you want.
iv.) 7’s are very empathetic, psychic, intuitive, and can very easily feel and be affected by
others’ energy. So you need to protect your field (e.g., check out Innerversity, semester 1).
You need to practice energy protection so you have a foundation for when you go out into
the world and can keep from being energetically drained. If someone else’s energy is not
serving you, you may need to sever ties with them.
v.) The breath is important for all of us; it can increase your energy, your sensitivity, your ability
to connect with your Higher Self, and much else. You can learn breathing practices through
the Innerversity. Never forget to tap into the element of air with your breath.
vi.) You are never alone if you have the elements around you – air, water, earth, fire, ether.
They are also the best guides, if you can stay still enough to realize it. You always have a
heart-connection with Tribe, even if you are not together physically or virtually.

Numerology: With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology by Harish Johari
Secret Energy Ennealogy:
Secret Energy Innerversity, Ambassador Training:


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