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Presentation #1:

What Is Esoteric Knowledge?

Slide 1: What is esoteric knowledge?

Slide 2: The word “esoteric” comes from the Greek esoterikos, meaning “belonging to an inner
circle,” which derives from esotero, meaning “more within.”
Slide 3: Another word synonymous with “esoteric” is “occult,” which simply means “hidden.”
Slide 4: The word with the opposite meaning of “esoteric” is “exoteric,” which means “pertaining
to the outside, external,” or “suitable for communication to the general public.”
Slide 5: So, when we talk about esoteric or occult knowledge, we are just talking about
knowledge that is hidden because it is kept within – within a group, within an individual.
Slide 6: These words do not necessarily refer to black magic, or the dark arts, or witchcraft, or
Satanic worship, as popular culture and common usage sometimes suggest.
Slide 7: Esoteric knowledge is really knowledge within you – it’s hidden within you.
Slide 8: And what is this knowledge about? Why is it hidden? Why the implications – as you see
in pop culture, for example – of secrecy, fear, danger, something best left unseen, out of the
light of day and in the dark, something suitable for only (quote-unquote) “initiates”?
Slide 9: Esoteric knowledge is really about how you are the creator of your own reality.
Slide 10: Thanks for watching! There will be more to come. Wholeness. 
References for Presentation #1
Online Etymology Dictionary.
Accessed May 23, 2020.
Online Etymology Dictionary. Accessed May 23,
Presentation #2
What does it mean to be the creator of your own reality?
Nikola Tesla: “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency
and vibration.”
Ps 82:6, John 10:34-36: “Jesus answered them, ‘Is it not written in your Law, “I have said you
are ‘gods’”’?”
References for Presentation #2
Source for Nikola Tesla quote:
Accessed May 23, 2020.
Source URL for Bible quote: Accessed May 23, 2020.

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